The Legends of Regia Box Set: The Complete Series. Books 1-7

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The Legends of Regia Box Set: The Complete Series. Books 1-7 Page 57

by Tenaya Jayne

  Merick tightened his grip. "If you commit murder in broad daylight, in the town square, you will be tried and most likely executed. At the very least, you will be cast out with the murderer's mark on your forehead. Forever alone, just you and the thing inside you."

  Netriet took a few deep breaths and nodded.

  "Are you all the way back? If I let go, will I just have to chase you down and drag you back here?"

  "I don't think so. No."

  Merick let go and took a step back. As soon as she was free of his touch, the shadow moved forward again, in a testing little surge. Netriet charged back into Merick's arms.

  "Hold me! The shadow hates you. She coils up away from you."

  "Good to know," Merick said, holding on to her.

  "That's never happened before. I didn't know the shadow could do that to me, at least not so completely. She didn't just take my body, she took my mind, too."

  He held her gently, but with all his might. Gradually, the tremors in her stilled, and her breathing eased. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. She clung so desperately. He had to help her, but how?

  "Merick?" she whispered, her head on his shoulder. Her whole body tensed again. "I have an idea."


  "Well, I…uh. There's something between us. An attraction."

  "Yes," he said slowly, put on guard by her hesitation.

  "And our attempts at affection have been… somewhat…"

  "Is disastrous the word you're looking for?"

  She let out a nervous giggle. "That one fits."

  "What are you getting at, Netriet?"

  She sighed and shook her head. "Never mind."

  "Oh, come on. Just say it."

  "Will you have sex with me?"

  Merick felt as though she'd just clobbered him with the stupid stick, and he couldn't pry his tongue from the roof of his mouth. "Umm, why?' he finally asked. Why couldn't he just go all alpha on her and take what was offered? Oh no, he asked why.

  "Well, I was thinking that since the shadow is inside me and she hates you, if you were inside me, maybe she'd go away altogether."

  "I see. So, sex for medicinal purposes?"

  "Essentially, yes."

  "That's so hot."

  Netriet snorted. "You can look at it as a favor for a friend. A kind of experiment."

  "Experiment? You sure know the right words to throw around to get a guy's blood heated."

  "Is that a yes?"

  He hugged her a little tighter and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I need to tell you something."


  "Last night, you came to see me. Well, it wasn't really you. You were sleepwalking. It was her. She warned me to stay away from you."

  "Wait, I was sleepwalking? And I came out to see you?"

  "I just said that."

  "Well, I'm having a hard time processing it, all right? What did she say?"

  "She threatened to kill you, if I didn't leave you alone. And after what I just witnessed you go through, I think she could."

  Netriet pulled away from him and began pacing back and forth. "She wouldn't do that. She's afraid of me dying. She's afraid if I die then so will she…I've tried to kill myself so many times, Merick. She never let me. It's an empty threat."

  She came back to him and nuzzled his neck. "So what do you think about my idea?"

  "Honestly, I'm terrified…"

  "Of what?"

  "You…of that thing inside you. I know I shouldn't touch you. It's risky, but…" He crushed her to him fully and let out a groan. "You'll never hear it said that Merick failed to help a friend in need. Particularly with favors or experiments."

  He kissed her then, just a beginning.

  "Netriet! Netriet, where are you!" Martia yelled, coming close to Merick's tent.

  "There is, however, the matter of you attacking a patron of the bazaar to deal with now," he said regretfully.

  She stretched up on her toes and pressed another kiss to his mouth. "I'll deal with this. Then I'll come back."

  "I'll help you. It's not like fights haven't broken out at these things before."

  "No. I'll answer for this on my own. I'll be back as soon as I can."

  Martia opened the door of Merick's tent, blinding them with sunlight, and catching them in each other's arms. Her eyebrows shot clear up into her hairline.

  "You idiots," she chided gently, coming forward, grabbing Netriet's hand and hauling her away from him. "You've created quite the stir out here, Netriet."

  Martia shot Merick a dirty look over her shoulder as she pulled Netriet to face the music. He didn't follow, at least not where she could see him.

  "What's happening?" Netriet asked.

  "Well, the woman you assaulted has been cleaned up and is technically in the Fair's custody at the moment. She's just quieted down. Quite the hysterics… Care to explain yourself? I feel like the mother of a wild youth. First you're in a cat fight, then you disappear, and the next thing I know, I find you in the dark, making out with Merick."

  Netriet blushed. "Sorry."

  "As you should be," she said sternly. In another moment, Martia was snickering. "Go to Renee's shop. She's got your friend and has said she'll sort it out and make a judgment call. None of the elders argued. She has the authority. And the rest of us have our hands full out here with the bazaar."

  Martia walked away, leaving Netriet standing next to Renee's shop. Her thoughts were still on Merick, then the shadow gave her a shake. Realization of what had just happened infected her like a fast fever. She'd attacked and tried to kill Syblee in the open, in front of people! Embarrassment and despair flooded her. Her past had brushed against her present, and the two made nasty bedfellows. For just a few short days, hope had come to her, but now she questioned if she should just leave and go back to her solitary existence.

  Renee poked her head out of the shop's back door. "Well, get in here, girl. Let's get this over with."

  The idea of seeing Syblee again terrified Netriet. Would she lose it again? She walked into the shop, her eyes down and shoulders hunched.

  "Don't look so worried. She's not here anymore," Renee said.

  "But Martia said…"

  Renee waved her hand dismissively. "I sent her away with a stern warning to never come back here again, not that she would anyway. And I told her any accusations she brought against you would fall on deaf ears and likely land her in trouble. She wasn't in any way keen on seeing you again."

  "Why would you do that?"

  Renee locked the back door and shuffled to the front and locked it as well, turning her open sign to closed. She ushered Netriet into her back room, stuffed with her sewing stuff and half-made garments. Two little upholstered chairs were crammed into the side. "Sit down, Netriet. Let's have a little chat."

  Netriet swallowed. Uh oh.

  "Now, to answer your question. I protected you because, even though you are new, you are one of us. Each of us has things in our pasts we'd rather not come face to face with, as you did today. I'm not excusing what you did, but I understand it. However, there's something going on with you that I don't understand, and I intend to know what it is. Not because I'm a busy body, I am, but that's not the point. I saw something dangerous happen to you, overtake you. I can't stand by and let you endanger those I care about."

  Netriet nodded, looking at her knees. "Of course. I understand. I would have tried to explain my issue at my screening but…I didn't want to and…"

  "And Merick shielded you from answering," Renee said.

  "I guess he did. I didn't ask him to do that."

  "I'm not faulting him for protecting his lover."

  Netriet's head shot up. "What? I'm not Merick's lover!" Not yet, that is.

  Renee narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "I know about you two. Where do you think he got that shirt from? It's got blood all over it now. Shame."

  Netriet looked down at the blood on her beautiful shirt. It was ruined.

bsp; "There, now. Don't cry," Renee tried to sooth her. "It's only a shirt."

  "It's not only a shirt to me," Netriet sobbed. "It's all I have in the world. Merick gave it to me, because, because he's so kind."

  "Take it off. I'll switch out the stained fabric with new. Good thing it's quilted. No one will be able to tell the difference."

  Netriet struggled to remove the shirt and handed it over. She shivered, her arm covering her breasts, while she waited. She was amazed how quickly Renee worked.

  "So, now that I have you at my mercy." Renee chuckled. "I'll whittle your secrets from you."

  "You can try." Netriet smiled.

  Renee eyed her sharply. "Are you dangerous?"

  "Yes. I've proven that I am. But I was provoked. I've met many people here who would also be dangerous if provoked."

  "Touché. That's true enough, but you're different."

  "I'm not sure it's wise on my part to spill my guts to you. You admitted you're a busy body."

  Renee laughed.

  "Touché, again. All right, trust is earned, I'll grant you that. Shall we talk about Merick then? He's very handsome for someone so cranky, don't you think?"

  Netriet bit her bottom lip and nodded sheepishly. She knew Renee was testing her, looking for chinks in her armor, but she was grateful for what the old woman was doing.

  "How long have you known him?" Netriet asked.

  "Long time. There, your shirt's done. Put it back on…I'm curious how it is for you, taking up with a man who used to have a destined life mate? Is that comforting, knowing he won't suddenly abandon you because he makes the famous first eye contact with the one... You look a little pale, Netriet. Don't tell me you didn't know?"

  "I…I didn't." Too many feelings bombarded her. The shadow roused a little from her depths. "How could he not tell me?"

  "I'm sorry. I thought for sure you'd know, being his woman and all."

  "I am not his woman!"

  "Oh, please. I've seen enough of how he looks at you."

  "If I was his woman, I would have known he used to have a life mate." Netriet took a deep breath, but her heart began to tremble. "What happened to her?"

  "Dead, along with his two children."

  Sorrow didn't begin to cover what she felt. Merick's warm dark eyes came to her mind. She'd seen the old pain chiseled deep in his gaze, like a fossil. But never had she thought he'd have a loss so great in his past.

  "How did they die?"

  "No idea."

  "What was her name?"

  Renee hesitated. "Geanna…he should have told you. Your heart's tangled with his, despite your denials."

  "Yes, he should have told me." Her sorrow alloyed with anger. She looked down at her knees again, shaking her head. "What I feel makes no sense, Renee. It's nonsensical and unfair, but I still feel it."

  "What do you feel?"

  Netriet met her gaze. "Jealousy."


  Netriet left Renee's shop through the back door. The shadow moved faintly but remained quiet. She sighed and looked up at the sky. Too much day left for her taste. She'd told Merick she'd come back, but now…she just couldn't. Not yet.

  I was right about him. Admit it.

  "Not now!" Netriet warned the shadow through gritted teeth. "Don't talk to me again!"

  Netriet jolted suddenly and looked around as though someone had called her. People moved in the square, talking, shopping. No one was looking at her. She moved away, making a beeline for Tek and Martia's house. She looked over her shoulder, certain she was being followed, but no one was there. She slammed the door behind her and shivered.

  What is wrong with you?

  "Aside from you?"

  What are you running away from?

  "I don't know…I should go find Merick."

  No! We're done with him.

  "Stop saying we! I am not you, and you're not me, and there is no we."

  Are you really so sure of that?

  Images of Merick holding who she imagined was Geanna conjured in her mind's eye. The jealousy was like a drink of poison. Jealous of a memory she could never compete with.

  "He should have told me."

  She went upstairs and laid down, exhausted, and just wanting the terrible day to be over.


  Merick had forgotten how a woman could torture a man with waiting. Netriet had said she'd come back. How much trouble had she gotten into over that woman she attacked?

  He paced in his tent, shifting back and forth between worry and fantasy. After a while, he couldn't stay put any longer and went to find her. He looked and looked, moving through the crowd of shoppers, but she was nowhere to be found. He combed the entire crowd, moving through the aisles of merchants three times, but still nothing. Frustrated, but needing to keep their discretion intact, he joined his friends and acted as though nothing was wrong.

  When night fell, a huge party began in honor of the bazaar. Merick was forced to perform for the crowd. They clapped and egged him on, but he found no enjoyment in it. Just before the dawn, when almost everyone was quiet and asleep, he knocked softly on Tek's front door.

  After a few minutes, he knocked again, and Tek answered, wearing his dressing robe and a murderous expression. His face softened a little at the sight of his best friend. "Do you know what time it is?" he demanded.

  "I'm sorry. I just have to know—is Netriet here?"

  "Yeah. She's asleep in her room. She wouldn't come out for dinner."

  Relief sighed through him. "Thank you. I'll be on my way then."

  Tek raised an eyebrow. "What gives?"

  "Just making sure she's safe."

  "Uh huh. Sure. You didn't tell me you were taking an interest. Better tread lightly around Martia. She's adopted the girl, and the smothering is only starting to commence."

  "Noted. Thanks."

  Tek shook his head and shut the door as Merick walked away.

  Chapter Eight

  Copernicus led the small group at a steady pace through the ruins of what had been a shifter colony just a day before. He surveyed the damage as he walked. Faint tendrils of smoke still emitted from the dying embers of homes that were now reduced to ashes. Copernicus was pleased how his followers had carried out his orders. Now that this area had been blighted by the Aluka Circle, the road was theirs. Regia was coming to understand and fall in line with his authority. No one would need to be warned to stay away from this place. The best route from his main hideout to the Wolf's Wood was now his.

  The handpicked men behind him moved in silent tandem. All thirteen had been chosen for their ruthless, bloodthirsty battle skills. Today they would prove which of them could survive the ultimate test. No doubt some of them would die. Copernicus hoped not all of them. Even if just one came out alive, he'd be satisfied.

  He took a deep breath as he crossed over the boundary into the Wood. He'd missed this place, gone for so long, but the beauty of the wood was something he could never forget. The particles of shadow sand floating in the air sparked in his lungs. His vampire blood dominated his other DNA for the moment, so he wouldn't react to the hallucinatory power of the sand.

  He turned sharply around to his men. Only three of them were vampires, besides Shreve. He addressed the others. "This whole place is covered with shadow sand. Breathe shallow. Cover your mouths and noses with cloth. Follow closely, and don't be alarmed by the guardian."

  A few of the group glanced around but made no other movements. Copernicus smiled.

  "If you hear a female voice in your head, ignore her. You follow no orders but mine."

  They moved forward a few paces. Right on cue, Copernicus heard Shi's voice in his head.

  "I'm sorry to see you're still alive, Copernicus. You've changed. I see more inside you. More than Regia, I see the grafts of other worlds in you."

  Are you going to try and stop me, Shi? He thought.

  "For the moment, I'm going to watch and see if you can accomplish what you came here for today. Should be in
teresting. I'll enjoy the sport."

  He smirked, raised his gaze to the canopy of branches overhead, and winked at her, even though he couldn't see her.

  He moved in a straight line through the forest directly to the hidden home of Maxcarion. The magical illusion camouflaging the entrance was so obvious Copernicus found it almost laughable. Just his hand shifted into beast form and smashed through the curtain of rock.

  He turned to his men. "Wait here."

  He strode casually into the wizard's home. To his credit, the wizard looked totally at ease and not at all surprised to see him.

  "I've been waiting for you, Coper. I knew you were coming for me when I heard the screams from the shifters yesterday." He shook his head disapprovingly. "I see you're still nothing but crazy with no style."

  Copernicus sneered at the insult but let it pass. "Then why didn't you flee?"

  "Look at me. I'm hardly the wizard who sent you off world so long ago. I'm weak and dying."

  "Dying? What nonsense is this?" Copernicus came closer, taking in the details of Maxcarion's appearance. "You should have gone home a long time ago, Max."

  Maxcarion shrugged. "Couldn't. I swore an oath. I had a duty to uphold the lie."

  "Yes. And you've done your duty. You and the rest of the wizards who remain. Regia has no idea that your world still lives."

  Maxcarion's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why would you do that? Why would you speak it aloud now? I've been able to keep that knowledge hidden inside myself and away from that prying ghost all these years, and now you just gave it to her! Why? I know she heard you."

  Copernicus smiled. "I have no loyalties to the wizards anymore."

  "We took you in."

  "I was tortured and experimented on! But I lived. And now, I am part wizard, too."

  Maxcarion rose from his seat, rage puffing him up. "What are you doing? Why have you come back to Regia now?"

  "The wizards plan for war. A complete takeover of many worlds, and Regia is on their list. Many will fall and die or become slaves. But not here! Here, with me on the throne, they shall fail."

  "Rubbish! You're more insane than ever… If what you say is true, you think you alone can stand against an army of wizards? One on one, you might be able to win a fight with one, but this?"


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