Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2)

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Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2) Page 4

by Rodney Hartman

  Once he’d retrieved his phase rod, Richard imagined a satchel with twenty blocks of J22 plastic explosives with timers. He felt his Power reserve go down slightly. The J22 was low-tech, so the Power requirements were small. Richard quickly reached over his back and opened the flap of his dimensional pack. He pulled the satchel of J22 charges out. After he’d slung the satchel over his left shoulder, Richard removed five J22 charges.

  Set the timers to three seconds, Nick, Richard said.

  That won’t give you much time, Rick, said Nickelo.

  We don’t have much time, Richard said matter-of-factly.

  As if confirming Richard’s assessment, the blue dot appeared momentarily on the heads-up display. It was halfway between the woods and the north gate.

  Richard didn’t wait to see if his battle computer set the timers. He trusted Nickelo to do his job. Richard just threw the blocks of J22 towards the center of the room and used his telekinesis to levitate them to the most complicated-looking pieces of electronic equipment around the room.

  Activate the J22 timers, Richard said.

  Immediately after issuing his command, Richard pressed the activate switch for the funnel mine.


  The house shook with the explosion. Even though Richard was only three paces from the mine, he was unaffected by the force of the blast. The mine’s magnetic field kept the blast directed downward into the floors below.

  The attic was immediately filled with smoke and debris. Richard’s vision was unaffected thanks to his visor. The battle helmet’s night vision easily penetrated the smoke. Richard was accustomed to seeing everything with the familiar red tint of his helmet’s night-vision filter. Through the smoke, he saw a meter-wide hole in the floor. Wasting no time, Richard jumped down the hole as he readied his M63 lightweight plasma assault rifle for action.

  As he dropped towards the first floor, Richard said, Update Commander Stevens. Request they expedite their landing. Inform them of the Crosioian scout’s last known position. Request they strafe everything from the north gate to the wood line. They might get lucky and get the scout. Inform Commander Stevens I am moving to secure the target. Oh, and let the commander know the tele-bots should now be giving correct intelligence data.

  As Richard passed through each floor, he sprayed a continuous stream of plasma rounds at the various lifeforms he sensed with his passive scan. The wooden walls inside the mansion were no obstacle for even the lightweight plasma rounds of the M63. Richard made sure he avoided the room with the two children. They’d done him a favor. He had no desire to accidentally kill them.

  The hole through the floors increased in size the farther down he went. The carnage also increased with each floor as well. When Richard got even with the first floor, he wrapped himself in Power and slowed slightly using his telekinesis. The hole in the floor continued on into the basement, but Richard jumped to the side of the hole in the direction of the kitchen. He directed a stream of plasma rounds through the wall in the kitchen’s direction. It was two rooms away, but Richard used his passive scan to pinpoint the exact location of the seven lifeforms in the room. Several of the orange dots on his heads-up display disappeared. Keeping the trigger pulled on the M63, he let Nickelo help guide the stream of plasma at the remaining enemy targets. Richard carefully avoided the lone green dot in the room.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The J22 in the attic went off causing the entire building to shake once again. Loose pieces of the ceiling fell to the floor.

  Tele-bot data is now being transmitted correctly, said Nickelo. Also, the Empire’s central computer just ordered the shuttles to expedite their approach and to strafe the area outside the north gate.

  The central computer’s giving commands now? Richard said a little astonished. What for?

  I have no idea, Rick, said Nickelo. But, it will be able to make decisions a hell-of-a-lot faster than humans. You’ve stirred things up with your rash actions. We’ve got a hornet’s nest down here, and the central computer knows it. I don’t think a human brain is going to be able to keep up with the fluid situation.

  I guess next time I should just try harder to make sure the enemy sticks to the script, Richard said. And, please don’t curse.

  I thought you told me once the word ‘hell’ was not a curse word, said Nickelo.

  Only when I say it, Nick.

  The last of the orange dots in the kitchen disappeared. The air of the first floor was full of smoke and dust. Richard ran for the kitchen. He passed a couple of small fires along the way. Richard didn’t bother using doors. He smashed through the wooden walls. They were no match for the strength of the battle suit’s assisters. The armor easily absorbed the force of the hits.

  Within two seconds, Richard burst through the last of the walls into the kitchen. Human bodies littered the floor. A single, human-sized insect stood upright on its four back legs. The creature reminded Richard of a large cockroach. He was instantly repulsed by the sight. They’d had an infestation of cockroaches in the orphanage where he’d grown up. Richard had hated the nasty insects then, and he hated them now.

  The giant cockroach held one of its appendages at a strange angle. Richard assumed it was the insect’s equivalent of an arm. Apparently, it was broken.

  When the insect saw Richard, it began making a continuous stream of high-pitched squeaking sounds. The sounds made no sense to Richard, but Nickelo obligingly translated the sounds for him.

  “I have to save them! I can’t leave without them,” said the insect. “Help me find them!”

  The insect started moving towards a nearby door.

  Richard didn’t have the time or patience to deal with a hysterical cockroach. He reached out with one arm and pinned the insect against a nearby wall. Reaching to the left side of his utility belt, Richard unhooked a syringe given to him for this very purpose. He slammed the head of the syringe none too gently in the soft area around the insect’s neck. The high-pitched squeaking stopped, and the insect went limp.

  Inform the commander I have the target secured, Richard said. Request additional orders.

  The central computer has taken full command, Rick, said Nickelo. The shuttles are fourteen seconds out. The two fighter shuttles will strafe the area to the north of the compound. One transport shuttle will land inside the compound’s north wall to provide cover. The other shuttle will land inside the south wall. You are to take the target to the south gate.

  Roger, Richard said as he hefted the insect over his left shoulder. He didn’t waste time asking questions. He was a soldier. The military wasn’t a democracy. He’d just been given a legal order. Richard instinctively moved to comply.

  A flash of blue on his heads-up display indicated the enemy scout was almost to the north gate.

  Tell the guys in those transport shuttles to be careful, Richard said. The scout will be entering the compound about the time they are landing. Its stealth shield doesn’t seem to be as good as mine, but they’ll have trouble locating him nevertheless.

  Done, said Nickelo. I have plotted the fastest route to exit the building on your heads-up display.

  I see it, Nick, Richard said appreciatively. A dull-green path weaved its way through the building schematic and ended at the south gate. Richard began running as fast as the battle suit’s legs would carry him along the indicated path.

  Things were starting to heat up in the compound. Plasma rounds from enemy soldiers outside the building penetrated the walls passing dangerously close to Richard. They were tracking him somehow. He doubted the armored-soldiers’ electronics were capable of penetrating his best stealth shield. Richard figured they had to be tracking the insect he was carrying over his shoulder. Richard added that to the list of reasons why he hated cockroaches.

  Nick! Richard said. A little assistance would be nice.

  Put up a defensive shield, said Nickelo. I’ll direct it.

  Wizard scouts had two types of shields. A stealth shield allowed the
m to hide by blocking the escape of their residual Power. A defensive shield prevented outside energy or Power from penetrating to the wizard scout. It didn’t block all energy, and it could be overpowered. But, it could be a lifesaver in a lot of situations. Some defensive shields could block energy. Other types could block physical objects. Some of the better types of defensive shields could even block both energy and physical attacks at the same time. Richard had often regretted the fact that his defensive shield could only block energy attacks. He thanked the stars his battle suit was the best armor the Empire’s technicians could create. He had a feeling he was going to need it before the battle was over.

  Richard threw up a defensive shield. He felt Nickelo move the shield to his right at a slight angle. Several plasma rounds ricocheted off the shield and continued on through a nearby wall.

  Thanks, Nick, Richard said. I didn’t seem them coming.

  That’s called teamwork, Rick, said Nickelo. Keep the shield up for another five seconds and then shut it down. You should be outside by then. The defensive shield is too Power hungry to leave up any longer. You’re down to twenty-six percent Power now.

  A series of booms sounded. The house shook violently. Large wooden beams from the hallway ceiling came crashing down.

  What was that? Richard said as he continued running for the exit.

  The fighter shuttles are starting their attack on the north side, said Nickelo.

  I thought they were still seven or eight seconds out, Richard said.

  You need to pay attention more, Rick, said Nickelo in a voice making it obvious he was disappointed in his wizard scout’s ability to figure things out logically. They’re still seven point four seconds out, said Nickelo, but they’re within weapon’s range. The fighters must be strafing the north area with their high-energy plasma beams. They’ll probably drop J22 bomblets as they fly over. The shuttles will be right behind the fighters. You’d better be at the south gate when they land. I don’t think Commander Stevens will be happy if you’re fashionably late.

  Understood, Richard said.

  A blip of blue at the north gate confirmed the scout had survived the fighter’s strafing run.

  Before you say anything, Rick, said Nickelo cutting off Richard’s thought before he even voiced it. I’ve already told them the Crosioian scout is at the north gate.

  Richard expedited his exit from the building by jumping through a glass window instead of making for the door. He used his telekinesis to blow the window out before he made contact so the glass wouldn’t cut the overgrown cockroach. When Richard hit the ground, he spun to his right and fired off a burst from his M63. Two armored soldiers were facing the door with rifles raised and ready. While they seemed to be initially surprised by his unexpected exit point, the soldiers reacted quickly by spinning in Richard’s direction.

  Stop wasting your ammo, said Nickelo as the plasma rounds ricocheted off the soldiers’ armor and went flying off into the night sky in all directions. The M63’s rounds are too light to penetrate their armor.

  Before the soldiers could complete their turns, Richard reached out with his Power to the back of one of the soldier’s neck. He located the soldier’s spinal cord and wrapped it with Power. He gave the spinal cord a twist with his telekinesis. The soldier fell to the ground. Richard repeated the process with the other soldier before the soldier could fire his weapon. The second soldier fell to the ground on top of his companion.

  Richard gave a silent thanks to his battle computer for teaching him to build upon a healing technique Richard had learned on a previous mission. In order to heal someone, Richard had to use his Power to locate an injury in order to heal it. Under Nickelo’s tutelage, Richard had learned to reverse the process by locating an important part of a target’s body and using his telekinesis to create an injury. While effective, the process was Power hungry. He could only do it a few times before he would drain his Power reserve dry.

  I know you had to do that, Rick, said Nickelo. But, each one cost you four percent Power from your reserve. Your reserve is now down to eighteen percent. You can’t afford to do that anymore. You do remember there’s a Crosioian scout out there, don’t you?

  Yes, Richard said as he started sprinting for the south gate. But what else could I do?

  You could trade that lightweight M63 in for an M12, said Nickelo. I don’t know why you’re so stubborn about it.

  I don’t like the M12, Richard said. It’s awkward and doesn’t feel right in my hands. Besides, it only fires four hundred plasma rounds per isotopic battery. My M63 can fire six times as much.

  Whatever, said Nickelo. You are by far the most stubborn wizard scout I have ever encountered. The M12’s 20mm armor piercing grenades would have made short work of those soldiers. That would have saved you eight percent Power.

  Your concern is duly noted, Nick, Richard said. Next chance I get, I’ll consider getting an M12 if the mission warrants. But in my own defense, this was supposed to be a lightly-guarded target area. You may remember I was assured by Commander Stevens the odds were extremely low I would need to do any fighting. I don’t remember you suggesting I get an M12 before we started this fiasco of a mission.

  Nickelo remained silent. Richard had a feeling his battle computer was getting a streak of stubbornness as well.

  Just before Richard reached the south gate, a series of explosions sounded behind him. The night sky lit up for a moment as if under a noonday sun. Richard spun and looked behind him with his M63 raised to fire. A shuttle roared past the far side of the mansion just a hundred meters off the deck.

  That was the fighter dropping the J22 bomblets, said Nickelo.

  No kidding, Richard said. He wondered if his battle computer thought he was so brain damaged he couldn’t figure out something so obvious on his own. Although, Richard had to admit, he had sustained at least a little brain damage during last year’s mission. But even so, Richard was a little insulted in the lack of confidence by his battle computer.

  A troop shuttle followed close on the fighter’s heels. Richard lost sight of it when the shuttle descended below the roof of the mansion. He knew it had landed safely when a mass of white dots began dispersing around the north side of the mansion. The heads-up display denoted a count of twenty-five white dots.

  A blue dot momentarily appeared well inside the north gate. Two of the white dots blinked out.

  Crap! Richard said. The scout has taken out two of the special operations guys. We need to get back there and help. That scout will tear those guys apart.

  Negative, said Nickelo. They can take care of themselves. Your mission is to deliver the target to the shuttle at the south gate. Their mission is to make sure you get enough time to do it. Now, do your job and let them do theirs.

  The insect started struggling on Richard’s shoulder. Apparently, the techies had miscalculated the dosage in the syringe. Richard ignored the insect for the moment. It wasn’t going anywhere. The battle suit’s assisted strength was more than a match for the half-drugged insect.

  Where the hell is the shuttle, Richard said. He didn’t like playing nursemaid to a stupid cockroach when his fellow soldiers were dying.

  They’re three seconds out, said Nickelo. And, please don’t curse. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  Richard was so frustrated with the insect he didn’t even pay attention to his battle computer’s strange analogy. Ever since Nickelo had downloaded a book of quaint Earth sayings from the twentieth century, his battle computer had continually tried to find ways to use them in his conversations with Richard.

  Suddenly, the area outside the south wall of the compound lit up. A series of explosions shook the ground. The battle suit’s noise suppressors dampened the sound, but the explosions were still a little too loud for Richard’s liking.

  A shuttle came in low over the west wall on short approach. It landed just inside the south gate about thirty meters from Richard’s location.

  Chapter 3 – Back
into the Breach


  The shuttle’s engines sent a mass of dust, dirt, and smoke swirling around the court yard from the partially burning mansion. The rear ramp of the shuttle slammed to the ground. Armored soldiers spread out around the shuttle and faced outward with weapons raised. The shuttle’s top turret rotated in the direction of the mansion. Richard held his position. He wasn’t foolish enough to approach until he’d been given permission.

  “Wizard scout,” said a no-nonsense feminine voice over his battle helmet’s intercom. “You are cleared to approach. Now get your rear in this shuttle so we can clear this planet. I’ve already lost two of my troops.”

  Richard wasted no time in dashing for the back of the shuttle. Commander Stevens was not someone he wanted to piss off. She was tough as brerellium, and she wouldn’t give a second thought to tearing a half-baked cadet a new rear-end.

  As Richard started up the ramp, the insect began struggling again. Richard heard a series of high-pitched squeaks. Richard really wasn’t interested in what the overgrown cockroach was saying, but Nickelo interpreted for him anyway.

  “I won’t go without them!” said the insect. “I demand you put me down.”

  Richard was in the shuttle’s bay by then. He was in no mood to play games. Another white dot had blinked out on the north side of the compound. Richard threw the insect to the shuttle’s metal floor.

  “Umph!” came the sound of rushing air from the insect as it hit the floor hard.


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