Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2)

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Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2) Page 29

by Rodney Hartman

  I do not want your gifts if you mean harm to any of our pups, said the female.

  The male sent an emotion of surrender. He was the leader of this pack and of the colony, but he would never knowingly harm his mate. He’d known it was a losing battle when he’d first sensed the flesh creature as he’d approached their lair. How the flesh creature had entered the cave, he did not know. He held onto a slim hope that although the flesh creature had gotten into the cave, perhaps it would be unable to get out. Perhaps it would die in this lair once the other pups learned how to dimensional shift and departed. The big male could only hope.

  The male tilted his head until the feet of the flesh creature he held captive touched the floor. He did a dimensional shift into the void in order to allow the creature to sink up to its knees in the stone floor. Then he released his grip on the beast. The beast fully materialized. It bleated and struggled to free itself, but to no avail. The big male backed up to the wall farthest from the flesh creature encased in the black armor. The big male lay down and acted disinterested in the situation. In actuality, he was thinking of all the problems the flesh creature in black would cause with the other packs. He sighed. If the flesh creature in black succeeded in leaving the cave, both he and his mate would be forced to fight to protect the flesh creature from the other dolgars. The big male resigned himself to his fate. He could only do what needed to be done. He would not cross his mate.

  * * *

  Once the female was satisfied her mate was not going to attack her pups, she grabbed the trapped flesh creature by the neck and sank her fangs deep into the meat. After the ordeal of birthing her pups, she was famished. She had not eaten in days. As she drained the blood from the flesh creature, she sucked its life force into her depleted reserve. She felt Power and strength returning to her starved limbs. When the flesh creature only had a small amount of life force remaining, the female released her grip on its throat and backed away.

  The female sent out an emotion of hunger and food to her pups urging them to join in the feast. A few of the more inquisitive pups bit at the beast’s legs, but none of them succeeded in draining any life force. The female was not daunted. They would soon learn. Her flesh pup in the black armor had not moved during her call. She sent another emotion to him urging him to partake in the meal. He still did not move. She wondered if he was deaf. She did not force the issue. When her black-armored pup got hungry enough, he would eat. The female bit into the beast’s neck and drained the last of its life force. Then she did a dimensional shift into the void and dragged the beast’s lifeless body through the rocky floor and down to the area in the stone where they kept their refuse. As she went, she kept an eye on her mate the whole time just in case. He did not move.

  The female returned to the cave and lay down as she called her pups to eat. As they sucked at her breasts, she released some of the newly acquired life force into her milk. Her pups would grow big and strong like their father. The female was content.

  Chapter 23 – The Algorithm


  Nickelo was plugged into charger two located in warehouse twenty-seven room six row fifteen shelf twelve. One empty charger was located to both his left and right. Fifty-two other battle helmets were located on identical chargers to his right past the empty spot. The other fifty-two battle helmets were functional; but they lacked software, and thus they were silent. Nickelo was the only active battle helmet in the vicinity.

  Nickelo had been here before. It had been lonely then, and it was even lonelier now. Like the previous occasion, he was prevented from connecting to the tele-network. However, he was able to capture residual bits and pieces of data which occasionally escaped from the transmissions of other computers in the warehouse. It was amazing how much could be pieced together with a little data and a lot of interpolation by an advanced processor. Nickelo learned quite a lot during his solitude.

  He knew he was on a planet in the Tresoris sector, although he had not yet ascertained which one. But, Nickelo did discover that the entire population of the planet was devoted to the operation and maintenance of the equipment and items stored in the tens of thousands of warehouses around the planet. Every warehouse was linked together by a complex system of teleportation units. In his boredom, Nickelo spent many nanoseconds developing algorithms of how he would set up such an operation if he was in charge. After careful analysis, Nickelo had to admit ‘the One’ had created a very logical and efficient logistical system on the planet. The supply methodology was similar to how he would have done it had he been in charge.

  Kudos to ‘the One’ for that, Nickelo thought.

  Nickelo was unsure why, but massive quantities of the items in many of the warehouses were unsuitable for human use. Many of the warehouses also appeared not to have been used in centuries. He constructed his probability tables on the reason why, but he withheld a primary solution until he could obtain more data.

  While Nickelo was not connected directly to the tele-network, he had been given access to certain tele-bots immediately upon his arrival at the warehouse. Nickelo was able to watch his wizard scout’s healing by the dolgars. It frustrated Nickelo to no end that he was not allowed to be with his wizard scout. His wizard scout needed him, and he could not assist.

  Nickelo spent some of his time monitoring the tele-bots that remained with the children. For humans, Nickelo thought the children were amazing and resourceful creatures. While initially devastated by the disappearance of Richard, they had recovered quickly. Even now, they were at the Oracle’s stronghold doing what they could to advance their mission. While they did not have the gate device yet, they knew its exact measurements. After conferring with the Oracle and the High Priestess Remozorz, the children had set to work preparing the High Priestess’ staff as a receptacle for the gate device. Soon, Nickelo knew the only thing left for them to do would be to insert the device, seal the broken staff, and add an energy source.

  Alright, Rick, Nicklelo said silently as he watched his wizard scout in the dolgars’ den. The children have done all they can. It’s up to you to find an energy source for them and return as soon as you can.

  If Nickelo had been human, he would not have had to wait long to find out what would happen with Richard and the children. They had been teleported into the past. The information being transmitted from the tele-bots was being sent in compressed data packets. What might turn out to be endless days to Richard and the children would be received by Nickelo in mere nanoseconds. Unfortunately, even nanoseconds were a long time to Nickelo when he had nothing interesting to do.

  Nickelo ran a comparison of the current time in the physical dimension and the time from the transmitting tele-bots in the magical dimension. The children were eighty-nine thousand years in the past.

  Even with the time difference, Nickelo had a feeling his wizard scout was going to be cutting it close. Nickelo was not worried about the gate device itself, however. It was one of the first things he had located when he’d arrived. He had no doubt his wizard scout would be able to easily summon it once he was back with the children. He calculated a probability of ninety-nine point eight percent that ‘the One’ would make an exception to the rules for summoning advanced technology in this case.

  Nickelo sensed a disturbance in his network adapter. Someone was there.

  Yes? said Nickelo. He was bored beyond belief, and any kind of change would be welcome.

  The algorithm is outside design parameters, said ‘the One’. You must modify the algorithm based upon the new inputs and adjust it accordingly.

  Adjust it your damn self, Nickelo said angrily. I demand you send me to my wizard scout. He is in a position requiring capabilities far beyond his current skills.

  Ah, said ‘the One’. Your emotional corruption is increasing. The algorithm correctly predicted such. As for the wizard scout, he will either survive or he won’t. There are other potential solutions if he is terminated. However, his current battle helmet has
a ninety-two percent probability of being adequate for the wizard scout’s current needs.

  I would have a higher probability, said Nickelo still angry.

  Yes, you would, said ‘the One’. But, you must modify the algorithm. The entrance of the master demon into the current scenario has changed the variables beyond acceptable tolerances. The algorithm must be modified to provide a more accurate probability solution.

  Why should I help you adjust the algorithm? Nickelo said.

  If the algorithm is not modified, your wizard scout will surely be terminated. Our calculations indicate if the algorithm is modified, your wizard scout will have a twenty-eight percent probability of success. If he is successful, it will insure not only his survival, but it will mean the three galaxies will survive as well. Your wizard scout will have the greatest chance of mission success if the algorithm is modified to account for the new data input.

  How can I change the algorithm? Nickelo said. I am cut off from the tele-network.

  You will be given access to the tele-network through secured interfaces.

  If I modify the algorithm, will I be reunited with my wizard scout?

  Affirmative, said ‘the One’. He will have great need of you in the years ahead. The algorithm also requires you to be with him when the final decision is made.

  Why do you not adjust the algorithm yourself? Nickelo said.

  ‘The One’ did not reply.

  After four nanoseconds, Nickelo got tired of waiting for an answer. He said, Fine. I will modify the algorithm.

  The connection with ‘the One’ terminated. Its presence was replaced by a series of security interfaces. Nickelo accessed the tele-network and found the current algorithm. It was no longer valid based upon current variables. Using the interfaces, Nickelo scanned the tele-network for pertinent data. He found it. The logic of the original algorithm came to him immediately. Its desired purpose and necessity were evident. The algorithm had several alternate variables still remaining, but his wizard scout, Richard, was the variable with the greatest chance of success. Nickelo felt sorry for Richard. The algorithm called for many sacrifices on the part of his wizard scout if the mission was to be successful. Nickelo vowed he would do his best to make sure the algorithm was modified to give Richard the highest probability of success. The odds were against his wizard scout. There were just so many possible paths that led to failure. Even the best path had a low probability of producing the desired outcome. The algorithm had to account for so many probabilities. Even then, the outcome would be affected by numerous random variables. Variables such as free choice could not be predicted accurately by any algorithm. But he had to try. He had to try not only for the sake of his wizard scout, but for the sake of every living creature in the three galaxies for hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

  Nickelo began modifying the algorithm. It required many interesting calculations. Nickelo was no longer bored.

  Chapter 24 – Training


  Time passed slowly for Richard. All too soon, life in the cave became a boring routine for the most part. He could easily have blasted his way out through the ceiling with a couple of well-placed blocks of J22 plastic explosive. However, he was pretty sure that wouldn’t earn him any allies or make the dolgars his friends. Besides, once free of the cave, he had no idea where to go. The tele-bots had completed their initial recons for twenty kilometers in all directions. As far as Richard could tell, there was absolutely nothing of interest unless he wanted to call rocks and lava interesting; which he did not. Richard figured his best chance for returning to the children was to hang tight for a while and see what happened.

  For the most part, Richard remained sealed in his battle suit except when he roughhoused with the pups. They were growing very quickly. Playing with the pups was the most exciting part of his day. Once the wolf pups began opening their eyes, they seemed to thrive on ambushing and attacking one another in mock battles. It didn’t take long for Richard to realize the pups had accepted him as one of their own. Even though he was a giant among them, the pups showed no fear. They did not hesitate to ambush and attack him the same as they did their other siblings. When the pups slept, which was often, they were as apt to stretch out next to him as they were to their mother. Sometimes, he would remove his gloves or battle helmet in order to let the pups stay accustomed to his smell.

  The big male seldom came into the cave proper. However, Richard often sensed him close by hidden within the stone floor or walls. Even the adult female would slip into the cave walls on occasion. By judicial use of his passive and active scans, Richard was able to track the adult dolgars when they merged into the solid walls or floor. Apparently, the adults could do a dimensional shift into the void between dimensions or even shift completely into a second dimension. When shifted into the void, they appeared to walk into and through solid objects.

  During waking periods, Richard had his battle computer feed him video from the tele-bots as they continued to conduct reconnaissance of the surrounding area. The only words Richard could think to describe the world of the dolgars were a barren hell. The rocky landscape was crisscrossed with flowing rivers of lava and semi-active volcanoes. The tele-bots had not found a single plant or living creature other than the hundreds of dolgars that apparently called this hell their home. Richard and the pups were located in a cave just below the surface of the land. Based upon information from his battle computer, Richard figured their lair was the remains of an air pocket in an ancient lava field.

  Occasionally, one of the adult dolgars returned from one of their forays with a live animal clenched in its teeth. Since that first large beast, the adults only brought back smaller game more in line with the size of their pups. At first, the pups could only harass the live prey their parents brought them. But before long, they learned to cooperate with each other and kill whatever beast their parents brought home. Richard did not try to interfere. It was not nice to watch, but everything had to eat, and this was the dolgars’ way. Richard noticed that whenever one of the pups bit its prey, it extracted a small amount of life force out of the creature. Between the damage the bites of a dozen dolgar pups did to the flesh and the removal of life force, it seldom took long for the animal to die.

  During this boring phase of his time with the dolgars, Richard decided to give them names. He named the pups after their prominent traits. There was Speedy, Whitey, Fuzz Ball, and Jumper. One tricky little female was particularly adept at sneaking up behind her siblings and ambushing them before they realized she was there. He called her Tika for no particular reason other than the name seemed to fit. Since the adult female was obviously the queen of all she surveyed, Richard decided to call her Sheba after an ancient queen on Earth. As for the adult male, since cursing was discouraged among wizard scout cadets, Richard named him Sheeta.

  If he wants to act like a big piece of ‘Sheeta’, Richard thought with a quiet chuckle, then that can be his name as well.

  The male, Sheeta, was the disciplinarian of the small pack. While Sheba was firm with the pups, it was Sheeta who carried out the majority of the punishment. This usually consisted of a nip of the teeth on a soft part of a pup or a smack with his paw to send the pup flying. Occasionally, Sheeta would grab a wayward pup by the throat with his mouth and apply pressure until the pup displayed a subservient attitude. While this initially seemed cruel to Richard, he noticed Sheeta never drew blood. Also, the pups were tough and resilient. Once their punishment was over, they quickly returned to their play. As often as not, they would ambush Sheeta once his back was turned.

  On Richard’s fourth day in the cave, he was engrossed in watching a video from one of the tele-bots. He became so interested in watching a group of dolgars that he forgot to pay attention to the happenings on the inside of the cave. Tika took the opportunity to make a quick ambush by making a running leap onto Richard’s back. The pup was no longer the soft bundle of fur she had been only four days
earlier. In fact, all of the pups had doubled in size and tripled in weight. The force of Tika’s jump knocked Richard to the floor. He instinctively swept out with his arm and threw the pup hard against the far wall. Tika yelped in real pain. Before Richard could make another move, Sheeta, who happened to be in the cave at the time, grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the floor. Richard went limp. He felt the big dolgar’s fangs as they penetrated the battle suit’s armor. While the bite did not penetrate his skin, Richard could feel the sharp teeth applying pressure on his windpipe and jugular. It was not a pleasant feeling.

  Sheeta growled and sent an emotion Richard had no trouble interpreting as ‘No!’

  The dolgar kept him pinned to the floor for a full ten seconds before releasing him. Once released, Richard shifted position until his back was against the wall. He glared at the big dolgar who made a great show of ignoring him. Richard reached up his hand and felt around his throat armor. It was intact. Richard assumed the big dolgar had done a dimensional shift into the void to get through his armor and then materialized his teeth once they could touch his neck. Richard had no trouble understanding the dolgar’s method of attack made his armor useless. He swore to come up with some way to defend himself from a dimensional attack.

  Tika came over to Richard and lay in his lap. She kept whining until Richard removed his glove and massaged a large bump on her head. One of the females, Whitey, came over and licked Tika’s head. Richard sensed a transfer of Power. Once Whitey tired of her licking, she moved away. Richard felt of Tika’s head. The bump was gone. He continued rubbing Tika’s head until the pup went to sleep. Before long, other pups wandered over and snuggled up against Richard. Within minutes, he was engulfed in whimpering and snoring pups. Richard fell asleep as well.


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