Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2)

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Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2) Page 38

by Rodney Hartman

  When he was fifty meters from the nearest gnomes, Richard jumped onto a headstone with one foot and leapt high into the air. He sprayed a nearly solid stream of plasma rounds at a group of six zombies massed in front of the gnomes. Richard was pretty sure if it had only been up to him to aim, the gnomes would have been dead from friendly fire. But he trusted Nickelo to keep the gnomes safe. As he expected, the zombies fell to the ground, and the gnomes remained standing.

  Richard hit the ground on the run. He jumped over one of the surprised gnomes.

  When Richard got even with Remozorz, he paused long enough to gesture across the river towards the children’s position on the ridgeline and say, “Get across the river. Dren and Brachia are up there. They have your staff with the gate device. I’ll help cover your rear.”

  Richard was a little surprised when Remozorz didn’t argue. Richard thought she looked worn out. But at his words, the old gnome appeared to throw off her fatigue. She straightened her shoulders and shouted to her companions, “Push forward. We need to cross the river. The dock has a couple of boats, head there.”

  Richard continued on towards the group’s rearguard. Kreathin, Sam, and another gnome were doing their best to hold off the massed zombies. Trails of plasma rounds continued to pass overhead as Dren tried to take some of the pressure off the rearguard. Richard saw four zombies go down with head shots. But there were dozens more ready to take their place.

  Risking a glance at his heads-up display, all Richard could see was a solid mass of yellow dots headed his way from the center of the village. He noticed several red dots just entering the north side of the village.

  Magic users, said Nickelo. They’ll be in range within about three minutes.

  Tell Dren to shift her fire to the front of the gnomes, Richard said. Maybe she can help them clear a path to the river.

  Roger, said Nickelo.

  And, Richard said, tell Brachia to make sure we’re not getting flanked.

  Wilco, said Nickelo.

  Richard fired a long burst over the heads of the two gnomes. Five zombies went down. The gnomes duck instinctively, but they recovered quickly. Kreathin swung his long sword at three zombies. The sword cut one zombie in half and took off another’s arm. The armless zombie kept coming. Sam loped off its leg with his short sword, and the zombie fell to the ground. The second gnome cut off its head.

  Stepping up next to the elf, Richard fired point blank into the dozens of zombies massed against the rear guard. Richard held the trigger down and sprayed plasma rounds left and right. He felt Nickelo make slight adjustments to his aim to ensure he was getting head shots. The pressure from the rear slacked off momentarily as the remaining zombies tried to clamber over their fallen companions.

  You have four hundred and sixty-two rounds left, Rick, said Nickelo. You better reload when you get a chance.

  Roger, Richard said.

  “I’ve got the rear,” Richard shouted to Kreathin. “Get to the front and help them clear a path to the river.”

  “You don’t order me around, human,” yelled the elf as he swung his sword at two zombies coming from the left.

  “Are you crazy or just plain stupid?” Richard shouted a little pissed the elf was questioning him at a time like this. “There are at least a dozen magic users headed our way. They’ll be here in a couple of minutes. Anyone who is still on this side of the river when they get here will be dead shortly thereafter.”

  Kreathin looked like he wanted to argue further. Fortunately, Sam spoke first.

  “He’s a friend, Kreathin,” shouted Sam as he stabbed a zombie in the eye with his short sword. “You do what you want, but it’s time to go. Theo and I are leaving.”

  Sam grabbed his fellow gnome by the collar and jerked him back beyond the reach of a groping zombie.

  “Say goodbye to your playmates, Theo,” said Sam. “The others need our help. The wizard scout can handle the rear.”

  The old gnome took off running back towards the rest of his party dragging the younger gnome along with him.

  Kreathin remained in place as he continued swinging his sword.

  What is this guy’s problem? Richard said.

  Does it really matter right now? Nickelo only said. You only have one hundred twenty-two rounds remaining.

  Richard gave another spray with his M63 and then extracted the battery. Two zombies lurched towards him with arms outstretched. The fallen bodies littering the ground slowed them down long enough for Richard to slam his phase rod into the side of the head of one of the zombies. The head splattered on contact. The elf chopped off the head of the second zombie. Richard had to admit, whatever the elf’s faults, he was good with his sword.

  “Thanks,” Richard said grudgingly as he took the momentary respite to shove his near empty isotopic battery under the flap of his dimensional pack. He quickly pulled out a fresh battery and put it into the receiving slot on the side of his M63.

  “One of us needs to help the gnomes get to the river,” Richard said. “If you want to stay here while I go back to the front then that’s fine with me. But I think I have a better chance of holding the rear. You’re running low on Power. Those magic users will eat you alive.”

  “You do not tell me what to do, human,” Kreathin said with vitriol in his voice.

  “Stop being a butt,” Richard said as he hit another zombie with his phase rod. “This is bigger than you and me.”

  “Kreathin,” shouted Remozorz from behind Richard. “We need you up front. Please hurry or we’re all dead.”

  The desperation in the High Priestess’ voice must have affected Kreathin. He took one last swing at a nearby zombie and took off running to help the gnomes.

  All right, Nick, Richard said. Let’s get down to business.

  Richard began targeting the nearest of the undead and then working his way from side to side. Even distracted as he was fighting the zombies, Richard kept track of the gnome’s progress towards the river with his passive scan. He timed his backwards movement to match the gnome’s pace.

  Brachia says there’s a mass of undead trying to outflank us using that building to the left, said Nickelo.

  Looking to the left, Richard spied a long, two-story, wooden building with no windows. It reminded him of a warehouse of some type.

  Nick, Richard said, switch to radiation.

  The filter display changed, and Richard saw the outline of the building with whitish, humanoid shapes behind it.

  Do you detect anyone alive in the building, Nick?

  Negative, Rick.

  Richard didn’t waste any more time. He held down the trigger of his M63 and fired several long bursts at the outlines of the figures. The plasma rounds penetrated the wooden walls on both sides of the building as well as whatever was inside. Before long, a score or more of the undead were knocked to the ground. They did not get back up.

  Glancing at his heads-up display, Richard noticed the group of gnomes had stopped at the edge of the dock for some reason.

  Ask Dren why the gnomes have stopped, Nick.

  There was a slight delay during which a dozen undead tried to swarm Richard. Between swings of his phase rod and a liberal use of his M63, his adversaries soon fell to the ground unmoving. When they were down, he extracted the half-empty isotopic battery and replaced it with a fresh one.

  Brachia says from the drone’s video it looks like the two boats at the dock have holes in them. That must be why they were left by the townspeople. The gnomes appear to be looking for something to get them across the river, Nickelo said. By the way, Brachia saw some of the zombies entering the water further upstream. He thinks they are trying to let the current sweep them towards the gnomes. I hope those gnomes are keeping an eye out. Most of the zombies can’t swim, but the river is only about two or three meters deep by the dock. They can grab anyone who falls in the water.

  How long until the magic users get here, Nick?

  I calculate the first two will be here in about thirty-eigh
t seconds. The Power signatures of the nearest ones aren’t that big, but they could still give you trouble. Your Power reserve is currently at forty-two percent.

  Roger that, Nick.

  Richard fired a long burst from his M63. His heads-up display indicated he still had over fifteen hundred rounds remaining.

  A female zombie dressed in bloody chainmail and carrying a long sword took a swing at Richard’s head. Richard deflected the blow with his phase rod. As Richard did a counterstrike, he noticed the zombie had pointed ears. She was an elf. The right side of her face was beautiful even in death. But there was a big chunk of flesh missing from her neck, and the left side of her face appeared to have been gnawed off exposing the inside of her mouth. Richard swung his phase rod at her head, but his blow glanced off her metal helm.

  Her armor’s enchanted, said Nickelo. The phase energy isn’t getting through. Try a different tactic.

  Richard shifted his stance and gave the dead elf a jumping sidekick to the chest. She stumbled backwards and fell as she tripped over a downed zombie. Richard swung his phase rod at another zombie’s head. As its skull cracked, he gave it a kick and sent it flying on top of the fallen elf. With a second swing of his phase rod, he added another zombie to the heap.

  There’s nothing more you can do back here, said Nickelo. Get to the gnomes and see what you can do to help.

  Obediently, Richard turned his back on the zombies and sprinted towards the dock. He continued firing to his sides and front as targets presented themselves. When he got to the edge of the dock, several gnomes were spread out along the riverbank looking for anything that would float. Four gnomes were in one of the boats trying to bailout the water. Richard could tell it was a losing battle because the boat was slowly sinking from their combined weight. Samanestra, Kreathin, and Remozorz were gathered together at the end of the dock gesturing. Kreathin was arguing with Remozorz.

  “Sam and I will hold them off as long as we can,” said Kreathin. “High Priestess, you and the others strip off your gear and swim for it. If the children do have the staff, you can cover our escape if we are still alive.”

  “No,” Richard said as he skidded to a stop near them. “Brachia said there are zombies in the river now. Anyone trying to swim across will be pulled under.”

  “Then what do we do?” said Remozorz. “Even with your help, we can’t continue to hold them off. The necromancer and his mages must be close behind.”

  A set of specs for a life raft flashed on Richard’s heads-up display. Richard immediately grabbed hold of Nickelo’s idea. He whipped off his dimensional pack and imagined three sets of the life rafts. Richard felt Power leave his reserve. He opened his pack and pulled out a bundle of rubber and canvas. The life rafts were old technology, but he didn’t care. They would serve his purpose. He pulled a handle attached to a thin rope. He heard air being released from a canister as the first life raft expanded. He threw it in the water and handed the bow rope to Sam. Richard pulled two sets of paddles out of his pack and threw them in the raft. He immediately began pulling a second life raft out of his pack.

  Remozorz shouted to the gnomes on the riverbank. “Everyone come back to me. Get in the wizard scout’s boats now. We’ll rendezvous on the other side of the river at the children’s location on the ridgeline.”

  Turning to her second-in-commands, Remozorz said, “Kreathin and I will stay here with the wizard scout long enough to cover the withdrawal. Sam, you get the others across. When they are on the other side, we will get in the last boat and join you.”

  “No!” said Kreathin and Sam at the same time.

  Kreathin spoke for them both. “We are expendable. You are not. If the staff is there, only you can use it to defeat the necromancer. Sam and I will stay.”

  Remozorz started to speak, but Kreathin beat her to the punch.

  “You gave me command of this group for battle purposes, High Priestess,” said Kreathin. “Please do not argue further. Go.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Kreathin picked Remozorz up and tossed her into the first life raft where she joined four other gnomes already in it.

  “Go now,” he shouted to the gnomes in the raft. “The lives of everyone we know depend upon you getting the High Priestess to the other side of the river alive.”

  The gnomes wasted no time. They shoved off from the dock and began paddling furiously across the river. Soon the second life raft was filled and paddling for the far side as well. By this time, Richard had the third life raft inflated and in the water. He tied the rope to a handy post and turned towards the riverbank. Sam and Kreathin were side by side at the edge of the dock. Richard sensed Sam send energy to the elf. Kreathin appeared to combine Sam’s energy with his own. The elf raised his left hand and shouted several words Richard could not understand. A ball of energy leaped from the elf’s hand and hit the ground thirty meters to his front. A wall of flame forty meters wide burst out of the ground. Two score zombies caught in the flames fell to the ground wiggling as their legs were burned off. The wall of flames continued to burn blocking the way of most of the zombies. However, two groups of zombies came around the sides and continued heading towards the dock.

  Richard joined the elf and gnome at the edge of the dock. Together, the three of them formed a thin line of defense as they waited for the first of the zombies to get within sword range. Richard took the time to replace the battery in his M63. He glanced at his heads-up display. The first two of the red dots were just clearing the buildings. They appeared to be the weaker of the magic users.

  “Not trying to take charge guys,” Richard said in an attempt to avoid trouble with the elf, “but the first two magic users are at the far edge of the grave yard. As long as that wall of fire you put up holds, I can handle the undead coming around the left and right. My Power reserve is too small to slug it out with magic users for long.”

  “Understood,” said Sam. Turning to the elf, Sam said, “Kreathin, I can handle the defense if you want to handle the offense.”

  “Just like old times, eh, old friend,” said Kreathin. “Here comes the first spells, Sam. Get ready.”

  Richard sensed two lines of energy coming from the far end of the graveyard. He heard the gnome mutter a word as he waved his hand. The two lines of energy turned upward and erupted into lightning bolts a hundred meters in the air.

  Not to be outdone, Kreathin waved his hand and sent a ball of energy towards the graveyard. Richard did not try to watch it. Instead, he began alternating fire from his M63 to the right and left sides in an attempt to stop the zombies from flanking them around the wall of fire. As he shot, Richard noticed two of the red dots on his heads-up display disappear.

  I guess the butthole knows what he’s doing, Richard said. He made short work of those two magic users. Nick, maybe I should summon some cluster rockets to use against these undead. The main body will be here soon. We’ll be overwhelmed for sure. My M63 is barely holding this first group of zombies off us.

  Negative on the cluster rockets, Rick, said Nickelo. They kill by concussion, not shrapnel. These guys are already dead. You’d just be wasting your Power. And don’t forget. Even if we get out of this battle alive, we’re liable to be teleported right back where we were with that Crosioian scout. You only have thirty-nine percent Power at the moment. Don’t waste it. You just need to hold on another minute or so. The gnomes are almost to the other side. Your M63 can do the job.

  Richard didn’t argue. He just kept firing at as many targets as he could. As he fired, balls and lines of energy flew back and forth between Kreathin and the remaining Northern Mages. Richard’s passive scan told him that two of the mages were nearly as powerful as Kreathin and Sam. Richard sensed those two Northern Mages merging their Power into a large ball of energy. It came streaking straight towards the dock.

  “I can’t stop it by myself,” said Sam with more than a little stress in his voice.

  Richard sensed Kreathin merge his Power with Sam’s. The little gnome h
eld up both hands. A shimmering sphere of energy surrounded all three of them. The ball of energy hit and exploded into a massive ball of fire. The part of the dock not inside the shield disintegrated into burnt ashes. Fortunately, the part of the dock they were standing on held. Sam had also included the life raft within the shield. It was unharmed as well.

  Barely waiting for the fire to dissipate, Kreathin attached a link to Sam and drew Power from him. The elf combined the Power with his own and sent a single line of energy towards the two magic users. The ground beneath the magic user’s feet erupted. They were flung twenty meters into the air along with broken bits of tombstones and dirt. The red dots denoting the two magic users blinked out on Richard’s heads-up display. At the same time, Richard noticed that the white dots representing the gnomes in the boats had reached the far side of the river.

  “Remozorz and the others are safe on the other side,” Richard said. “We need to get out of here ourselves.”

  At that moment, four zombies poked their heads up out of the water near Kreathin and began climbing onto the dock. Richard noticed one of the zombies was the female elf he had tangled with earlier.

  “Watch out for her,” Richard yelled. “She’s got on magic armor.”

  Richard turned his M63 and fired at two of the human zombies. Sam chopped the head off a third. Kreathin faced the female elf. She had just finished clambering onto the dock behind Kreathin. She raised her sword to strike.

  “Lillia,” said Kreathin ashen faced. He lowered his sword. “By the Lady, why you?”

  Richard wasn’t sure what was going on, but he jumped in front of Kreathin and caught the zombie-elf’s blow with his phase rod. Releasing his grip on his M63, Richard grabbed an anti-personnel grenade from his belt and pulled the pin as he jammed the grenade into the zombie’s gapping mouth. He jumped in the air and kicked the undead elf in the chest with both feet. She flew backwards off the dock into the water. Just before her head disappeared from sight, the grenade exploded.

  “No,” Kreathin yelled as he swung his sword at Richard.


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