Recollection: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 6)

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Recollection: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 6) Page 15

by Sarah Noffke

  Knox stood beside his father, looking for a way through the junk. “Yeah!” he replied over the gunfire.

  “See that bulldozer?” Eddie motioned to the far left, where a faded yellow bulldozer blended in with the junk surrounding it.


  “If we cover you, do you think you can get to it and clear a path?” Eddie fired around the bulldozer, which was only fifteen yards away.

  Knox didn’t answer, but he sprinted for the vehicle.

  “Good call!” Julianna said.

  “Let’s hope it works,” Eddie said, reloading.


  Knox hoped that operating a bulldozer was similar to flying a ship. He sprinted for the equipment, zigzagging on the path to avoid rogue Petigrens. Eddie and Julianna were providing coverage, but they all knew their ammo wouldn’t last for long, being boxed in like that.

  Knox climbed into the bulldozer, which wasn’t easy; the giant machine was the size of a small house. It had obviously been what created the wall of junk around them, though.

  If it can make a wall of debris, then it can tear one down, Knox thought.

  His instincts took over as soon as he slid into the seat, and the bulldozer fired up with a loud roar.

  The Petigrens changed their attack, running on all fours in his direction.

  An abrupt laugh fell from Knox’s mouth. Eddie wanted him to clear a path so they could escape the Petigrens, but maybe Knox could clear the rats instead.

  The bulldozer lurched forward when Knox released the brake. The machine was surprisingly fast, speeding in the direction of a pack of Petigrens, who ran straight for the blade. Knox shoveled them aside like trash. The ones who continued speeding toward the bulldozer were caught under the track and run over, making for a bumpy ride. Knox grimaced slightly at the crunching and banging as he cleared a path through the bodies.

  The approaching rats peeled back, changing course after watching the destruction the bulldozer was capable of. Knox turned the machine, heading for the wall of junk. He slid the blade under the bottom of the wall.

  The bulldozer hesitated for a moment before pushing boldly forward. Knox plunged through the wreckage creating a path to the other side. He could see the battlecruiser clearly. The place where he’d hidden the Tangle Thief.

  Knox’s excitement doubled when he broke through the wall to find a clear path leading directly to the battlecruiser.

  Pulling the bulldozer to the side, Knox turned it off and hopped down from the seat.

  A Petigren screamed from the top of the machine, and Knox whipped around, his eyes wide. Three Petigrens were perched on its roof.

  Knox reached for a long pole protruding from a stack of rubbish, brandishing the makeshift weapon.

  The beasts leapt off the bulldozer, landing on their feet. Their claws reached for Knox, scratching through the air.

  Swinging the pole around, Knox knocked one in the head, but another caught him around the shoulder.

  “Hey!” Knox yelled, wondering where the group was. Gunfire echoed from around the corner where they’d been stationed.

  Knox ducked as another Petigren tried to grab for him. He brought the pole down on the rat-man’s head, but it wasn’t much of a deterrent. Yet another one caught him around the neck, biting him hard.

  He screamed, whirling around, trying to free himself of the Petigren. He threw his back into a car, pinning the rat to it. It growled, scratching at Knox’s face.

  Julianna and Eddie sprinted around the corner with Cheng behind them.

  Two more Petigrens leapt around the bulldozer, headed straight for Knox. He threw himself back once more, crushing the Petigren on his back against the car, then he dropped his weight, pulling the beast over his head and down to the ground.

  Julianna roundhouse kicked one of the Petigrens, and Eddie punched another in the face. Knox spun around, checking the path ahead. It was clear. For now.

  When he turned back, Eddie and Julianna had made quick work of the beasts surrounding them.

  “Dad! Come on!” Knox yelled to his father, who was standing idly several yards away. His eyes were pointed up, and apprehension was heavy in his gaze.

  Bringing Cheng was definitely a mistake. It’s too soon to put him in a situation of this sort.

  “Come on, Cheng!” Eddie encouraged when he hadn’t moved.

  Petigrens sprang off the top of the wall of junk, landing in front of the scientist. Startled, he jumped back several feet.

  “Dad!” Knox yelled.

  “I’ve got this!” Eddie said, holding up a hand to stop Knox before he could spring after his father. The captain sprinted for the Petigrens as Cheng ran from them.


  Black Eagle, Outskirts Junkyard, Planet L2SCQ-6 in Frontier space

  Lars sped the Black Eagle along the perimeter of the junkyard. He’d caught sight of a row of parked shuttles in the same chrome finish as the single flyers.

  This must be how the Saverus transported so many Petigrens to the junkyard. It’s also probably their way home.

  “I think these guys deserve to be stranded on this trash planet,” Lars said, releasing a missile. It raced over the junkyard, exploding a shuttle upon impact.

  “Yahoo!” Lars yelled victoriously.

  “Carnivore, what’s got you so excited?” Lone Wolf asked over the comm.

  “Found their transport ships. I’m adding them to the junkyard,” Lars said.

  “Oh, then I guess that’s not you racing in my direction,” Lone Wolf said.

  “Not me, Lone Wolf,” Lars replied.

  “This is Escrema. That isn’t me, either,” she said.

  “Fuck!” Lone Wolf yelled. “Which would explain why that traitor Black Eagle started firing at me.”

  “Get out of there,” Lars ordered, firing another missile.

  If he thought he’d be able to easily pick off the transport ships, he was wrong. He’d caught the attention of three Black Eagles, which were now racing in his direction.

  “I’m guessing you all aren’t coming to assist me on the perimeter?” Lars asked.

  “Nope,” Escrema answered.

  “Trapeze here. I’m not even close to that vicinity.”

  “Not me! I’m trying to give this imposter the slip,” Lone Wolf groaned.

  The approaching Black Eagles flew in formation, making quick progress toward Lars. He had been ordered not to fire on the Black Eagles, which meant that he had to outfly these Saverus to survive.


  At first, Nona was able to casually pick off Petigrens as they filtered onto the path below. Quickly, though, she had more targets than she could easily take down.

  Where did all of these fuckers come from?

  “Fuller, what’s your position?” Fletcher asked over the comm.

  “Firetower in central area,” Nona answered, taking down another Petigren.

  The ones around her target scampered away in fear, many of them searching over their shoulder for the shooter.

  “I was afraid of that. Your position is compromised,” Fletcher said.

  Nona straightened, leaning over the railing of the fire tower. Three Petigrens were crawling up the side of the structure.

  “Shit,” Nona breathed, pulling her pistol from her holster.

  “I’m not far from your location,” Fletcher told her. “I’ll try and get over there to help.”

  “Thanks.” Nona fired, shooting down the closest Petigren.

  The gunfire attracted the attention of many of the rats swarming on the ground. They raced in Nona’s direction as if they were magnetized.

  “Make it fast,” Nona said. “It would appear that I’ve summoned the zombies.”


  Julianna read the hesitation in Knox’s eyes as Eddie ran after Cheng. He wanted to go after his father, but he had another job, and they both knew it.

  “He’ll be okay,” Julianna said, tilting Knox’s head to the side and gauging the wound in
his neck.

  He gasped in pain, but stifled it quickly. The bite mark was deep and bleeding quite a bit. Julianna pulled her bandana from her pocket and stuffed it into Knox’s hand.

  “Apply pressure,” she ordered, scanning the path ahead before marching forward.

  “What are you doing?” Knox asked, not having moved.

  “We’ve got a job to finish.” Julianna pointed with her rifle in the direction of the broken-down battlecruiser.

  “But my dad…” Knox turned to the path that was now empty, the Petigrens having followed Cheng the other direction.

  “Black Beard, do you copy?” Julianna asked into the comm.

  There was no answer.

  “This is Strong Arm,” Julianna tried again. “Black Beard, are you there?”

  Dammit, comms are down.

  Is that your way of asking for my help?

  What do you think?

  I think we need to work on your people skills.

  Julianna shook her head, meeting Knox’s gaze. “Don’t worry. Eddie will protect him,” she assured him, trying to inject conviction into her voice.

  The truth was that, although she believed in Eddie, she had her doubts if anyone was safe in this maze of junk, with rabid rat-men on the loose. They had struggled to hold the Petigrens back earlier and were almost overrun. If they were attacked like that again, she didn’t have enough ammo to take them all down.

  Knox pressed the rag to his wound and glanced over his shoulder one last time.

  “Lead the way,” Julianna urged him forward gently—for her. “The sooner we get what we came here for, the sooner we can get out of here.”

  He nodded slowly, joining her on the path.


  Cheng hadn’t taken a moment to think. Only reacted. And now the Petigrens were on his heels, closing in on him. His chest ached as he pushed to run faster. Something ripped at his shirt, trying to get a hold of him. A Petigren leapt, catching him around the ankle, and pulled him to the ground.

  Cheng fell, biting on dirt. Dust filled his lungs. A Petigren jumped onto his back when he pushed up to all fours, and its weight dragged him back to the ground. He tried to roll over, but he was too weak to fight the monster.

  Suddenly the Petigren was gone. Cheng rolled over, blinking at the person before him. Julianna was holding the Petigren in the air. She slammed her knee into its chest before throwing it to the ground, and the nearby pack of Petigrens paused, making a greedy cackling sound as they hunched low. Julianna aimed her weapon at the rats, her eyes narrowed.

  “Get out of here!” Julianna yelled.

  To Cheng’s surprise, the Petigrens whipped around, racing on all fours down a side path.

  Dusting off her arm, Julianna looked at Cheng. “Are you alright?”

  Cheng glanced in the direction he’d come from. How did she get to me? He hadn’t seen her pursuing them.

  “Come on, we’ve got to get out of here.” Julianna extended a hand to Cheng.

  He didn’t take it, pushing up from the ground on his own. “How did you get over here?”

  Julianna smiled wide, something he’d never seen her do. “I took a shortcut when those animals raced after you. I think we’re safe for now, but we need to get to our ship.”

  “Why do we need to do that?” Cheng asked, his adrenaline beating in his head like a drum.

  “We’re being overwhelmed,” Julianna stated, turning around and scanning the area behind them. “The ship is cloaked, and I’m all turned around. Do you remember where we left it?”

  Pip would know exactly where the Q-Ship is parked, therefore Julianna would, too. Cheng took a step back. He was unarmed and had to play this right.

  “Where are Knox and Eddie?” Cheng asked.

  “They went to retrieve the Tangle Thief,” Julianna answered. “We’re going to get the ship and pick them up.”

  This Saverus was going to take the Q-Ship and leave the others stranded. Cheng couldn’t allow that to happen. He knew little about the Saverus, even after being imprisoned by them for almost ten years; however, he did know that it was best to play along and leave them with the illusion that they were still in control.

  “The ship is this way.” Cheng pointed in the direction where he’d come from.

  Julianna squinted. “How is that possible?”

  “We have to cut around this section and then double back, don’t you remember?”

  The imposter nodded. “Yeah, of course I do. You take the lead.”

  Cheng swallowed hard and started off, holding onto hope that he was leading the Saverus back toward the others.


  Eddie zigzagged through the intersecting paths. Petigrens jumped out from behind old refrigerators and other appliances, and he picked off each one as efficiently as he could.

  Everything had happened so fast. Cheng, overcome by fear, had moved so quickly that Eddie had lost him.

  A pack of Petigrens crowded a path that Eddie was about to bypass. He doubled back; where there were rats, there was bait. Eddie fired until he was empty, and thankfully that’s all it took to take down the pack.

  Eddie leapt over their fallen bodies and paused, having heard a voice.

  “I’m pretty sure we’re getting close,” Cheng said, seeming to be yelling.

  Who is he talking to? Did he join up with someone from Fletcher’s team? Eddie wondered.

  Sliding up to a wall of junk, Eddie reloaded. He only had another couple of rounds left. They’d gone through them so fast, not having expected it possible to meet so many Petigrens. The sound of gunfire could be heard all around in the junkyard. Eddie hoped that the others weren’t close to running out of ammo, too.

  The footsteps were getting closer. Eddie braced himself.

  “I think it’s down here!” Cheng exclaimed, which was strange.


  Cheng came around the corner, Julianna at his back. The scientist’s eyes widened when he saw Eddie. He dove to the side in a blur. “It’s not Julianna. Shoot it!”

  Julianna stepped around the corner, holding a rifle at the ready. Eddie didn’t have to pull up the Saverus goggles to know that the person before him wasn’t Julianna. She whipped her rifle around and pointed it straight at him, menace in her gaze like he’d never seen before.

  Eddie shot the imposter once in the chest, knocking her to the ground.

  He sucked in a breath, sudden doubt overwhelming him. What if I was wrong? What if Cheng was wrong?

  The scientist was at his side now. “She asked me to take her to the Q-Ship.”

  Eddie stepped forward, his eyes wide at the sight of Julianna sprawled on the ground and bleeding. “What?” Eddie asked. “That’s why you thought it wasn’t Julianna?”

  “It isn’t Julianna,” Cheng insisted, but panic was written on his face as he looked between the body and Eddie.

  “Then why hasn’t it shifted back?” Eddied darted forward.

  “What?” Cheng asked.

  “Saverus shift back to their natural form when unconscious!” Eddie yelled. I shot Julianna! Will her nanocytes save her from a bullet wound to the chest?

  Crouched by her side, he reached out and checked her pulse. It was weak, but there.

  Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Jules, is that you?” Eddie asked, desperation in his voice.

  “Yes, and you murdered me,” she said through ragged breaths.

  “No!” Eddie screamed, lifting Julianna into his arms, cradling her bleeding body against his.

  She choked on a cough, blood sputtering from her mouth. Then she fell completely still.

  I’m cursed. Utterly cursed. This time he hadn’t failed to save someone he loved—he’d killed her himself.

  “Captain,” Cheng dared to say, placing a hand on Eddie’s shoulder.

  Eddie shook his head, eyes pressed tightly closed.

  “Captain, I think you should see this,” Cheng said, now shaking his shoulder.

�� Eddie yelled, his eyes bolting open. He stumbled back, dropping the snake he’d been holding. “I-I-It wasn’t her,” he stuttered, pointing at the iridescent blue snake that was the size of a large man.

  “I told you it was a Saverus,” Cheng said.

  “But when I asked, it said…I’d murdered her,” Eddie stammered, his mind and chest cramping.

  With bitterness in his eyes, Cheng said, “They deceive. That’s what they do. Even with their last breath.”


  The battlecruiser looked to have been sawed in half, leaving the mid-section wide open to the junkyard. Each deck was exposed, and wires and debris hung from the severed floors. It was strange. It reminded her of Harley, how he’d looked with his stomach split open and his guts hanging out.

  “What happened to this ship?” Julianna asked, mostly to herself.

  “I don’t know,” Knox said. “In its day, though, it would have been incredible.”

  “Let’s hope that Ricky Bobby never experiences a similar fate.”

  Knox nodded. “The Tangle Thief is on the fifth level.”

  “You really did go to quite the extremes to hide it, didn’t you?”

  “It may sound crazy, but I knew that one day someone would be searching for it.”

  “That doesn’t sound as crazy as you think.”

  Julianna stared up at the ship, realizing that getting into it would be a feat, and dangerous as hell.

  “Then hopefully you won’t think it’s strange that I knew it would be Ghost Squadron looking for the device,” Knox said quietly.

  “How could you possibly know that?” Julianna asked.

  Knox gulped, his gaze stretching across the junkyard before he turned back to the battlecruiser. “When I was in Area 126 as a child, the hologram, Kyra, said that one day someone would come looking for the Tangle Thief—someone who knew me. She called them my ‘team’.”

  “She was referring to us?” Julianna asked, perplexed.

  Knox nodded. “I think so.”

  “Your memory is back? You’re able to recall everything from that time?”

  “Yes, and it’s getting clearer now that we are here. I think using the Tangle Thief blocked it all out, but whatever Dr. Harrison did has helped to unlock it,” Knox said.


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