Recollection: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 6)

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Recollection: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 6) Page 18

by Sarah Noffke

  Just before I was about to start this book, this friend, who I’m glad doesn’t do illegal drugs, because she’s very pushy, demanded that I go on a three-day cruise to Mexico. Let’s cut this long story short. I went. I got the drink package. The cruiseline made money on the drink package. I tried to pretend I was doing research for my next book by strolling around a giant cruiseship, which I reasoned was pretty much the same thing as a spaceship. I think my reasoning was faulty, but I obviously should have drank more tequila. That’s going to be the moral to this story when I get to the end. Damn that drink package!

  I’ve now entitled that cruise the “Great Reset”. You know those times in your life where everything goes completely wrong so that everything can go completely right? I know, that probably doesn’t make sense, but it’s true. I found myself sharing a closet of a room with two other women and a forced feeling that I needed to “party and relax.” The cruise started off badly and got worse as we sailed out to sea.

  Why, you ask? Yes, probably because I didn’t take advantage of my drink package.

  But also, because my life was resetting itself. Being a full-time author is tough. It’s demanding and scary and I’m constantly putting my ego in the corner. Balancing time for friends is hard and I guilt myself for not spending more time with people. And most importantly, there’s my daughter. I could go back into the steady profession of college administration, but that sucked out my soul. When I tell Lydia to follow her dreams and take risks, I want her to see I’m talking the talk and walking the walk.

  So I went on this trip conflicted on if I was doing the right thing being a writer. Was that the best thing for me, my daughter and my loved ones? I returned to the west coast after having a miserable time and there were two things I had missed dearly: Lydia and writing.

  Michael and I had a nice heart to heart during the construction of this book. I’m sure many of you know this, but MA really cares about the wellbeing of the authors he works with, not just about the books. We discussed this “reset” I was going through and afterwards, I felt infinitely better. Following our dreams is tough. It’s scary. It’s demanding. But I’ve got a fantastic team and people like Michael and Craig to support my efforts.

  If I hadn’t gone on that cruise then I wouldn’t have questioned my current job as an author. I wouldn’t have realized that it’s the only thing that truly makes me happy professionally. I wouldn’t have faced up to all my fears and realized, no matter what, I want to make this work.

  I also wouldn’t have realized that I have the perfect profession because I never feel that I need a break from it. My friend demanded that I take a vacation, but when I returned, I realized I didn’t want one. I had missed my job.

  So I have the perfect job for me. I have an amazing child. I have some time for other people and things. Fuck anyone who doesn’t like it.

  Okay. I’m done with that. Moving on.

  I love interacting with the fans on Facebook. My editor might have thought I’d lost my mind when I told her that I was throwing in a bunch of random references because I was challenged by the readers. Otter assassins and trash pandas in a sci-fi book isn’t something you see every day. So I’ve got a lot of thanks to give to the fans for the suggestions for this book. If I miss anyone, please message Craig (preferably at an off hour).

  John Calvert, you’re the mastermind behind this whole otter assassin business. I blame you for the rubber chickens as well as Rocco Lauria, Liz Ehret Re, Tracey Brynes, Wayne Hamilton, Ron Gailey, Sherry Foster, Kevin Mcdonnell, Pat O’Brien. Chrisa Changala, not only did you educate me on terms, but I loved throwing in the trash panda reference. This whole thread on Facebook kept me laughing today. Like Kristoffer Pyle’s giraffe. That shit was genius.

  I also polled the fans for suggestions for the karaoke scene. I couldn’t believe how many times Bohemian Rhapsody was mentioned. Thanks to Tim Adams, Mandi Fawcett and Karen Cabael for that. Natale Roberts suggestion of Hey Jude was randomly picked as Chester’s song. I had to include Lori Hendriks for I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing. Oh and Eric Hernandez, thanks for the suggestion for Thunderstruck. You all rock. I added all the suggestions to the playlist for Ghost Squadron.

  Ron Gailey, I love your suggestions. Never stop sending them. The laser that blasts the junkyard at the end was one of your ideas that I ran with. Thank you.

  Cars again played a big role in the book. I actually got bored of spaceships and guns on the cover so I told my cover designer to add a classic car. I used many of the suggestions from the readers for cars mentioned in the book. Thanks to Alastar Wilson for the ’69 Corvette Stingray idea. Diane L. Smith gets the credit for the Mustand 390GT. David Pollard and Nora McGuirk also gave me great suggestions for the 67 GTO and many other cars. Thank you all!

  Okay, without further ado, I turn the stage over to MA and his tap shoes.

  Check out Sarah Noffke’s Sci-fi Paranormal series:

  Check out Sarah Noffke’s Paranormal Thriller:

  Ren Series:

  Get it here

  He is the most powerful man to ever live, and therefore doomed to misery.

  Born with the power to control minds, hypnotize others, and read thoughts, Ren Lewis, is certain of one thing: God made a mistake. No one should be born with so much power. A monster awoke in him the same year he received his gifts.

  At ten years old. A prepubescent boy with the ability to control others might merely abuse his powers, but Ren allowed it to corrupt him. And since he can have and do anything he wants, Ren should be happy. However, his journey teaches him that harboring so much power doesn't bring happiness, it steals it.

  Once this realization sets in, Ren makes up his mind to do the one thing that can bring his tortured soul some peace. He must kill the monster.

  Read Ren: The Man Behind the Monster.

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written April 2, 2018

  (THANK YOU for reading these notes… That is all!)


  No, I can’t really just say that and leave but I was tempted, so sorely tempted.

  Who the hell is going to surpass the bearing of someone’s soul like Sarah just did?

  I know I can’t.

  It feels like those books where I was author blocked by Martha Carr and Brandon Barr. They shared these deep and intimate hard times in their lives in up on stage (in their author notes), and then the light switches from them (with the accompanying applause) to me and I’m there, eyes wide open, staring at Martha and Brandon then staring at the crowd thinking….shit!


  I enjoyed my conversation with Sarah and really appreciate her offering me a chance to see inside her mind and feelings. She mentioned a situation with her brother I will carry with me the rest of my life. She said this:

  When my brother died, he died with songs inside him we will never hear…

  That was a mic-drop moment for me.

  I’m honored to be entrusted with her work, her dreams, her aspirations and above all, her friendship.

  Let’s make sure your stories are all on (digital) paper, Sarah.

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  (P.S. – I laughed out loud and pumped my fist in the air when she said in her author notes, “If I miss anyone, please message Craig (preferably at an off hour).”

  Absolutely, please do that.

  It will be fucking hilarious – I promise. That jerk made me a horrible mayor in one of his books and I’ve yet to get him back for that.

  (Not that I’m bitter or anything.)


  Sarah Noffke

  Thank you to Michael Anderle for taking my calls and allowing me to play in this universe. It’s been a blast since the beginning.

  Thank you to Craig Martelle for cheering for me. I’ve learned so much working with you. This wild ride just keeps going and going.

  Thank you to Jen, Tim, Steve, Andr
ew and Jeff for all the work on the books, covers and championing so much of the publishing.

  Thank you to our beta team. I can’t believe how fast you all can turn around books. The JIT team sometimes scares me, but usually just with how impressively knowledgeable they are.

  Thank you to our amazing readers. I asked myself a question the other day and it had a strange answer. I asked if I would still write if trapped on a desert island and no one would ever read the books. The answer was yes, but the feeling connected to it was different. It wouldn’t be as much fun to write if there wasn’t awesome readers to share it with. Thank you.

  Thank you to my friends and family for all the support and love.

  About Sarah Noffke

  Sarah Noffke, an Amazon Best Seller, writes YA and NA sci-fi fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. She is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, Vagabond Circus, Olento Research and Soul Stone Mage series. Noffke holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters. Noffke's books are top rated and best-sellers on Kindle. Currently, she has eighteen novels published. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

  Check out other work by this author here.

  The Soul Stone Mage Series:

  House of Enchanted #1:

  The Kingdom of Virgo has lived in peace for thousands of years…until now.

  The humans from Terran have always been real assholes to the witches of Virgo. Now a silent war is brewing, and the timing couldn’t be worse. Princess Azure will soon be crowned queen of the Kingdom of Virgo.

  In the Dark Forest a powerful potion-maker has been murdered.

  Charmsgood was the only wizard who could stop a deadly virus plaguing Virgo. He also knew about the devastation the people from Terran had done to the forest.

  Azure must protect her people. Mend the Dark Forest. Create alliances with savage beasts. No biggie, right?

  But on coronation day everything changes. Princess Azure isn’t who she thought she was and that’s a big freaking problem.

  Welcome to The Revelations of Oriceran. Check out the entire series here.

  The Lucidites Series:

  Awoken, #1:

  Around the world humans are hallucinating after sleepless nights.

  In a sterile, underground institute the forecasters keep reporting the same events.

  And in the backwoods of Texas, a sixteen-year-old girl is about to be caught up in a fierce, ethereal battle.

  Meet Roya Stark. She drowns every night in her dreams, spends her hours reading classic literature to avoid her family’s ridicule, and is prone to premonitions—which are becoming more frequent. And now her dreams are filled with strangers offering to reveal what she has always wanted to know: Who is she? That’s the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out. But will Roya live to regret learning the truth?

  Stunned, #2

  Revived, #3

  The Reverians Series:

  Defects, #1:

  In the happy, clean community of Austin Valley, everything appears to be perfect. Seventeen-year-old Em Fuller, however, fears something is askew. Em is one of the new generation of Dream Travelers. For some reason, the gods have not seen fit to gift all of them with their expected special abilities. Em is a Defect—one of the unfortunate Dream Travelers not gifted with a psychic power. Desperate to do whatever it takes to earn her gift, she endures painful daily injections along with commands from her overbearing, loveless father. One of the few bright spots in her life is the return of a friend she had thought dead—but with his return comes the knowledge of a shocking, unforgivable truth. The society Em thought was protecting her has actually been betraying her, but she has no idea how to break away from its authority without hurting everyone she loves.

  Rebels, #2

  Warriors, #3

  Vagabond Circus Series:

  Suspended, #1:

  When a stranger joins the cast of Vagabond Circus—a circus that is run by Dream Travelers and features real magic—mysterious events start happening. The once orderly grounds of the circus become riddled with hidden threats. And the ringmaster realizes not only are his circus and its magic at risk, but also his very life.

  Vagabond Circus caters to the skeptics. Without skeptics, it would close its doors. This is because Vagabond Circus runs for two reasons and only two reasons: first and foremost to provide the lost and lonely Dream Travelers a place to be illustrious. And secondly, to show the nonbelievers that there’s still magic in the world. If they believe, then they care, and if they care, then they don’t destroy. They stop the small abuse that day-by-day breaks down humanity’s spirit. If Vagabond Circus makes one skeptic believe in magic, then they halt the cycle, just a little bit. They allow a little more love into this world. That’s Dr. Dave Raydon’s mission. And that’s why this ringmaster recruits. That’s why he directs. That’s why he puts on a show that makes people question their beliefs. He wants the world to believe in magic once again.

  Paralyzed, #2

  Released, #3

  Ren Series:

  Ren: The Man Behind the Monster, #1:

  Born with the power to control minds, hypnotize others, and read thoughts, Ren Lewis, is certain of one thing: God made a mistake. No one should be born with so much power. A monster awoke in him the same year he received his gifts. At ten years old. A prepubescent boy with the ability to control others might merely abuse his powers, but Ren allowed it to corrupt him. And since he can have and do anything he wants, Ren should be happy. However, his journey teaches him that harboring so much power doesn’t bring happiness, it steals it. Once this realization sets in, Ren makes up his mind to do the one thing that can bring his tortured soul some peace. He must kill the monster.

  *Note* This book is NA and has strong language, violence and sexual references.

  Ren: God’s Little Monster, #2

  Ren: The Monster Inside the Monster, #3

  Ren: The Monster’s Adventure, #3.5

  Ren: The Monster’s Death

  Olento Research Series:

  Alpha Wolf, #1:

  Twelve men went missing.

  Six months later they awake from drug-induced stupors to find themselves locked in a lab.

  And on the night of a new moon, eleven of those men, possessed by new—and inhuman—powers, break out of their prison and race through the streets of Los Angeles until they disappear one by one into the night.

  Olento Research wants its experiments back. Its CEO, Mika Lenna, will tear every city apart until he has his werewolves imprisoned once again. He didn’t undertake a huge risk just to lose his would-be assassins.

  However, the Lucidite Institute’s main mission is to save the world from injustices. Now, it’s Adelaide’s job to find these mutated men and protect them and society, and fast. Already around the nation, wolflike men are being spotted. Attacks on innocent women are happening. And then, Adelaide realizes what her next step must be: She has to find the alpha wolf first. Only once she’s located him can she stop whoever is behind this experiment to create wild beasts out of human beings.

  Lone Wolf, #2

  Rabid Wolf, #3

  Bad Wolf, #4

  Other Books by Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of Michael’s Kurtherian Gambit Universe books please click this link.

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:


  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04) -

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)


  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10) -

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13) -

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)


  Never Submit (15) - Never Surr
ender (16) - Forever Defend (17) - Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20) - Life Goes On (21)


  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  The Dark Messiah (01) - The Darkest Night (02) -

  Darkest Before The Dawn (03) - Dawn Arrives (04)


  *with Paul C. Middleton*

  Evacuation (01) - Retaliation (02) - Revelations (03) - Redemption (04)


  *with Justin Sloan*

  Justice Is Calling (01) - Claimed By Honor (02) -

  Judgement Has Fallen (03) - Angel of Reckoning (04) -

  Born Into Flames (05) - Defending The Lost (06) - Saved By Valor (07) - Return of Victory (08)


  *with TS Paul*

  ALPHA CLASS (01) - ALPHA CLASS: Engineering (02)

  *with N.D. Roberts*

  Discovery (03)


  *with Craig Martelle*

  Nomad Found (01) - Nomad Redeemed (02) -

  Nomad Unleashed (03) - Nomad Supreme (04) -

  Nomad’s Fury (05) - Nomad’s Justice (06) - Nomad Avenged (07) - Nomad Mortis (08) - Nomad’s Force (09) - Nomad’s Galaxy (10)


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