by Neal Gabler
Walt and the Z. “A Disney Animator Looks Back,” Disney News, Fall 1985.
“will never be finished.” Walt Disney, interview by Pete Martin, Reels 9 & 10.
“my baby.” Gereon Zimmerman, “Walt Disney: Giant at the Fair,” Look, Feb. 11, 1964.
“working, planning and developing it.” Walt to Mrs. Max Hill, Dec. 1, 1961, A Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1961, A-Christmas, A1586, WDA.
“getting out of the hole.” Anne K. Okey, “Jack Lindquist,” Disney News, Summer 1993.
$5.5 million expansion. Memo, Ed Ettinger to Walt, Re: Press Meeting-Thursday, Dec. 4, 1958, Dec. 2, 1958, Ed Ettinger Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1958-1959, Dover-M, A1646, WDA.
“And Walt got all the way up…” Marc Davis, interview by Bob Thomas, May 25, 1973, WDA.
Liberty Street. Karal Ann Marling, “Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks,” in Designing Disney’s Theme Parks: The Architecture of Reassurance, ed. Karal Ann Marling (New York: Flammarion, 1997); Paul F. Anderson, “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow: Walt Disney & World’s Fairs,” POV, no. 6-7 (1995); Memo, Bill Mahoney to Those Listed, Re: Liberty Street, Feb. 11, 1959, Bill Mahoney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1958-1959, Dover-M, A1646, WDA.
Costumed characters. Memo, Tommy Walker to Dick Irvine, Re: Disney Characters Project, Mar. 22, 1961, Disneyland 1954-1961 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr, Disney, Roy O.—Trips to Disneyland (1954-61), A3002, WDA. It was more synergy that animator Bill Justice was asked to help design the costumes.
a $7 million expansion. NYT, Feb. 8, 1962.
Buying additional land. Memo, Jack C. Sayers to Walt, Re: Property Around Disneyland, Aug. 7, 1956, Memo, Fred Schumacher to Jack Sayers, Re: Land Acquisition Program, Oct. 28, 1957, Jack Sayers Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1956-1957, K-Secrets, A1643; Price to Walt, Nov. 18, 1957, P-Q folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, P-Z, A1568, WDA.
“You never know when you’ll bump…” Kevin Wallace, “The Engineering of Ease,” The New Yorker, Sept. 7, 1963.
“We looked forward to Disneyland…” NYT, Nov. 13, 1961.
“I am told that in Indonesia…” John Foster Dulles to Walt, Jun. 19, 1956, Do Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1956, A-B, A1561, WDA.
One African president… LAT, Jun. 23, 1960.
Mrs. Khrushchev’s request. NYT, Sept. 22, 1959.
Khrushchev’s anger. NYT, Sept. 20, 1959.
“If you want to go on with the arms race,…” Harrison Salisbury, “Premier Angered,” NYT, Sept. 20, 1959.
“deprived of the pleasure…” NYT, Sept. 22, 1959.
Milestone Award. NYT, Oct. 25, 1956; LAT, Feb. 18, 1957.
Olympics. NYT, Nov. 5, 1958; NYT, Nov. 26, 1959.
President’s Committee on Education. NYT, Apr. 20, 1956; Walt to Shane McCarthy (executive director of the President’s Council on Youth Fitness), Apr. 18, 1957, P-Q Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, P-Z, A1568, WDA.
People to People. NYT, Nov. 9, 1961.
Tullytown, Pennsylvania. Clipping, “School to Be Named for Walt Disney,” [1953,] T Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1953-1954, T-Z, A1555, WDA. It was dedicated on Sept. 25, 1955.
Honorary degrees. Richard G. Hubler, Walt Disney, unpub. ms., 1968, RHC; LAT, Jun. 3, 1963.
Museum of Modern Art. Richard Griffith to Walt, Nov. 11, 1957, and Card Walker to Richard Griffith, Nov. 26, 1957, Me-Mz Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, E-O, A1567, WDA.
Nobel Prize campaign. Lillian Gish to Walt, Jul. 27, 1962, G Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1962, Committees—H (Misc.), A1591, WDA.
Fires. Walt to Bob Stevenson, Nov. 28, 1961, S Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
“magnetic field.” Ken Anderson, interview by Bob Thomas, May 15, 1973, WDA.
“His eyes are dull…” Edith Efron, “Still Attacking His Ancient Enemy—Conformity,” TV Guide, Jul. 17, 1965.
“unearthly quality.” Jack Alexander, “The Amazing Story of Walt Disney,” Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 31, 1953.
Mercedes. Ivan Stauffer to Walt, May 26, 1965, S Folder, Walt Disney Corr., N-S, A1611, WDA.
“out cuss a drunken pirate!” Charles Shows, Walt: Backstage Adventures with Walt Disney (Huntington Beach, Calif.: Windsong Books International, 1979).
Young Walt Disney’s eyes. Clipping, Maria Winn, “Front Views and Profiles,” Chicago Tribune [Aug. 1943], Wi Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942-1943, T-Z, A1530, WDA; Henry F. Pringle, “Mickey Mouse’s Father,” McCall’s, Aug. 1932.
“bright.” Quoted in Amy Boothe Green and Howard E. Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999).
“kind of cheerful merriment…” Ibid..
“appeared to be under the lash…” Aubrey Menen, “Dazzled in Disneyland,” Holiday, Jul. 1963.
“I function better…” Van Arsdale France, Window on Main Street: 35 Years of Creating Happiness at Disneyland Park (Nashua, N.H.: Laughter Publications, 1991).
“I’ve got to have a project…” Ollie Johnston, interview by Christopher Finch and Linda Rosenkrantz, Jun. 2, 1972, WDA.
“there are only a certain number…” Robert Kintner to Walt, Feb. 23, 1956, ABC—Robert E. Kintner Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1956, A-B, A1561, WDA.
Zorro problems. Tel. Card Walker to Leonard Goldenson, Jul. 10, 1957, Walker, Card, Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1956-1957, Sunderland-Z, A1644, WDA.
Pressure for Westerns. Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 1 & 2.
“approximately one hour of your time.” Memo, Card Walker to Walt, Re: Meeting on Walt Disney Presents, Jul. 27, 1959, Card Walker Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1958-1959, N-Z, A1647, WDA.
Roy’s proposals. Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: ABC Contracts, Feb. 20, 1959, ABC—General Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1959, A-Ca, A1573, WDA.
“I think they are a bunch…” Ibid.
“In all common sense…” Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: Leonard Goldenson, Jun. 19, 1959, Walt Disney, 1955-1961 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr., Disney, Roy O.—Trips to Disneyland (1954-61), A3002, WDA.
“it seems to us you are not as eager…” Roy to Leonard Goldenson, Mar. 27, 1959, ABC—General Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1959, A-Ca, A1573, WDA.
“[M]y brother figured,…” Quoted in France, Window.
“[D]o what you think’s necessary.” Roy Disney, interview by Richard G. Hubler, Jun. 18, 1968, RHC, Box 14, Folder 52.
ABC buyout. Memo, Roy, Re: ABC Case, Jun. 6, 1960, A Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1960, A-B, A1580, WDA.
“drift.” Tel. Card Walker and Donn Tatum to Walt (in London), Aug. 11, 1960, National Broadcasting Co. Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1960, N-O, A1584, WDA.
“get this deal.” Quoted in Katherine Greene and Richard Greene, Inside the Dream: The Personal Story of Walt Disney (New York: Roundtable Press, 2001).
NBC deal. Variety, Dec. 2, 1960.
“most important and far-reaching…” Variety, Aug. 10, 1960.
“I shouldn’t have listened.” Cecil Smith, “Disney’s New Magic Wand,” LAT, Aug. 20, 1961.
“I never saw such an overnight change…” Anonymous quoted in Bill Davidson, “The Latter-Day Aesop,” TV Guide, May 20, 1961.
“Newton Minow can relax.” New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 25, 1961.
Selling televisions. Card Walker to Walt, [Sept. 1961,] Walt Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1961, Comm. to Disneyland, A1587, WDA; Memo, Card Walker to Roy/Walt, Oct. 5, 1961, Card Walker, 1960-62 Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, Tryon-Z, A1652, WDA.
“whole atmosphere is pleasing…” Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: TELEVISION, Nov. 15, 1961, Walt Disney, 1955-1961 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office, Corr., Disney, Roy O.—Trips to Disneyland (1954-61), A3002, WDA.
“You know, Rush,…” Rush Johnson, interview by author.
Farm in Ellis, Kansas. “Walt and His Philosophy,” interview by Fletcher Markle (CBCS), ReView, Jan. 1978.
Child care centers. William F. Brandt (
director of public relations, Bozell & Jacobs) to Walt, Mar. 21, 1957; Card Walker to Walt, Apr. 22, 1957, B Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, A-D, A1566, WDA.
Arrow Development stake. Memo, Bill Cottrell to Walt, Re: Progress Report—WED, Mar. 15, 1960, Harrison Price Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
Relocating the train and building convention center. Memo, Edsel Curry to Walt, Re: Relocation of Viewliner—Newport Dunes, Dec. 18, 1958; Memo, Curry to Walt, Re: WED Projects, Aug. 20, 1958, Co Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1958-1959, A-Do, A1645, WDA.
Smoke Tree development. Memo, Bob Clark to Walt, Re: Smoke Tree Development Program, Feb. 7, 1958; Memo, Edsel Curry to Walt, Re: Plot Plan—Smoke Tree Frontage Property, Dec. 29, 1958, Smoke Tree Ranch—1958 Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1958, Q-Z, A1572, WDA; Walt to board of directors, Smoke Tree Ranch, Nov. 11, 1963, Smoke Tree Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1963, O-Z, A1598, WDA.
$277,000 stock interest. Memo, Dolores [Voght] to Walt, Aug. 25, 1961, Walt Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1961, Comm. to Disneyland, A1587, WDA.
“We wasted a million dollars…” Quoted in Hubler, Disney.
“The data pointed out a crying need…” Quoted in ibid..
“government looks favorably…” Memo, Buzz Price to Mickey Clark, Re: Mammoth, Jun. 25, 1963, Harrison Price Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
Mineral King. Harrison Price to Hon. Hugh M. Burns, California Senate, Nov. 29, 1963, ibid.
Aspen. Draft, An Analysis of Development Opportunities in Aspen, Colorado, n.d., Aspen Development Opportunities Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Special Projects, 1961-1965, Aspen-Hallmark, A1660, WDA; Bob Hicks (ERA) to Walt, Jan. 18, 1963, Harrison Price Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
“I am so excited…” Jules Stein to Walt, March 3, 1959, St Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1959, Sp-Z, A1579, WDA.
Vacation Village. Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, Re: Monterey Project, Jun. 3, 1963, Jack Sayers Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
Hallmark development. Richard Irvine to J. C. Hall, Oct. 19, 1962; Buzz Price to Irvine, Nov. 20, 1962; Price to Irvine, Mar. 6, 1963; Hallmark Project Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Special Projects, 1961-1965, Aspen-Hallmark, A1660, WDA.
Niagara Falls. Memo, Card [Walker] to Walt/Roy, Sept. 25, 1963, Niagara Falls Projects Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Special Projects, 1961-1965, New York-Pratt, A1662, WDA.
City of the Arts. “The Walt Disney Seven Arts City,” WED Enterprises, Inc., [1958,] Chouinard Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1958, A-C, A1569, WDA; “Seven Arts City,” n.d., Chouinard—City of Arts Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1959, Ch-De, A1574, WDA; Memo, Harrison A. Price to Walt, Re: Lincoln Center, May 5, 1960, Harrison Price Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum. A1651, WDA.
“one entire village…” Walt to William Pereira, May 13, 1960, Chouinard—City of Arts Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1960, C, A1581, WDA.
Nabisco cartoon. Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: National Biscuit Picture, Jul. 25, 1938, Inter-Office Corr., Walt Disney Corr., 1938-1939, I-Me, A1517, WDA.
“something that will impress…” Robert Warner to Walt, Jan. 17, 1957, B Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, A-D, A1566, WDA.
“hit not only of the American Pavillion…” Ralph Adams to Jack Sayers, May 5, 1958, Jack Sayers—1958 Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1958-1959, N-Z, A1647; Robert Warner to Dolores Voght, Apr. 19, 1958, Bob Warner Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1959, Sp-Z, A1579, WDA.
Moscow Fair. Anthony Guarco (acting director, Motion Picture Services USIA) to Walt, Aug. 18, 1959, U.S. Government Folder, ibid.
Meeting with Moses. Memo, Sayers to Those Concerned, Aug. 15, 1960, Jack Sayers 1960-62 Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
Meeting executives of companies. Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, Jul. 25, 1960, Walt Disney, 1955-61 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr., Disney, Roy O.—Trips to Disneyland (1954-61), A3002, WDA.
Jack Sayers’s touring. Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, Dec. 23, 1960, Jack Sayers 1960-62 Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA.
Ford and GE. Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, Re: General Electric, Sept. 22, 1960, ibid.
“It will help us….” Quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt.
Bill Cottrell’s analysis. Bill Cottrell, interview by Jay Horan, Aug.-Oct. 1983, WDA.
“trial balloon.” Quoted in Paul F. Anderson, “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow: Walt Disney & World’s Fairs,” POV, no. 6-7 (1995).
A series of underground wheels. Ibid.
Ford demonstration. Ibid.
GE budget. Tel. Dick Irvine and Jack Sayers to Walt, Sept. 1, 1961, Walt Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1961, Comm. to Disneyland, A1587, WDA.
“Don’t you think you might have asked…” Cottrell interview by Horan.
GE rejecting historical approach. William Cottrell to James Weldy (GE), Aug. 2, 1962, General Electric Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Special Projects, 1961-1965, Aspen-Hallmark, A1660, WDA.
“I spent my whole life…” Anderson, “Great Big.”
“All right, gentlemen, what I want…” Jack Spiers quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt.
“refrigerator show.” Quoted in Randy Bright, Disneyland: The Inside Story (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1987).
Walt climbing the stage. Anderson, “Great Big.”
Jumping into the tub. Ibid.
“Walt had his foot in everything.” Ibid.
“There was more of Walt…” Ibid.
Meeting with Department of Commerce. Charles Luckman to Walt, Oct. 2, 1962; George Rothwell to Roy, Sept. 17, 1962, New York World’s Fair Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1962, Helen-N, A1592, WDA.
Monorail. Anderson, “Great Big.”
One Nation Under God showings and reaction. Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, Re: One Nation Under God Presentation, Jun. 7, 1961, Jack Sayers 1960-62 Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651; Marvin Stone (director, Industrial Section, New York World’s Fair), Jun. 13, 1961; Memo, Sayers to Those Concerned, Re: “One Nation Under God,” Jul. 31, 1962, New York World’s Fair Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1962, Helen-N, A1592. WDA.
Moses’s lobbying. Anderson, “Great Big.”
“too important to the Fair…” Ibid.
“I’d like to not be able…” Ibid.
Chinatown. Memo, Dick Irvine to Walt, Re: Notes on Chinatown Meeting of Oct. 1, Oct. 2, 1959, Audio-Animatronics Folder, WDA.
Coining Audio-Animatronics. Memo, David Mumford to Dave Smith, Re: Origin of “Audio-Animatronics,” Mar. 20, 1985, ibid.
Ub Iwerks erected head. Ken Anderson in Jay Horan, Video Interview with Ken Anderson, Bill Cottrell and Herb Ryman, Sept. 19, 1983, WDA.
“you can’t have human beings…” Herb Ryman in ibid.
Reading about Lincoln. Jack Alexander, “The Amazing Story of Walt Disney,” Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 31, 1953.
“It was all right for you…” Norris Leap, “Disney Has One Success Secret,” LAT, Sept. 25, 1960.
“It seemed that we were getting into areas…” Blaine Gibson quoted in Bright, Inside Story.
“We’re making the legend of Pygmalion…” Hubler, Disney.
“and cocked his eyebrow…” Quoted in Anderson, “Great Big.”
Buying patent. Memo, Neal E. McClure to Walt, Re: Audio-Animatronics, Jun. 14, 1962, Mc Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, Herald-M, A1650, WDA.
“All we have to do…” Murray Schumach, “Disney Animation Uses Polaris Tape,” NYT, Jun. 20, 1963.
“weigh half as much…” Anderson, “Great Big.”
Rising Lincoln. Memo, Irvine to Walt, Re: Status Report, Jul. 19, 1961, Dick Irvine Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, Herald-M, A1650, WDA.
Secret room. Neil Gallagher (machinist) quoted in Anderson, �
��Great Big.”
Moses at the studio. Memo, Dick Irving-Jack Sayers to Walt, Re: Mr. Moses’ Visit, Apr. 23, 1962, New York World’s Fair Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1962, Helen-N, A1592; Bright, Inside Story.
“overwhelmed.” Anderson, “Great Big.”
“look with great favor…” Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, Apr. 18, 1963, Fair Projects Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Special Projects, 1961-1965, Aspen-Hallmark, A1660, WDA.
Commission convened and negotiations. Memo, Jack Sayers to Those Concerned, May 20, 1963, Jack Sayers Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651; Memo, Fred Schumacher (projects manager) to Card Walker, Re: Lincoln Figure, Jul. 29, 1963, Illinois Exhibit for New York Fair Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Special Projects, 1961-1965, Illinois-National, A1661, WDA.
“best business proposition…” Tel. Walt to Moses, Jul. 26, 1963, ibid.
Criticisms. Jack Mabley, Chicago’s American, Nov. 4, 1963.
“Imagine you’re in the presence…” Chicago Daily News, Nov. 20, 1963.
“I’ll make those decisions.” Bright, Inside Story.
“one more piece of real estate.” Quoted in Anderson, “Great Big.”
“It’s a small world…” Quoted in ibid.
Mobilization. Karal Ann Marling, “Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks,” in Designing Disney’s Theme Parks: The Architecture of Reassurance, ed. Karal Ann Marling (New York: Flammarion, 1997); Anderson, “Great Big.”
“We would put Walt…” Quoted in Anderson, “Great Big.”
“You know, Bill…” Bill Peet, Bill Peet: An Autobiography (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989).
Delegating more responsibility. Robert De Roos, “The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney,” National Geographic, Aug. 1963.
“They won’t be able to handle it,…” Quoted in Leonard Mosley, Disney’s World (New York: Stein & Day, 1985).
Adding third soundstage. Minutes of Special Meeting of Board of Directors, Apr. 3, 1953, Walt Disney Productions—Board Meeting Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1953-1955, D-L, A1638, WDA; Paul Hollister, Man or Mouse: The Story of Walt Disney, So Far, unpub. ms., 1955, chap. 17, WDA. Hollister puts the cost at $600,000.