Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 3

by Felicity Brandon

  “She’s quite the firecracker,” murmured Daniel in an appreciative tone.

  Jared glanced over at his oldest friend. He was the quiet one. The intellectual one—always so calm and in control. That’s why he’d become the doctor, but it was good to see him enjoying the moment, just like the rest of them.

  “She’ll soon settle though,” he assured Jared. “Give her what we brought along.”

  Jared leaned toward Sophie, pressing against her arse even as she continued to fight Anton. Not that she had a hope, the guy was built like a brick wall, but watching her writhe was really doing something for him regardless.

  Sophie twisted her head at his approach, her expression demonstrating just how scared she really was now.

  “Calm down, beautiful,” Jared chuckled, reaching for her hair.

  At just below shoulder length, it was even longer than Jared had imagined, and the dark golden color was gorgeous. Collecting it into a loose ponytail, Jared buried his fingers between the soft strands and fisted it cruelly. Sophie gasped as he drew her head in the direction he needed, exposing her neck and all those wonderful veins.

  “Sure you don’t want to do this?” he asked, throwing the question at Daniel.

  Daniel sighed, pushing off from the door and pacing around to where the three of them stood. The whole time, Sophie’s chest heaved between Anton and Jared, her body tight with concerned energy.

  “Please,” she whimpered in a sound that Jared knew would be echoing around his head for many years to come. “Please, whatever it is, don’t do it. You don’t have to do it.”

  “It’s nothing to worry about, Sophie,” Daniel’s calm voice sought to reassure her. “Just a little something to help you sleep.”

  Jared passed the syringe to Daniel, and the two men exchanged smiles as the doctor got into position. With a fistful of her hair, Jared immobilized Sophie just long enough for his friend to find the right vein, and despite her tears and desperate little pleas, Daniel slowly depressed the plunger, injecting the drug into her system.

  Chapter Five


  Her head was heavy. It was like that feeling Sophie got in the morning after she’d had too many glasses of wine the night before. But there had been no wine. And she had no idea what time it was. Pulling in a deep breath, Sophie became aware of the dull ache that accompanied the heaviness.

  That made no sense.

  She never got headaches unless she’d had too much to drink.

  None of it made any sense.

  Swallowing, Sophie rolled to her side, intending to find a Tylenol for the pain. Or, she tried to roll, but something hindered her motion. She groaned in irritation, trying to persuade her eyes to open, but somehow, they were as unwilling as her head.

  “Ah, she’s finally awake.”

  Sophie’s heart thundered at the sound of a male voice. It wasn’t Jason’s voice, she knew that. Sophie would know her husband’s voice anywhere, so the question echoed around her head like a haunting: who the hell was it?

  “About time. I was starting to worry.”

  That was another voice, and now she forced her gaze open. Dim light met her eyes, and for a moment, Sophie couldn’t decide where she was. She seemed to be lying on a bed, but something was different. Something was wrong. Her arms were stretched out above her head, and as she ordered them to move, she realized for the first time that they were fettered in some way. Her ankles seemed restrained as well. A spike of adrenaline coursed around her body and Sophie panted as she tried to lift her head.

  The sight that met her eyes nearly made her heart stop altogether.

  She was in her bedroom, after all, a place she should know and should feel comfortable in, but rather than security, all she felt now was panic. Three strangers stared back at her, their faces as unknown as the reasons for their appearance.

  “I told you there was nothing to worry about,” said one with a sigh, and he moved toward her, looming over her body with a pensive expression.

  Reaching two fingers in Sophie’s direction, the stranger felt for the pulse at her neck. She strained to avoid his touch, but whatever was holding her to the bed proved to be too strong. There was nowhere for Sophie to go. There was no resisting.

  “Settle down, Sophie,” he told her in a stony voice. “I need to count.”

  Her breaths were coming out in short, sharp bursts, the pounding in her head making it impossible to think properly.

  “Get off me!” Sophie’s voice was little more than a hiss. “Who are you and what the hell are you doing? Let me go!”

  The blond smirked as he stared down at her. “She’s fine,” he said, turning to the one furthest away. “Shall we do the contraceptive now, too?”

  What? She blinked at the question, as though her head couldn’t quite process the words.

  “Yes, let’s get it done.”

  The blond produced a syringe from her bedside table, holding it into the light.

  “No!” Sophie pulled against whatever was holding her down. “Don’t come near me with that.”

  But it was too late. There was nothing she could do to refuse. He already had the needle at her thigh and a moment later, she felt it pierce her skin.

  “Get off me!” She practically spat the words at him.

  The blond laughed. “All done. No unwanted Jared babies now.”

  “How do you know it’s effective right away?” That question came from the other guy.

  “It’s effective immediately if given within five to seven days of her cycle,” the man referred to as Jared informed him with a chuckle. “And that’s another juicy tidbit my little girl shared one day when she seemed moody as we chatted. So, Daddy knows exactly when his little girl is on her cycle, doesn’t he?”

  Heat bloomed in Sophie’s face as he turned to stare at her as if asking why in the hell she’d share something so personal with a total stranger. She had no answer and was having trouble assimilating what in the world was going on.

  He paused, turning toward Sophie again before he continued. “She’s full of spirit though, I see. So much for your natural submissive.”

  The sound of his laughter reverberated around the walls until it was joined by the amusement of the others.

  “Wait and see.” The dark-haired guy who was speaking moved lithely toward her. “You don’t know her like I do.”

  Sophie eyed him as intently as her aching head would allow. “Who are you?” she asked again. “I don’t know you.”

  But as he moved into view, Sophie realized she was wrong. His face was familiar—as were all of them, but for a moment she couldn’t understand why.

  And then all of a sudden, it hit her like a hard slap around the cheek.

  “Oh God…” The words escaped her lips although she didn’t remember instructing them to do so. “It’s you.”

  The dark-haired guy smiled as he took a seat on the bed beside her.


  His voice was like a low thrum, and she panted in response, unsure if she was petrified or charmed. That’s how she felt, confused and terrified in equal measure.

  “The carpet cleaners, the ones who arrived this morning.” Her mind was straining, trying to keep up with the random flashes of memories that were returning.

  “We’re not cleaners,” he snorted, glancing around at the other two men. “Although the real ones did arrive a short while ago.”

  He paused, leaning in closer to her bound body. “We didn’t let them in though,” he whispered. “You were out for the count and we didn’t want to be interrupted. I’m sure you understand.”

  If there had been even an ounce of uncertainty about his intent, it vanished in that moment. His gaze narrowed and his lips curled into an errant smile, the look sending Sophie into a fresh panic.

  “What do you want?” She was practically screaming now, straining to be free of whatever was keeping her in place.

  Tilting her head to the left, she caught sight of the offending a
rticle. A length of black rope was wound around her wrist and secured tightly to the wooden bedstead.

  Her bed.

  In her house.

  Gasping, she twisted her head in the other direction, ignoring the smug, satisfied expression on the dark-haired guy’s face as she took in the state of her other wrist. It was fettered in the same way, using soft black rope. And those ropes looked familiar, like the ones she’d recently had delivered from the website that stocked sex toys.

  Sophie blinked in fear as her predicament washed over her.

  “You, beautiful.”

  His voice was like a soft, haunting purr as he finally answered her question.

  “I want you, Sophie. We’ve come all this way for you.”

  “Please, just let me go.” She hated how pathetic her plea sounded, but there was no denying she needed his mercy now.

  Whoever he was.

  His appearance softened and he reached for her slowly, stroking away the loose strands of her hair in an almost tender way. Sophie recoiled from the contact as best she could, but there was no getting away. Not from the bed. Not from his touch, and not from the compelling look in those blue eyes.

  “Now, why would I do that?” he asked softly. “Why would I give up this opportunity to live out all those fantasies we’ve been talking about?”

  “B… But I don’t know you,” she stammered, shaking her head as if to reinforce the point. “There’s been some mistake. Please, don’t hurt me.”

  The guy by the door chuckled, moving into Sophie’s line of sight. “Seems like she doesn’t know who you are, mate,” he said with a smirk. “Even the ropes haven’t given you away.”

  The gaze of the guy sitting beside her flitted to the other man, but returned quickly to Sophie’s wide, tearing eyes. She could feel the water collecting there, but she blinked it away rapidly. There was no time for self-pity. She had to figure this out. She had to talk her way out of this.

  She had to get away.

  “Then let me introduce myself.” His hand shifted to Sophie’s chin and he caressed the skin there with light, feathery touches. “In fact, I’ll introduce us all.”

  “Oh God.”

  It was all Sophie could say, and the words kept spinning around her mind like a desperate echo. She didn’t want him to touch her, but somehow, she couldn’t drag her attention away from the man. It was as though he had put a spell on her bound and unwilling body.

  “This is Daniel,” he went on, gesturing behind him at the blond who had checked her pulse.

  Sophie’s gaze flitted toward Daniel, her chest rising and falling in rapid succession as she took in his brooding expression.

  “And my friend here is Anton.”

  This time he was referring to the guy nearest the door and instinctively, Sophie turned to look in is direction. Anton grinned, offering her a small salute before he dug his hands into his pockets. Her attention shifted back to the unknown protagonist and he smiled at her wryly, one of his eyebrows arching in a way that made her throat dry.

  “And I’m Jared,” he purred, running his fingers up the side of her face and back into her hair. Fisting it between his fingers, he descended until there was only a matter of inches between them.

  Sophie lie there panting, transfixed by his self-assured performance and yet paralyzed with dread.

  “Know me yet, Sophie?”

  He was so close now that she could feel the heat of his breath, the sweet, minty scent wafting over her and making her belly furl.

  She shook her head. “No,” she breathed. “I… I swear I don’t know you.”

  Jared’s lips curled into a grin. “Oh, but you do,” he insisted. “We’ve been getting to know each other for weeks now.”

  The fingers in her hair tightened and Sophie winced at the sudden hurt.

  “I don’t understand,” she whimpered, forcing her throbbing head to focus.

  She didn’t have a clue who this guy was. She’d never even met anyone called Jared.

  Jared leaned closer still, his lips now so close that Sophie was certain he was going to try and kiss her. Her body tensed at the thought, her wrists struggling futilely against the binds.

  “Yes, you do,” he told her in an irritatingly calm voice. “You know me Sophie. In fact, you know me so well that you’ve been telling me all about those hot dreams that just won’t let you be. The ones about the restraints, and the gags and the punishments.”

  Sophie’s breath caught at that, but she could barely move in response. Jared was so close that even the smallest motion would have made their lips collide. He effectively had her pinioned to the bed.

  How the fuck did he know about that?

  No one knew about those things. Sophie hadn’t even discussed those dark fantasies with Jason, let alone anyone else. She wouldn’t have dared tell anyone in her life. The shame and embarrassment would have been too much. Those were the sorts of admissions she could only make in private. Over the privacy of the internet.

  It was then that it hit her, like a bullet between the eyes, and based on the smirk on Jared’s face, Sophie guessed he had registered her realization, too. There was only one person she’d spoken to about that stuff, and her heart pounded even faster as she took in the look of the face pressed up against her.

  “Carl?” she whispered, her tone demonstrating her disbelief.

  Could this really be the charming and caring Carl? The guy she had opened up to. The guy she thought wouldn’t judge her, let alone hurt her.

  He brushed his lips lightly over her mouth, and the scent of his aftershave washed over her foggy head.

  “Hello, Sophie,” he murmured, drawing away ever so slightly. “It’s good to finally meet you.”

  Chapter Six


  Staring down at her bewildered expression, Jared could already feel the throb in his pants. Sophie was perfect—even better than he’d imagined and he had imagined—almost every night since she’d been in touch. At first her missives had been casual and polite, asking about his job and his interests, and Jared had been happy to answer. Sophie seemed smart and open-minded, and even when she confessed she had a husband and children, it didn’t put him off. She must be interested, right? Or why would she have made contact in the first place, and why would she continue to message him every single day?

  After a few email exchanges, the messages had begun to get more personal. Sophie had found him on a BDSM website, so he wasn’t surprised to hear she harbored some inclination in that direction, but as Jared probed deeper, he had been amazed by how much Sophie was willing to share. She had told him about her kidnap fantasies, and about all the debauch things she imagined being forced to do as she masturbated. He’d clung to that thought for hours, envisioning her fingers sliding in and out of her soaking pussy while she thought about all those dark and delicious desires, and it was then that Jared had decided he had to find out for real. Chatting online was fine, but it was never going to satisfy him, so with the help of his friends who both shared his darker proclivities, Jared had hatched a scheme to find Sophie, to get inside her house and to take what he wanted.

  As he gazed at her panting body, Jared smiled. He loved the way she writhed in the bondage, and the best part of it all was that they hadn’t even needed to bring any of the equipment with them. Sophie had confessed to buying the ropes, clamps and gags for herself, even though her idiot husband apparently wasn’t interested in playing with them. But that wasn’t going to be a problem for Jared. He was addicted to her pretty face and her squirming body already.

  “I-I don’t understand.” Her brows knitted in puzzlement. “If you’re Jared, then who was Carl?”

  Jared smirked. “He was just a pseudo name, Sophie. Just a profile I used on that fetish site.”

  Sophie’s face blanched. Apparently, in her naivety, she’d never even considered using a false identity.

  “What are you going to do to me?” She gulped as she asked the question.

d stared down at the fear in Sophie’s gaze. That look was giving him a raging hard on, and her endless writhing wasn’t doing much to help either.

  “All the things we discussed,” he promised, lowering his mouth the final few centimeters, connecting with her lips.

  His cock leapt at the contact.

  “All that and more.”

  “But you can’t,” she gasped. “You can’t just come in here and tie me up and do all those things!”

  Jared drew away from her frantic expression, laughing at her words. “Oh, but I can, gorgeous,” he assured her. “We already did the first two things on your list with no problem whatsoever.”

  Sophie’s gaze flitted first to Anton, before darting back to Daniel and finally Jared. “Please,” she implored him. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  “Looks like she’s going to need a bit of persuading, mate,” Anton chipped in and Jared turned to meet his ‘told you so’ expression.

  “She just needs warming up,” Jared retorted. “It’s her first time and you’re a little nervous, aren’t you, Sophie?”

  Jared glanced back to the woman bound in front of him at that moment, relishing the way her chest was rising and falling in rapid succession. Damn, he couldn’t wait to get her out of those clothes and get his hands on those breasts. He’d been fantasizing about their size, shape and responsiveness for days now.

  “Please, just go.” Sophie spat the response at him. “My husband will be back at any moment, and he’ll call the police, and—”

  Jared lifted his finger to her face, pressing against her lips as he shook his head. Sophie’s eyes were as wide as saucers at that, his digit effectively ending her sentence.

  “Don’t, Sophie,” he warned.

  “What?” she pushed the word out around his finger, and electricity sparked around Jared’s body at the sensation of her lips against his flesh.

  “Don’t lie to me. I’ll only be harder on you.”

  A tiny whimper escaped her throat, and somehow, the noise connected with his cock directly, hardening his shaft in a matter of seconds. Fuck, he liked that sound, and he wanted to hear more of it.


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