Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 10

by Felicity Brandon

  “Please,” she begged him as the tears fell hard and fast, blurring her vision. “Please, just let me ask my mum to collect them and take them home. I won’t mention any of this, I swear, but please at least let me text her?”

  Sophie sniffed as she glanced back in Jared’s direction. His expression was unyielding.

  “What are you going to give me, little girl?” he growled, lowering his body back over hers in an impromptu press up position. “If I grant you this favor?”

  She swallowed, blinking the tears away as best she could. “Anything,” she rasped. “Anything you want, Daddy.”

  It wasn’t half so arousing calling him by the perverse title now, but Sophie saw the flicker of acknowledgment in his dark eyes, and it gave her hope. If she could flatter him, it might be enough to save her children from the trauma that awaited them this afternoon. As for the rest; for the evening, for the days to come when she could possibly be Jared’s prisoner, Sophie didn’t know. She didn’t have any answers. All she could think about at this moment was saving Billy and Lucy from this initial pain. One final act of motherhood, and then, who knew what would happen to her? She drew in a painful breath at the suffocating thought.

  “Anything?” Jared’s steely blue eyes appraised her with new intensity. “Because you know you’re coming with me regardless, right?”

  Sophie bit her lip, willing herself to stop crying. Stop giving in to him. Stop giving him the power. But what choice did she have when the ropes still held her in place and she was powerless? What else was there to do but cede?

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  She hated herself at that moment. It was more loathing than Sophie had known was possible and it landed on her chest like an anvil, intent on cutting off her air supply completely.

  “Where’s your phone?”

  His curt words offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

  “I-It was in the pocket of the trousers I was wearing,” she stammered.

  Jared didn’t move for a moment, his glower effectively pinning her in place. “You can send one text to your mother,” he told her in a low tone. “But I’m reading it before you hit send, and then you hand your phone over to me.”

  “But what if she doesn’t see it in time?” Sophie countered. “Can’t I just call her?”

  His bodyweight shifted in a heartbeat and resting on his elbow, one of those large hands was suddenly at her throat. Sophie was paralyzed with panic. She could feel his large fingers curling at her windpipe, the threat very real as he glared down at her.

  “You do not argue with Daddy.” Jared’s tone was ominous. “Do you understand, little girl?”

  Sophie knew she was shaking as she nodded her agreement as best she could. Jared wasn’t choking her, his fingers hadn’t clenched, but the mere possibility that they could was debilitating. No one had ever threatened her this way before. In all the years they’d been together, Jason had rarely even raised his voice. This was unknown terror, but the menace was real and as palpable as anything Sophie had ever known.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she gasped.

  The fingers at her throat relaxed, shifting to her jaw.

  “One text message,” he reiterated. “And if you screw me around or try anything funny, I’m going to make you regret it, Sophie.”

  Jared’s gaze was almost as cold as his voice. “You’ve seen some of the pleasure I can give you,” he murmured, shifting his attention to her left wrist as he began to pick at the knots which had held her in place for so long. “But you’ve never seen the pain I can bestow. You won’t like that side of Daddy, little girl.”

  Sophie’s throat tightened even though his fingers were nowhere near her neck at this point. “I know,” she panted. “I’m sorry.”

  Jared’s laughter was dark as he worked at the rope. “Oh, you will be, little girl,” he assured her. “I can promise you that.”

  Sophie’s gaze lowered at his words, her attention instead shifting to her left wrist. She watched as he pulled the final bind away from her flesh, his large hand pinioning her arm in place as the rope fell free.

  “Remember what I told you,” he warned. “Any funny business and you will pay for it.”

  Jared’s gaze drilled into her.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she mumbled in reply.

  “Keep your arm out where I can see it,” he instructed, climbing over her body to work on the right wrist.

  Sophie nodded, glancing up at the flesh that had been restrained for so long. She could see red marks at her wrists from all the hours of confinement, yet in her current predicament, her mind hadn’t registered much in the way of pain.

  “Okay, sit up.”

  She glanced right to find her other arm freed and slowly, she complied. Sophie’s arms felt like lead as they fell back to her sides and her shoulders screamed with relief. Christ, it was good to be free of those ropes. Glancing down she noticed the state of her bra, now falling from her body where Jared had attacked it with the scissors. Her blouse hung open, revealing her breasts which were still desperately trying to recover from the clamps he’d used on them.

  “Do not move a muscle,” Jared ordered as he leaped from the bed to the place her clothes had been discarded.

  Sophie’s heart was in her mouth as she watched him looking for her phone. Her eyes flitted to the door quickly, and even though she knew it was stupid and futile, thoughts of escape inevitably filled her mind. She couldn’t outrun him. She didn’t have a good enough head start and anyway, just one look at his strong, athletic build compared to her soft, curvy one made it clear which of them was the fitter. And then there was the issue of the other two men, lurking downstairs somewhere. There were no tenable escape routes from this floor, so she’d have to race down the stairs to have any hope, and what would she do then? Rugby-tackle Daniel and Anton to the floor on her way out? It seemed so fucking impossible…

  “I wouldn’t if I were you.”

  She shivered reflexively at the tone of Jared’s warning.

  “That would be a really silly idea, little girl and you’d forego any opportunity to text your mum.”

  Sophie sniffed as she glanced back in his direction. Jared was right. Getting a message to her mum should be her priority now. She had no idea what would happen next, or if any real opportunities to escape would present themselves, but she knew this was an actual chance to look after her children—perhaps the last one she would get? Certainly, the final one for a while. She had to take it.

  “I’m not doing anything, Daddy,” she whispered, though her face heated as she met his gaze.

  Jared knelt at the end of the bed, her phone in his hand. “Glad to hear it,” he said as he rose to his full height. “What’s your password to get into this thing?”

  Sophie’s eyes widened. He wanted her password, too?

  “You bet I want it,” he replied as though he’d just read her mind. “And if you want to send this message, then you want to give it to me.”

  She gulped. “One, four, zero, eight.”

  Jared eyed her for a moment before he pressed the digits into her handset. “Your birthday, little girl?” he inquired.

  Sophie gasped. How the fuck did he know that?

  “You told me,” he replied, although she hadn’t vocalized the question. “Don’t you remember?”

  She shook her head. Sophie couldn’t recall that, no, but she’d shared so much information with the man, she supposed it was possible she’d told him. She’d certainly told him far more personal things than that.

  “Here you go.” Jared tossed the phone to her, striding around the bed to watch over her shoulder as Sophie flicked into her contacts to find her mother’s name.

  Her gaze stalled over Jason’s name, her heart racing as she considered trying to send him an SOS text, but Jared was there with her, over her right shoulder, his breath hot as he waited. With a heavy heart, she skipped straight to the message trail with her mum, and flicking a new text open, she quickly typed out what she hoped
was a credible message. It had to be urgent enough to make her mum act, but upbeat enough for her not to worry.

  Hi, Mum,

  I’m stuck in traffic in town.

  Please, please can you grab the kids from school and take them to yours?

  She paused. Sophie desperately wanted to include a line about contacting Jason, but she knew that would send alarm bells ringing. Why would her mum need to contact her husband? As far as her mother was concerned, Sophie would be back in an hour or so.

  “Speed it up, beautiful,” Jared growled, and Sophie glanced up over her shoulder to find him glowering down at her.

  Let me know if it’s okay?

  Love you, Mum.


  “Okay,” Jared huffed. “Send it.”

  Sophie complied, panting as she watched the message go.

  Please, please let her mum get the message and be able to help. Whatever she did or did not deserve, she didn’t want her kids to be alone.

  “Give it to Daddy.” Jared’s open palm appeared in her line of sight and reluctantly, she dropped her cell into it.

  “Please may I see if she replies?” she asked imploringly.

  “I’ll let you know if she does.”

  Sophie sighed. Apparently, it was as good a response as she was going to get.

  “Now, get up,” Jared commanded. “We need to leave.”

  He stalked back around the bed, picking up items strewn on the floor. “Do you have any medication Daddy should know about? Something you’ll need?”

  Her heart thundered as she edged off the bed. “I do have some tablets, Daddy.”

  “Where?” he demanded. “In here?”

  Sophie turned to him, her feet inching toward the door. “In the cupboard in the en-suite,” she lied.

  Jared’s gaze went instinctively to the door of the adjoining bathroom.

  “Shall I grab them?”

  He sighed. “No, I’ll go,” he huffed. “What medication is it?”

  Sophie probably only had less than half a second before Jared realized she was fooling him, but she took it anyway. The text had been sent, and she hoped her children would be spared the anxiety of her imminent disappearance, but now she had to focus on herself and on getting herself out of this nightmare. Turning for the door, she ran. It was only a couple of yards to the handle and Sophie lurched for it, flinging the door back with everything she had before she darted onto the landing. But somehow, Jared was on her. In her peripheral vision, Sophie had been aware of his change of tact and the way he’d leaped across her bed in pursuit of her, but she never expected him to be this fast. Tackling her to the ground just beyond the bedroom door, she fell onto the soft-pile carpet, screaming as Jared ripped the open blouse from her arms. She kicked and fought with all her might, but it was futile. Jared was so much bigger and so much stronger. It was like trying to fight some sort of dark God. He wrestled her onto her belly, grabbing her wrists in what felt like one strong hand and blistering her exposed behind with two excruciating spanks.

  Leaning over her body, Jared lowered his face toward her. “You just made the biggest mistake of your life, little girl,” he sneered. “You just disappointed your Daddy.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  The fury that had risen in him quickly dissipated into lust as Jared held her down and watched her writhe against the carpet. His recently sated cock stirred at Sophie’s performance and he smiled. He’d always suspected she wasn’t going to be that easy for him to conquer, and that beneath all those flirty, submissive messages and her large doleful eyes, there was a woman with grit. Sophie had proven that point for him when she’d tried to run for it, and even though she didn’t have a hope in hell of succeeding, in an odd way, Jared admired her spirit. Of course, he fully intended to break it. He’d wear her down until she was nothing except for what she was supposed to be—his little girl—open and pliant to her Daddy’s needs, but it was good to know who he was dealing with. Who the real Sophie Bannister was, or at least, who she had been, before she enticed Jared Fuller into her life.

  At that moment, Daniel and Anton came hurtling up the staircase. They stopped as they rounded the corner of the landing to find Sophie trapped under his weight.

  “What happened here?” Daniel’s tone was sardonic as he came to crouch by the side of Sophie’s body.

  As if it wasn’t bloody obvious what had happened…

  “Sophie decided to try and run.” Jared sounded imperious as he glanced in Daniel’s direction. “But don’t worry, she’ll soon understand the error of her ways.”

  She pulled in a trembling breath, her head straining against the carpet.

  “Is it time we hit the road?” Daniel asked, pulling a syringe from his pocket.

  Anton snorted. “Is that all part of the Hippocratic oath? Sedating women your mate fancies?”

  Daniel arched a brow at him. “Not quite,” he answered. “The things we do for friends, eh, Jared?”

  Jared nodded in response. “Yes, go ahead. We’ve stayed here long enough.”

  Falling to his knees, Daniel slid the top from the syringe to reveal the needle. Reaching down for Sophie, he cleared the hair from her neck while she eyed the stick in his hand with abject terror.

  “You’ll remember how this felt from earlier,” he told her. “Just a small sting and then you’ll sleep for a while.”

  Sophie fought then, her legs thrashing against the carpet. “No, Daddy, please!”

  She twisted her head to catch Jared’s eye and something about her tone caused him to raise his palm, halting Daniel’s needle.

  “What?” Jared demanded.

  Sophie’s eyes flitted between the two men hovering over her. “Please. I need to use the bathroom.”

  Jared laughed. “Is that all?”

  “Hang on,” interjected Anton from behind Daniel. “I don’t want her wetting herself all over the van. Some of us are borrowing the thing as a favor, and some of us need to return it as we found it!”

  Daniel rose to his knees, holding the needle away from Sophie. “She hasn’t been for hours,” he mused. “Probably a good idea to empty her bladder while we can.”

  Sophie panted between them, her every fiber seemingly focused on Jared as she waited for his verdict. His cock stirred again as that thought resounded. Jared liked that idea. He liked that idea a lot.

  “So, you’re telling me to let her use the bathroom?” The frustration was obvious in Jared’s voice, despite his burgeoning arousal.

  First her phone and now this? It seemed to be one delay after another.

  “I’m telling you it’s a good idea,” Daniel replied. “If her bladder relaxes during the journey, then we’re going to have one hell of a mess to clear up.”

  Anton glared at him. “No way,” he snapped. “Let her go to the fucking bathroom. Tie her up, go with her—I couldn’t care less—but make sure she goes.”

  Jared smirked. This was typical Anton—always so concerned with the superficialities.

  “Okay, fine.”

  Jared shook his head with irritation as he once again lowered his body toward the quivering Sophie. One cheek was pressed into the carpet, but she eyed his approach with obvious anxiety. “You’re already in for one hell of a punishment after lying to me earlier and making a run for it, girl.”

  Her eyes widened in response and she squirmed under the weight of his stare. “Y-yes, Daddy.”

  “If you try anything else now, I’ll make your life a living hell. Have you got it?”

  Pulling her lip between her white teeth, Sophie nodded.

  He alleviated some of the pressure at her wrists. “Get up.”

  Jared rose to his full height, yanking Sophie’s trembling body with him. Her breasts bounced beautifully when she finally found her feet, and his cock ached at the reminder of how wonderful they were.

  “Which way to the bathroom?”

  She sniffed. “Behind us,” she whispered, gesturing her head in th
e direction they’d already come down. “Down to the left.”

  “I’ll take her,” Jared told the others as he spun her body around. “Is everything else ready?”

  Anton nodded. “All locked and loaded, sir.”

  Jared’s gaze narrowed at his friend’s mocking tone. “Marvelous. Don’t go away.”

  He marched Sophie down the narrow corridor, ignoring the small whimpers that escaped her lips at the way he manhandled her. Turning the corner as she’d directed, he pushed back the waiting door to find the family bathroom.

  “In,” he commanded, pushing Sophie forward as he barged into the room behind her.

  Closing the door firmly behind him, Jared pressed his back into the wooden frame, enjoying the way Sophie’s frightened gaze flitted around the space before landing back on him.

  “Well, go on then,” he goaded. “You said you needed to.”

  Sophie edged toward the toilet warily, perching on the edge of the seat as she eyed him. “I don’t know if I can go with you watching me,” she admitted in barely a whisper, her face flaming at the embarrassed admission.

  Jared smiled. Watching her squirm this way was better than he’d anticipated. “You’d better try, little girl,” he warned her. “Because if you make a mess of Anton’s van, you’re going to have to answer to him as well.”

  She quivered at his words, her slim body actually shaking while her gaze lowered to her bare feet. Sophie was so hot this way, all naked and vulnerable, while the three men remained clothed. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to get her home and denigrate her properly.

  “Oh, God,” she mumbled. “I can’t. I just can’t.”

  Jared’s erection swelled at her whimpers and he grinned. “It’s performance anxiety. Stop thinking about it.”

  She lifted her chin to look at him, her cheeks blushing a deep red hue. Ironic really, because that was going to be the color Jared aimed for when he finally got a chance to pull her over his lap.

  “Tell Daddy how much you loved him fucking you earlier,” he suggested, cocking his eyebrow at her.

  Sophie swallowed. “I can’t… I didn’t.”


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