Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 16

by Felicity Brandon

  Sophie had no idea if he would punish her more for asking, but somehow that didn’t matter. All that mattered at this moment was alleviating the pain—sooner rather than later.

  “Until I say so,” he snapped, swatting her trembling ass again.

  She swore the strikes were getting harder every time his palm connected with her flesh, or maybe it was just her tolerance getting weaker.

  “Naughty little girls who run, and lie, and disobey and put themselves down will be thoroughly punished.”

  Jared spanked her again, but this time his palm caught the edge of her sex. Sophie winced at the new and unexpected hurt, trying to rise from his lap altogether.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Jared snarled as his hand pressed down into her back. “You’re staying right where you are unless you want more strokes with the paddle?”

  Fury raged through her and the ferocity of it took Sophie by surprise. How dare he do this! How dare this man take her and treat her this way. Okay, she had been a fool relaying so many private thoughts and fantasies to him, but that didn’t give him permission for any of this. Nothing gave him permission for that except her consent.

  And Jared didn’t have that. He’d never even asked for it.

  “Sophie.” His tone had hardened, but so had her will. “Apologize for trying to get up from your spanking.”

  She gritted her teeth. There was no way she was apologizing.

  No fucking way.


  Her name resonated around the room, but she squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself not to cave in to his demands.

  “Have it your way then.”

  Sophie’s eyes flew open just in time to hear the impact of a new spank, the sound echoing like a thunder clap. And then her brain processed the fresh pain.

  What the hell?

  That wasn’t his palm!

  “If you won’t apologize, then you earn the extra swats with the paddle anyway.” He sounded smug, the thought making her hands ball again. “And that means thirty with the paddle, not including the warm-up.”

  Jared struck her again and Sophie had no choice but to gasp. God, it stung. The feeling was like nothing else she’d ever felt before. The impact of the thing was so much more intense than his hand had been. It was such an obvious point—of course the paddle was worse—yet Sophie hadn’t had time to contemplate the way it would make her feel.

  “So, let’s get started.” His voice was almost a growl. “You’re going to count each stroke for me, little girl. Do you understand?”

  Count them for him? Was he fucking kidding?

  The paddle hit her again, and this time the blow nearly took her breath away. Sophie blinked at the gaudy pink room around her in shock. Apparently, Jared wasn’t kidding…

  “Yes, I understand. Daddy.” Sophie could hear the change in her reply with her own ears. She no longer sounded humbled or contrite. There was obvious anger in her tone, laced with the resentment that was threatening to spill over at any moment.

  Jared pressed the cool surface of the paddle against her tender cheeks. “What the hell was that?”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. “I answered you, Daddy,” she told him with a huff.

  Fear was building in Sophie’s chest once more, but her rage was so intense that she was having trouble letting it go. Whichever way she looked at it, there was no justification for the way Jared was treating her. This was all so fucked up and wrong, and if she was enjoying it on any level, then there was only one conclusion to draw—she must be fucked and wrong, too.

  “That is not how you speak to me,” he hissed, landing another smack with the paddle.

  Jared’s palm pressed down in the middle of her back, pinioning her in place. Sophie had no choice but to take it.

  “Where is this insolence coming from?” His voice was venomous. “Where has my good girl gone?”

  Sophie panted over his lap. Her ribs were starting to ache where she’d been flung over him for so long, but that was nothing compared to the sting of her flaming behind.

  “I was never your good girl,” she screeched, kicking her toes against the carpet. “I was never yours to start with.”

  A low growl escaped Jared’s mouth, a sound that should have sent genuine terror around Sophie’s body, but she was so far down the rabbit hole of fury now—it was impossible to feel anything but indignation.

  “Oh, you’re going to pay for that,” he assured her in an ominous tone.

  She balked at that concept. Pay for it. Ha! What the hell was this if it wasn’t paying her dues? “Go on then!”

  She was literally screaming at him now. “Make me pay. Do it, Daddy. Just fucking do it!”

  Jared’s arm appeared under her chest at that moment, and with one smooth action he pushed Sophie back from his lap. She landed in a heap on her knees.

  “You bloody well asked for it,” he snarled, rising from the bed and grappling with his belt buckle.

  Sophie blinked up at him. She was paralyzed with fear. Terrified that she’d pushed him too far and now Jared was going to use his belt on her as well as everything else. She eyed the thing in her panic. It was leather and wide, and one thing was for certain, there was no way Sophie was going to be able to tolerate it. Flustering, she glanced over her shoulder to the door, considering her next escape route.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Jared strode around her kneeling body in a heartbeat, cutting off her exit. “Get your arse over the bed.”

  Jared pointed to the place he meant, but for one moment Sophie was suspended there. Too afraid to speak and too angry to move, she just glowered up at the man who had ripped right through her life in a single day. He dropped to his haunches, his gaze mirroring the intensity Sophie felt coursing around her body.

  “Do I have to throw you there?”

  She pulled in a deep breath. No one was freaking throwing her anywhere. “I’m going,” she snapped. “But just so you know, if you use that belt on me, I’ll never feel anything for you, Daddy, apart from fucking contempt.”

  Sophie’s voice was practically a sneer as she fell forward and crawled the short distance toward the hideous pink bed spread.

  “Oh, is that right?” Jared was on her immediately, the denim of his trousers grazing against her tender ass. “Are you sure, little girl?”

  She twisted her body, glancing behind her to try and throw Jared from her body, but that pursuit was hopeless. He was so much bigger and stronger, Sophie knew she had no chance, but still, she couldn’t seem to stop fighting. His hand grabbed at her hair, grasping at one and then the other pigtail before he yanked both of them back at the same time. Sophie gasped as her head was forced back into an uncomfortable arch.

  “Tell me again how much contempt you have for your Daddy.”

  Sophie grappled with the covers, trying to ease the strain on her neck, but that was futile, too. Jared’s massive fist had her just where he wanted her. Cocooning her body, his face came into her peripheral vision. Her gaze flitted to him, trying to decide which emotion was evident from his features, but she wasn’t sure. He could be horny or just about to lose his shit completely.

  “I don’t want this,” she breathed, eyeing him as best she could while he fisted her hair.

  “That’s bullshit,” he growled into her ear. “We both know how wet you are and how long you’ve waited to be taken in hand.”

  Sophie’s eyes squeezed closed at his accusation. “Not like this.”

  His weight shifted all of a sudden, and one hard wallop landed against her right buttock. Sophie yelped as the strike awoke the old hurt.

  “How do you speak to me, girl?” Jared sounded enraged.

  He tugged harder at her hair and tears sprung from her eyes.

  “Not like this.” There was still defiance in her voice, though Sophie knew she was close to breaking.

  “You’ll learn to take what you’re given, darling,” he whispered into her nape. “And right now your naughty behavior is dr
iving me fucking crazy.”

  Sophie heard the buckle of his belt again and she braced, expecting its no doubt agonizing kiss at any moment. With his hand holding her head in place Sophie could barely move at all, but she gritted her teeth, trying to imagine how awful it was going to be.

  Could she cope with his belt?

  How many would he demand she take with it?

  She was so consumed with the idea that she didn’t notice the way Jared had shrugged his pants down his hips. The first she knew about that was when the crown of his cock nudged at her pussy. She inhaled at the sensation, trying to make sense of it all.

  So, now he wanted to fuck her?

  Hadn’t he just been punishing her?

  Sophie could barely keep up.

  “You have no idea how much Daddy has wanted to have you this way,” he rasped, tugging harder on her pigtails as he impaled her pussy in one smooth movement.

  A groan left Sophie’s lips as Jared filled her up.

  She hadn’t intended for it to. She hadn’t planned it, but there was no choice but to acknowledge the sweet intrusion of his cock. Sophie hadn’t wanted this. She hadn’t asked for it, and if someone was to ask whether she consented, she truly didn’t know what she would have said, but right here, right now—at this moment—she couldn’t remember sex ever having been better.

  It had never felt this way with Jason, or with the couple of lovers she’d had before him. It had never been so primal, so urgent, so animalistic, and as Jared slid from her body before filling her balls deep again, she realized it had never been so right.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  He hadn’t planned to fuck her.

  Not now, not like this.

  Jared was supposed to be punishing her, giving Sophie her first proper spanking, teaching her a lesson about obedience, but there was just something about her boldness and defiance that tightened his balls and hardened his cock more than anything else. Naturally, he loved dominating her, humiliating her, restraining her, treating her like a child. This was, after all, Jared’s show—his fantasy—but when he’d conjured it, he had never taken Sophie’s spirit into account. He had assumed she’d put up a minor struggle, but then concede, accepting she had no choice. Accepting that he was too fast, too strong, too powerful to go up against, and accepting her fate.

  But not Sophie.

  Her body showed acquiescence. The gasps and mewls that came from her lips and all the signs of arousal that she had given him, but her head—her head was another matter. Sophie’s mind was stronger than he’d given her credit for, and right now it was telling her to protest. It was giving her the will to fight him, and it was giving her strength.

  She tensed around his cock as he lunged into her pussy again, the gesture threatening to splinter him far too early. Jared had to get into that mind and screw with it just as successfully as he was screwing her body. He had to show Sophie there was nothing to be gained from her insubordination. Nothing but more punishment and misery.

  But first he had to have her again. He had to possess her.

  Even though it made no sense to take her this way. It wasn’t going to show Sophie how to endure her penance, and it wasn’t in line with the consistency he’d planned on delivering, but somehow, it was right. It felt right, and as he slammed into her again, Jared pressed his lips into her nape.

  “What the fuck are you doing to me?” he demanded.

  Jared’s hand relaxed, allowing her head to fall forward, and she shuddered at his question. “I’m… I,” she panted in obvious confusion. “I haven’t done anything, Daddy.”

  His arousal swelled further as she used his correct title again, and Jared’s hips stilled, burying his erection deep inside her hot little body.

  “How can you say that?” He grazed his mouth to her right lobe. “You did it all.”

  Sophie’s face rose, her bewildered features turning to meet his gaze. “I-I didn’t do this.”

  He ground himself into her sex, groaning at the way she clenched around him. “You,” he whispered. “You have done it all, little girl.”

  “Oh God,” she moaned in response, arching her back as she pushed back against his intrusion.

  Jared was heady at the gesture. He had never asked Sophie for consent, but that one small act of supplication told him everything he needed to know. She was relishing his possession of her body every inch as much as he was. Maybe even more.

  “Who got in touch with me?”

  Her eyes fluttered closed at his query and she bit her lip as he thrust into her pussy again.

  “Who did that, Sophie?”

  “I did, Daddy,” she conceded in a throaty tone. “I did that.”

  “Yes, you did,” he agreed as his hips picked up their rhythm once more. “You contacted me, little girl. Don’t you ever forget that.”

  “I didn’t mean this though,” she panted as his lunges grew faster and more insistent. “I didn’t mean any of this.”

  Jared wanted to laugh at her plaintive words. She may not have intended for any of this to happen, but that was what she’d got when she’d poked around with things she had no experience with. Sophie had gotten in way out of her depth with Jared, and now there was no way of crawling out of the web he’d spun for her.

  She was his.

  “But this is what you’ve got, little girl. A Daddy who wants to worship you.”

  Sophie’s orbs locked with his again, her eyes swilling with emotion. “Worship?”

  “Oh yeah,” he confirmed, pounding against the punished skin of her arse as her head fell back to the covers. “Don’t you call this worship, young lady? How many other women have I looked at since I laid eyes on you?”

  He yanked at her hair again, capturing both pigtails as he gazed down into Sophie’s face. Her expression was one of rapture, but Jared could see the conflict in her gaze. She wanted this, yet she didn’t. She was afraid, yet she wasn’t. She wanted to succumb, yet she couldn’t. The whole thing seemed to be one giant quandary for his little girl. One enormous riddle to solve, but even that evaluation underplayed how completely screwed she was now. Jared meant what he’d said. He fully intended to spend the rest of time worshiping Sophie. Loving her, degrading her, deciding what she ate and how and when she spoke. His balls contracted at the image those things painted in his head, pushing him closer to the ecstasy he was nearing.

  “I don’t know,” she whimpered. “I don’t know, Daddy.”

  Jared scowled at her. “Yes, you do,” he countered. “No one else, Sophie. There is no one else, and there will never be anyone else. Not now that I have you.”

  “B-but,” she stammered. “I’m not yours. I’m married to someone else. I belong to someone else.”

  He grinned at her words, filling her so deeply that they both cried out in unison. “Is that how it feels?” he inquired, his head falling south to the beautiful skin of her shoulder. “Is that how it feels right now as I fuck you?”

  Sophie drew in a deep breath. “No, Daddy.”

  Jared’s hand tilted her face in his direction. “What was that?”

  She blinked back at him, her eyes ablaze with passion. “No, Daddy,” she breathed. “It’s not how it feels.”

  A wave of triumph washed over Jared.

  “How then?” he demanded. “Tell me how it feels, little girl.”

  Her lips parted at his question, as though she knew the answer, but was too ashamed—or afraid—to vocalize it.

  “Fucking tell me,” he snarled, slamming into her hot, wet pussy over and over again.

  “Fuck,” she rasped, locking gazes with him again. “It feels like I’m yours.”

  Sophie’s voice was weak as she made the admission, but that didn’t matter. She’d said it. She’d said the words Jared wanted to hear.

  “It feels like I belong to you, Daddy.”

  The confession pushed him right to precipice, her guttural gasps sending him straight over the edge and in the euphoria of h
is orgasm, Jared was finally satiated.


  What the hell had she done admitting those things to Jared? She collapsed against the pink covers as he came, panting while he pumped his cum into her sex again. As Sophie’s eyes flickered closed, she was thankful once again for the injection Daniel had administered. The last thing she wanted to do was get fucking pregnant in the middle of all this crazy shit.

  The fist in her hair disappeared completely, and his hands pressed down into the bedding either side of her head as Jared lowered his body toward her.

  “That was amazing,” he told her in that low, gravelly tone that compelled her to squeeze the remaining pleasure from his cock. “You are amazing, Sophie.”

  Her eyes were wet with tears as she buried her face into the covers. The weight of all the pleasure, and the guilt and the shame was overwhelming her as Jared eased from her body. His finger trailed a lazy line down the length of her body, beginning at her shoulder and concluding at her punished cheeks.

  “What do you say?”

  Sophie lifted her chin, blinking away the tears. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  And the worst of it was, she could even have meant it. That was definitely the best sex she’d ever had in her life.

  “Good girl,” he praised, pressing a hot kiss into her shoulder before he rose to his feet.

  “Now you stay right in that position while Daddy finishes your paddling.”

  She gasped, rising from the covers altogether. Surely, she’d heard wrong? He couldn’t mean to paddle her now? Not after all that passion?

  “Back into place, young lady.” Jared sounded unimpressed.

  Sophie edged back into position miserably. “You’re still going to use the paddle on me, Daddy?”

  “You’re damn right I am,” he told her. “Thirty strokes and you’re counting them.”

  She saw him reach for the implement.

  “Spread those legs and stick that arse out, Sophie,” he ordered with glee. “You’ve well and truly earned these swats.”

  Chapter Thirty


  Jared had never much been one for God. He’d considered a number of different faiths, before looking around at the world and deciding whichever God did exist wasn’t worth the time and attention. As he towered over Sophie’s gasping body now though, it was God that flitted into his mind. Not that he believed in one, but this must be what it felt like to be one. To be able to determine the fate of another—to wield that power and control. That is how Jared felt as he slammed the pink paddle down against Sophie’s arse.


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