by Taylor Hart
Katie whooshed by him, wearing one of the apple aprons that the decorator had added as a finishing touch to the kitchen. “I think Josh’s arm is worn out. You’d better get out there and play some catch.” She rushed to the barbeque and threw it open, turning to Roman. “Thanks for watching the chicken, Roman!” She rolled her eyes and grinned at Sam.
Beautiful. Katie Young, with her red hair, lean figure, and her sharp green eyes. He could see why Roman had fallen for her, but it was more than that. She was strong, and she was a true wife and mother. She was in charge, and Roman liked it that way.
For a second his mind flashed to the messy house back in Wolfe Creek, and he smiled. Roman really was lost without her.
Sam headed for the beach, kicking off his flip-flops before hopping off the deck.
The sun was just going down, and the sky had turned pink. The waves lapped gently at the beach. He grinned at his friend, deeply pleased that Roman was here.
A ball flew at him, and he tugged it out of the air.
“Over here!” Josh held his hands out, ready to receive it.
Sam held back, gently throwing it.
Josh frowned. “Is that all you got, Dumont?”
The sound of laughter came from Roman’s direction. He threw his hands up. “He plays with me. What do you expect?”
Sam watched Josh throw a nice pass to his father. Then Roman turned, and Sam could see the look in his eye. Coupled with the fact that Roman wasn’t doing two a day practices and wanted to prove to all the women that he was still ‘the great Roman Young,’ Sam tensed, ready for anything.
Cocking his arm back, Roman nodded. Sam took off, knowing that Roman was going deep. “Josh, let’s see if the old man’s still got it.”
Sam watched Roman release, and knew he needed to kick it up a notch to intercept it. Pushing harder, he jumped into the air, pulled it down with one hand, and pulled it into him. Then tucked and rolled onto the beach.
“Whoo!” Roman yelled, pointing at Sam. “That was pretty, Dumont. That was pretty!”
* * *
The next day, Tiffany sat with all of them in the box for player’s families with a great view of the Miami Surf stadium. It was an hour until everything started. There was a buffet of food, and Reese was taking pictures of everything. Josh was sitting in his seat, playing a game on his phone. Roman was talking to some people that were coming in and out of their box.
Katie sat next to Tiffany, holding a sleeping Maddy. Katie had her head back on the seat and her eyes closed. “How are you holding up, Miss Country Star?”
She hadn’t realized she would be so nervous for Sam. Tiffany tried to smile and calm herself. “I’m fine, just nervous for Sam.”
Katie grinned. “It’s hard when you know what they’ve gone through. How hard they’ve worked. Everything that’s riding on these games for them.”
Right. Of course she understood. They’d been through a lot last year.
Katie continued, keeping her eyes closed. “The game Roman got hurt, ohmygosh, I thought my heart would stop. It…” Her eyes flashed open. “Josh was with me, and I was eight months pregnant…” She blinked rapidly.
Tiffany’s insides knotted even more. “I’m sorry, Katie.”
Katie smiled at her. “It all worked out.”
“No. I…” Her heart pounded quickly. “I can’t imagine how awful that was.”
Tiffany still remembered watching that game. Roman lying on the ground after getting hit. Them pulling him out on a stretcher. She’d spoken to Katie later, but now she had a whole new respect.
Katie shrugged. “It was a catalyst for him to get out.” Her eyes narrowed. “But I think you’re about to know exactly how it is to have a husband involved in a very dangerous sport.”
Katie’s words…made her mouth go dry. Husband. Tiffany’s heart hammered inside of her. She’d always known they could get hurt. Heck, Roman had gotten hurt. But…it had been different. Roman was not the man she loved.
Shooting to her feet, she rushed toward the door of the box, patting Roman on the shoulder. “Will you help me find Sam?”
Sam sat with the team in the locker room. They were waiting for coach to come in and give them the whole ‘get you fired up’ speech that all coaches gave before each game.
But unlike every other game Sam had ever played, Sam didn’t need the talk. He was already keyed up, but it was more than that. He could feel it deep inside of himself—he was ready to break out again. All the doubt and worry from the previous year was gone.
Not only had going to Wolfe Creek and making amends with Roman changed how he felt about who he was, but he could actually tolerate looking at himself in the mirror now. That was a good feeling.
So he wasn’t here playing to prove something. Of course, he would do that. He would prove that he deserved this spot.
But that wasn’t why he was playing. He was playing because this was what he loved.
He’d forgotten that for a while.
He’d forgotten what he loved. He smiled and he thought of Tiffany. And now he had someone to love. That felt good, too.
“Sam.” One of the managers came in frowning. He motioned him forward. “Someone needs to speak to you real quick. She’s in your training room.”
“Sure.” He jumped up, picking up his helmet and jogging out the door and down the hall.
As Sam rounded the corner to his dressing room, he expected Tiffany. Expected a kiss. Expected a good luck. But he didn’t get what he expected.
He got…Sheena…naked.
Roman was jogging next to Tiffany, pointing to a room. “They should be down here somewhere.” They’d gotten past security because most people recognized Roman and weren’t going to stop them. Roman pushed ahead of her. “He’ll be gathered with the team in there.”
It wasn’t easy running in teal boots. But it was even more unbearable, thinking of Sam getting hurt. Even though she knew it was irrational, she had to see him, touch him, and kiss him one more time before he went out onto that field. She just did.
One of the team managers was stationed outside of the locker room.
“We need to talk to Sam real quick.” Roman commanded in a voice that said the guy should obey.
Tiffany was grateful Roman was there.
“Sam is in his training room.” The manager pointed down the hall.
She and Roman turned and went down the hall. Roman smiled at her. “Brings back memories. I even feel nervous for all of them.”
Before they got to the training room, they heard shouting.
Both she and Roman stopped. Then the look on Roman’s face went cold. Stone cold. Killer kind of cold.
“Get away from me!” She heard Sam yell.
“But we were so good together. It could be so much better too. Don’t you remember our tradition before games?”
Hearing a woman’s voice, Tiffany was instantly paralyzed.
But she didn’t have to be for long.
The door flew open, and Sam busted out, huffing and trembling.
Tiffany caught a glimpse of naked flesh behind him.
Seeing her and Roman, Sam’s jaw clenched. He hesitated, dragging in a breath. He looked at Roman. “I don’t know how she got in.”
Roman’s nostril’s widened, and Tiffany thought he looked like a tiger about to pounce. He patted Sam’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, man. I got this.”
Tiffany watched as Roman threw the door open. She saw Sheena, Roman’s ex-wife, and Sam’s ex-girlfriend pulling on her clothes.
“I can’t say I’m surprised you’re trying to claw you’re way to the top, again.”
Every part of Sam was trembling. His forehead was sweating, and he clutched his helmet like he wanted to chuck it and break something.
Tiffany watched as his face turned pale, and he put a hand to his chest. Then he cursed and put his head down, sucking in a breath. “Oh man, not now. Not n
* * *
Sam couldn’t believe he was having a panic attack.
He let Tiffany take him a little bit down the hall in the other direction. He tried to suck in deep breaths and get his anger under control. “I didn’t know.”
“Shh.” Tiffany rubbed circles into his shoulder. “It’s okay, Sam.” She flashed a grin. “I heard you tell her to get out.”
As he stared into Tiffany’s eyes, it dawned on him that she really did understand, on some level, what he was going through. He remembered the day she’d sent Brett away.
He pulled in another long breath and the pressure in his chest began to ease.
“That’s right.” Tiffany stayed next to him, taking his hand. She stared him straight in the eyes, and he could feel her certainty calming him. “You did it, Sam.” She grinned. “You walked away. You did it.”
It was nice to be able to know that he had done that. To know that Sheena didn’t have any power over him.
The door to his training room flew open, and he saw Sheena moving forward. Anger raged on her face as she tried to get out of the grip Roman had on her. “Let go!” she yelled.
Roman turned to face Sam, his face flashing into a grin. “Nope, Sam and I are going to escort you out of the building and make a very public showing of the fact that you may have fooled us both once, but you won’t come between us again.”
Sam took courage, moving toward Roman. “Good idea,” he said, putting on the face he used on linebackers before the play. He would do this. He could do this.
“Hey!” His coach put his head out into the hall. “Dumont, get in here!”
Both he and Roman took off into a sprint, holding her by each bicep. “I’ll be right there!”
The cameras started flashing as soon as they emerged, obviously thinking it was the team. Sheena didn’t try to get away, but she growled at them. “Let me go.”
Roman took over, waving over a member of the press. He smiled. “As many of you know, this is my ex-wife Sheena.”
Sam was almost blinded by the flashing lights of pictures being taken. But he didn’t flinch.
“Many of you know that Sam dated her for a bit.” He nodded at Sam. “But…” Roman grinned, letting go of Sheena’s arm.
Sheena rushed for the side of the paparazzi.
Roman put an arm around Sam’s shoulders. “Sam and I want to make a public statement that Sheena appeared, seconds ago, in Dumont’s dressing room.” Roman cleared his throat. “I’ll let you all guess what she wanted.”
Murmurs went through the crowd.
“But my buddy and I want everyone to know, she’s not welcome here.” He turned to Sam. “Right?”
“Right.” Sam felt like his insides were going to explode, and he tried to keep his heart rate from pushing him over the edge and making him pass out.
Roman gave a final nod. “Well, if you’ll excuse us, my friend has to get back to leading his team to victory!” He threw his fist into the air.
The press ignited with questions and some roared out. “Go Surf!”
Sam turned back toward the locker room. “Thanks, man.”
Roman gestured for him to go. “You better hurry.”
His manager was waving him to the locker room. “C’mon, Dumont, forget this racket and get in here.”
But Sam was stumbling, unable to get a breath. He moved toward Tiffany. “Just a sec.”
She took him by the arm, concern on her face. She moved them to his training room and pushed open the door.
He couldn’t believe it. Sheena had been here. The room started to spin. The past year. All his doubts. His worry. The mistakes he’d made pressed onto him.
Tiffany sat him down on a chair. “Sam.” She kneeled next to him.
He put his head between his knees and tried to get a breath.
He tried to do another round of slow breathing.
She stayed next to him, her hand on him.
More breathing.
People pounded at the door. “Dumont. It’s time.”
Pull in the breath. Out with the breath. He closed his eyes.
Tiffany kept her hand on him. “It’s okay.”
But he could feel the tear that fell down his cheek. He looked up at her. Those blue eyes. “I thought I could do this, but look at me.”
“Just play.” Her look was intense. Her face sincere. “Remember my first night, in that haunted hotel.” She grinned. “Remember.”
He hesitated and then closed his eyes, thinking of his dad. The best part of what his dad had been. And of her courage. His eyes flashed open and he stood. “Just play.” He breathed. The heaviness on his chest receded. He pulled in more air. “Okay.”
She moved out of the way. “Yes.”
He leaned into her, swiping a kiss. “Thank you.”
Tiffany stood in the box next to Katie and Roman. They were all lined up against the glass, energy surging through them. Through the whole stadium. It was the fourth quarter, and the Surf were down by four. Sam had played an amazing game, throwing four touchdowns. When the defense had realized that Sam Dumont was back and everything he would throw would get caught, they’d focused exclusively on taking him down or shutting down the pass.
Throughout the game Tiffany had twirled her hair so much and so hard, it was a wonder she had any left. Tiffany watched Sam release a final pass with only two seconds left. She watched the receiver get loose and break out into the end zone. The ball fell into his hands.
The whole stadium was on their feet, roaring with crazed excitement.
“Yeaaahhh!” Roman let out a yell loud enough to shatter the glass.
But she was yelling just as loud and she and Katie grabbed each other, jumping up and down.
Reese wasn’t going to be left out. She took both girls by the shoulders and joined in the jumping.
Roman picked up Josh with his other arm, and they all kept hooting and hollering.
The team rushed the field, along with fans that were trying to push forward.
The whole thing was electric.
Tiffany actually had tears coming down her face. She was so moved. She understood what this meant for Sam. What he’d overcome to get to this point!
Then she was caught completely off guard when she heard her name coming over the speaker.
“Ladies and gentleman, we’d ask that you’d stay in your seats for a special performance. Tiffany Chance, will you please come down to the field?”
With wonder, she looked at Katie and Roman. Katie went to Roman’s side and Maddy was snuggled between them. They both wore knowing grins on their faces.
Reese was next to Tiffany, a stream of tears coming down her cheeks. “Go on, baby, love you.”
There was no way to describe how she felt seeing what looked like her band setting up in the middle of the stadium before she was rushed out of the room. Two guys that looked like they could be bouncers escorted her down the hall and stairs to the center of the stadium.
Then she saw Sam sitting in the middle of the stage. Joe stood next to him as they tuned their guitars. He was still in his uniform and his hair was sweaty.
She rushed forward, and he pushed the guitar to the side and picked her up, spinning her around.
The crowd went wild and Tiffany could feel the buzz of energy seep into her. He put her down, and she turned to the band, shaking her head at them.
“Surprise!” Joe grinned at her.
Sam picked up the microphone and the stadium fell silent. Sam patted the stool next to him then handed her a different microphone. He was grinning from ear to ear, and he looked up at Roman who was pointing at him and he pointed back. “Go Surfs!”
The crowd went wild again.
Then he laughed. “Okay, I won’t keep you all day. I just…” he turned to Tiffany and said into the microphone. “I think most of you know I met someone in Wolfe Creek.”
Unbelievably, the crowd got even louder.
Tiffany couldn�
��t help but laugh. Sam took her hand and laughed, too. She saw the tears in his eyes and she couldn’t help but get emotional too.
“Thank you.” He whispered, looking over the crowd. “Thank you for today.” He nodded and brushed a hand over his face.
The crowd kept cheering and Sam swallowed, turning to her and smiling. She was full on crying now.
Sam took a breath. “Man, you guys won’t let a man get ahold of himself.” He put up a hand. Sam frowned. “As many of you have probably heard, earlier today, I had a blast from the past…” The stadium got quieter. Sam turned to Tiffany. “It made me realize how lucky I am to have Miss Chance.” He sat on the stool and pulled the guitar into position. He strummed it and the crowd went wild, again.
He grinned at Tiffany and said into the microphone. “Win them a game and I can’t do anything wrong.”
She laughed, loving that he was so happy. That he’d played so well. Hating the hyper nerves buzzing through her.
He stared back at her. “I told Miss Chance that one day I’d be able to play with her in public.” He stopped talking and swallowed, tears welling up in his eyes.
Someone put a guitar over her shoulder.
Overwhelmed. Happy. Nervous. Terrified. All of those emotions buzzed through her.
“Oh, hold on.” Sam got up and grinned at the crowd. He put down the guitar and said into the microphone. “First things first.”
The stadium was silent as Sam put the guitar to the side and got down on one knee.
Tiffany couldn’t believe that a small box seemed to magically appear in Sam’s hand. He popped it open.
A huge, square diamond lay inside the box.
Manic emotion swept over her and she knew there would be no way to stop the river of tears that had started to stream down her face.
Incredibly, everything around them seemed to melt away. It was just him. Just her.
He picked up the microphone and stared into her eyes. “Do you think it’s okay if we play together, if you’re my fiance?”
The crowd erupted again.