Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)

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Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) Page 1

by Anderson, Amanda

  Highland Tigress

  Amanda Anderson

  Copyright © 2012 by Amanda Anderson

  All rights reserved, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.


  This book is a work of fiction and any similarities to persons living or dead is completely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  ISBN-13: 978-145079838

  ISBM-10: 1475079834

  Author photo©Christy Simpson and Cherished Memories Photography

  I dedicate this book to my husband.

  Thanks for all the encouragement and editing.


  Liam McNeal walked from Stewart Castle. He’d known this journey would be for naught, but he could not refuse The Stewart. Henry Stewart was the head of their people and he’d asked Liam to be present at the birth of his daughter, hoping the lass would be mate to Liam. It had not been the way of it. The lass had chosen a young lad and Liam was still alone.


  He looked up to find Henry Stewart following him.

  “Aye, Henry, what is it then?” Liam said testily.

  “Come now, Liam. You know there are other lasses here. Perhaps if you stayed to meet them…”

  “Nay,” Liam said shaking his head.

  In his heart he knew there would be no other for him. Cara McIntosh would have been his mate. He’d known it before her birth. He’d never even seen the lass, for she and her family had been slaughtered mere days after her birth, but the certainty of her worth to him was undeniable. He’d known real despair upon receiving the news of the destruction of his dearest friend’s clan, but soul deep loneliness had over taken him upon learning Cara had also been taken from him. He’d almost succumbed to that loneliness many times since and he and Henry had grown close sharing their despair over their lack of mate.

  He looked at Henry now. Amelia had made him a new man. He appeared younger and stronger. He was again full of life and hope for the future. Liam had none.

  “She is gone Henry. There can be no other, and you well ken it as I do.”

  “Nay, Liam. In your case I do not believe it. You did not even meet the lass. You can not be sure, Liam.” Henry insisted.

  “Aye, I can,”

  Liam ran his hand through his unruly black hair. He was but thirty four summers. Hopelessness should not have taken him so young. The Stewart had found his mate and he was much older, but Liam knew that without Cara he’d walk alone in this life and he was sure she had already passed into the next.

  “We never found proof of her death or her mother. Perhaps Gwyneth has hidden the lass away,” Henry suggested hopefully.

  “Nay. Gwyneth would ken my need for word of them. She would have come to me by now or at least left word that the lass should be sent to me.”

  “Perhaps she could not. What do you feel Liam? Do you still feel her calling to you?”

  “Cara? Aye. I would swear she is still in this world,” he said and rubbed the back of his neck. “Could be that it is only my desire to do so.”

  “I do not believe so. If you feel her, search for her.”

  “What if she has been…” He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, but the bitter taste of them lingered on his tongue.

  “Would it matter to you Liam?” Henry asked concerned.

  “Nay,” Liam answered looking into the eyes of the most powerful man he knew. “It would not change the love I feel for the lass.”

  “Then search for the answers you need.”

  “Why now? We have spoken of this many times. Why do you suggest this now?”

  Henry sighed deeply. “There have been rumors of late, rumors of two of our women. They are being sought by the wolves. I believe they are both of importance to you. The information came to me while I was in London and I have been seeking the truth of it. All reports I have received have only strengthened my belief that one is Cara.”

  “And the other?”

  “Perhaps it is Eva.”

  “Ye think my mate and my sister are together then?”

  “Nay. They are not. That is the difficult part Liam. You must find them. There is nothing to indicate their whereabouts, but an urgency surrounds them both. I fear that both cannot be saved.”

  “I cannot make the choice between them.”

  “That will be for you alone. I do not envy you your struggles, but I do wish you success in them.

  “Where am I to start then?”

  “Follow your feelings Liam. Don’t lose hope. My prayers go with you.” They clasped fore arms and Liam continued on his way. He noticed Darren watching him and knew he too had heard the words of The Stewart.


  “Ah, Darren, ye wear the same look of hope that I am beginning to feel. We’ll search till we know. Do as you do Darren and find someone willing to talk.”

  With that Darren began to ready their supplies.

  Liam knew that if there was a chance to save both women that Darren would be the one to search most diligently. He would find them both; he just prayed it was in time.

  Liam felt eyes on him and was overwhelmed with a sense of urgency to be on his way. He looked up to find Lady Charlotte standing in the window of the castle. She was not of their kind, she was believed to be human, but Liam believed there was more to her than that. She was mother to the new Lady Stewart and she possessed an ageless beauty that reminded Liam of the Fair Folk, but none had spoken that the lady was of that race. Liam wondered though and he knew too that the urgency came from her. Why would she want him to leave?

  Lady Charlotte smiled at the burley Scotsman who watched her from the bailey yard. Had she stung his pride for making him think she wished him gone?

  “Be still, good man,” she said to his mind. “I only wish to speed you on your path to find your destiny before others may destroy it.”

  Liam stared in alarm at her words.

  “Yes, Laird McNeal, there is a lass in need of your help. You will find her on the journey to your home. Have a care and let your heart guide your steps.”

  “Aye, my Lady. You speak of one. I seek two. Will I find those I seek?”

  “All things cannot be seen. Know this, the lass you will save is in great peril, even now, and is of the upmost importance to you and your people. You must hurry.”

  “Will ye tell me her name?”

  “No, I cannot. You will know her when the time is right. Keep your head and hold fast to your temper. You will need your wits to survive this.”

  Liam sighed deeply. “How am I to find one wee lass in all the highlands?”

  Liam heard the laughter in his mind. “I will help you all I can. Listen to your heart Liam. Your path will be clear, but you must hurry if you are to reach her in time. Go.”

  Liam did not question her; he only quickened his steps and gathered his men.

  Lady Charlotte turned from the window and gazed at her daughter and her brand new grand children. She stroked the downy head of Serina, her granddaughter and met the eyes of her new grandson, Colin.

  “All will be well Colin. Your future hangs in the balance youngling, but Liam is the fiercest of all the Scotts. He will ensure the safety of those who will give life to your future. Rest easy I will aid him all I can.”

  She felt his smal
l mind move in hers. He growled.

  “Yes, Colin. I can feel her fear as well. We will pray for those who will shape your destiny, my lad, but it is up to them to make the right choices. You must grow before you can protect those you must. You will be a mighty warrior, but your wisdom will set you apart. Always think first. It will lead you to greatness.”

  With that Colin fell fast asleep.


  Cara Kingston felt her death growing near. She could smell the foul stench that always accompanied Ramsey McKenzie. He had come for her. Cara knew that with him rode her own death. She could not understand how her father could be so blind to it. Did he not see that he was practically selling her to Ramsey for an alliance?

  Cara knew that if Ramsey did not kill her before she was able to escape that she would do anything to attain her freedom. She would not live with a creature with such evil living inside him. She felt it even now, seeping into her home. Haunting her every thought. The mere thought of his hands touching her body made her stomach churn. She knew if she escaped that he would hunt her, but she knew she could escape into death if he ever caught up to her.

  Here thoughts ended when her chamber door swung open to admit Ramsey and her father.

  “Stand up Lass.” Her father instructed.

  Cara slowly stood and looked into her father’s eyes.

  “There’s to be a wedding Lass. Yours. Four days hence you will wed Laird McKenzie and in doing so unite our clans.”

  The last was spoken as a reminder of what was a stake if she made any protest, she understood.

  “Why so soon father? I will have little time to prepare.”

  A low growl filled the chamber, “You will do as I say Lass. Be glad I offer marriage at all.” Ramsey spoke as he raked her figure with his cold black eyes. The little bitch had escaped him once, but she would not escape him again. He felt power rising inside him. He would be whole if he possessed her, if he owned her. She would bring an end to his torment.

  Cara shuttered, understanding his meaning. She begged her father with her eyes, but he would no longer meet hers.

  “Tis an honor lass. Ye’ll be well cared for. The McKenzies are good to their women.”

  “If it is your wish father, then I will not protest the match.”

  “’Tis my wish, Cara,” he said in a low voice. “It will be announced tonight. We will dine together and be of good cheer.”

  “Aye father. I will strive to bring you honor.”

  He raised her chin and looked into her eyes. “Cara, you have brought me much honor and pride throughout your life Lass.”

  Tears brimmed her eyes.

  Ramsey cut into their exchange. “I’ll have a bath before we dine. I think Lady Cara should see to it for the remainder of our stay. It will soon be her duty and she should begin to learn what will be expected of her.” Ramsey had a strange feeling that he should not wait to have her until after the wedding. He wanted to take her now. He wanted to know if she was even worth the trouble he had gone to secure her. His body stirred as it did in the presents of a woman, any woman. Soon though his body would surrender control and he would no longer be a slave to his lust.

  “Nay,” her father insisted. She is a maiden and she shall remain so until after your wedding.”

  “I am not asking. I give you one hour to come to me Cara, or you will pay dearly after we are wed..” He turned and left the chamber.

  Cara turned wide green eyes on her father. “I cannot. Please, Father, do not force this upon me as well.”

  “Nay Lass. We will send Alice. She will tend him well.” He held her close as she began to weep. “My beautiful Cara. There is much I have done to cause ye pain, but none as grievous as this. The McKenzie has sworn to destroy us all if I did nay agree to this match. He wants ye Cara, but I fear for yer safety.” He held her at arms length. “You are so much like yer mother, Lass. Ah, how I loved her, but I have broken my promise to protect ye and see ye safely to your destiny.” He wiped away tears that had gathered in his eyes. “There is much you should know, my lass. I haven’t the heart just now to share it all with ye though, so we will talk of it all later on.” He pulled a dirk from his belt and gave it to Cara. “This will be your key to freedom. This dirk was given to your father by a very powerful man. I promised your mother that I would send you to him when you were old enough, but I could not bear to be parted from ye.”

  “But Father if this is yours…”

  She stopped at the shake of his head.

  “Yer not of my blood Cara. Ye are a McIntosh. Yer clan was slaughtered. Yer mother hid with ye and I found her the next morn. She lived a few weeks, but her heart died with yer father. I raised ye as my own and I could not have loved ye more. I will help ye though as I should have years ago. Ye’ll go to the McNeal. Show him this. Tell him that you are Cara McIntosh and demand that he fulfill his vow to protect you. He will. Ye’ll be safe.”

  “But Father, what of you? Ramsey will know you have helped me. He’ll kill you.”

  “Nay, Lass,” he said but she could see the lie in his eyes.

  “Father, I can’t leave you to die.”

  “Aye, Lass, ye’ll do as I say. I’ll come to ye as soon as I have made plans for ye . Can ye ever forgive me, Cara?”

  “Aye, Father. I do and I love you.”

  “Lass, my Cara, I love ye with all that I am. Now prepare yer self. Pack a small bundle, only what ye can carry.”

  She nodded.

  “Now send for young Alice and have her go to Ramsey.”

  “Thank you Father,” she said and placed a kiss on his cheek.

  Lauchlan Kingston pulled Cara into his arms. He would fulfill his vow to Gwyneth if he had to die to do it. “Forgive me Gwyneth,” he thought as he held the daughter he’d wanted as his own. He inhaled the scent of her hair and tried to hold it close. He prayed for guidance and wisdom. Then he kissed her fiery head and left to prepare for the evening meal.

  He prayed that he would be able to get Cara safely out of the Keep and to the McNeal safely. He knew that her only hope for survival was escape. He no longer thought of his own life, for he knew in helping Cara escape he would die. He felt no sorrow in the loss of his own life. He owed it to Gwyneth to protect her precious daughter, and he would do it if it cost him the life of every soul in Westley Keep. With his mind made up he instructed one of his most trusted men to guard Cara, but not to let her know it. He would protect her now from the monster who sought to claim her.

  Cara sent for Alice and instructed her to assist Laird McKenzie with his bath and anything else he required. The girl giggled and dropped into a low curtsy. Cara was confused by Alice’s eagerness.

  “Alice? Why do you go to the men so eagerly? ‘Is the act not most unpleasing to you?”

  Alice giggled again. “Nay, My Lady, ‘tis quite nice with the right sort.”

  Cara looked puzzled.

  Oh, My Lady, you are to be married. Hasn’t anyone talked with you about such as this?”


  “Would you like for me to explain a bit then?”

  Cara thought for a moment. She was curious, but would it be wrong to discuss such things? She then decided she didn’t care and nodded slowly.

  Alice sat and gathered her thoughts. She knew she must be careful. Lady Cara was a high born lady and Alice didn’t wish to shock of frighten her. She also didn’t want the lady to decide not to send her to the McKenzie. She decided that a bit of the truth and a bit of fancy wouldn’t do any harm.

  “Lady Cara, when a man touches a woman’s flesh it fairly sets it aflame with desire. A man knows how to touch a woman in ways that make her feel more beautiful and desirable. When a man sheaths himself in a woman the feelings of rapture overtake her and it is as if she is floating on a cloud of pure wonder. There is no thought of the world around her only the desire to be filled with the heat of his seed. Nothing is more wonderful Cara, but a man’s appetites can be fierce and sometimes are uncomfortable at first. T
hey do not mean to hurt us of course, but it is their nature to be strong and take what they need. They will provide us with our own pleasure too, but it may come after their own. It is this fierceness that some women fear. I admit that in some men it can be frightening, but it is always worth it in the end.”

  Alice was satisfied with the look of confusion still marring Lady Cara’s face. Yes, she was not yet ready to satisfy the McKenzie. Alice didn’t allow her satisfaction to show. She simply waited for Cara to respond.

  “Does it often hurt then?”

  “Aye, often, but not too terribly.”

  “I must admit I do not understand your eagerness. Perhaps you are not being truthful with me?”

  Alice felt her heart sink. If Cara found out that she had been lied to she would punish Alice. “You may ask your father then. I’m sure he will assure you that what I say is true.”

  Cara was horrified. She would do no such thing!

  Alice felt her triumph grow and she thought to throw one more barb. “Oh, and Lady Cara? The size of the man often reflects the size of his, er, warrior. And the size is what causes the pain. The McKensie is a large man. I hope my reward is worth the price it will cost me.


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