ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2) Page 8

by Audrey Storm

“You frightened me.”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,” he said.

  “What are you doing out here? I thought you had to wait until the sun had set?”

  “I do, but I just couldn't wait to see you. And the sunset is so beautiful. I wanted to share it with you.”

  Now that she looked at him more closely she could see that his skin was sizzling a little, and a faint, misty steam was rising from his flesh. Her eyes were filled with alarm, but he soon set her mind at easy.

  “Do not worry Jenna, sometimes a little pain is worth taking. It won't be too long before darkness covers us again,” he said, and sure enough the world was consumed by the moon and everything was illuminated in silvery light.

  “I wanted to bring you out here because the sky is much clearer and you can make out the stars properly. I used to spend many nights gazing up at the night sky, trying to figure out where I fit into the world, and I found solace among them. Even though I felt so small I knew that I still mattered. I think it's easy to lose oneself in the world, especially now with all the streetlights in the modern cities. I have seen many things change over the years and I am not sure that they have been entirely for the better.”

  “I can imagine. I bet you have some good stories to tell.”

  “Sadly most of them are tragedies,” he said, his words heavy with emotion, “but I am not here to talk of things past. I am here for you, and to think of the future.” As he said this he took her hands and pulled her into him abruptly, and before she knew it she was surrendering to a kiss once more, one that was no less passionate than the night before, as though they had been separated for a decade, not just a day. When he finally released her she stumbled back and turned, resting her arms against the edge of the boat.

  “Is anything the matter?” Liam asked, resting a hand against the small of Jenna's back. She turned and smiled at him, and then looked out at the ocean.

  “It's funny how little things can change your life. If either one of us had swiped in another direction we wouldn't be having this conversation.”

  “I don't know, sometimes I think that there's a river carrying us through life, and sometimes, no matter how much we fight, they will lead to the same destination. But the journey is often entertaining.” They stood there for a few moments, enjoying each other’s company, listening to the boat slide through the rippling water. Everything seemed so calm and peaceful.

  “Why Darla?” Jenna asked. Liam's jaw tightened.

  “I told you that I would rather not speak of the past. It is only the future that concerns me.”

  “But if I am to be your mate then I need to know what kind of man you are, and that does not only mean your ambitions but also where you came from. I want to know everything about you Liam. Honesty is important to me, and the truth does not scare me.”

  “No, I suppose it does not,” he said, smiling, and she was glad that her fire seemed to be one of the reasons he had chosen her. “Darla was...she was the one who turned me,” he said with a heavy sigh.

  “Did you love her?”

  “In a way, I suppose I did, although pining after her may be a better description.”

  “What do you mean?” This time it was Liam's turn to look out at the stars, for he had been concentrating on Jenna.

  “I was a different man back then. Although it's somewhat of an insult to men to call me a man. I was a pathetic creature that never amounted to anything. I had no ambition and was simply content to loaf about, enjoying high society, getting plump on decadent food and wine, and enjoying the company of the most shallow women who offered nothing but tittering laughter. Then Darla entered the picture. She was the most ravishing beauty I had ever seen, and when she entered the room every head turned to look at her, the men were filled with desire and the women with envy. I knew that I had to have her, but my usual tactic of flaunting my wealth did not succeed, and she rebuffed me cruelly.

  I was not accustomed to rejection, and I did not take it well. I employed people to track her through the city and I encountered her on many more occasions, each time finding myself at the sharp end of her tongue. Each time my ire grew and it only fueled my determination. I wrote her poetry and lavished her with gifts but I was blind to what she really wanted. Then, one day, I followed her at night and saw her meet with another man, who struck her. Enraged, I attacked him, not knowing that he had been her master, and he quickly gouged a hole in my body, and I felt the life seep out of me. I knew then that I had lived an empty life and it had been utterly meaningless, except for that last gesture, and Darla seemed to think so as well. The last thing I felt in my old life was her kiss on my neck, and her teeth piercing my flesh. Then, I was reborn.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “She died a long time ago. It isn't something I like to think about. For years we roamed across the world, and then it was over and I was alone again. But I will always be thankful to her for freeing me, for giving me a better life than the one I was going to have for myself otherwise. So I named this boat in honor of her.”

  Liam was evidently haunted by this sadness and in that moment Jenna forgot that he was a monster. She felt overwhelmed by his sorrow, and all she wanted to do was free him from it the same way that Darla had freed him from mortality all those years ago. Jenna reached up and caressed his skin, seeing the difference in their complexions. Her skin was filled with blood while his was an ashy gray, and as their bodies came together there was only one heart beating, but it echoed through his empty chest, and as their lips met a surge of energy passed between them, and for the rest of the night they refused to let each other go.

  Chapter 9

  “So one more date?” Liam said as he watched Jenna walk to her door.

  “One more,” she said, and blew him a kiss, but she already knew her answer. They had arranged to meet again, making it three nights in a row, and Jenna was sure of her convictions. Without Liam her life seemed empty and she was ready to embark upon the adventure that he was offering, knowing that she could never bear it if she turned away. The night on the boat had been magical and when the threat of daybreak was upon them Jenna felt a deep sorrow grip her, and when that evening she met Liam again she flung herself at him, peppering him with kisses. He was pushed back against the wall and the two of them kissed fiercely and frantically, wasting no time on things like words. Jenna wanted him more than she had wanted anything in her entire life, and when he saw it in her eyes he held her that little bit tighter, digging his fingers into her skin, making the blood rush through her.

  They tore at each other’s clothes as they made their way to Liam's bedroom. He lived in a penthouse and there was a large skylight that bathed the bed in moonlight. Jenna was down to her underwear, and she perched on the edge of the bed, letting her hand rest against her stomach, her blonde locks cascading over her cleavage. Liam walked forward and peeled away his clothes, unleashing his erection. His hands moved through Jenna's hair and gripped the back of her head as her mouth dropped open, her eyes fell shut, and she started to make love to him with her mouth. She sucked hard and deep and she felt him groan as the pleasure rushed through his body. His erection throbbed and pulsed in her mouth as she took him deeper and deeper, the thick shaft stretching her lips, until he pulled her head away, still holding a fistful of hair, wrenched her head back, and leaned over her, dominating her, kissing her deeply, leaving his mark.

  Liam pushed her down on the bed and came over her, using his strength to pin her down. Jenna gasped breathlessly and her hands wrapped around his back, clinging to him as their lips locked. His mouth then moved down her slender neck, and she felt the danger as his teeth scratched against her, but she knew that it was not time yet. He deftly unclasped her bra and let her breasts pour out, then as he kissed them his hands slid down her shuddering body and slipped in between her burning thighs, pushing away the white panties, and then plunging his fingers in between her wet lips, curling them up. Jenna's back arched and the pleasure sang through her b
ody, causing a low, guttural growl to rise up her throat and escape into their air. Liam's lips caught hers as he moved between her mouth, neck, and breasts, but his fingers were locked inside her, controlling her every movement, making her tremble and shudder and shake as her mind exploded with orgasmic delight, and soon his fingers were soaked.

  Her eyes clamped shut as her flushed skin burned and her panting breath echoed around them both. Liam moved over her body. His hands linked in with hers and she felt the wetness on his seep into hers. Her own were clammy, and the arousal as consuming her like an inferno, yet his body was so cool and soothing it played havoc with her sense. He pinned her hands above her head and his hips started to thrust rhythmically. Her eyes opened to see the full, pale moon stare down at her, and then her eyes closed as she lost herself to Liam and the fury of passion.

  Their bodies writhed and moaned together, and once again her blood burned with the ecstasy of orgasm.

  “I'm yours,” she whispered, the words barely squeezing in between all her fervent moans, but as soon as she said those words Liam increased the tempo of his body and the entire bed shook. He buried his head in the nape of her neck and she once again felt his teeth against her. The tips of his fangs rested against her skin and she felt the sweet release as he penetrated her, and a wide smile spread across her face as she became his.


  Want to see what would have happened if Jenna had turned away from Liam? CLICK HERE

  Chapter 10

  Liam's hands were around Jenna's body and she felt his grip getting tighter and tighter and his tongue thrust in her mouth and her body arched backwards under the force of his kiss. Everything else in the world melted away as she was consumed by the kiss, and she hated herself for liking it so much. He was vampire, and she could barely believe that he was true, but now it all made sense. The fact that he could only meet at night, and the way he was so cultured and so...different from everyone else she knew. Part of her wanted to surrender to him, for the kiss had lighted something inside her that had lain dormant for a long time, but she managed to muster the courage to pull away, and although he was still handsome and still the same man that she had spent such an enchanting night with, he was also a creature of the underworld and the taste that lingered on her lips was bitter.

  “You're...a vampire?” she said, tilting her head and looking at him with disbelief.

  “ doesn't mean I am any different. Everything I have told you, my personality, it is me. I am the same Liam you have been talking to all this time. I know there is something between us. I know we have both felt it and even now I can see it in your eyes, just as you can see it in mine.” He took a step forward and reached out for her hand but she stepped back and pulled it away.

  “This is...this is unreal.”

  “Am I unreal? Jenna, you've told me that you've been waiting for something exciting to happen in your life. This is it. What I am offering is something you should not take lightly. I do not make this request...this desire to anyone who I do not deem worthy. You are rare and special and I want you by my side. Please, tell me that you'll consider it.”

  Liam had an imploring look in his eyes but all she could see was a vampire, images of horror and death filled her mind and it was like the world was closing in on her. She continued to step back, and this time Liam did not follow. He looked disappointed, and all she could do was offer her stammered apologies as she retreated into the night, then turned and ran until the echoes of her footsteps faded into the night.

  When she returned home she flung herself into bed, trying to hold back the tears, and failing. She sobbed into her pillow and felt the wet stains under her skin. The night had been going so well and she had been truly falling for him in a way that she had never thought possible. After all the disappointments she had endured Liam had seemed like the one who was going to make it all worthwhile, yet it turned out that of all things he was a vampire. It still seemed impossible to believe but she couldn't imagine why he would lie about something like that. And it did make sense, the way his skin was so pale and cold, and how he had this mystical aura about him. Thinking about him brought about mixed emotions because she was still intensely attracted to him but her fear had seized her, she only wondered if she had made the right choice.

  As she ran her tongue along her lower lip she could still taste the lasting effects of his kiss and her gaze fell to the window as she looked at the full, pale moon. A groan rose up from her stomach and escaped into the air, for all she wanted was to meet a nice, normal man. The date with Liam had been perfect, but a be his mate was inconceivable. Jenna had a life of her own, she couldn't simply give that up, and it was unfair of him to ask that of her without any warning.

  Chapter 11

  The following day began with a heavy heart. Jenna had barely slept and even when she splashed water on her face she felt half-alive, and she couldn't even muster a smile at the irony. When she opened the door she half-hoped that Liam had left her flowers or a note, but there was nothing on her doorstep, empty, like her hopes. Now that she had had time to reflect she wondered if she had made the right choice, and while she walked down the sidewalk she thought about what would have happened had she said yes. Would he have bitten her then and there? She rubbed her neck subconsciously as she imagined what it would feel like to have his teeth pierce through her skin, and it only served to make her shudder.

  As she went about her daily business she looked around at everyone around her and knew that they knew nothing about the secret world. Just a day before she had been one of the ignorant as well, but now her life would never be the same. If she ever met someone else with pale skin she would always wonder if they were a vampire, not to mention other things like the daylight it was fine, and she wasn't seized by fear, but as she walked home she felt paranoid in the darkness. The dark corners were fraught with danger and her heart beat rapidly within her chest.

  When she reached home and felt the door close behind her she breathed a sigh of relief, although the danger outside was only replaced by the emptiness all around her. Before her date with Liam she had looked forward to finally ending her solitude, and embracing someone new into her life, filling her apartment with romance and excitement, but now that she had turned her back on Liam she wondered if she would ever have the chance again. He had been the closest she had ever come on Tinder, and she started to think that perhaps she had made a mistake in refusing him so readily. After all, it wasn't like the life she was clinging to was that good...and Liam had been correct, she had wanted a new beginning.

  She checked her phone, hoping that Liam had tried to get in touch with her, hoping that she had a second chance, but there was nothing waiting for her and she flung her phone onto the bed, where it landed with a soft thud. Trying to escape her own mind she decided to have a shower in the hope that it would wash away some of her frustration, but as her reflection in the mirror became cloudy she was reminded of Liam, and as the water cascaded down her body she could not escape him. The kiss haunted her and the feelings that had risen through her body could not be quelled. Something had awoken within her, something dangerous, and as the steam enveloped her she felt herself being consumed by arousal. She thought about the way he looked and felt, how good it was to be with him, and the way he looked at her, as though she was the most precious thing in the universe. Water ran down the curves of her body and her fingers followed the path, until the found the sweet space in between her thighs, and she started to moan in pleasure. Her head arched back and her eyes closed, letting the hot water fall all over her face. The heat made her skin prickle and moans squeezed out of mouth as her fingers curled within. The cold tiles reminded her of Liam's skin, and she rested against the walls she imagined that he was holding her, that it was his body inside her, thrusting deeply, causing her skin to flush and tingle. Her knees trembled as her body started to shake as the fantasy took a hold of her, and it wasn't long before her mind cracked
and explosions popped through her body, but as she thought about him kissing her neck the image of his bared fangs shocked her eyes open.

  Her vision was blurred by the water running around her and she was suddenly starkly aware of her loneliness. She sighed loudly and resumed washing herself. The pleasure she had just experienced had been empty for there was nobody to share it with, and all she wanted was Liam to be with her, to feel his touch against her skin.

  When she turned the faucet all the warmth seemed to evaporate from the room. Jenna wrapped a towel around her body and walked back into her room. She slid under the sheets, trying to lose herself in the comfort, wishing that the world outside would simply disappear. Clutching her phone, she scrolled through her messages, still hoping that Liam had tried to get in touch with her, but it was to no avail. She thought about sending him a message, but she had no idea what she would say. It was all too sudden, too abrupt, and even now she didn't know if she would accept if he asked her again. She started to think that perhaps she was too lonely and any offer was better than the pain she was enduring, so she took one last look at the messages she had Liam had exchanged, and then she closed the app and turned around to bury her head in the pillow, hoping that sleep would offer some semblance of relief.

  Chapter 12

  Over the following few weeks Jenna tried her hardest to put Liam out of her mind, although it was a much harder task than she envisaged. It took a real effort to avoid the pull of Tinder, as sometimes when she was bored she felt an urge to go on it and waste some time, but she knew that if she did it would lead to her using it again, and she didn't want to see Liam's profile again. But whenever she was out she often saw something that she thought Liam would like, and felt a small thrill, only for it to dissipate quickly when she realized that she would most likely never see him again.

  Often she thought about sending him a friendly message but that would have been pointless because nobody on dating websites wanted to be friends, they only wanted to hook up or date, and if Liam had been true to his word then he wouldn't have settled for anything less than someone who was worthy of being her mate. It did help her confidence to know that she had been deemed that worthy, and sometimes she felt a pang of jealously as she wondered if Liam had already found someone else. That was the other danger, the other thing that pulled her on Tinder. She had an irrational fear that she would load up the app only to find that Liam wasn't there anymore, because he had found someone else, and that could prove to be devastating.


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