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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

Page 21

by Audrey Storm

  She sighed when I nipped her neck. “Not a good idea.”

  I chuckled. “Nope, it’s the perfect idea.” I ground against her where I knew she would be wet and she moaned. “Please Charlie, don’t say no. I know you want me.”

  She looked at me then with surprise. Her hand cupped my jaw and she smiled kissing me. “I don’t know if I can say no to you, Ash.”

  “Then don’t.”

  Instead of speaking she climbed off of my lap and then she pulled me to my feet and led me out of the living room and down a dark hallway. I took that opportunity to spin her, shoving her against the wall. I crushed her body with mine and made sure she wouldn’t be changing her mind anytime soon. I ran my fingers through her black hair gripping it in my hands and drove my tongue into her mouth. Kissing her more demanding and I groaned when she whimpered into my mouth. Her fingers gripped the bottom of my T-shirt holding me close. When her fingernails grazed my abs I tensed and she moved her hands up my chest and ran her finger around my nipples.

  I knew she was surprised they were pierced when she slowed her movement. I’d remembered her telling me long ago how sexy she found it. So what did I do? I got the damn things pierced, and I found I liked them.

  She pulled back and smiled. “When did you do that?”

  I chuckled. “Pretty much after you told me you liked them.”

  Shaking her head she surprised me and plastered her mouth on mine and kissed me, and I knew she had been holding back. The woman knew how to kiss. She ran her tongue along my lip enticing, me and then slid it into my mouth devouring me. When I felt her hands on the button of my shorts I yanked my mouth away and shook my head. “Your room baby.”

  She nodded and pulled me the second door. Inside she stood when her cheeks flushed and her chest heaved. I loved how her lips were swollen from me. Something about that was sexy as hell knowing I’d caused it. I didn’t mess around. I pulled my shirt over my head and then pulled my shorts down with my boxers. I wasn’t’ shy about my body. I knew I was built and women found me sexy, but the look in Charlie’s eyes was akin to surprised reverence. Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull and she licked her lips like she wanted to eat me alive.

  Hell I’d let her do anything she wanted.

  “My god,” she whispered.

  I started getting a bit nervous when she didn’t move to undress. “Your turn baby.”

  She shook her head as if coming out of a fog. “I don’t know.”

  Now I could sense her nerves. I took a step and tugged her closer. “You’re beautiful, Charlie.” Then pulled her tight shirt off and slid the straps from her bra down her arms. She shivered when my fingers gently grazed her skin. “So perfect,” I said when I saw her large breasts with dark nipples that were hard. I lifted the weight of them in both hands and leaned down to kiss the tip of each one.

  She kept quiet and let me undress her. Her body trembled and shook the whole time. When I ran finger down her soft rounded stomach she tensed.

  “Oh stop it I love you the way you are. I love your curves.”

  I ignored her surprised. I’d already told her I was in love with her. I slid the elastic down her shapely thighs. She wriggled her hips seemingly to help and the pants fell to the ground. She stepped out of them kicking them to the side. She hadn’t been wearing panties, and I clenched my jaw before I ran my finger over her wetness. She was as aroused as I was.

  She gasped and parted her thighs when I ran my finger along her slit. “It’s been a long time, Ash.”

  “I’ll be gentle, baby. Lay down on your bed for me. Spread your legs.”

  She nodded and turned around and climbed on her bed before lying down and doing as I told her. I licked my lips loving how she looked. She was perfect. I wasn’t lying to her. I know she felt I was just saying things because I wanted her, but I would show her. My cock roared with excitement. She would be mine and I would never let her go.

  I got on the bed sliding between her legs. Without warning her I held her hips and ran my tongue along her. She yelled in surprise and her hips rose on instinct. I did it over and over again, running circles around her clit until she was panting and shaking so close to release, yet not. I wanted to feel her climax around my cock. I wanted her to grip me tightly.

  I hovered over her and smiled. When I leaned to kiss her she turned up her nose and I shook my head and kissed her anyways. She moaned when she realized she could taste herself in my mouth. She kissed me back eagerly as I slid into the tightest pussy I’d ever had.

  I felt her tense and stopped moving. Pulling back now it was my turn to pant. There was no way in hell I was going to make it long. “Shit.”

  She grimaced. “Sorry.”

  I shook my head. “Never, ever apologize. It’s just been awhile for me.”

  She seemed surprised and lay still as I eased my way inside of her. When I was fully seated I let out shaky breath and told myself to buck the hell up. I was in the fucking military. I should be able to hold out my climax for the woman I loved. It was hard to focus when her muscles contracted around me. Her tiny hands slid up my back gripping me. It was when she took it upon herself to wrap her thick thighs around my waist that did me it. It pulled me even deeper inside of her and I couldn’t stop myself.

  I rocked against her slowly at first and built up until I swore I’d send up through the wall. She didn’t seem to mind that I drove into her like a starving man. She whined and moaned and held up meeting each of my powerful thrusts. I knew when she shattered because I felt ever part of her tense and then after driving into her again she screamed my name.

  I shook and hearing my name spill from her beautiful lips was all it took to take me over the edge.

  “I fucking love you, Charlie.”

  She moaned and held on tightly. She didn’t say it back but when I looked at her I saw the tears in her eyes. I knew she loved me too, and I also knew something was holding her back from saying those all-important words back to me.

  Chapter 7


  Charlie braced her hands on the sink and groaned. What the hell? She said she couldn’t be with him, and what did she do? She slept with him. God, it was fantastic, but she broke down too easily. Then he told her how much he loved her. It was too much. She had been alone for too long and his declarations were fast. She had love for him, and she knew it would be easy to fall in love with him. Hell, she was probably already there, but she wasn’t ready to admit it. She worried about what he would say if she were to tell him her biggest fear.

  The knock pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “Charlie, baby. I know you’re in there second-guessing yourself, what we just did, but I swear I’m not messing around with you.” He sounded so sincere and she cringed. How did he know what she was doing? They hadn’t been around each other in three years, yet he seemed to know what she was thinking and feeling.

  She wiped her eyes and swished some mouthwash in her mouth before spitting it into the sink. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Seeing him standing there, looking lost and maybe even a little confused, she broke. No one was as sweet at this giant man. She had no doubt he was hard as hell and tough as they came, but right now he was just a man feeling very insecure about the fact he said he loved her, more than once, and she had yet to say it back.

  Charlie leaned into him and kissed him. “Ash—”

  He shook his head. “No don’t say it. I want you to say it when you’re ready. It’s not something I will force. I know how you feel.”

  “I need to talk to you about something. Before—” she gestured between them. “—this goes any further.”

  He nodded and tugged her to the bed. She sat down and sighed. He sat at the edge of the bed watching her.

  “After the cancer something happened.”

  He sat watching her holding her hand.

  “I can’t have children—ever. They had to take both of my ovaries to save me.”

  He blinked, and she waited for h
im to say anything but he didn’t see to get it.

  “You said you wanted to have a big family. I can’t give that to you now.”

  He smirked. “That’s it?”

  She frowned not happy. “It’s a really big deal. You have no idea what it’s like to know I’ll never be a mother.”

  Ash sighed. “Oh baby, yes you will. You know how many children are abandoned every single day. You can be a mother to as many as you want.”

  “It won’t be the same though. The child won’t be mine.”

  “Yes it will. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one to give birth to that child or not. You’re going to be the one to love it like no other, like you are the birth mother. Baby, think about it, you’ll get to save children from horrible suffering. I think that’s wonderful.”

  “But I would be able to have a child from you.”

  “So? I just want a big family. I have no problem with adoption.”

  She teared up. She never thought a man would say that. It was silly, really. People adopted all the time but she had ignored that as a possible solution. She didn’t want to think about all the mothers who gave up their children or lost them. It pissed her off because she couldn’t be a mother herself. She laughed for the first time in a while.

  “You’re good now?” he asked.

  “I guess I always ignored that possibility for some reason. I felt less of a woman.”

  He shook his head. “That’s crazy, Charlie. You’re the strongest woman I know. You survived cancer. You will be a mother as soon as you wan3t, and now you have me because just so you now I’m not going back. I’m staying here with you. I don’t want to miss out anymore.”

  She gasped and wiped her tears. For the first time in a long time, she felt love bloom in her chest. Ash was exactly what she was looking for. She’d figure out the rest later. For now, she wanted to enjoy her happiness. With a smile she tackled him and kissed him. “I love you too,” she said.

  Before he could respond she kissed him the way she had never kissed anyone before. The words were so easy to say, when she knew she meant it. She’d never really loved a man before. It was both exciting and terrifying.



  Barcelona Boys

  Barcelona Boys

  Chapter 1

  The plane roared through the blue sky. As she looked outside the window, Emma saw the white fluffy clouds around her, and below was the shimmering blanket of the Atlantic Ocean. The sun gleamed off the surface, and there was no land in sight. She looked at the screen in front of her and sighed when she saw how many hours were left until she touched down in Barcelona. Already, she was feeling tired and her eyes were aching after watching a few films. Out of the window, she could see a faint reflection of herself, and almost couldn't believe that she was actually going.

  For a long time, her dream had been to visit Europe. Now it was coming true, and even though it wasn't happening in quite the way she had imagined it, she was still excited. The plane was packed around her and everyone else was either asleep or minding their own business. The meals had been handed around so the air was filled with the scent of processed meats. Beside her was an empty seat, and although she tried not to stare at it, it was a constant reminder of the life that awaited her when she returned to America, which she was dreading.

  Initially, she had planned to go on the trip with her boyfriend, Matt, as they wanted a romantic getaway together. The planning was exciting and they spoke so often of all the things they would see and do, and she was glad to share this trip with someone so dear to her heart. And yet it was not to be. She knew that thinking about him would only cast a shadow over her trip, and after all the build-up, that was the last thing she wanted. Despite that, he’d been a huge part of her life, and now that he was gone, it was hard to carry on.

  Everyone had told her not to go on the trip and to try and salvage her relationship, but things were beyond that stage. This was a trip she had been planning for a lifetime, and she was damned if she was going to let it fall apart at the last minute for Matt, even if she had loved him. But it was over now and she couldn't let him back into her heart. Not after the way he had treated her. There was more to life than settling down, and if she had to do this trip alone, then so be it. Sadly, there were other couples on the plane, and when she saw them snuggle together, she felt pangs of longing for some comfort, but immediately reminded herself that she was a strong, young woman, and that the world was at her feet. She thought about the person who inspired this trip, and tried to take lessons from her. Feeling tired, but not wanting to sleep, Emma pulled out a notebook and a pen from her bag and started her travel diary.

  Chapter 2

  I'm writing this on the plane to Barcelona. This trip has been a long time in the making and I wanted to talk a little bit about the inspiration behind the trip. I dedicate this to my grandmother, Olivia Harding. Some of you may know her name, for she was a photographer. Some of her pictures made it onto the cover of Time magazine and other publications, but to me, she was always Gran. When I was younger, I loved going over to her place and being told stories of all the knick-knacks she had collected. Every one of them had some strange story behind it. Looking back now, she could have made up a story for each one, but somehow, I don't believe she did.

  I listened with awe as she told me about these wonderful, exotic countries and the interesting people living within them. I knew from a young age that I wanted to experience similar things that she did. The world seemed much bigger than my small hometown, and I wanted to see as much of it as possible. Of course, it wasn't always easy because of responsibilities like school and jobs, but whenever I had a spare moment, I was planning the trip and making notes of different places I wanted to see. It became a frightening behemoth because there was so much, I didn't think I'd ever get to do it all in my lifetime.

  Then, I found out my grandmother was dying. I never had to deal with death before that, and I couldn't quite comprehend what it meant. She was ill—really ill—and I hated seeing her so weak and frail, lying in bed. And I knew she hated it as well, since she had always been an active person. All I wanted was for her to get better and get back to doing what she did best: living life. But sometimes the body just isn't as strong as the soul. So she slipped away and I spent as much time with her as possible. I listened to all the old stories again, and pretended like it was the first time I heard them. I showed her my plans as well, and she smiled, and said that no matter what I did with my life, I should make sure that I saw the world.

  I promised her that I would, and now I'm fulfilling that promise. She left me some money as an inheritance with the condition that I only use it for traveling, something my mother hates because she'd much prefer that I was responsible and use it for something else, but I think people are too consumed with surviving instead of living. When I'm on my deathbed, I want to be like my grandmother. I want to have incredible stories to tell and magical memories to make me smile. Hopefully, this is going to be the first of many.

  Of course, as I sit here, hundreds of miles above the earth, I have to admit that it wasn't easy. I am just going for a short break to Barcelona. It was supposed to be a longer trip with my boyfriend, but that… well… it didn't work out. Perhaps I'll go into more detail later, but for now I wanted to keep it to my trip. I'm watching the sea pass by below me, and I'm surrounded by people that all have their separate lives. I'm wondering if I'm the only one undertaking a pilgrimage of sorts. The plane is loud and claustrophobic. It's so strange to think that we can put people in a metal tube and send them thousands of miles across the world in a matter of hours. I'm lucky enough to be part of a generation in which this is commonplace. Imagine being a sailor on an expedition to another country that could take months or even years. As I start my own journey of discovery, I find myself paying homage to the explorers who forged the way before me. There isn't much new land to discover in the world, but there's always something new to discover about

  Chapter 3

  Emma tapped the pen on the paper and felt satisfied that it was a good first entry. The rest of the flight was boring and long, and despite her best efforts, she did succumb to sleep. She woke with a start to find everyone putting on their seat belts as the plane made its final descent. Now, when she looked out of the window, she could see the small buildings dotted around a lush green country. The sun shone down on it as though it were being kissed by celestial beings. With a bump and a thud the plane landed, then rolled to a halt. Everyone rushed to get their bags while Emma waited patiently, knowing that there was no rush to anything.

  Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she made her way through the airport to where her luggage was sliding along the carousel. For most of the way, she was carried through by the mass of people she had been flying with, but after she'd picked up her bags and made her way through customs, she was on her own. As soon as she stepped out of the airport, she realized just how alone she was. The anxiety twisted inside her as she looked around and only saw strange faces and signs written in an unfamiliar language. Back at home, she'd always had a support network, and help had only been a phone call away; but now, she was isolated.

  She pulled out her map, on which she had marked all the relevant landmarks, and walked up to a taxi driver, who spoke to her in broken English. He recognized the place she was pointing to, and ushered her into the cab. He drove recklessly along the freeway and shouted angrily to other drivers who weren't up to his standard. Emma licked her lips and uneasily felt about herself, just making sure that she had all her valuables stashed close by. Given the speed at which they were traveling, it didn't surprise Emma that they reached the city swiftly, and as they did, her eyes grew wide.


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