ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2) Page 26

by Audrey Storm

  “Baby…my Cadence,” he moaned as he thrust harder and deeper than ever. “You. Are. Mine.”

  Every word was sealed by a hard, sharp thrust into her. She suddenly let out a loud moan and her climax was his own undoing. He tightened his grip around her and gave her one last thrust before he found his release. She collapsed on him and rest her head on his shoulder as the heat inside her pulsating pussy forced his cock out of her.

  He took a long deep breath as he held her, his hand slowly moving up and down her back.

  “What you said earlier, did you mean it?” she asked in a whisper.

  “What do you mean exactly?” he asked.

  “Earlier when you said that you would rather have me for a few months at a time than not have me at all?” she whispered again. He held the back of her head and kissed her cheek.

  “I meant every word,” he said when he pulled away. “And I know that you can give me more than just a few months.”

  She shook her head.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “You don’t have to go back home immediately and I can’t leave yet. At least not for another month,” he said. She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

  “What are you saying?” she asked.

  “I am saying that you don’t have to go yet.”

  “But we had a deal, Liam. Ten days,” she said. “It’s only the second day.”

  “I know but I also know that you are thinking the same thing I am right now.”

  “And that is?” she asked as he looked down at him.

  “We both want to know if what we have here and I for one believe that this,” he waved his finger back and forth between them. “Could work. Tell me I am not the only one who thinks that.”

  She took a long deep breath and sighed. She did want to see where this entire thing was going. God knows she had not been single for three years for nothing. Her mind was working on overtime on trying to find a valid reason, but she could not really come up with one. She had done a bang up job at creating the perfect management team. She knew her business would survive her absence.

  “I don’t…I can’t…” she looked at him and shrugged.

  “You can’t think of a valid reason. Can you?” he asked and she shook her head.

  “I’m just scared,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Don’t be. I’m not exactly sure I know what I am doing here either except for the fact that I want to be happy and I know that you can do that for me.”

  She climbed off him and lay next to him. She could not believe it but she was actually considering it.

  “One month,” she said without looking at him. He turned to look at her and smiled.

  “You mean that?” he asked and she nodded.

  “We tried the other way and three years later we are back where we began.” She looked at him and shrugged. “So maybe you are right. Let’s test the waters, see how hot or cold the situation really is.”

  He held the side of her cheek and brought himself close to kiss her.

  “You know after this month, I can take some well-deserved time off and heaven knows that I am long overdue for an American holiday,” he said and she raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “Where are you going with this?” she asked.

  “One of my clients has a huge stake in a hotel in Waikiki and he told me I have a standing forty per cent discount at the VIP suite,” he said.

  “Waikiki…as in Hawaii?” she asked and he nodded.

  “After the whole your friends going to Maui with your ex I kind of feel like I have to make it up to you.”

  “Even though I was not really your fault,” she said and he nodded.

  “I’m trying to take you on a tropical vacation, baby. I am trying here,” he said.

  Cadence turned to look at him and gently moved closer to him.

  “Oh yeah you really are,” she said when she felt his cock hardening against her thigh.

  “Ready for round two?” he asked as he secured his hand at the back of her waist.

  “Depends,” she said as she pulled away from him and got on all fours. “Can you hit it from behind?”

  He never got to answer her. He really didn’t have to. His answer was to kneel behind her and push himself into her once again…



  Danger in Uptown

  Danger in Uptown

  Chapter 1

  Katherine Silver sighed as she shifted in her seat. Staying in one spot for long was never easy, especially in the cramped space of a car. Reaching down a hand between the console and her seat, she yanked on the lever and popped it backwards, reclining it until she was satisfied. Sighing, she laced her fingers over her middle, the buckle of her belt a cold bite against her skin as it rounded over her plump stomach.

  She was on patrol again tonight, and with Maddie out sick Katherine was left to sit and wait alone. Sighing once more, she finally gave in and flicked the keys sitting in the ignition to the right, turning the car – and the heat – back on. Maddie wouldn’t have let her turn it off to begin with, but the hum always got to Katherine after a while.

  The shadow of the billboard she was parked behind receded as the touchscreen in her car light up the small space. Tapping a few buttons with her nails to make the rock station come on, Katherine surprised herself with how good she’d gotten at operating it. They didn’t have touchscreens in the patrol cars downtown, or the fancy patrol paint jobs and leather ticket booklets that they did here. Hell, if she were still assigned to downtown, then she wouldn’t be sitting on her ass, bored to tears on a Saturday night graveyard shift.

  But she wasn’t in downtown anymore.

  Yawning, Katherine did a slight stretch and glanced at the silent police radio. It was two in the morning, though her shift wouldn’t be done until six, and she was already feeling sleepy. Where was Maddie with her incessant chatter to keep her awake? Rolling her eyes at the time, she pulled out her phone and looked for something to waste time on.

  Katherine didn’t like in social media, especially will all the hate hashtags concerning cops lately, so even though her sister kept begging her to get insta-something and tweets or whatever it was called, her phone was a blank slate. She did, however, have an email account.

  Opening up the red and white app for it, she signed in and scrolled through the spam. Katherine didn’t have many friends, she could admit it, so she wasn’t really expecting anything anyway – maybe just an update about what was coming to the civic center next month, or what movies would be playing next weekend. She paused when she saw an email from the annual Citizen’s Gala. Hundreds of big wigs from local law enforcement and the courthouses would be in attendance, though grunts and office workers like herself were always welcome to volunteer at the event. She’d signed up for it in September like she’d done every year for the past three since she’d joined the force, and it was with a smile that she clicked on the message.

  The theme this year was ‘A Night in Blue,’ something that the email proclaimed at the very top in bold navy font. Pictures from the previous years of men in tuxedos and women in glittering gowns littered the page, and Katherine was actually disappointed at the little text actually included.

  “December seventeenth,” she mumbled as she read it out loud, scrolling down. “The Sheraton hotel… Oh, the rifle raffle is back.”

  As she stared into the glowing screen of her smartphone, she almost missed the two headlights that shot through her windshield before disappearing with the rev of an engine. Tossing her phone into the seat next to her and flipping on her siren, she put her car in drive and tore off after the vehicle speeding down the road.

  Katherine had always had the natural ability to glance at a car rushing by and tell just how fast they were going. Maddie liked to turn on the scanners and test her, and Katherine had only gotten it wrong twice to date. And yet, the car in front of her was flying down the street. If she had to gue
ss, she’d say that they were going eighty, but it was a thirty-five mile zone. The car couldn’t be going that fast, could it? Katherine had to wonder if the darkness, or even her exhaustion, was throwing her off.

  She turned on the scanner just to be safe.

  Katherine didn’t even try to match their speed. They were the only ones out on the road at two a.m. and her sirens were more than bright enough to catch the driver’s attention. It was obvious that she was after him, and only him. Sure enough, the car in front of her started to slow down, and she glanced at the scanner. They hadn’t just been going eighty – they had been clocked at eighty-seven.

  Which was why, when she got closer, she couldn’t help but gape as an arm popped out of the driver’s window and started waving at her, motioning for her to go around.

  What, did he think she wasn’t going to stop him?

  Flicking the black lever next to her steering wheel on, she flashed her high beams, glaring after the dumbass in front of her. The arm seemed to pause, and then waved again as the car veered off to the right. As he parked, Katherine pulled up behind him and turned off the engine. They were next to a neighborhood – the families trying to sleep didn’t need flashing blue and red lights keeping them up.

  As she unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her flashlight, Katherine had to wonder if the idiot was drunk. The loose gravel on the side of the road crunched under her feet as she stepped out of her car and breathed in the crisp night air with a scowl at the thought.

  Walking to the driver’s open window, she held back her exasperated sigh as she realized that the vehicle she’d been chasing down was a red Ferrari. It was a local, no doubt, just one of the rich kids having some fun. It was why she hated working these streets instead of downtown – kids in this area were a bunch of trust fund children and Harvard dropouts, the rich brats who’d never been taught any better. It wasn’t like downtown, where the kids stole because they had to or lied out of loyalty.

  Stepping up to the driver’s door, she forced herself to use at least some small amount of manners. “Good evening,” she said, though her tone made it clear that it was anything but. “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

  A blonde man with piercing blue eyes looked over at her harshly. “No,” he said.

  Katherine was surprised at the man sitting before her. No, not surprised – shocked. He was a fucking adult, and he’d been speeding like a mad man. She pulled out her ticket booklet and clicked her pen.

  “You were speeding,” she said simply, keeping her voice even. At the sight of a ticket, the man leaned closer to the window, raising an eyebrow. Katherine half expected him to try and bribe her, but then he lit a cigarette and just blew out the smoke.

  “Was I?” he said lazily, his blue eyes practically glowing in the darkness. “Surely I wasn’t going too fast—”

  “You were going eighty,” she said shortly. Then, without looking up, “I need your license and registration.”

  The man smirked and retreated back into his car, reaching a hand over to the passenger’s side to pop open the glove box. He took out a leather folder and passed it off to her, sucking in another drag of nicotine. Katherine accepted it and opened it up, glancing at the registration. The car was under one name—Philip Candor. A look at the driver’s license revealed a man with a beard rather than the clean shaven smoker before her, but the eyes were the same.

  “I’ll be right back, Mr. Candor,” she said, already walking back to her car. The look she’d thrown back at him had made it clear that he was not to go anywhere.

  As she climbed into her car to fill out the ticket properly, she shivered from the cold. She’d only been gone a minute or two, and yet the Oregon frost had already taken hold again. Scribbling out the ticket, when she left the car this time she kept the keys turned and the engine running.

  “Here you are, sir,” she said, handing him the leather folder back, along with a speeding citation. “You can either pay this online or at the court house. Or, if you’d like to appear before a judge—”

  “Can we just get this over with?” the man asked carelessly, pulling out his wallet. Katherine tried to ignore the hundred dollar bills that he plucked out, even when he waved them in her face. “It’s two hundred, right? Here.” But Katherine crossed her arms and shook her head. She knew a bribe when she saw one.

  “If you only have cash, then go to the courthouse,” she said shortly.

  That made the man pause. Glancing at her chest, he flicked his eyes back up to hers again. “Mrs. Silver, is it? Or do they call you by your number, like a wheel in a cog?”

  Katherine bristled as she shifted on her feet. “I am Officer Silver to you,” she ground out, balling up her fists. She knew that he wanted her to correct him—he could see that she wasn’t wearing a wedding band.

  “Officer, then,” he smirked.

  She barely held back an eye roll as she turned back to the direction of her car and said dryly, “Have a nice night.”

  The patrol car was warm when she got back into it.

  Chapter 2

  Maddie showed up to work the next day, her soft voice clear of a cough. Katherine handed her the reports from the day before—ticket stubs, car maintenance—and filled her in on what she’d missed.

  “Eighty-seven?” Maddie gaped, reading the copy of the ticket. “Speeding down Fortress Street?”

  “Yup,” Katherine nodded, typing away at the computer. “He’s Richard’s brother.”

  Maddie whipped her head to glance at the police chief’s empty office. “Our Richard?” she asked. Katherine just nodded. “Holy…” Maddie shook her head, her red bangs flying against her pale forehead. “Man, I’ve got to stop taking sick days. Shit always happens when I’m not around.”

  More like sick weeks. “You feel better though?” Katherine asked, giving her partner a sideways glance as she set a document to print.

  “Don’t give me that look,” Maddie waved her off. “I’m fine—not infectious at all.”

  Katherine scoffed, but didn’t otherwise comment. Maddie had always had the odd habit of catching colds – at least, she had since Katherine had been moved to uptown as her partner six months ago. For a good while, the constant call outs had led Katherine to believe that Maddie was just as soft and green as the rest of her new coworkers; a lazy bunch, the lot of them. Maddie herself came from one of the old families, after all – why on earth would she ever take the force seriously?

  It was only after a few months that Katherine finally decided to do something about it. She knew where Maddie lived, where most of the rich cops lived: in a house around Jameson Park, overlooking the city. Katherine knocked on her door, surprised but not discouraged when Maddie’s husband, Mark, answered it instead. He led her to their bedroom where an unconscious Maddie was lying down, breathing hard with a scorching fever.

  “It’s not that she’s sickly,” Mark had tried to explain. “But—”

  “But she’s sickly,” Katherine had finished for him.

  Mark had paused before nodding. He was a tall man, thin and lanky, but in that moment he had seemed rather small. “She’s so hard headed. I can’t watch her all the time,” he said, wringing his hands.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her,” Katherine had promised.

  “Anyway,” Maddie said, bringing Katherine back to the present, “I’m driving tonight.”

  Katherine raised an eyebrow. “Are you?”

  The two left at midnight, three hours after the start of their shift. Maddie took the keys and ran to the driver’s side, leaving Katherine to roll her eyes and walk to the passenger door. It wasn’t that Katherine always drove; it was just that, normally, Maddie wasn’t feeling up to it. Something about her nausea, not that Katherine was one to pry. She didn’t mind driving, even if it meant that Maddie was only going to fiddle with the radio all night long.

  Honestly, though, it was nice to relax and let Maddie do all the work for a change.

  Maddie drove them around for th
e entire shift, not that there was much to drive for. They’d finally gotten a call from dispatch around six a.m. for assistance, but it had only been to pay an apartment full of college kids a visit, and to remind them to keep the noise level down. Finally, at eight, Maddie turned the steering wheel back toward the precinct.

  “Tomorrow’s your day off,” Maddie said, unbuttoning her uniform back in the locker room. Katherine just laughed.

  “And yours,” she said. As partners, they always had the same two days off together that gave them a full forty-eight hours of rest. “Any plans with Mark?” Mark was a freelance photographer who worked from home, so a day off for Maddie was a day off for him.

  “Mm-nhm,” Maddie shook her head. “It’s the first week of December, so nothing is going on. I think we’ll just call it good and stay in.”

  “Sounds fun,” Katherine said honestly.

  “Stop by,” Maddie said, staring at her friend. “If you want. You’re always welcome.”

  “Thanks,” Katherine smiled. “But I’ve got plans.” She didn’t.

  “Can’t wait to hear all about them on Thursday!” Maddie giggled, pulling on a t-shirt. “Have fun!”

  Maddie did not return on Thursday. She was out sick again, not that Katherine was surprised. She was, however, more than a little startled when someone else showed up instead.

  “Katherine Joanne Silver.”

  Katherine glanced up from her work at the familiar voice, but the moment her eyes connected with the speaker she felt her blood run cold. Philip Candor, dressed in a black trench coat and armed with a leather briefcase, stared down at her.

  “Alone again today, Katherine? Or may I call you Kat?” he asked, his eyes suddenly turning kind as he swept up his jacket and dropped elegantly into the creaking chair across from her.

  “As I’ve already told you, it’s Officer Silver,” she said curtly, leaning back in her chair as she assessed the man that she’d caught flying through her streets six days ago. Why he’d come to visit her she hadn’t the slightest idea, though by the fierceness of his eyes she had half a mind to wonder if it was to threaten her. Rich men didn’t usually like fat girls ruining their fun.


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