ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2) Page 56

by Audrey Storm

  “Can I help you?” she called out from behind the cash register. I remained silent for a few moments and she looked at me strangely.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, a hint of concern pressing into her voice. She spoke in a melody and her words were honeyed, and they held such power over me that it all seemed hopeless yet what was I to do? She came out from behind the cash register and I saw that she was wearing a plain brown apron. Underneath that was a pale blue top with white hearts embroidered into it, and a white skirt that reached down to her knees. Though the apron was unflattering she was still the purest beauty I had ever seen. She wore a silver heart around her neck and there were two bracelets around her right wrist, although her fingers were free of rings. The bracelets were plain silver and as she walked she brushed her hair behind her ears, and I saw that they were naked and free of earrings. She was obviously modest and sweet, wholesome even, just like this town, while my heart was racing and I could feel my skin prickling with anxious sweat.

  “Excuse me, are you okay?” she said again. Now she was in front of me and I caught the light scent of her perfume. I gazed into her liquid eyes and drowned in the deep blue, before I finally regained my senses and smiled at her.

  “Yes, I'm sorry, I just zoned out for a minute there,” I said.

  “Are you sure? Do you want some water or anything?”

  “No, no, I'll be fine, honestly,” I said. She nodded, although didn't seem convinced, but she went back behind the cash register while I started to walk down the aisles, absently picking up some fruit because I felt like I should buy something while I was in there, and I wasn't ready to leave yet.

  “I don't recognize you, are you just passing through?” she asked.

  “Actually I decided to take a little break so I'm going to be here for a while. City life was getting me down, y'know?”

  “You live in the city?” she asked. I looked up at her and saw that her eyes were wide with wonder, as though I had just told her something amazing.

  “Yeah, lived there pretty much all my life.”

  “I've always wanted to go! What's it like? Why would you ever leave to come to a place like this?”

  “You've really never been to the city?”

  She shook her head.

  “Well it's not all its cracked up to be.”

  “At least there's stuff to do there, not like here.”

  “I hope that's not true because I planned to stay here for a month, so if there's nothing to do then I'm going to get very bored very quickly.”

  “Of course there are things to do, but not like in the city. I mean, everyone knows everyone here. There aren't any surprises.”

  “You mean like me?” I said with a twinkle in my eye. She blushed a little and turned away, then rolled her tongue along her lower lip. It was cute. There was a moment of silence between us, which I couldn't stand.

  “So what is there to do around here? Oh, and where's the best place to stay? I kinda just came here on a whim so I didn't make any bookings or anything.”

  “Oh, if you head down the road and turn right you'll get to Polly's place, she'll put you up, and she makes the best breakfast in town. As for things to do, well, you've got the movie theater there. They're playing Gone With the Wind at the moment there's a matinee showing starting in about half an hour if you wanted to catch that.”

  “I've never actually seen that.”

  “You've never seen Gone With the Wind?!” she asked, incredulous. I shook my head.

  “I guess it's one of those things that I never got around to.”

  “Right, we're going to see the matinee. Come on,” she said, and pulled off her apron.

  “Are you sure? Don't you have to work?”

  “Oh no, it'll be fine,” she said, and then turned to the stairs at the back of the store. “Daddy!” she called out, and soon enough an older man came stomping down the stairs.

  “This is,” she turned to me and we both realized that we hadn't actually exchanged names yet.

  “I'm Claire,” I said.

  “This is Claire,” she continued, “she's just new in town and visiting from the city and she has never seen Gone with the Wind! So I wanted to take her to the matinee.” Her father looked shocked at the fact that I hadn't seen the film. I guess it must have been some kind of rite of passage around here, and to my surprise he actually agreed to his daughter's request. She ran up to kiss him on the cheek and said thanks, and then grabbed my arm as she led me out of the store. She was so breezy and light that she was like summer herself, and just being beside her made me feel warmer.

  “So you have me at a disadvantage, are you going to tell me your name or are you going to remain a mystery to me?”

  She smiled coyly again. “I'm Faith,” she said, and skipped ahead of me a couple of steps. I suddenly felt very old as we made our way to the cinema. She said hello to the usher as he printed off our tickets and then we walked into the golden hall. I couldn't believe that a place like that still existed. It was such a sight to behold and the feeling of being in such a cinema gave the whole experience a sense of grandeur. It made going to the cinema an event again. We walked into the large cinema. There were a few other heads in there but it was hardly packed out so we had our choice of seats. Faith led me to her favorites and we settled into the plush red seats as the giant screen flickered into life, playing cartoons just like they had done when I was a kid. As soon as I saw them my face lit up.

  “What's so funny?” she asked.

  “It's's just that nowadays they don't usually show cartoons in front of movies. Just took me back to when I was younger and my dad used to take me. Speaking of which, so you work with your dad at the store then?”

  “Yeah,” she said despondently, “it's a family business but my brother was allowed to go to the city. I had to stay here and help them out but I want to leave too at some point.”

  “How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?”

  “Oh, I'm twenty-one,” she said. I was surprised, for she seemed younger than that, but I guess the city makes everyone seem a little older. I told her that I was twenty-nine and she acted surprised, which was nice, although I think she was just being polite.

  “I still can't believe you haven't seen these. It's probably my favorite. Well, actually, Casablanca probably beats it but that's because it's a lot shorter.”

  “How long is this one then?”

  “Oh, about four hours.”

  “Four hours?!”

  “Yeah, but don't worry, there's an intermission so we'll get to stretch out legs.” I looked at her with disbelief and wondered what I had gotten myself into, but once the movie started I was able to relax, and it was that good that I soon forget about the passage of time and was able to simply enjoy the film. I think Faith was watching me more than the film, and how I reacted to certain scenes, but I was transfixed. I was even annoyed when the intermission came because I wanted to see what happened, and in that four hours a bond had been formed between us.

  Chapter 7

  Over the following week or so I settled into the quaint town as though I had been there my whole life. It wasn't always perfect, for I soon realized how much I missed just being able to check the news and my favorite websites, but it was idyllic and refreshing, and I felt like I was becoming myself again. I could feel my mood becoming lighter and a large part of that was due to Faith. We spent a lot of time together and being around her made me feel warm inside. She showed me around the sights and taught me a lot about the history of the place, as well as what the places meant to her, like how her dad had taught her to fly a kite through the park, or how her mother used to take her to the store and then bake cookies with her, and they'd take them around to their neighbors.

  Listening to her stories was like being given a window into a life that I had been denied. It was so innocent and I knew that nothing like it would have been possible in the city. I found myself always smiling around her, and even when I wasn't
around her I was thinking of her. When in bed I would gaze out of the window and look out at the big pale moon, and wonder if this was fate that I had met her.

  I felt as though I could tell her anything and there were no secrets between us. There were also more than a few moments when we caught each other’s eyes and there was a certain look in hers that gave me hope, but I couldn't be sure. We had a good time together though and yet every hour was bittersweet because I knew it was an hour closer to me having to return home. One day we were sitting by the fountain in the park. The sun was setting and streaks of red were splitting the sky as the darkness descended upon us. We'd had some ice cream and the chilled taste was still on my lips. The smell of freshly cut grass surrounded us, and the fountain was trickling along.

  “You're going to be leaving soon, aren't you?” she said, her voice hollow.

  “Yeah...I'd love to stay but I need to get back to work,” I replied.

  “Maybe next time I could come see you and you could show me around the city?”

  “I'd like that, as long as your parents were okay with it. I'd hate for them to think that I was stealing you away to corrupt you in the big bad city.” She laughed a little. I loved it when she giggled like that. It was my favorite song.

  “Maybe I need a little corruption,” she said, and her eyelids fell. I could feel the tension rising between us again. Now that I was aware of it I knew it had been there from the very first time we met and yet there was something holding me back.

  “Faith...maybe we shouldn't do this...your parents...I'm older than you and I'm, you know, I don't think they'd like the idea of you and another woman.”

  “I know they wouldn't. But does that mean I'm supposed to be unhappy for the rest of my life? I'm not like you. I don't get to live in the big city and be myself all the time. I have to pretend to be something or not and it's so suffocating. Sometimes I just want to go downstairs and shout at them and tell them that I'm not attracted to me and I don't want to get married and live the perfect life they want me to, but I can't. I wish I was like you. I could be with whoever I wanted.”

  “Actually Faith...I've never been with a woman myself, I've only ever been with men.” She gave me that same look as she had done when she found out that I had never seen Gone With the Wind.

  “But I thought you...”

  “I guess I've always been attracted to women but you're the first one that I've really wanted, but I don't want to drive a wedge in between you and your parents. This life you have here, I know you think it's stifling and bad but at least you're a part of something here. People know who you are and everyone is your friend. The city can be a cold and lonely place sometimes and I wouldn't want to make you feel like you have to leave here. I actually really admire how close you are to your family and this whole place, this whole community, it's something to be cherished. I'm just trying to do right by you Faith, and I think that maybe us getting involved is going to do you more harm than good.”

  I hated the words that were coming out of my mouth because all I wanted was to take her in my arms and shower her with kisses but I felt like I had to be responsible. Faith was precious to me and I didn't want her to make any rash decisions that would have dire repercussions for the future, for if being with me ruined her relationship with her parents then I would never be able to forgive myself. But perhaps that wasn't my call. After all, Faith was her own woman and she could make her own decisions. She looked at me deeply with her wide, beautiful eyes and she stared into my soul, past all the doubts and fears and all of my bullshit heroics trying to fall on my sword and preserve her chastity.

  “Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn,” she said, then leaned in and before I knew it we were kissing. Her lips were the softest I had ever felt, like velvet upon mine, and as she kissed me she exhaled too so that her breath rushed over my face, making my skin tingle. Her hair fell forward and she placed her hands around my hips, pressing her body close to mine until we had fallen down under the setting sun and given into the burning lust.

  Chapter 8

  However, we did not stay in the park for that would have been too conspicuous. We sprinted along the streets. Of course we could not have gone back to her parents so I smuggled her into Polly's, making sure that Polly did not see us. When we reached the room we collapsed in laughter once the door was shut behind us, and then it was just the two of us alone, and we were able to do anything we wanted.

  We walked up to each other and kissed each other with a deep hunger that consumed the both of us. Our hands ran over each other’s bodies and I was almost afraid that we were going to claw each other’s skin away, such was the strength of our fervent passion.

  I cupped her heart-shaped face in my hand and told her how beautiful she was. In response she undressed before me and showed me the heaven that was her body. I walked around her and stood behind her. I pressed my head into the nape of her neck and breathed in her scent. She trembled as she felt my breath rush over her. I reached my hands around her body and started at her flat stomach, then moved up to cup her breasts and pinch her nipples. She groaned in surrender as she nestled her head into mine. My lips met her collarbone and I kissed her skin, moving my lips up and down her neck while my hands moved down her body, rippling along her torso, feeling the pit of her belly button. The heat she exuded was intoxicating and I had an insatiable need to be close to her, to be with her.

  I let my hands linger on her stomach but she grew impatient. Her hands shot out and pushed mine down in between her legs, where I felt her wet heat beckon me. She raised one arm up and curled it around my head, running her fingers through my hair as I slipped mine inside her lips. I felt the heat envelop my fingers and I started to stroke slowly, curling them up and down. I saw the goosebumps erupt on her body and I felt her tremble. Her breaths became short bursting gasps and it sent me into a delirious haze. All I wanted to do was show her the world and take her to new heights of pleasure, heights that neither of us had experienced before.

  As I felt her body shudder and writhe under the power of my touch I realized that the rest of my life had been a lie and I knew that I had been waiting for her. Finding the right man hadn't been the problem because it hadn't been a man I was looking for.

  Faith twisted her head back to steal a kiss from me but as she did so I plunged y fingers inside her even deeper and found her sweet spot, making her body convulse, and if I had not been holding her she would have collapsed and melted on the floor. I held her tightly as I pleasured her with my fingers and enjoyed feeling the rhythm of her body, the way her muscles tensed and the frantic beating of her heart. I started to bite her neck and then I pushed her down to the bed. She looked back at me, arms splayed out across the sheets, waiting for me, the perfect body and the perfect woman, all mine.

  I fell to my knees and looked at her over her body. I crawled forward until I was between her legs and then I buried myself in her, tasting her sweet juice. My right hand squeezed her thigh while my other arm was draped over her stomach, holding her down. I licked slowly at first, then got deeper and deeper as I swirled it about like a tornado. I looked up and watched her back arch and her face contort with pleasure. I reached up with my left hand and fondled her breasts, causing even more pleasurable sensations to sing through her body, before I stretched up to my limit and stroked her face. Her mouth caught my fingers and she started to suck and lick them while I continued to fuck her with my tongue, never allowing my eyes to wander from her until her head fell back and bit her lip. Her body shuddered and she drew in deep breaths. I could feel the heat of her skin against me and I smiled as I saw the orgasm written over her face.

  I kissed her sweet pussy and the wet insides of her thighs before I slithered over her and kissed her passionately, pinning her down to the bed and reveling in the taboo desire that we had created between ourselves. I kissed her hungrily, and in the back of my mind I had an image of the two of us standing atop a hill, both dressed in white, exchanging our vows as the gol
den sun bathed us in its rays.



  The Girl Next Door

  The Girl Next Door

  Chapter 1

  It was a big day for me. The biggest day of my life. I lugged the heavy boxes up the stairs. The sharp edges of the cardboard dug into my armpits and skin, my muscles ached as I trudged up the floors. My hair was matted to my face and my cheeks were rosy. My chest heaved, as I knew there were embarrassing stains over my gray t-shirt. Why I chose gray I'll never know, I don't even like the color. I guess I just knew that I'd be ruining whatever t-shirt I wore so I chose my least favorite one, at least one that was safe. I couldn't ruin the t-shirt with a flashing Rudolph nose on it that mom got me for Christmas. She'd never forgive me. She was already mad at me for leaving home.

  “Do you really have to go?” had been the chorus ever since I arranged the move, and all day she was on the verge of tears. At first I tried to explain my reasons, I told her that I needed to be free and I needed to grow because that just wasn't going to happen back at home. I was twenty-one and I had to make my own way in the world. I couldn't be tethered to the nest any longer. But of course mom didn't hear the rationale behind my words. She only understood that I was leaving and blamed herself. Are all mothers like that or is it just mine?

  So in the end I stopped trying to explain myself and just tried to comfort her as best I could but it didn't help my already frayed nerves. This was supposed to be a happy day for me – finally I was striking out on my own. Beware, World; Tammy Atkinson was on the loose. No longer would I have to negotiate with my parents about my friends coming over. No longer would I have to acquiesce to my father when he wanted to watch a sporting event, which was obviously so much more important than anything I wanted to watched.


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