Claiming the East Wind

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Claiming the East Wind Page 5

by Anna Hackett

  As the cardinal winds combined into a fierce force, Soren was filled with energy. Memories pushed at the barriers in his mind. He remembered this sensation, of standing with his brothers, setting the power of their winds free.

  He saw the force hit the people closest to them. They stopped, like clockwork automatons who’d run out of power. They looked around, touching wounds, puzzlement and shock on their faces.

  The greed was fleeing, diluted to nothing by the power of the WindKeepers.

  Then Soren spied a face in the back behind the bar.


  The Tempest Wind watched the chaos with a slight smile. Didn’t seem to care that the brothers were driving his vice away.

  Then he mouthed one word.

  Soren’s gut cramped. His wind faltered as fear rushed in.

  And the greed followed.

  Soren went down on one knee, whispers filling his head until he wanted to scream. Take it. Take what you want. Take it all.

  “Soren.” Antonio kneeled beside him. “Fight it. I know how hard it is, but you can do it.”

  Soren shook his head. He looked behind the bar again. Apeliotus was gone. Fear like acid burned through him. “Skye. We have to get to Skye.”

  Chapter Seven

  Skye fiddled with the hem of her shirt and kept her gaze trained on the restaurant. They’d been in there forever.

  “They’ll be fine.”

  She glanced at Samia. With her short dark hair, sun-kissed skin and lithe assassin’s body, Skye could see why Dante Venti had fallen for her. Skye wondered what it was about herself that drew Soren. And was it enough to keep him interested…once this was all over.

  “Soren’s still in the grip of greed. He’s doing better, but…”

  “Hey, listen to me.” Rayne pressed a hand to Skye’s arm. “Luca, Dante and Antonio beat their vices. Soren will too.”

  “But they found their Aurae.” Skye wrung her hands. “I think I help Soren, but the greed hasn’t left. I’m not his match.” Voicing the words sent a shot of pain under her heart.

  Rayne shared a look with Samia and Sophia.

  Sophia cleared her throat. “Skye, the guy is gone over you, sweetie.”

  Skye blinked. “We barely know each other—”

  “That’s how it is when a WindKeeper finds his Aurae,” Rayne said. “Believe me, we all know.”

  Power filled the air, lifting the hairs on Skye’s arms. She felt the faintest hint of the East Wind, and felt something else itch under her skin. It had to be nerves. “They’re using their winds.”

  “Yeah.” Rayne watched the restaurant, bouncing on her heels.

  Suddenly a huge gust of wind raced at the women, knocking them all to the ground. Skye thought she screamed, or it might have been Sophia.

  Skye stayed on the ground, trying to find her breath. Ahead, she saw Rayne on her hands and knees, struggling against the gale, calling on her own breeze.

  Then suddenly it felt like the wind had hands, and they were grabbing at Skye. Dragging her along the ground.

  “Rayne!” Skye tried to catch hold of the shallow edges of the cobbles, scrambling to stop the inexorable force.

  “No, damn you!” Rayne struggled and twisted in an attempt to reach Skye, but she was held in place. The other women were held immobile too.

  The Southeast Wind dragged Skye backward down the street. She kicked out, but with nothing solid to hit, it did no good. She felt the skin on her palms and knees scrape and tear.

  She turned a corner and lost sight of her sister, the others, the restaurant. She tumbled down some steps and landed in a heap.

  Skye’s chest rose and fell harshly as she gasped for breath. Deep, masculine laughter reached her ears and grated along her nerves.

  She recognized the sound of a man who liked to hurt women.

  Looking up, she saw Apeliotus.

  She was windblown, battered and bleeding, while the Tempest Wind was dressed in slacks and a white shirt. He looked like he was ready for a party, not battle.

  Apeliotus shook his head. “What does the WindKeeper see in you?”

  Skye’s chest felt tight. The Tempest Wind was voicing her deepest fear. She decided she didn’t like being sprawled on the ground at evil’s feet. Slowly, she pushed herself up, her hands clenched at her sides.

  Apeliotus strode closer and she tensed. He circled her, his gaze everywhere.

  “He could have any woman he wants. Women far more beautiful, poised, elegant.”

  She tossed her head back. “And yet, he wants me.” Skye felt the truth of that deep inside. Soren wanted her.

  Apeliotus stopped in front of her, a big, looming presence. “Si. You are the only thing stopping him from taking the last step.” Apeliotus leaned in, his breath fanning over her face.

  Black, oily memories stirred. Her stepfather crowding her, forcing her, taking what he had no right to take. Her heart pounded like a wild stampede.

  “Do you know what happens after he finally gives into the greed?” Apeliotus curled his fingers around a lock of her hair. “Greed will race across the world. Together, we will be unstoppable. And I will have the power I need to resurrect the fallen Venti Tempesta and we will let the other vices loose as well. Envy, anger…lust.” Apeliotus leaned in and nipped at her ear.

  Skye’s stomach did a vicious turn. She stepped back but he clenched his hand in her hair, tugging her forward.

  “Lust is not my vice, sweet Skye, but greed is not so dissimilar. I like to take, I live to take and I think taking what the WindKeeper values will drive him over the edge.”

  Apeliotus’s hand tore at her clothes. Skye tried to scream, but in that moment, she was once again a young girl, trapped by shame and fear. Apeliotus slashed a hand at the front of her shirt and buttons bounced on the cobblestones.

  She felt cool air on her skin, saw the ugliness distorting his face, felt his rough hands on her, hard and bruising.

  Not again. Memories of those precious, stolen moments with Soren rushed in. That’s what she wanted. More desire, more pleasure, more love.

  This time she wouldn’t suffer in silence and wait to be rescued.

  As Apeliotus pawed at her breasts, she drew in air. She forced herself to grip his arms even though touching him made her sick. Then she slammed her knee between his legs.

  She hit him, but sensing her attack, he turned at the last minute. A glancing blow at best. He watched her now with wary eyes.

  Skye didn’t stop to think or plan. All she knew was that she needed to protect herself. Not only for her sake, but for Soren.

  She launched herself at Apeliotus, raking her nails down his face and neck, and kicking him. Rayne had taught her some self-defense, so she knew a few moves.

  As Apeliotus roared, she reached up, trying to poke him in the eyes. Righteous energy flowed inside her.

  “I won’t let you hurt more people.” She shoved an elbow in his gut. “I won’t let you have Soren.”

  Apeliotus swung out and hit her with an open palm across her cheek. She staggered, pain radiating through her face. He hit her again and she went down on her knees.

  Oh, it hurt. But she’d been hit before, threatened before. Stay still, little Skye and keep quiet or it will hurt much, much more.

  Not this time. She reached out and grabbed Apeliotus between the legs. Her stomach revolted, but she forced herself to keep her grip tight and yanked hard.

  He howled, trying to pull away. But Skye held on. He brought a hard chop down on her arm. As the sharp pain registered, she was forced to let him go.

  He stood in front of her, a little unsteady on his feet. “You’ll pay for that.”

  Skye cradled her arm close to her chest. “It’ll be worth it.”

  Apeliotus took a step forward and Skye girded herself for what was to come. She’d keep fighting until she couldn’t fight anymore.

  A screaming howl filled the narrow street. The air around Skye turned warm and humid.

peliotus stumbled back and glanced behind her. Whatever he saw turned his face white.

  Skye looked over her shoulder. Soren was running. His powerful arms held out, pushing his wind at his enemy. He looked like a warrior, an avenging angel.

  Soren glanced at Skye, his face tightening. “You touched her. You hurt her.”

  “Join me, WindKeeper.” Apeliotus spread his arms. “Forget her. Welcome the greed and we can have more.”

  Skye wondered if she imagined the pleading in his tone, the faint touch of desperation.

  “I will take everything from you, Vento Tempesta.” Soren’s tone was icy cold.

  For the first time, Skye felt a flicker of true fear. She stared at his face, found it twisted and hard.

  Soren lunged forward and grabbed Apeliotus by the collar of his shirt. He lifted the Tempest Wind off his feet. “I will relish taking everything from you, including your life.”

  No. Skye scrambled up, clutching her ripped shirt together. This was wrong. Somehow, deep inside, she knew if Soren destroyed Apeliotus with greed, that he would lose. He would lose his soul to his vice. Frustration made her grind her teeth together even as her palms tingled. If only she could use her power to reach Soren?

  But she couldn’t. All she had was herself.

  “Soren, no!”

  But her scream was snatched away by the growing wind.

  No. Please. She had to do something.


  All Soren saw in his mind was Skye—red cheek, blood on her hands and knees, her shirt torn open.

  He wanted revenge for that. He wanted Apeliotus to suffer. The Tempest Wind had made her relive moments of her past and Soren couldn’t forgive that.

  For a man on the verge of destruction, Apeliotus looked smug. A small smirk quirked his lips and his eyes were alight.

  Soren didn’t care. The man wouldn’t be laughing when Soren had taken every last thing he valued, including his freedom.

  “Soren. Soren!”

  His name penetrated, but he wouldn’t be distracted from his task. He moved, slamming Apeliotus down hard into the ground. The Tempest Wind groaned, more than a few bones broken.

  Now Apeliotus represented all the suffering Soren had felt, all the torment the greed had caused him. The Tempest Wind also represented the man who’d hurt a young Skye.

  Oh, yes. This would feel very, very good. Soren leaned closer.

  “Si, WindKeeper. Do it. Give in to your need.”

  Soren reared back, a fist ready. Then a sound made him pause.

  A distant melody, a song that drifted to him on a gentle breeze. A breeze filled with quiet power that he recognized but had never felt before.

  He shook his head. Skye? Skye was singing. Her lovely voice seemed to twine around him. He looked up and saw her crouched on the other side of Apeliotus. Her blue eyes were fixed on Soren and her palms were held upward.

  Commanding her breeze to bring him the song.

  Her voice rose and fell and now he listened to her words. A beautiful song, one about love and giving. One about a woman who would do anything for the man she loved. And a man, who would give her the world.

  Give, not take.

  Memories crashed in on Soren. He released Apeliotus and clamped his hands on his head. Pain was a searing burn across his eyes.

  His brothers. Dio. Everything rushed in, filling the empty, hungry void his vice had made him. But along with his love for his brothers came something else.

  A fascination with one small woman. An honest need he knew was already growing into something more.

  She’d stopped singing, but her notes lingered in the air. He looked at her now and she shot him a tremulous smile. He smiled back.

  Voices behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Luca, Dante and Antonio running to him, followed by the women.

  “Soren, are you okay?” Luca said.

  “Si, mio fratello. I am. Better than I’ve ever been.” Soren rose.

  A fierce frown marred Luca’s face, then it cleared. “Soren?”

  Soren nodded. “My memories have returned.”

  Two harsh exclamations. A deep one from Apeliotus and a quieter one from Skye.

  Rayne had pulled Skye into a fierce embrace and now stood close beside her.

  Soren leaned down and hauled up the Southeast Wind. “Game over, Apeliotus.”

  “Never,” Apeliotus spat. “The Venti Tempesta will never stop. We will fight to free the vices.”

  “And I and my brothers will always fight to keep you trapped. Your time here is done.” Soren summoned the East Wind.

  Now it was with full memory of his power. Of growing up with his duty as a WindKeeper, of knowing the vast power of his wind. The East Wind rushed around them, warm and humid, ready to do his bidding.

  It grew until it was a hard roar. Then Soren cast Apeliotus into the heart of the storm.

  The Tempest Wind didn’t scream, but he fought. His struggling body disintegrated, like dust in the air. Gone, freed from his mortal form.

  Soren breathed deeply for the first time in months. He was free. To do exactly what he chose.

  His gaze strayed to Skye.

  She stood, her head down. She looked…lost. His heart gave a hard lurch and he barely resisted snatching her up. “Skye? Are you okay?”

  She lifted her head. Shot him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m fine.”

  “You used your power.”

  She blinked and stared at her hands. “I did? Oh, I did.” Her smile was blinding. She looked at her sister. “Rayne. I used my power!”

  Rayne’s lips trembled. “I know, baby. I’m so happy for you.”

  “I feel…free. Whole.” Skye pressed a hand to her mouth, her eyes gleaming. “I can’t believe it. I’m not broken.”

  “You never were,” Soren said fiercely.

  “The memories…they’re still there, but—” her smile widened “—I know now I can deal with them.” Then her smile dimmed. “You’re free now, too, Soren. You have your memory back, you defeated Apeliotus. You have your life back.”

  Why the hell did he sense a goodbye in there somewhere? Now that her sacrifice was no longer needed, was she…done with him? Had all this just been a mission for her? A way to save herself by saving someone else?

  If it was, he wasn’t sure he could bear it. Because he had a frightening feeling he was falling in love with Skye Santini.

  Luca moved up shoulder-to-shoulder with Soren. “We need to carry out the Ritual of the Four Winds.”

  Soren knew that. They’d all defeated their enemies but left unchecked, they’d grow stronger again. The Ritual of the Four Winds would lock the Venti Tempesta away, back in the bodies of horses to be kept on Isola del Vento, to be watched over by an immortal Keeper.

  He looked again at Skye. She still wouldn’t meet his gaze. Her hands were clenched together in front of her. He hated that she looked so defeated when moments before her strength had helped him defeat Apeliotus.

  Soren strode forward. “No. Not now.”

  Skye’s head snapped up and she stared at him. “Soren—”

  “Luca, the ritual can wait. The Venti Tempesta aren’t going anywhere just this minute.” Soren had a need far more urgent than the evil that had plagued them the last few weeks. He tossed one last comment to his brothers. “Meet me tonight at the villa. We’ll carry out the ritual then.”

  Turning back to Skye, he scooped her into his arms.

  “Soren.” Just a whisper, filled with uncertainty. “You don’t need me anymore—”

  “Apparently you have no idea what I need.” All he knew was that right now Skye needed him. He had the vital task of proving how he felt and convincing her to stay with him. “Will you ride the wind with me?”

  She nibbled on her lip, but nodded.

  The East Wind swirled around them, and as their bodies began to turn into the wind, Soren relished the fact that he and Skye were one and meant to be together.

  But could
he convince her to stay?

  Chapter Eight

  As they rematerialized back in the villa, Skye took a second to savor the final feel of being the wind. Her power was free now, and being able to call the breeze was amazing, but Aurae couldn’t become the wind like WindKeepers.

  Oh God, her power was free! She still couldn’t believe it. She wanted to dance and sing in the breeze. But her happiness was entwined with sadness.

  After today, she’d have no reason to spend time with any WindKeepers.

  No reason to spend time with Soren.

  She looked up and realized they weren’t in the living area—instead they were in Soren’s bedroom. She glanced at the big bed, pain piercing her chest, before she looked away.

  Soren was watching her.

  His gray eyes were calm now. No thunderclouds, just a clean, pearl gray that she loved even more.

  Loved. Oh, God, she wasn’t stupid enough to fall for this man, was she? A billionaire playboy like him would have no use for a shy, quiet woman now that he was recovered.

  “I’m so pleased your memories have returned.” The way he watched her made her want to fidget. “And with the Venti Tempesta gone, things can return to normal.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Nothing will be normal again.”

  She couldn’t work out what he was thinking, but she sensed his dangerous mood.

  “What are you plans now, Skye?” His voice was like dark silk.

  “Ah—” she plucked at her shirt “—head back to London, I suppose. I’m not sure…” This was slicing her up. She hated the thought of leaving him.

  “You’re going to leave me? Just like that?”

  The sharp whip of his words cut her. “You have your memory back. You don’t need me.”

  He stalked up to her, backing her into the wall. “I need you more than ever.”

  The hard heat of him thrilled her and made her heart thump a crazy beat. She wanted to believe his words. “You can have your glamorous lifestyle back—”

  “Damn it, Skye. All I want is you.” He pressed his lips to her cheek, his breath hot on her skin. His hand slid down her side and his mouth trailed down her neck. “What do I need to do to convince you of that?”


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