by Jill Wilder
Chapter 14
Stone reached out to touch it, but Keo’s hands were quickly spread over the items in the box and stopped Stone. “Before you touch the feather, know this. This Eagle Feather was first destined to belong to someone else.”
A sad look glazed over Keo’s eyes, “I had prepared this a few years ago, to present to your Father, but he never made it back.”
Keo slowly pulled his hands away. “You know I loved your father like he was my own son.” Changing his facial expression to a warm smile, he continued, “Guess that makes you my Grandson.”
Stone looked into Keo’s eyes and gently smiled back. Instead of pulling out the feather, Stone placed the box on the alter and turned to give Keo a strong embrace.
About that time, the Captain entered the doorway, “I am sorry I was late, I overslept. I was in a very peaceful place and did not want to go.”
Keo let go of Stone and walked over to the Captain to welcome him into the sanctuary. “Please come and join us. Stone has just opened the box.”
The Captain moved from Keo over to the alter and Stone. He greeted Stone with a hardy hug, then saw the box on the alter. “I am very proud of you. You know we are honoring you with this beautiful Eagle Feather.”
The Captain picked up the Feather after first getting a nod of approval from Keo. He moved to the smudge bowl and bathed the Feather in the smoke. He then stepped back over to Stone. Keo joined next to them. With some sinew string, the Captain tied the Eagle Feather to Stone’s hair above his ear.
“You are a honored warrior. Keo and I both agree you deserve this Feather. Wear it with pride, but be humble. Know we all pray for you and the work you do for the People.”
The Eagle Feather hung upside down and the tip just graced Stone’s shoulder. Stone could not say anything for a long time and stared at the ground. Then he finally found a voice and looked up at both Keo and the Captain. “It is I who feels honored to be in the company of men like you two. I am also thankful to the Creator for this blessing. Knowing I have had teachers such as yourselves, gives me strength and faith to fulfill the task ahead.”
Stone bowed his head again. “I love you both, like a Father.”
One by one, Keo and the Captain gave Stone one more embrace and bathed themselves in the smudging smoke and left the room. The last one closed the door leaving Stone at the alter alone.
Stone sat down and began to meditate at the foot of the alter. He reached into his tobacco pouch he carried on his side belt and gave offering at the alter, giving thanks for the honor of the Eagle Feather. Grabbing the box the Feather was stored in, Stone stood up and left the sanctuary and headed to his favorite spot in the Reservatory.
When Stone reached his spot in the loft, he was taken back by the openness the Great Grandfather tree had left behind. He almost forgot about the fall! But of course it all came flooding back to him, including his duty to the Creator.
As he had done in the sanctuary, Stone set himself up for a time of meditation and giving thanks again for the honor of being a warrior. The Eagle Feather is one of the highest honors that can be given to any warrior. Stone will treat the feather properly and only wear it when appropriate.
Slowly Stone untied the sinew and released the Feather from his hair. Holding the feather for the first time, Stone could feel the power that nestled in the fine hairs and the quill. His eyes slowly rolled back and closed as the energy went from the Feather then deep into Stone’s soul.
After a few intense moments went by, Stone slowly and gingerly placed the feather back into the open box. He sprinkled some crushed up sage and tobacco from his pouch upon the feather. Gently he closed the box knowing it would rest until needed.
Studying the small saplings below, Stone smiled at the tiny trees now reaching for the greater light. Suddenly his thoughts went to his father and Stone spoke aloud, “Father, what would you do if you were here with this feather?”
“Well my son, I would do a sweat, you know, an inipi.”
Stone smiled bigger, “yes, Father, of course, an inipi.”
After a long silent period Stone whispered, “I miss you very much Father, hope you were there earlier with Keo and the Captain. Someday you and I will sit and talk for a long time”
Silence was the response.
Stone’s smile faded just a bit. “Yeah, someday.”
Chapter 15