Five (Elemental Enmity)

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Five (Elemental Enmity) Page 30

by Christie Rich

  “I’d like to see how you’d manage if you had to fly that distance?”

  “I wasn’t trying to insult you. This telepathy thing is weird, how can you stand it? I’d hate having to listen to everyone’s inner chatter.”

  He gave me a nod. That was it.

  I cupped my hand and brought some water to my lips. It was icy cold and made my head hurt worse, but I gulped it down. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was.

  Styx wandered over to a grassy area under the glimmering branches of a gnarled oak tree. I finished another handful of water and ran after him. The sun was almost gone now, and I didn’t know how I was supposed to stay in this place knowing what was out there, worse yet, knowing that even more horrible creatures could be lurking in the darkness.

  As if on cue, one of the shadows detached from a tree fifty feet away from me. My breath hitched. I readied myself to call the elements.

  The beautiful beast of a man strode forward, every bit as lethal as anything else I could come across in this place. The expression on his face was unyielding.

  I backed into Styx who nudged me forward. I searched for an escape, knowing there was none. I would never be free of this man, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to be.

  Zach smiled, sauntering toward me as though he had all the time in the world. “A bit rash back there, don’t you think?”


  He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. You’re safe.”

  If that were true, why did I feel like a little bunny trying to outwit a circling hawk?

  Styx snorted. He was laughing at me.

  I turned and glared at him. A purple-black flame roared from his mouth.

  I somersaulted then staggered to my feet. I glared back at him. “Traitor.”

  Zach laughed. “He has known me quite a bit longer than you.”

  I looked at Zach, trying to keep my expression from belying how much I wanted him to take me in his arms. How much I craved his kiss. I couldn’t let that happen right now. I knew what his kiss could mean for me. “So what now?”

  Zach shrugged, inching closer to me. He stood directly in front of me.

  There was no point in running. Where would I go that they wouldn’t find me? I knew better than to try to traverse this place alone. Besides, if I was really going to fight fate, I had to know more about what I was dealing with.

  “It’s good to know you’ve found some sense,” he said, tracing a finger along my hairline.

  I shivered. “You didn’t answer my question, as usual.”

  He smirked. “Give me a minute. I was just trying to decide what I should do to you.”

  “Don’t you mean with me?”

  “If you insist.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

  I had thought it hard to breathe before he claimed my mouth. Breathing is overrated. I shouldn’t have participated, but I needed his strength, his reassurance. I had to learn how to find the will to resist him if I was going to ever get control over my life.

  Someone cleared his throat. Luke. I could feel him behind me. What was he doing here?

  Instead of pulling back, Zach deepened his kiss. I pushed away from him feeling more than a little awkward.

  Zach sighed hugely before turning to Luke. “You have great timing.”

  Luke shrugged, leveling a self-satisfied expression at Zach. “What’s the plan?”

  “Finn will be here shortly. We have to deal with the Order before we can come to any sort of agreement where Rayla is concerned. The compact has been broken. Wayne’s house was full of Elemental research. The data I gathered is current.”

  Luke nodded. “I was going to check on an island in the pacific before we started the hunt. The place disappeared from our radar three years ago. It reappeared last week.”

  So that was what Zach had been up to at Roger’s. “How will we get there?” I interrupted.

  Both men shot me an irritated scowl. Even Styx seemed to be conspiring against me.

  Zach raised a brow. “After a stunt like that, you are not coming. And if you think either one of us is going to give you a say in this decision, you are deluding yourself.”

  I looked over at Luke hoping for some softness. I recoiled from the hard expression he shot my way.

  “We gave you the opportunity to decide,” said Luke. “You didn’t. What happens now is no longer your choice.”

  I threw up my hands. “What did you expect me to do, just let that crazy woman tie me to Jett?” I wasn’t going to use his real name and give him any idea where to find me. I never wanted to see that man again. I turned toward Luke. “Tell me more about that island.”

  Zach gave a sharp look toward Styx. The pegasus moved between me and the men then corralled me toward the stream.

  “Hey,” I said, backing up in spite of my protests. I yelled under Styx’s belly, “Bullying me won’t help either of you.”

  Styx pawed at the ground in front of me. “Just move.”

  “I think my first thoughts of you were exactly right. You are a beast.”

  He laughed.

  How absurd. I stood in front of him, reaching up a hand to his muzzle. He obliged, bringing his head lower so I could see into his eyes.

  “I thought you have waited for me for millennia. Don’t you want my help?”

  His gaze was fathomless. I wished I had his ability to read minds.

  “No you don’t. Trust me. They are not including you in this discussion for good reason. There are sensitive things that you should not know just yet. I realize it doesn’t feel like it, but we are all trying to protect you.”

  The sincerity of his resolve settled into my heart. I should have found it comforting to know I had these men trying to keep me safe, but I didn’t like being ignorant.

  Styx lay down. I nuzzled into him and brought my skirts under me. His warmth was the only thing shielding me from the bitter cold. “Luke,” I yelled. “I could use something a little warmer than this thing.”

  He obliged without uttering a word. I now had on jeans, warm boots, a tight knitted sweater, and a hooded down jacket that I pulled around my ears.

  “Thanks,” I said, but he didn’t acknowledge me.

  I studied the two men. Were they really friends? They looked like they could be, but how could rivals be friends. Zach squatted and drew a blazing image with his fingers as though he was cutting into space. Was that the island Luke had mentioned?

  What was happening there? I couldn’t just sit here and do nothing.

  “You can, and you will,” said Styx. “Stop making stupid decisions. They will tell you what you need to know.”

  I grunted. “That’s easy for you to say. You know everything as soon as they think it.”

  “Give me more credit than that, young one. I have lived longer than you can imagine. Take use of my experience.”

  In order to do that, I would have to trust this beast. Was he a beast? I wasn’t so sure anymore. I felt as though I was gazing at an old weathered sage. If he was dishing, I could use some wisdom.

  I hesitated, looking over at the men again. “Which one do you think I should choose?”

  A laugh rang out in my mind. “Only your heart can give you that answer, Rayla.”

  Darn. It would have been nice to get an opinion.

  Styx chuckled, shifting behind me. “Your thoughts are jumbled enough. I wouldn’t want to make it worse.”

  “Funny pegasus, aren’t you?” I patted his mane. “So follow my heart, huh?” It wasn’t exactly helping much at the moment. What if I chose the wrong one? Was there a wrong one? Could I be happy with either of them?

  “That’s the idea.”

  I wasn’t sure which question Styx had answered, but he wouldn’t elaborate.

  How could I trust my feelings? One minute I knew I couldn’t live without Zach, and the next it was Luke that held me captive. How could I even be sure those feelings were coming from me? Even with Zach’s explanation about compulsion, I didn’
t trust my own heart. What was I going to do?

  I lay my head against Styx, curling into a ball at his side. I still didn’t know much about either man.

  I had only seen Zach’s homeland under the cover of darkness. I hadn’t exactly been immersed in the culture. For all I knew, they could be cannibals.

  Styx groaned. “You have a vivid imagination. Try to control it.”

  I huffed and stood up. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

  “Stop talking to yourself for starters,” Cassie said from behind me. She laughed, mischief dancing behind her pale eyes. “It’s not a good sign.”

  I smiled back. “Don’t lecture me on something you haven’t conquered.”

  I gave her a huge hug, more because I needed one than for her sake. She seemed happier than she had ever been. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but maybe I could find out now.

  Finn shot me a nod before he stalked over to Luke and Zach.

  “What happened, Cassie?”

  I turned toward Styx. “Don’t you even think about stopping this conversation. I haven’t been able to speak to her for ages.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. Forget I’m here.”

  Cassie gestured toward Styx. “So now you’re buds with that nightmare?”

  I shook my head fractionally. “Don’t. You’ll hurt his feelings. He’s not as scary as he looks.” I turned around, giving him a once over. “At least I don’t think he is.”

  Cassie laughed then her face fell to a serious line. She moved over to sit on a rock. “It was my dad if you can believe it. He set the whole thing up.”

  I sat on the ground in front of her. “What?”

  “They raided the sanctuary. Found hundreds of Elementals. It was crazy to see that sort of place under a factory. Whoever came up with it was brilliant. Who would want to rummage around in pig crap to find a hideout?”

  Who indeed? “What about Aunt Grace?”

  Cassie grimaced. “They took her too. In fact, they took your whole family. Grace is some kind of bigwig in the resistance. No one suspected anything. My dad knew there was something different about you. He told me that when I first met you. I thought he was trying to make me feel better, but I know better now. The whole reason we moved to Castlerock in the first place was because he was searching for you.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Cassie’s dad was part of the Order. Kind, selfless, Mr. Lambert was actually a greedy manipulator. I had to know for sure though. “So your dad is part of the—”

  “Not part. The head.”


  “I know. I can’t think about how horrible he really is. He took everyone to an island. They have an entire compound there. They’ve been doing experiments for ages.” The outrage faded from her eyes. She looked at the ground. “He told me I was his greatest one.”

  I gasped. “Your dad wouldn’t do that. He couldn’t.”

  She scuffed her shoe against the grass. “He would have taken me with the others, Rayla. I caught him talking to Roger. I hid in the hallway and listened to my own father talk about me as if I were his greatest asset to be sold to the highest bidder.”

  I was confused in so many ways. “Why would he do that? You aren’t even an Elemental.”

  She shrugged. “He was giving me injections of something, hoping to create one. I thought it was to help my hallucinations. They’ve been trying for decades, but I was the first to have any real results. I always wondered why he took me on those vacations knowing how disturbing they were to me. He was testing me every time.”

  I could only imagine how Cassie felt. I was having a hard enough time dealing with how betrayed I felt, and he wasn’t even my father.

  Maybe I should have been grateful all these years that I didn’t know a thing about mine. The more truth I found out, the more I understood why Aunt Grace had hidden it from me.

  If Cassie’s dad was working with Roger Wayne, he couldn’t be the good natured, understanding man I had trusted. The Order had Elementals to spare from what I understood. Why would they want more? I asked Cassie.

  She shook her head. “They are trying to create a male Elemental, and I am the first step. My dad would have had me on that cursed island already if Finn hadn’t come when he did.”

  I was distracted by the sound of footsteps. The lords were walking toward us. Each had a grim expression on his face. I wished it had taken them longer. I wanted more time alone with Cassie.

  Finn sat beside her on the rock and slid his arm around her shoulder. She leaned into him with a sigh. I got up, uncomfortable. The temperature continued to drop, soon it would be below freezing. I zipped my jacket higher. I might as well have had a neck brace on, but it was better than getting frostbite.

  Zach stood in front of me, his arms crossed, his stance wide. Luke nudged my shoulder as he passed. He gave me one of his monumental grins.

  Zach rolled his eyes. “It’s set. You will accompany Finn and Cassie to his homeland. Luke and I are going to check out the island. We will come for you in three days.”

  I frowned. A tiny piece of my heart split at his news. I didn’t want to be without him. Or Luke.

  I was pathetic. Maybe it was a good idea to get some distance from them. I still had no idea how compulsion really worked and I didn’t know if either or both of them were using it on me. Besides, it was only three days. What could happen in three days?

  I thought that over. Great.

  “May I speak with you alone, Rayla?” asked Luke.

  I glanced at Zach. He didn’t seem to mind, so I took Luke’s hand. His touch was reassuring as he led me behind some trees.

  He pulled me into his arms, caressing my hair. “I want you to know, whatever happens, your happiness is important to me. If my brother can do a better job of accomplishing that than I can, pick him. I don’t want to spend the next few hundred years with you if you are in love with him. I couldn’t take it.”

  I swallowed hard. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but the thought of being without either of them was too hard to dwell on. I blinked back a tear. I wanted him to be happy too, I just couldn’t see a good outcome no matter who I chose. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He stepped back from me, his cerulean eyes holding that same terrifying certainty they had the first time I had seen this man. Had that really only happened a few weeks ago? It felt like decades. How differently I viewed him now. His arrogance was gone. In its place was a hopeful determination. I could be happy with him, but I was not ready to decide.

  He started to leave then stopped, turning back toward me. A slow smile spread across his perfect lips. Dazzling. Enchanting. Bewitching.

  I was in his arms in seconds. His kiss seared through me into every crevice in my heart. He pulled away too soon.

  I swayed. I could get used to that.

  He walked into the trees without a backward glance. A slight glow radiated from him. Luke had a way of making me forget about everything while I was near him. It was what scared me most about being with him. Was I really me when he was around? I didn’t want to have feelings for him, but they were there regardless.

  A rustling sounded in the bushes. I whirled around. My heart did a flip when Zach emerged. He was so different than any of the other Lords. He was beautiful in every sense of the word, but he didn’t have the otherworldly quality of his four brothers.

  They could take some pointers from him. His true form was more appealing than any glamour could be.

  He loomed over me, dark, seductive. His magnetic pull encircled me. I took an involuntary step toward him, bracken crunching under my shoes.

  He knelt in front of me and clasped my hands in his. “I count the seconds until I can see you again.” He kissed my knuckles formally then looked up at me. A boyish smile floated along his lips before his expression darkened. The intensity of it penetrated into me. My smile faltered. “Rayla, you have never been in more danger than you are now. Do as Finn asks. He w
ill protect you.”

  I felt the surety of his words like an omen. I shook my head. “If that’s true, why are you leaving me?” My vision swam with unshed tears. “I need to know what’s going on, Zach.”

  He stood and stepped back, already withdrawing from me. “This is my job. My primary function when I am not seeking a mate is to maintain the stability of the accords between the council and the Order. I have a duty to safeguard my people. I am the only fae with the authority to deal with the Order’s betrayal.”

  “But what have they done? Cassie said my whole family was taken to that island. I have a right to protect my people, too. You’re asking me to stay here while you risk your—”

  “Life?” He smiled. “You forget. I am immortal. You are not.” He touched my face and for the first time, his emotions flooded into me. He was more worried than he was telling me.

  I doubted he was even aware I could sense his feelings. “Maybe so, but you can still feel pain.” I was surprised when he didn’t argue with me. I searched his eyes. “Shouldn’t you enlist some help?”

  He turned away sharply as though he couldn’t stand to look at me. “Luke has agreed to come with me. He should be all the back-up I need. It’s imperative for you to stay within the fae realms. I can’t explain much to you right now, but I will tell you this: the Order has found a weapon that could shift the balance of power.”

  I swallowed my gasp. “What do you mean?”

  His expression hardened. “We don’t fully understand it yet, but it is a machine and machines can be broken.”

  He was purposely withholding information from me. Why? Didn’t he trust me? “I still think you need to get reinforcements.”

  He clasped his hands behind his back. A slight grimace marred his handsome features. “I’m not exactly popular at the moment. The council is close to disbanding, Rayla. The courts are polarizing. The dark court grows weary of petitioning for things they think are their right. Fae have been known for our patience, but I fear war is imminent especially if swift action is not taken to resolve this issue.”

  “I can’t stay here without you,” I whispered.

  He took my hand. The heat of his skin against mine distracted me. “I need you to trust me. I would never leave you if I had any other viable option.”


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