Happy Birthday to Me

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Happy Birthday to Me Page 3

by Megan Rose

  He briefly hesitated, and she wondered at how someone in his line of business could seem so shy. Again she thought that maybe that was part of his charm.

  “I don’t bite, and I’m not too heavy. I’m sure that a strong guy like you could manage to hold me.”

  He took a deep breath and lifted her into his arms, cradling her gently against his chest. She sighed with contentment and wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the brush of his firm chest against her breasts. Fantasy Realms, here I come. Sex and a haystack were only a few feet away. “You’re very strong,” she purred.

  “Well, you’re right. You’re light as a feather,” he muttered gruffly before stopping at the pile of hay. “I think you can let go now, Tina.”

  She smiled. “As I don’t weigh anything, I thought that perhaps you could hold onto me a little longer. That is, unless you don’t want to.”

  His face softened, and he looked seriously into her eyes. “If only you knew what I wanted to do.”

  She sensed that something inside of him had shifted. Perhaps, he had moved over into the seduction phase of the game. Well, she would be only too happy to play along.

  “I want to know, Sam,” she whispered. “I want you to show me just what it is you want to do. And I want you to show me now.”

  With an invitation like that, Sam found her impossible to resist. It was hard enough looking at Tina’s sexy body clad in the scantiest of panties and bra. But then he had been forced to pick her up and hold all that soft, supple flesh within his arms. Now, he found himself faced with a blatant invitation for sex. And sex was exactly what he wanted from this woman in his arms. He wanted to take her right now in his barn, on the hay, against the wall, any way he could get her. He had wanted her since the very first moment she slid herself out of her car, and now here she was, offering herself to him on a plate. It was an offer that was too good for a cowboy like him to resist.

  “I could spend the whole afternoon showing you,” he murmured, gazing into her eyes.

  “That’s exactly what I want you to do. I want you to take your time. And take me.”

  Bending his head toward her upturned face, he let his lips fall upon her luscious mouth. His intention had been to take it slow and easy, to savor every second with this very special lady. However, as soon his flesh touched her moist mouth, he knew that slow and easy just wouldn’t be an option. Later, he could take his time. Now, he had an ache within him that was burning a hole inside his body, and nothing but close contact with Tina would sate it.

  As his lips covered hers, he found himself reveling in the hot, sweet taste of her lips. But for him, it just wasn’t enough. Applying a little more pressure, he pressed his mouth against hers, and her lips parted on a whispered sigh. It was the opportunity he needed. Plundering her mouth as if his very life depended upon it, he slid his tongue into the moist recess and wondered how easily she would part her legs for him. He needed to show her how much he yearned for her body, how much he ached to bury himself deep within her, and he needed to do it now.

  With reluctance, he pulled away from her lips and, for a split second, the only sound he could hear was their ragged breathing. “I’m going to put you down now, Tina, and if you want to leave, you can. But if you stay, you’re going to have to know that I’ll not stop till the fat lady sings.”

  Tina smiled like the cat that got the cream. “She can sing herself hoarse. I’m going nowhere.”

  They were just the words he needed to hear. It was as though a forbidden beast had been unleashed within him. He slowly lowered her until her feet touched the ground and drank in the sight of the beautiful woman before him. Her soft, blue demi bra could barely restrain her full breasts. Her slim waist and slender body was a sight that transfixed him. Gazing down at her lacy panties, he smiled. That was where he so wanted to be.

  Caressing his knuckles along the side of her cheek, he again drank in the sight of her beautiful face, not quite believing that this was happening to him. Girls like her didn’t stop by his ranch every day and offer themselves to him. It seemed too good to be true. “Are you sure about this? If you have any doubts, you’ll have to tell me now. I’m not… Well, I’m just not sure I could stop myself.”

  She turned her head into his touch and closed her eyes, seeming to revel in his very presence. “I’ve no doubts, Sam. None at all.” She opened her eyes and looked with confidence into his. “We’re both adults. You know what I want, and I know that you can deliver it. So let’s not talk about doubts or stopping, because I won’t want you to stop for a long, long time.”

  It was as though all his Christmases had come at once. This beautiful woman was giving him the green light for a wonderful, passion-filled afternoon. It was impossible to contain himself. Moving his hand from her cheek, he placed it on the back of her bra. “I so need to look at you.”

  “I’d be happy for you to.”

  Her confidence amazed him. She knew what she wanted, and so did he. And right now, he wanted to remove that bra and feast his eyes. Releasing the clasp on Tina’s bra was like opening up a box of candy. He knew that once he started on those babies, he’d never be able to stop. Gently pulling away the lacy fabric, he watched in awe as her breasts tumbled out, revealing their full and bounteous beauty. As he watched, her nipples pebbled and darkened with desire.

  He dropped the bra to the floor and reached out to touch her. “You feel so good,” he murmured as he took one breast in his hand and nuzzled his face into her neck. She smelled good too, he thought, inhaling her fragranced skin. If heaven were on earth, he’d just found it snuggled up close and personal to a very sexy angel. While he massaged her breast, she arched herself toward his hand as if she ached for him almost as much as he did for her.

  As he glided his thumb over the tip of her nipple, he heard her breath catch. “You like that?” he asked.

  She tipped her head back, allowing him greater access to her neck. “I like it all,” she whispered, her voice husky.

  The invitation was too good for him to resist. Kissing his way up her neck to nibble at her earlobe, he smiled to himself as her body shuddered with excitement. So, she had a sexy spot below her ear, did she? Well, now was the time to indulge the lady. He teased her skin with his tongue, stroking, licking, nuzzling. He could feel her knees tremble and her heartbeat quicken.

  Her excitement heightened his own arousal, and his blood rushed to his groin. How was it possible to feel all these amazing sensations with this woman when they were strangers to each other? He was bewitched, stunned, and turned on as hell. Whatever the reasons were for his emotions, he didn’t care. Right now, he was the most turned on he had ever been in his entire life.

  Chapter Four

  Tina had surprised herself at just how upfront she was being with Sam. Naturally, she knew he was a sure thing, but there was something else about his presence that gave her that little bit of extra assertiveness. Despite the fact that she was now in a stranger’s arms wearing only her panties, she felt strong and empowered. Sexy and in control. It was almost as if being with him had unlocked a secret Tina—one who wasn’t afraid to ask for what she wanted, or even to demand it. And right now, she wanted a lot.

  From the moment he had carried her in his arms, to the hot, demanding way he’d looked at her body, she sensed a deeper, more sensual side of herself taking over. The only thing she could think about were his lips roving over her neck and his firm, strong hand teasing at her hardened nipple. She wanted to give her all to this man who was opening her up like a flower. She wanted to give to him exactly what he gave to her.

  As the trembling in her knees subsided, she tilted her face toward him and smiled. “I want to see you,” she whispered. “Strip for me.”

  He raised his eyebrow and grinned. “You sure know what you want. I like that in a woman. I like it in you.”

  He released his hold on her and bent to remove his dusty cowboy boots and socks, allowing Tina the time to admire both his suppleness and stren
gth in one go. She watched hungrily as his muscles rippled underneath his skin, making her yearn to run her fingers across his back and shoulders. He lifted his head and grinned at her, his hair now having that sexy tousled look about it. “You like to watch me?”

  Did she ever. Okay, so it wasn’t like being in a strip club, and he wasn’t sashaying across the barn floor, but this had to be the hottest strip show she had ever seen. “I could watch you all day,” she found herself murmuring.

  She watched, enraptured, as his hands moved to his belt. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she could feel herself getting wetter at just the thought of him revealing himself to her. He unfastened his leather belt, easing it out of the buckle. She was aware of the sound of leather against denim and her own deepening breaths. The jangle of the buckle and the snap of his buttons drew her gaze toward his groin and the promising bulge hidden beneath the heavy material. Her fingers itched to take control, to whip the jeans away and reveal the hidden treasure she longed for. But she knew she’d enjoy the show a whole lot better if she let Sam do the whipping away, so she stood back and watched.

  She licked her lips as he pushed the jeans down over slim his hips. Her throat constricted as he slid them down his muscular thighs. Strong, lean, and powerful. He bent over farther, pushing them down his shins. Casting aside the jeans, he stood before her, covered now only by his cotton briefs.

  “I guess we’re even now,” he said, grinning.

  Tina couldn’t help but smile back. Just how much longer she could stand here, semi-naked, with this gorgeous man, she wasn’t sure. The whole situation was like some hot, sexual torture. “You want to get even, cowboy?” she asked as she pushed down her panties and kicked them off in one swift, fluid movement. “Then let’s do it.”

  For one split second, she thought perhaps she’d shocked him. Sam neither moved nor blinked; he just stared. Then she realized just what he was staring at as he let out a low whistle of approval. He took one step toward her, and she could feel the heat emanating from his body, sense the anticipation between them, and detect their joint scents of arousal. She could feel her juices seeping onto her thighs as he pushed the white cotton fabric away from his body. She tried hard to recall a moment when she had been this turned on before but failed.

  Her gaze fell to his hips, then lower as his briefs fell to the floor and she got to take in the sight of his full arousal. She swallowed hard, drinking in the sight of the long, firm cock that jutted out before him. It was just like the rest of him. Absolutely perfect. She took a step closer, no longer able to contain herself. Wrapping her hand around him, she held his full, firm length, imagining with relish how it would feel once it was inside her body.

  “You feel so good, Sam,” she told him as she gave herself up to the full pleasure of feeling him in her hand.

  “So do you, baby,” he responded, closing his eyes.

  As she laid her head against his shoulder, she found it hard to recall when she had ever experienced such contentment. She continued with long, firm strokes to massage his cock, which, much to her delight, seemed to throb and pulse with every movement she made. It was one thing to pay for sex, but it was quite another to know he enjoyed himself as much as she did. And she knew he had to be enjoying himself. Men didn’t make those sexy murmuring sounds for nothing.

  He shifted a little as he moved his arm from around her and reached down to the mound between her legs. “How come you feel so soft all over?” he asked, his breath whispering through her hair.

  She giggled, feeling like a teenager again. “It must be a girl thing.”

  Sam shook his head. “No, baby, it’s a you thing.”

  He caressed her pussy with such tenderness she thought she would burst with the longing she felt for him.

  “Do you want more?” he murmured.

  So lost in the moment, Tina could only nod her head in response to his question. Though she wanted to say yes, the simple word seemed beyond her. She was so wrapped in the sheer pleasure of being with him she found speech impossible. The gentle caressing of her pussy ceased, and he stepped back from her, out of her grasp.

  “Then let me give it to you.”

  “I’ll let you. I think at this moment I’m powerless to resist.”

  He reached for her hand, and together they moved toward the pile of hay, where Sam laid down his shirt. In one swift, fluid motion, he had her on her back and was kissing her mouth with such passion and intensity that she feared for his pulse rate. She had never felt more sexy or more wanted in her whole life. Was it because of the fantasy? Or because of Sam?

  It had to be the fulfillment of the fantasy. Any other answer would have her swimming in some very dangerous waters. For him, this was just a job. A job that he did very well, she acknowledged as one of his fingers slide deep within her. However, it was a job nevertheless.

  She gave herself up to the moment, telling herself that throwing such questions into the mix at this stage was just plain dangerous. She had paid for wild fantasy sex. Why cloud the issue now with dangerous thoughts? She relaxed onto the soft hay and inhaled its sweet scent as Sam thrust a second finger deep within her moistness. Just think about the sex, she told herself as he picked up a steady thrusting rhythm that had her reeling with joy.

  The feel of Tina’s hot, tight pussy sent Sam’s mind into a whirl of ecstasy. She felt so good he thought it not beyond the realm of possibility that he could come just from touching her like this. He watched her reaction to him in fascination. With each thrust he made, she arched and writhed with complete abandon. He might not know her life history, but he knew how to please this woman, and he wanted to do it more than once.

  He slid down her body and lowered his head to kiss the tops of her thighs, taking each one in turn. Her musky scent drove him wild as he got nearer and nearer to the source of his pleasure. He could get high just by breathing near her. Now was the time to drink her in. He wanted her so much but refused to be driven by his passions. Tina was special. He had known that the moment he had first set eyes on her. No way was he going to scare her away by giving her a quickie in the hay. He was going to take it, and her, slowly. Even if it killed him.

  Burying his head between her legs was like coming home. As he ran his tongue over her swollen sex, her body started to tremble. She felt so good, so smooth, and so, so wet. Tenderly at first, he suckled on her swollen clit, pushing it against his teeth and tongue.

  She parted her legs wider for him. He went deeper, pushing his tongue into her moistness and inhaling her musky scent. As he probed his tongue in and out, she placed her hands upon his head, holding him in place. Oh, yeah, she liked that. He reached up to touch her breasts and found her nipples peaked into hardened nubs. Slowly and rhythmically, she thrust herself against his face as his tongue worked hard and fast against her clit.

  She arched her back and ground his face deeper and deeper into her thrusting pussy. She was a wild cat, and he loved it. Matching each of her thrusts with one of his own, he wanted to drown in the sweet delight of her pussy and never come up for air.

  Within moments, he could sense the beginnings of her orgasm. It started with the slight quivering of her thighs and then the slow and steady pulsing of her clit. Never had he felt so masculine. She brought out the very best in him, and she probably didn’t even know it. He was assured of himself, so certain in the knowledge that he pleased this woman, that the very thought of ceasing this moment made him feel hollow inside. He was complete with her. With each flick of his tongue, he prayed that she would come harder and longer than she had ever come in her life. He knew that he’d never forget this moment as long as he lived, and he wanted to make damn sure that she never did either.

  As she bucked beneath his working mouth, a wave of pleasure broke out all over his own body. He had never known fulfillment like this before. It was the complete and perfect act of giving. And boy, did he want to give her more. With one final and trembling thrust of her body, Tina cried out his name before lowering
herself back down onto the hay.

  Still keeping his mouth in place, he lapped at her clit until she giggled and sat upright. “You’re insatiable, cowboy.”

  “Damn right, I am,” he said, lifting his head and grinning. “And I’m not even started yet.”

  She grinned right back. It was as if she lit up his whole world. He could happily spend the rest of his life in this barn, making hot, sweet love with this delectable woman. Realistically, he knew that he couldn’t, he could at least spend the next few hours doing just that.

  As Sam lay down beside her, Tina thought she had never seen a man look so satisfied even though he hadn’t yet come. Here was a man who loved his work. She could most certainly imagine that he was the best that Fantasy Realms had to offer. It was a pity this fantasy had cost her so much. She would have loved a repeat performance. But, as she knew full well, the afternoon wasn’t yet over. There were still several hours of her cowboy fantasy left, and she intended to make the most of them.

  “How about a little of that riding lesson?” she whispered, sliding her hand across his smooth chest. “You could show me what you cowboys are really made of.”

  Sam leaned up on his elbows and raised his eyebrows enquiringly at her. “You ready to go again?”

  She slid her hand across his thigh, making her way toward his cock. “Oh, yes. Don’t you worry about me, cowboy. Right now, I can’t get enough of you.”

  She began to massage him again and delighted in how he let his head roll back onto the hay in total surrender. He had to be the most beautiful man she had ever seen. “I want to watch you come,” she found herself admitting. “I want to ride you long and hard and watch you come.”


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