Poppy definitely possesses elements of me at twenty-two, in that she is ever so keen to break into this world, and she’s also prone to being a bit clueless when it comes to men. However, she is a lot clumsier than me and perhaps a bit more naïve about the world. Thankfully my parents are nothing like Poppy’s, and were always very supportive of my plans to work in television!
Q. Do you plan to write more novels in future?
A. If people respond well to this book, I have plans for a Poppy Penfold sequel: How to Get Further Ahead in Television, which would see Poppy as a researcher, working on all sorts of exciting new show ideas, perhaps even taking her abroad. TV has given me an endless supply of ridiculous dramas and personalities to include, and I would like to explore what happens to Poppy as she grows in confidence and experience.
How to Get Ahead in Television Page 28