The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 22

by Jacqueline Druga


  “I don’t fuckin’ care. Let’s just begin with ...”

  “I won’t do that then. It’s rude.”

  “What?” Frank was lost.

  “Adjusting in front of women.”

  “Jonas!” Frank blasted him vocally.

  “Frank.” Jonas grabbed his chest. “Stop that.”


  “Then I’m going home.” Jonas tossed his head back and just as he stepped forward, Frank reached to the back waist of his pants and yanked him back. “Hey.” Jonas turned around and slapped Frank’s hand. “Stop that. You’re getting me messy.”

  “Jonas, walk away from this tough guy training and I’ll hunt you down. Then no matter where I find you, I will take you outside and throw you down and I will keep knocking you down until you get tough enough to get back up.”

  “That will never happen, Frank. I’ll cry.”

  “Then you’ll cry.” Frank’s face grew red as he stepped to Jonas. “But goddamn it, you’ll get tough.”

  “Will I bleed?”


  Jonas crinkled his face. “Why are we doing this?”

  “Because I like you.”

  “Thank you,” Jonas smiled.

  “No.” Frank winced. “Not like that.”


  “There are going to be some tough characters entering our world. We already have Dean. We don’t need to give them someone else to pick on. I don’t want them thinking they can get over on you. I need them to fear every man in this community one way or another.”

  “What if I just threaten them with you?”

  “That’ll work in the long run, but what happens if you find yourself center of trouble. Huh? Jonas, I just want you to be able to take care of yourself. You’re the only one here who doesn’t have a means of defense. Even fuckin’ Dean can kill someone with a virus,” Frank explained. “Now, I’d like to see what you got.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “I want to see how strong you are first. I know we have to work on that walk and voice, but let’s see how strong you really are.”

  “Not very,” Jonas said.

  “How much do you weigh?”

  Jonas took a long breath through his nostrils. “I never give my weight but ...” Jonas dropped his voice to a whisper. “One sixty-five.”

  “Then you should be able to blast someone with a hundred and sixty-five pounds of pressure. Hit me.”

  “What?” Jonas’ eye widened.

  “Hit me.” Frank saw his hesitation. “What’s wrong/”

  “I can’t hit you. You’re my friend.”

  “Jonas, I’m a big guy. Hit me.”

  Jonas reached out and tapped Frank’s arm.

  Frank’s head flung back and he counted to himself to calm down. When he did, he looked at Jonas. “Give me everything you got and nail me in the face.”

  Jonas gasped. “No!”

  “Jonas! I can handle it. Trust me. I need to see how you fight. Give me everything you have.”

  “All right.” Jonas took another breath. “I apologize ahead of time.”

  “That’s fine.” Frank stood ready. “Think of something in your life that really pissed you off and put it in that hit.”

  ‘O.K.” Jonas closed his eyes. First a smile hit him, then a mean glare. With daggering eyes, he looked at Frank, revved back, and hauled off with everything he had. “Bastard.” His open hand connected with Frank’s cheek and Jonas cringed in pain when he felt the stinging on his palm. He blew on his own hand to stop the hurting.

  Frank blinked once. “Did you just ... slap me?”


  “You slapped me?”


  “You’re supposed to fuckin’ punch me.”

  “You said give you everything I got. I did.”

  Frank huffed out. “You will learn how to punch and you’ll never slap another human being again. You hear me?” Frank started to retrieve that old sergeant style tone.

  “I hear you.” Jonas stared at his palm. “Can we take a break? I think I hurt my ...”

  “No!” Frank yelled. “All right. Tough guy again. We’re gonna have to rely on your acting skills.”

  “Oh!” Jonas perked up. “I am a great actor. Did I tell you I won seven awards in college for acting?”

  “You did?” Frank was impressed.




  “Because you’ll act the tough guy part.”

  “I think ... I think I can do that.” Jonas lit up on that idea.

  “Good. Now, since we’re dealing with Sylvester Stallone, have you seen any of his movies?”


  “Good.” Frank nodded. “Pick one. Pick a Sly movie that best depicts him, one that you can work with and remember well.”

  “So I can be like him in that?”

  “Exactly.” Frank stated, knowing which movie he himself would pick.

  “Got one.”

  “Bet I know. Rocky?”


  “Rambo, First Blood?”

  “No.” Jonas smiled. “And I loved this film. Rhinestone Cowboy.”

  Frank said nothing. He stared for a second, open mouthed, held up a finger, decided it best not to comment, and then Frank turned and walked away.


  Dean swore he wanted to be like his father when it came to medicine, never turn a single soul away, listen to their problems, and help them out. He wanted to be free to discuss any medical dilemma someone felt they had, help them out, be the medical guy. When Jenny came into his lab and said, ‘Dean, I have a health problem I like to talk to you about’. Dean invited her to sit and discuss, certain he would have to break out the pregnancy test. But the second the words ‘flaccid’ and ‘penis’ came from Jenny’s mouth in the same sentence, Dean just wanted to yell. “Dad!”

  “So is he, Dean?” Jenny asked.

  “Um ... uh ...” A big ‘yes’ hit Dean’s mind when he saw William walk by. “Dad!”

  William popped his head in and then quickly retracted it. His fast moving footsteps could be heard.

  “Dean?” Jenny had question to her. “Is he ill?”

  “Um, Jenny, why are you coming to me with this?”

  “Your father said to. He said you have had similar problems.”

  Through the corner of his eyes he saw William again. “Dad!”

  William moved by the door quickly.

  “Um.” Dean scratched his head. “He isn’t sick, Jenny. And it isn’t anything you’re doing. Sometimes ... Jenny, he’s seventy-seven years old. Blood flow plays ... the flow of blood has a lot to do with it. The blood doesn’t flow as well at that age.”

  “So, what ended up being the reason for you?”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Why did you have the same problem? I want to make love and he can’t seem to get ...”

  “Andrea!” Dean called her as he stumbled from his stool, trying to stand up. In his haste of doing so, Dean lost his balance, got caught in the legs of the stool, and fell backwards, catching himself before he crashed completely, like the stool, to the floor.

  “Sweet Jesus, Dean.” Andrea walked in. “Are you all right.”


  “Are you hurt?” Andrea approached him.

  “No.” Dean shook his head and pointed to Jenny. “She has a problem. Can you help her please?”


  “Thank you.” Dean gasped out, backing up. “I need to find Robbie. Bye.” Hurriedly, without being stopped, Dean wanted to make it out of that lab. His exit would have been faster had he not made that sudden turn and sprint, banging directly into the center counter as he did so. After grunting, grabbing his stomach, and stammering a few steps, Dean regained his composure and flew out to mental safety.


  “Ben waitin for an nower now. Cain’t be waitin muc
h longer.” Dirk complained. “If a half ta, I’m gonna half ta pull in that there young in son of yours. Got dat dirt dat has ta be ov-turned.”

  “I know. I know.” Joe held up his hand then quickly shifted his eyes to George who snickered.

  “Dad.” Robbie stood there with them behind the storage. “I can’t pull that plow.”

  Joe shook his head. “I don’t know what’s keeping Frank. I know he’s giving tough guy training to Jonas.”

  Dirk snickered. “Now don’t be gettin me wrong Joe. I like Jo-naz. But he cain’t be tough. A smatter fact the only ways he cain be more fem-Nin if he’s a girl.”

  “Now. Now. My son can do this. I think. If anyone can he ... he ... he ...”

  “Was smatter Joe?” Dirk asked. “Cat got that there tongue of yars or ya just run out of gas for that flapper.”

  “Dad?” Robbie saw what Joe saw.

  George, not wanting to be left out, turned his head to see Jonas walking their way. “Is he?”

  Joe nodded. “Walking different. Yeah.” Joe tilted his head.

  Jonas didn’t swish or sway. He moved with a lean, a strut with a rough edge and he had a glare to his face. He lifted his hand in a wave and spoke. Only Jonas didn’t sound so mild. He sounded deep.

  “Sup.” Jonas spit, grabbed his balls, and kept moving.

  A hush took over the four men as they continued to watch Jonas move down the street, All of them knew right then and there, they would have to applaud Frank’s mastery skills the next time they saw him.


  The buzz of building was the sound that filled the large structure that would become the Containment Center. Half the walls were complete with dry wall. The others were two by fours waiting to be covered.

  Ellen sniffed as she walked into the larger room. “You have to love the smell of saw dust.”

  Frank looked oddly at her. “No, you don’t. That’s sick.”

  “Call it my construction worker fantasy,” Ellen chuckled.

  Henry stopped cutting with the saw when he noticed Frank. He lifted the goggles over his head and pulled back his hair like it was in a band. “Frank.” He walked over to them. “Where’s your brother?”

  “I don’t know.” Frank shrugged.

  “He was supposed to be here two hours ago.”

  “He’s late.”

  Henry took a second to calm down. “Yes, I see that. Is there anything you can do about it? Can you talk to him? He’s always late.”

  Ellen spoke up. “Henry, in Robbie’s defense, he had to do field work this morning. He had to speak to Joe about something and meet with Dean about symptoms of illnesses.”

  “I know this,” Henry said. “I allotted the time. But El, he just wanders around eating up time.”

  “Henry.” Frank stepped into him. “It’s time. It’s not like we’re short on it.”

  “Yeah, Frank we are,” Henry said. “We want to have this place ready to go in less than four weeks. Time is something we can’t waste if we want to meet that deadline,” Henry spoke with irritation. “So could you just talk to him about not blowing off his responsibilities?”

  “Sure.” Frank took Ellen’s arm and turned her. “Come on El, show me where your office will be.”

  Ellen felt Frank’s lead and she looked back at Henry who tossed his hands up in a frustrated defeat. “Frank, don’t you have to be at the fields?”

  “Yeah. But I want to spend time with you. Is this it?” Frank pointed to the only closed door.

  “Yeah but ...”

  “Let’s check it out.” Frank opened the door. “Hey, the door works.” He held his hand in a leading way.

  Ellen walked into the small unfinished room. “This is it. Not much to see. Now let’s ...” She watched Frank shut the door. “Go.”

  “In a minute.” He stepped closer to her.

  “What are you doing?” Ellen asked,

  “We’ve been busy, El.” Frank softened his voice, reached out and laid his hands on her hips. “I’ve missed our talks.” He pulled her closer.

  “Frank, now is not a good time. And right here is definitely a mistake.”

  “I’m not suggesting we roll on the floor here, El.” Frank lowered his head to her. “I just want a minute to maybe ...” He winked. “Entice you for tonight.”

  “I’m busy tonight.”

  “I need you tonight. Need you, El.” Slowly Frank lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently. “Give me one hour.”

  “Frank, Dean has been ...” His lips silenced her. “Frank.”

  “No talking about him.” Frank slid his lips from her lips to her cheek to her neck. He pulled Ellen tighter into him, wrapping his one arm around her to hold her against him while his other hand reached under her hair, pulling softly to arch her neck.

  “Frank, stop.”

  Frank moaned as he widened his mouth, sensuously kissing her neck.

  “Frank, you have to stop.” She felt his continuous kisses. “Frank, stop.”

  “Yeah Frank.” Robbie’s voice rang in the room with seriousness. “Stop. Her husband doesn’t look pleased.”

  Frank lifted his head and shifted his eyes to see Robbie and Dean standing there. With a sneer and a slow release of Ellen, he stepped back and mumbled. “Fuck.”

  Dean bounced a little, staring only at Ellen. “I didn’t think ... I didn’t think I had to give a warning knock to my own wife.”

  “Dean.” Ellen stepped to him.

  Dean shook his head and walked out.

  First looking at Frank, who looked pissed, and then at Robbie whose eyes were glued on his big brother, Ellen raced out after Dean.

  Frank cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows once at Robbie. “Thanks for the intrusion.” He stepped toward the door.

  Robbie grabbed Frank’s arm. “What are you doing?”


  “No. I mean why are you hitting on Ellen.”

  Frank pulled his arm from Robbie with a snicker. “Hitting on her?” Frank chuckled. “I was trying to steal some private time with her.”

  “Private time, Frank? I’m not blind. I saw you kissing her.”

  “No fuck, Robbie. That can be called private time. I need that.”

  “She’s Dean’s wife.”

  Frank gave Robbie a quirky look. “So.”

  “So?” Robbie nearly laughed. “What do you mean so? Frank, you can’t hit on Ellen. You’ll place her in an awkward position. She already has to explain to Dean what he saw.”

  “I’m sure she will. Why are you having this talk with me? It’s none of your business.”

  “I like Dean.”

  “Good for you,” Frank told him.

  “I don’t want you to start something that may cause tension. I remember the first day.”

  Frank only laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Start something? Robbie, come on, you are not that naive. That first day here was not the last time I slept with Ellen in Beginnings. It was the first time I slept with her in Beginnings.”

  “And you’re proud of this?”

  “Robbie ...”

  “No, Frank.” Robbie stepped to him. “I’m disappointed in both you and Ellen. I can’t believe you made that mistake again.” He closed his eyes, trying not to get upset when Frank laughed. “How, Frank ... . How can you sleep with another man’s wife, knowing you have to face him every single day? Knowing he’s one of nineteen people you live around in a dead world. How can you do that?”

  “Don’t judge me.”

  “Sorry, Frank. I am.”

  “I have always been involved with Ellen and I have no intentions of stopping.”

  “It’s wrong,” Robbie snapped.

  “It’s my life.” Frank’s voice rose.

  “What about Dean’s life?”

  “Ask me if I fuckin’ care.” Frank walked to the door.


  Frank slowly turned around. “What?”

nbsp; “Can you be any more of a dick?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I can.” Frank nodded with an arrogant smile. “I could go tell Dean I’ve been sleeping with his wife for two years.” Having said all that he wanted or needed to, Frank walked out.


  Dean’s fork ran slowly through his mashed potatoes, lifting them, molding them, as if he were the star of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He would lift his eyes to Ellen who sat to his left. She picked at her dinner as well.

  “Are they bad?” Ellen asked him of the potatoes.

  “No.” Dean shook his head.

  “You’re playing with them.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t make very good mashed potatoes. You won’t hurt my feelings if you tell me they suck.”

  “I guess I’m just not hungry.” Dean dropped his fork and rubbed his eyes.

  “Want to finally talk about it?”

  “I’d really rather not.”

  “Dean.” Ellen reached out and grabbed for his hand, Dean pulled away. “About what you saw today at ...”

  “Ellen. I told you. I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t.” Dean stood up.

  “We need to.” Ellen stood and followed him to the living room.

  “I walked in. I see you in Frank’s arms. I see him kissing you. Is there something there I didn’t understand?”

  Ellen’s head dropped.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “He was hitting on me, Dean.” Ellen tried to explain. “That’s all. Frank has always hit on me our entire lives. It doesn’t mean I give in.”


  Ellen closed her eyes. “Why can’t you believe what I’m telling you?”

  “Why should I?”

  “You have never gotten over what happened between me and Frank when we first ...”

  “Ellen,” Dean said her name strongly. “Listen to you. You act as if what happened between you and Frank was nothing. It was an affair. You slept with him, not only while you were with me, but while you were pregnant with my children. Something like that tends to stick with you. It’s not like you danced with him.”

  “Dean. Listen. I know today upset you.” Ellen paused when Dean nearly huffed at her. “But if you and I could sit down and discuss this Frank situation, I think we can work things out. I don’t want you hurt.”


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