The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 28

by Jacqueline Druga

  “You’re right,” Ellen said. “There’s no reason you can’t do that. We’ll get blankets and stuff for you, but speaking of marriage.” Ellen looked at her watch. “I would like to see my significant other before we get started for tonight. Robbie, will you take over?”

  “Sure.” Robbie shrugged. “I’ll orientate, grab bite to eat, and then we’ll finish processing when you get back.”

  “Great.” Ellen stood up. “I’ll see you three in a couple of hours. Thanks, Robbie.” She kissed Robbie on the cheek and rubbed his head as she walked past him to leave.

  Robbie turned in his seat, watched Ellen walk out, and returned to Josephine, Mark, and Melissa. “In case you’re wondering.” Robbie folded his hands and leaned into the table with a grin and a wink. “Yes, we do have a sordid past.”


  William knew the second he stepped into the new survivor’s room that Andrea was in her niche. She looked so natural as she adjusted the bed, fixed the covers, checked the intravenous, and noted in the chart.

  “Patient?” William questioned when he stopped in the room.

  “Resting nicely as you can see, William. I’ve cleaned him up.”

  “He looks normal.” William took the chart. “How are his vitals?”

  “Strong now. Good job.”

  “I really didn’t do anything except determine what we should give him.” William set down the chart.

  “That in itself is a task seeing how Dean has all those little names for things.”

  “Tell me about it. I had to tell him just let me know what they do.”

  Andrea smiled. “You were cute telling him fifty milligrams of thing-a-ma-jig and one amp of what-cha-ma-call-it.”

  “Dean understood.” William nodded impressed.

  “I heard my name.” Dean entered Glen’s room. “Wow, this is so weird having a patient.”

  Andrea looked up from Glen to Dean. “Does it bring back fond memories of the past for you?”

  “No.” Dean shook his head. “I was in a lab. Anyway ... his glucose is at 245. Still high.”

  “But a lot lower than 370,” William commented. “We’re getting there. You have to work on a therapy. I know this is something you dabbled in son, but it’s something that will be a definite problem with the elderly.”

  “I will begin working on it immediately,” Dean said.

  Softly, Ellen’s voice called into the room. “Not right now I hope.”

  Dean spun around. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Ellen walked in. “Is that him? Is that the new guy?”

  Andrea nodded. “Glen. We have a patient.”

  “Wow.” Ellen smiled. “Who’s pulling the night shift then?”

  “Me.” Andrea smiled brightly. “Just like the old days. Well actually William and I are splitting it.”

  William pointed to Andrea. “You should go see those children of yours and get some rest before you come back. You got the odd hours.”

  “You’re right.” Andrea looked once more at Glen then to William. “See you at nine.” She walked from the room.

  In his turn of watching Andrea leave, Dean looked to Ellen. “So, why don’t you want me working now?”

  “We got the new survivors. I have to work Containment tonight and ...”

  “El.” Dean held up his hand. “I promise I’ll be done in time to pick the kids up from Maggie.”

  “No, that’s not it. Can I finish?”

  “Sure.” Dean shrugged.

  “I brought us dinner.” Ellen snickered at William’s ‘Aw’. “Funny, I thought you and I could just take an hour or two and spend time together. I feel like I’ve been neglecting you.”

  “What about me?” William asked. “I notice you neglecting me more than my son notices.”

  “Dad.” Dean shook his head. “I don’t know what to say, El.”

  “Ellen.” William stepped closer to the two. “Forget this asshole. What did you bring?”

  “Dad.” Dean quickly looked at William. “I don’t mean about giving her a yes or no answer about dinner. I mean, I’m shocked. This is really nice, El.” Dean kissed her. “Thanks. I’m as guilty as you with neglecting lately.”

  Ellen crinkled her face. “Yeah, I know. I just didn’t want to say it. Ready? Dinner’s at the lab.” She pointed backwards.

  “I’m right behind you.” Dean laid his hand on her back and moved to the door.

  “Dean,” William called out. “So I suppose this means you won’t be working on our newest problem immediately.” William didn’t get an answer. He turned to Glen. “Guess not,” he said to the sleeping man. “Did either one of them think to ask me if I was hungry? No. Meanwhile, Mr. Glen, I cook for the two of them every day. Unappreciative children.”

  “Dad.” Dean stuck his head in the door. “We hear you. Why are you lying to that unconscious man?”

  “It’s called comatose brainwashing, Dean, not lying,” William explained. “I have to ensure that every new person, one way or another, doesn’t like you.”


  Frank thought it was great that it wasn’t even dark and he was heading home. It was the first time in he couldn’t remember how long that he was done early. Even though he had put in twelve hours, it seemed like a short day. He was grateful that Greg was such the eager-to-learn Security guy, offering to do rounds for Frank for the experience. And Frank, being the helpful guy he was, shoved his rounds on him.

  Pool. Darts. Card or talking. Frank went through his mind on what he could do with his fourteen year old son Johnny. It had been too long since he spent an entire evening with him and quiet time alone was what Frank wanted, but he realized something wasn’t right when he saw Johnny walking from the house with George. “Hey John.”

  “Hey Dad.” Johnny, so tall, carried a sleeping roll. “What are you doing home?”

  “Check this out. Greg wanted to do my rounds. So ...” Frank clapped. “How about I make us dinner ...”

  “I ate,” Johnny said. “Maggie always cooks for us kids.”

  “Oh.” Frank nodded. “Then let me grab bite and a shower and how about we do something?”

  Quickly Johnny shifted his eyes to George. “Dad, you weren’t supposed to be home.”

  “I know.” Frank smiled “I am though so ...”

  “Tonight’s the camp out on the hill. George doesn’t work tomorrow and he’s taking me and Denny. I thought you knew.”

  Frank cringed when it dawned on him. “That’s right. I forgot.”

  George spoke up, “Frank, you’re more than welcome to go.”

  Johnny softly whispered a whine, “George, we’re supposed to make those things.”

  “Oh.” George nodded. “Frank.”

  “Not a problem.” Frank shook his head. “You guys have something planned and I have to do rounds at dawn anyhow. Maybe I’ll sleep or get drunk.” Frank smiled. “I haven’t done that in a while.”

  “Frank.” George dropped his voice low. “It’s not you. It’s just that with what we have planned, you can’t be there. There’s a ...” George looked at Johnny who seemed impatient. “There’s a special father’s holiday coming up and Denny and Johnny are using the wild for gift reasons.”

  Frank nodded with a smile. “Got it. Thanks. Hey, have a good time.” Frank lowered down and kissed Johnny on the cheek. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, Dad.” Johnny started to walk. “And you should go get drunk. Have a good time. I am.”

  Frank slowly nodded his head with a fake smile. Spending time with Johnny was what Frank wanted to do. Having a drink or two was an idea, but getting drunk really wasn’t an option to Frank and neither was being alone. After watching George and Johnny disappear, Frank went into his house. He planned on showering, starting dinner and then he’d seek out his ‘other half’ for the friendship and companionship he always knew he could get, especially when he needed it and was feeling like he did at that moment. Alone.

br />
  Empty plates, half full wine glass, and candles were in the center counter in the dark lab. Ellen and Dean giggled some, sipping from their drinks as they talked.

  “We have work,” Ellen said.

  “I know, and I have to get home before Maggie has a fit and runs to Joe again about us being late.”

  “I shouldn’t be too late at Containment tonight and then you can head back down here.”

  Dean shook his head. “Nah. I think tonight I’ll stay home too.” He brought his glass to his lips and sipped. “It’s not just you. It’s me as well. We both work here, then you go to Containment, and then you go home. We eat a quick dinner and I’m out the door. If I’m not here during the day, I’m sleeping because I stayed up all night. It’s nice to see you tonight, El.” He held the glass to her.

  “It’s nice to see you too, Dean.” She clinked the glass. “But.” She set it down after she took a sip. “I guess it’s the price you have to pay if you want to rebuild the world.”

  “And uh ... speaking of rebuilding the world.” Dean slid from his stool and inched to her. “I have been thinking about something. A lot.”


  Dean smiled an embarrassed smile and reached for her hair, playing with it. “What would you think about you and I maybe trying to have another baby?”

  Ellen laughed.


  “Are you suggesting this just so we have an excuse to have sex?”

  Dean laughed as well. “We really don’t connect too often there.” He closed one eye. “But no, I want to have another baby with you. I want to have big family, El. We’ve already started one. Can you think about it?” He leaned closer to her. “For me?”

  Softly Ellen winked. “I’ll think about it.”

  Laying his hands on Ellen’s shoulders, Dean pulled her to him and Ellen stood. His hands roamed her face as he stared at her then, with a smile, he kissed her. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you.” Ellen smiled too through the small kisses that eventually led to something more intense.

  Frank stood in the doorway of the lab, his jaw twitching in jealousy and anger. Dean was holding Ellen, his lips kissing her fully and widely. They were so close, too close. Frank listened and watched for a minute before he walked away. The intimate moment and closeness he witnessed between Dean and Ellen bothered him, but not as much as the fact that they were so wrapped up in their little moment that they never even noticed he was standing there.


  “You’re sure?” Joe questioned Robbie at Containment with a tad of insecurity.

  “Dad, please don’t second guess me. Please.”

  “All right.” Joe held his hands up and rocked in Ellen’s chair, taking over her desk as his own. “It’s your baby, but it’s still early ...”


  “I’ll be quiet about it. Just understand where I’m coming from. Ellen is having a special class for Mark and this Melissa person in the dining room.”

  “I think in a few days, Melissa will come around. She’s already increased her vocabulary to three words a sentence.”

  “Swell. And this Josephine woman.”

  “Well.” Robbie whistled. “She’s a different story and a little eccentric, but she’s fun. She is saying she’s hoping to have sex real soon.”

  Joe’s eyes widened. “O.K.” He chuckled. “Didn’t Henry just go back to see her.”

  Robbie grinned. “They’d make a perfect couple. But in all seriousness, other than being eccentric, funny, and loose, she’s a sweet old woman.”


  Josephine was humming something that sounded eerie as Henry walked into the Skills Room. She sat alone in a corner, crocheting something, and looking so stereotypically ‘old woman’. Henry didn’t want to frighten her. After all, she had been out in the world alone for over two years. He smiled nicely and kept his voice pleasant as he walked up to her. “Hello.”

  Josephine raised her eyes from her crocheting. “Prick.”

  Henry blinked. “Excuse me.”


  “Maybe you’re confused. My name is Henry. We haven’t met.”

  “Ha.” Josephine had an edge to her. “You don’t think I can tell about you.” She pointed her crochet hook at him. “You’re a real asshole.”



  “Hey!” Henry stepped back. “That’s not nice. I’m a nice guy,.”

  “No, you aren’t.” Josephine continued in her crocheting. “Prick.”

  Henry stared at the old woman who started to hum again and, totally confused and scratching his head, he turned from her and started to walk out. “Bye.”


  Henry picked up his pace and moved rapidly to Ellen’s office. “Joe,” he called out when he walked in.

  “Hey, Henry. Is your visit with Josephine over with already?”

  “Joe,” Henry gasped out as he neared the desk. “She hates me.”

  “What?” Joe laughed. “She just met you. Maybe she’s just being strange with you.”

  “No, Joe.” Henry shook his head, flinging about his hair. “She called me a prick.”

  “No, she did not,” Joe argued.

  “Yes, she did.”

  Robbie grinned. “She’s perceptive.”

  “She’s nasty and mean. And ... and ...” Henry rattled. “She called me a dick.”

  Ellen heard that when she walked in. “Who called you a dick?”

  “Josephine,” Henry answered.

  Ellen snickered. “Oh, she didn’t. You had to hear her wrong. Maybe she said you look sick.”

  “No,” Henry was adamant. “She called me a prick and a dick and an asshole.”

  Joe slowly looked at Robbie. “Robert.”

  “What?” Robbie tossed his hands up. “I haven’t been alone with her so don’t look at me.”

  “Something should be done, Joe,” Henry complained. “She’s very mean.”

  “Henry.” Joe slammed his hand on the desk. “What do you want me to do about it? Besides, I met her. I doubt very much she called you those names. You had to hear her wrong. And if she did, so what?”

  “So what?” Henry was offended. “It’s not nice, Joe. You can’t come into a new community and start picking on people that live there. That’s not a way to make friends.”

  Robbie shrugged. “If she’s picking on you, she’s instantly my friend.”

  “Shut up, Robbie,” Henry snapped

  “You shut up,” Robbie came back.

  “You probably put her up to it.”

  “Blow me, Henry.”

  “You wish.”

  “Boys!” Joe yelled.

  “Joe?” Ellen had question to her voice. “Why are you sitting at my desk?”

  “Because when I’m in Containment, this is my desk,” Joe told her.

  “Oh.” Ellen nodded. “All right.”

  Joe grabbed his head. “Can we stay on one goddamn subject here? My head is spinning. Where were we?”

  “Henry is fighting with me,” Robbie answered.

  “No Josephine called me names,” Henry corrected. “You started fighting with me.”

  “Oh I did not,” Robbie snapped back.

  “Oh that’s right,” Henry quipped. “You never do anything.”

  Ellen interjected, “I believe we were discussing why Joe becomes a tyrant and steals my desk.”

  “Ellen,” Joe snipped at her through the rambling voices in the small office..

  “Fuck you, Henry!” Robbie stood up.

  Henry stepped to Robbie. “You know what ...”

  “Hey!” Joe shrieked out then whistled. “Enough!” Slowly he stood up, his face red, and he walked over to where Robbie and Henry stood face to face. “Two years,” Joe graveled his voice as he scolded. “Over two goddamn years you two have been at each other’s throats. Do you even realize how close I am to locking you both up and having you beat the shit out of
each other?”

  Robbie bobbed his head. “I’m game.”

  “So am I.” Henry kept his glare on Robbie. “Do it, Joe.”

  “No. For as much as that’s what this tension between you needs, I like you, Henry, and I’m not in the mood to watch my son kick your ass.”

  Henry gasped. He literally gasped in shock. “Joe!” Wide eyed he turned to Joe. “How can you say that?”

  “Because I know my son and I know my son can fight. Hell, Henry, he used to get beat up on a daily basis by his brothers just so he would get tough.”

  “Still, Joe.” Henry shook his head at the unfairness of what Joe had said. “I can fight.”

  “Have you ever?” Joe asked.

  “Once in the third grade, I ...”

  “Christ.” Joe turned away.

  “No, Joe, that is so unfair ...” Henry stopped to sneer at Robbie’s snickering. “Shut up, Robbie.”

  “No you.”



  “Boys!” Joe screamed. “Enough.”

  “Just for the record, Joe,” Henry stated. “I’m really tough.”

  Dean’s laughter mixed in with Ellen’s. “Sorry.” Dean stopped laughing. “I came to steal my wife.”

  Ellen spun in surprise to see Dean. “Who’s with the kids?”

  “My Dad, so I thought while he was there, I would walk you home. Can you leave now?” Dean asked her.

  Ellen smiled widely. “You bet.” She looked back as she walked to the door with Dean. “Robbie, see you in the morning. Night, Joe. Henry.”

  Joe lifted his hand in a wave as they walked out. “Night.” He noticed Henry still staring at him. “What? You have more to say?”

  “What about Josephine and her nasty mouth and attitude toward me?” Henry asked.

  “Henry.” Joe stopped himself from getting angry. “Let’s go. Come on. The woman just got here and already you are harping on her. No wonder she called you a prick.” Joe led the way to the Skills Room with Robbie and Henry behind him. Josephine still sat there, crocheting. “Evening, Josephine.”


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