The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 32

by Jacqueline Druga

  It was oddly warm for an October evening and Leroy decided to take advantage of that, walk around, and see what was there. But even that became tedious. He didn’t like the Social Hall. He didn’t believe in alcohol and the Social Hall was also too crowded so Leroy returned to the living section.

  He wandered to the row of houses, totally bored and wanting to find some entertainment. He walked to the end house and up the four front steps. Leroy exhaled in relief as he walked inside. He knew he was hungry and knew there were plenty of snacks to be found. Making his way through the living room, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple cookies from the counter.

  They tasted good and, like he sensed from outside, the bedroom was the best place to not be bored. Holding his cookies, crumbs dribbling down his mouth, he walked up stairs and to the master bedroom. A beautiful oak floor chest was against the far wall opposite the bed. It was a perfect place to sit do Leroy did. So quietly--and he wasn’t even trying to be--he sat down, munched his cookies, and watched unnoticed. It was like he viewed a children’s novel.

  “Sweet Jesus,” was the singing pleasure voice of Andrea.

  Miguel only grunted

  Squeak-squeak went the bed.

  Leroy watched the entangled bodies move about, up and down, and all around..

  “Sweet, Sweet Jesus.”



  “Oh! Yes!”



  “Sweet Jesus.”




  “Sweet ...” Andrea stopped and tapped Miguel on the back. “Did you hear that?”

  “I hear your love.” Miguel grunted.

  “No.” Andrea tapped him again.

  “It is supposed to be yes.”

  “I heard a ...”


  At the same time Miguel lifted up some and Andrea peeked over his burly shoulder.

  Frank pulled the door closed at Containment and watched the light above the door go out. “Do you hear me, El?” he asked as they walked toward the living section with Jonas.

  “I hear you,” she said.

  “Never let that radio get far from you. Keep it on your belt at all times. Got it?” Frank ordered. “Tell her, Jonas.”

  “I’m getting bad vibes about those three new ones. They aren’t the same as when they first came in.”

  “See.” Frank pointed to Jonas. “He knows. So just in case there is trouble ...”

  “I know. I know. I ...” Ellen’s words were cut short by Andrea’s long shrill scream and before she knew it, Frank and Jonas took off running and left her behind. “Hey!” Ellen called out then ran to catch up.

  Frank bolted to the door of Andrea’s home and made it there at the same time as Joe, who was not wearing a shirt, came out of his house. “Dad, did you hear that?”

  “Yeah. Miguel’s there. I wonder what’s wrong?”

  Henry came flying up the street. “I heard a scream.”

  “Me too.” Robbie raced on the scene with George right behind him.

  “Should we go in?” Frank asked.

  Joe listened. “I don’t hear anything. It may have been nothing.”

  Andrea’s scream rang out again, this time with inaudible words attached.

  Frank didn’t hesitate anymore. Even if Andrea and Miguel were fighting, something just didn’t sound right about it. He flew into the house, zooming in on the sounds of Andrea’s scream. “Andrea! Are you all right?” he cried out as he charged up the steps with the train of Joe, George, Henry, Robbie, and Ellen behind him. “Andrea, are you ...” Frank stopped so suddenly in the doorway of the bedroom that he nearly caused a five person pile up when everyone rammed into him. “Oh shit.”

  Frank didn’t know what to do. No one did. Frank stood just inside the door while everyone else fought to stick their head in to take a peek. There was Miguel, wearing only his boxer shorts. He fought diligently to pull back a naked Andrea. Andrea’s arms swung and her breast flopped about with every hard swinging motion she made as she beat upon a down and out Leroy who was hovering on the floor.

  “Frank.” Miguel struggled with her. “Help.”

  Not really wanting to touch a naked Andrea, Frank stepped forward. “Andrea!” he screamed out then reached down to move Leroy. “Knock it the fuck off!”

  Miguel took advantage of the separation Frank caused between Andrea and Leroy and he pulled her back further. She swung out her leg once more, missing Leroy and nailing Frank.

  Frank grunted in irritation then, standing before Leroy still hunched on the ground, he faced Miguel and a still verbally hysterical Andrea. “Calm down! What the hell happened!”

  Andrea let out a single, shivering bellow. Her head flung back against Miguel’s chest, her arm pointed outward, and she cried out so dramatically as if some sort of Joan Crawford wanna-be. “I want him out!”

  Frank was confused. “Did he attack you guys?”

  “No!” Andrea shook her head. “Worse!”

  “Worse?” Frank questioned and quickly turned his head with a glare to silence the snickers coming from the door. “Worse?”

  “Worse!” Andrea repeated in the same drawn out manner. “He visually violated me!”

  It took a second. Frank’s mouth opened in question and then, after checking out the physical state Andrea and Miguel were in and assessing the scenario, Frank got it. He realized what had happened. He cleared his throat, drew up a serious look, and walked to the door. “Dad? Council’s decision.” Then crinkling up his mouth to keep in the smile that wanted to come out, Frank walked out.


  “I’m hungry.” Jonas stated as he led the way into his home.

  “Me too.” Frank followed and closed the door. “Ousting people does that.”

  “He’s not ousted yet.”

  “He will be.”

  “How many does that make?”

  “Are we counting the ones that made it through the gate or the one who made it to Beginnings?”


  Frank reached into his back pocket and pulled out a little notepad. He flipped it open. “Including Leroy, we’ve ousted twenty-two from Containment and beyond and ... I can’t read my writing. Oh, yeah, sixty-eight upon first screening.”

  Jonas whistled. “At least they aren’t bringing them in everyday. Remember.” He shook his head. “Josephine’s muffin?”

  “Yeah.” Frank sat on the couch while Jonas went into the kitchen.

  “Here.” Jonas came back out with a plate of mini muffins and set the plate on the table.

  “Did she make these for you?”



  “She likes me.” Jonas took a muffin.

  “She likes me,” Frank stated.

  “No, Frank. She doesn’t. You’re mean to her.”

  “Am I?”


  “Fuckin’ survivors.”

  “See.” Jonas pointed and wiped the crumbs from his mouth. “You are so prejudice.”

  “I am not.” Frank was offended.

  “You are too. You called Leroy a fucking survivor.”

  “No. I called him a fuckin’ survivor pervert.”

  “I stand corrected.” Jonas moved to the steps. “At least he’ll be out by tomorrow when Robbie and George hit that town.”

  “What is up with that? It’s October.”

  “It’s the last one for a while. You know Joe wants to get some people in for when we plow the fields and you also know you have men to train for when we make runs. We need men for those. Things are getting bad out there.”


  “Besides, we only have six left in Containment and four at the Clinic. There’s room for more ... do you mind if I go change into something more comfortable?” Jonas pointed to the steps.


  “Good. I hate this military garb. Be down in a jiff.”
  “Take your time. I’m enjoying these muffins here.” Frank reached for one. “Fuckin’ starved.” He shoved the whole mini muffin in his mouth then realized he had nothing to wash it down. He went into the kitchen and poured some milk and brought it back out to the living room with him. “So!” Frank yelled out. “When do you think these three new guys will snap?”

  “Soon,” Jonas yelled from above. “I don’t think it will be much longer. A guard should be put in there.” His voice drew nearer as he came down the steps.

  “I agree. I hate the fact that El is there alone sometimes. It’s different when Robbie’s with her.”

  “True.” Jonas walked in the room. “Greg does well. Maybe we should just move him inside.”

  “Or John Matoose.”

  “He’s busy with Mechanics.” Jonas plopped on the couch with an exhausting exhale. “Ah better.”

  Frank caught glimpse of it. At first he thought it was his imagination, then after quickly jolting his views, he saw for sure he wasn’t mistaken. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “Something more comfortable.” Jonas tightened the belt on the long bright pink satin robe he wore with fluffy slippers.

  “You look gay.”

  “I am.”

  “But still, Jonas.”

  “What?” Jonas was confused. He crossed his legs and reached for a muffin. “I’m comfortable. There’s nothing constricting. I’m in my own home and ... this material is divine.”

  Frank brushed the crumbs from his hand and reached over and touched the sleeve. With a closed mouth, he nodded. “It is soft.”

  “See, I told you. I have a blue one identical to it. Would you like to borrow it.”

  “Can I have a pair of fuckin’ fluffy slippers too?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  Frank pushed the plate of muffins to Jonas. “Eat your muffins.” He watched Jonas, with a smirk, pick up a muffin so dainty-like and nibble at it with a school-girl type giggle. Frank just swayed his head with snicker then went back to their conversation about survivors.


  October 3 - Beginnings, Montana

  What started out as an attempt to break from Containment, became a place for Frank to take out his frustrations. With a slam, his tightly closed fist nailed into the side of a survivors head, immediately sending the man back and unconscious to the hallway floor.

  “Jonas. I need juice!” Frank blasted out as he grabbed another by the shirt, tossed him hard into the wall, and then hit him in the face. The third then came after Frank and he flipped him over his shoulder and to the floor at the same time Jonas called out.

  “Frank. Here!”

  Just as Frank’s boot slammed down on the third man’s chest to secure him to the ground, he spun his views to Jonas, lifted his hand, and caught the syringe Jonas tossed. “Get the other!” Frank called as he gripped the man’s shirt and. He jerked him up to his feet, slammed him against the wall, uncapped the syringe with his teeth, and jammed the needle into the man’s throat. In three seconds, his head slumped and Frank dropped him. He turned to see Jonas injecting the second.

  “What about him?” Jonas motioned his head to the first man.

  “Nah.” Frank nudged his with his boot. “He’s out cold. If he wakes up we’ll hit him. Other than that, we have to save the tranquilizer. Is El all right?”

  “Dean’s with her.”

  “Fuckin’ Dean.” Frank shook his head in disgust. “I’ll be back.” He stepped over a downed man to head to Ellen’s office. Frank was so irritated at Dean. Dean was the distraction that the three survivors needed, the same three Frank and Jonas had worried about the day before. It was innocent enough that Dean stopped by to tell Ellen that Robbie picked up quite a few survivors and was weeding them out, but the second he distracted her attention from the group, the three lunged, grabbed Ellen, and threatened to break her neck if Dean didn’t open the door. He did, only to call for Greg as he was supposed to, and started the whole mess. The three turned violent when Greg stormed in. A massive disruption began with throwing Ellen and Greg’s then valiant attempt to take on all three. In the midst of the chaos and helping Ellen, Dean got his call out to Frank. It ended less than one minute later when Frank walked in.

  In all fairness Frank did know it wasn’t Dean’s fault. But he still wanted to blame Dean for something.

  Dean knelt before Ellen with hands on her knees and his face close to hers. “Are you sure you are all right?”

  “Dean, I’m fine.”

  “I’m worried. You took a tumble.”

  “Really, I feel fine.”

  “No cramping?” Dean asked.


  “I’d feel better if you would just let me take you over to the ...”

  “No.” She laid her hand on his face. “I’ll be fine. Go finish your work.” Just as she leaned down to Dean to kiss him, Frank cleared his throat, signaling his entrance into her office.

  “Sorry to interrupt.”

  Dean stood up. “Yeah right.”

  “Fuck you, Dean.”

  “No, fuck you, Frank.”

  “Please.” Ellen held up her hand with closed eyes. “No fighting.”

  Frank glared at Dean then moved to Ellen. He squatted next to the chair. “How are you?”


  “You aren’t hurt anywhere?”

  “No. Thank you for handling things.”

  “Always.” Frank kissed her on the cheek, looked at Dean, and then stood up. “All right, those three are out cold and then they’ll be out for good. Jonas and me are taking them up.”

  “You’d better call and see if Robbie has left yet,” Ellen suggested. “Dean said they’ve already picked six to come here.”

  “Yeah, I’d better.” Frank ran his hand over her head. “I’ll check back.” He grabbed his walkie-talkie as he moved from her office. “Jonas. Greg.” Frank called to the two who handled the ‘ousted’ survivors. “Take them to the Jeep.” Frank brought the radio to his mouth. “Dad. Dad. Come in.”

  “Yeah, Frank,” Joe responded.

  “We had some trouble at Containment.”

  “What happened?”

  “Those three Jonas and I were talking about snapped. They have to go.”

  “Anyone hurt?” Joe asked.

  “No, El’s a little shaken. She got thrown, but otherwise is fine.” Frank buzzed himself through the door. “Are Robbie and George still hanging about up there or did they take the people back yet?” He stepped outside.

  “Nope,” Joe answered. “They’re still weeding them out. They picked up a bunch, but between us and whoever is listening, most will go back out. Do you need me to wait up here for you? I was on my way back into town with the ones Dean examined.”

  “Nah,” Frank said as he jumped into his Jeep. “Just tell Robbie that Jonas and me are dropping the three off at Holding and we’ll be up.”

  ‘Got it.”

  “On our way.” Frank hooked the radio back onto his belt and, with a slight screech, pulled the Jeep from the curbside, causing the unconscious survivors to bounce around as he drove.


  “Would you like to look at the bright side?” William asked a depressed Andrea at the Clinic’s lab. “We have four patients and Robbie radioed to say two more are arriving.”

  Andrea let out a heavy sigh. “I know.”

  “Cheer up.” William patted her on the back.

  “William, I can’t. I feel so embarrassed.”


  “Because I was ...” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I was seen.”


  Andrea gasped. “So? I feel violated.”

  “Andrea, we’ve established the man was not there for sexual pleasure but to watch you. That’s it. And ... he’s gone.”

  “Still.” She swayed her head. “I just don’t like the idea that he was there when we ... . when Miguel and I were together.”

/>   “You’re very upset about this.” William took on a doctor’s tone.

  “I am.”

  Then curiosity took over William. “What uh ... what exactly were you doing when he watched?”

  “Making love.”

  “Just making love?” William nodded.


  “Nothing kinky or perverted?”


  “I just wanted to know.” William held up his hands. “Because let’s face it, Andrea. You’re way too upset over it. He snuck in your house. He saw you. So what? He’s gone. You never have to face him again.”

  “It’s so easy for you to say,” Andrea’s soft voice spoke. “You don’t know. You’ve never had anyone watch you.”

  “True, but I had someone walk in on me and my wife.”

  “Who?” Andrea asked.

  “Dean. Who else? I think he was five or six. He stood there until we noticed him. If I recall, he never knew what was happening. My wife was upset about being seen.” William held up a finger with a snicker. “And if I recall again, I think she beat Dean like a mad woman as well. Perhaps that may explain what is wrong with my son.”

  The squeak of Dean’s tennis shoes rang out in the room. “God, what now? What are you saying about me now, Dad?”

  Andrea answered, “Your father was just telling me about the time you walked in on your parents while they were being intimate.”

  “I did?” Dean questioned. “Really? I don’t remember.”

  “See.” William indicated to Dean. “She beat him so badly, he lost his memory.”

  “Dad, you’re joking.”

  “No.” William shook his head. “You walked in on us.”

  “And mom beat me?” Dean asked. “I would think that you two would have taken me from the room and explained what I just saw.”


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