The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 37

by Jacqueline Druga


  William watched Andrea. She looked nervous as she moved about the lab, taking a second to look at the tiny tube of blood. Just as she held it up, William knocked on the door. “Andrea, can I speak to you for a second.”

  “Sure.” She set down the tube and walked from the lab. “What’s up?”

  “This way.” William waved her to her office.

  “William is something wrong?” Andrea asked as she followed him.

  “No, it’s just something private.” He closed her office door as they stepped in. “I want to make sure you’re all right with doing this.”

  “What do you mean? William, I am perfectly capable of performing this test. Dean has prepped me. Everything is ready. Besides, Frank has ‘B’ blood, Ellen is ‘AB’, and Dean is ‘O’. We may not have to go any further if we get an ‘O’ response, now will we?”

  “No.” William shook his head. “I’m not doubting your ability to run this test. I’m just saying the pressure of delivering the results may be a lot.”

  “Ah,” Andrea smiled and laid her hand on William’s. “Thank you for your concern, you sweet man but I’ve prayed about it. It has to be done, and now.” Andrea took a breath. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.” She opened the office door and William walked out behind her. He nodded once at Robbie who walked from the direction of the lab.


  “I don’t want to hear it.” Dean fought with William outside of the clinic. “Put it this way, I don’t need to hear it..”

  “You will get your ass in there, Dean. Andrea will be ready momentarily.”

  “You saw him. I saw him. He’s not mine.”

  “What if he is?” William asked him. “Huh? Then you are going to feel really bad when you realize you walked away from your wife the second she gave birth.”

  “I won’t feel bad.”


  “Because the kid isn’t mine. I don’t have it in me to create a child that looks like that.”

  “The hell you don’t.” William snapped. “Look at your Uncle Larry.”

  “What?” Dean asked.

  “Uncle Larry, my brother. He’s six foot four with coal black hair, big and brawny. And look at me. I’m six-two. What color was my hair when it wasn’t gray and I had some?”

  Dean slowly looked up. “Black.”

  “Exactly. Now let’s go.”

  Reluctantly and slowly, Dean walked behind William to the clinic.

  “Will you quit gloating?” Joe snapped at Frank.

  “Dad.” Frank grinned. “You saw him. He looks exactly like me.”

  “I know.” Joe grumbled.

  “I’m a father. Congratulate me. I have a kid.”

  “Frank.” Joe hushed him when Dean walked slowly in the waiting room with William.

  Frank looked up at Dean. Their eyes met.

  Joe could feel the tension in the room, Dean’s anger mixed with Frank’s exuberance. Robbie, nervously in the corner, was biting his nails like a Frank replica. Joe had to wonder if Robbie was anticipating and getting ready for a major outburst.

  If the tension wasn’t bad enough, when Andrea walked in the room, everything kicked up a notched. “I completed the test.”

  Everyone rushed to her.

  Andrea looked at Dean and Frank. “I want you to know there is no mistake about it. I ran the tests three times to triple check so nothing will ever be said about it again. You boys hear?” She waited for them both to nod. She looked at the smile on Frank’s face and then at Dean who really stared off to the side. “All right. I’m sorry ...” Andrea swayed her head. “Frank, the baby is Dean’s.”

  Dean’s head sprang up. “Mine?”

  “Yes,” Andrea answered.

  “Shit.” Like a kid and at top speed, Dean flew from the waiting room.

  More than seeing it, Joe felt it and it pained him to even see the hurt on Frank’s face.

  Frank looked as if he had been run over. His eyes closed tightly and his head swayed slowly.

  “Frank.” Joe reached for him.

  “No.” Frank backed up. “I thought he was mine. I would have bet my life he was.” Frank ran his hand down his face. “I really ... I really wanted him to be mine.” With a long released breath, Frank walked from the waiting room.

  Robbie swallowed so predominantly as he watched Frank leave, he would have sworn his gulp was heard. Heart sinking, full of regret over a situation that there was no taking back, and ready to just die, Robbie turned and faced the wall.


  “William,” Robbie softly spoke the name as he slumped into his drink at the Social Hall. “What have we done?”

  William swayed his head. “I thought I would feel all right over this. I did it for my son.”

  “I killed my brother.” Robbie downed the moonshine and poured another.

  William took the bottle. “I deceived my son.”

  “But Dean isn’t hurting.”

  “He will if the truth comes out.” William gulped a shot’s worth.

  “What happens if it does?”

  “Frank will hate you. Dean will hate me. They both will hate Ellen. It’s a big mess.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Robbie took the bottle again. He took a deep drunken breath. “The truth will never come out.”


  “I’m so sorry.” Dean held Ellen’s hand, kissing it. “I can’t tell you enough. And the twins are so excited about their brother.”

  “Dean.” Ellen held his hand. “It’s all right you know. I understand.”

  “I’ll never forgive myself for the way I acted.”

  “Why?” Ellen asked. “I already have. Just tell me our marriage is fine.”

  “Our marriage is great.” Dean leaned into Ellen and kissed her.

  The dark corridors of the Clinic added to the hurt that Frank felt as he walked down them. He wanted to see Ellen, but the quiet of the place at night allowed for her and Dean’s happy conversation to flow to him. He just didn’t want to go in, not at that moment.

  There was another place he didn’t want to go but felt drawn to ... the nursery. He felt badly for the baby all alone in there with Melissa attending to him. Frank, hand and forehead pressed against the glass, watched the baby who looked so much like him, the baby with the name, Joseph Hayes.

  “Frank,” Andrea called his name softly.

  “Hey.” He turned around.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It isn’t your fault.” Frank rubbed his eyes. “I thought he was mine.”

  “I did too.”

  “Something is not right about this.”

  “Frank, I ran the test on that tube three times then I went back and ran it again. The baby is Dean’s.”

  “No.” Frank shook his head.

  “I didn’t make an error.”

  “I’m not saying you did.” Frank spoke with sadness. “But something is not right. You know it and I know it. No one will ever convince me of the fact that baby isn’t mine.” Frank turned back into the glass.

  “Frank, the test ...”

  “Screw the test. Look at him, Andrea. Look at him.” Frank leaned against the glass. “He’s mine.”

  Slowly Andrea ran her hand down Frank’s back. In her heart, no matter what science told her, she knew Frank was right but what could she say. What arguments did they have? They had only their instincts and that was it and unfortunately, instincts weren’t proof enough. They never would be. Andrea didn’t know what to say or how to give comfort to Frank. The situation wasn’t going to be good no matter what the results and all Andrea could do was say her goodnight, look one more time at Frank, who stared with desperation at the baby, then go home and pray for him.


  March 4 - Beginnings, Montana

  “Shut the fuck up!” Frank blasted in the cabin of the helicopter. The screams were loud, annoying, and Henry was the worst of the bunch. “Henry!”

/>   “I can’t help it, Frank.” Henry fought off the survivors, eight of them, all children, who pounced about on him. “Ow, one bit me.”

  “Fuck.” Frank looked at his bleeding hand. “Fuckin’ savages.”

  Robbie laughed as he flew. “They’re kids.”

  Frank looked back in the helicopter. “They’re kids.” He picked up the radio. “Dad, we grabbed eight.”

  “Eight?” Joe came back. “Good job. Any of use?”

  “Not a fuckin’ lot of them”: Frank took a second to catch his breath. “But we have to keep them. Tell William to meet us up at Hanger Three. We’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Got it.”

  Frank hung up the radio with a cringe. Glaring, he looked back at the six boys and two girls and, of course, Henry. “And to think we killed people to get them.”

  “To think.” Robbie smiled and kept on flying.


  Old or young. If they were of no use but they had to keep them, Joe figured they were one of the two, old or young. He notified William that it had to be bad if he was needed at Hanger Three, and then Joe, wanting a little break, walked to his office. He opened his door, walked in, and slid to a stop. “Trish.”

  “Hi Joe!” She smiled as she spoke lying on her side on Joe’s desk top. “Guess what? I’m out of Containment. I’m no longer a survivor.” She giggled. “I’m a resident. I’m free.”

  “I know.” Joe didn’t let it faze him. It had happened so frequently with Trish lately so how could it? “Trish.”


  “Actually.” Joe walked to his desk. “You showing up naked so much for me is losing its effect.”


  “Can I have my desk?”

  “But, Joe.” She slid from the desk and walked to him. “I thought maybe now that I’m out of Containment, we could get together.”

  “Trish,” Joe spoke calmly. “What did I tell you about that? I’m the leader here. I have a certain responsibility. I can’t fool around with people. It’s like the boss at work fooling around with his employees. It’s not ethical.”

  “But why? You’re a man.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m a woman.”

  Joe quickly cased her nude body. “I know.”

  “You don’t find me attractive?”

  “Trish.” Joe cleared his throat. “Finding you attractive has nothing to do with it. I can’t. I’m sure had I met you in a non plague-ravished world, you could easily be wife number seven. But ...” He held up his finger. “If you met me then, you wouldn’t want anything to do with me.”

  “That’s not true, Joe. I find you exciting and attractive.”

  “You have what we call Survivor Syndrome. It’s happened before. You’ll get over it,”

  “Did you get involved with one of those women?” Trish asked. “Is that why you’re sour on relationships?”

  “No, and could you get dressed.”

  “I’m exciting you, aren’t I?” Trish smiled.

  “Trish, you will feel really stupid about throwing yourself at me when get over this.”

  “I won’t. I love you, Joe.”


  Trish grabbed his hand. “Feel my breast.” She placed it on her.

  Hand on her breast, Joe tilted his head, impressed. “Not bad. But ...” He pulled his hand away. “Even if I didn’t have the ethical thing, I can’t get involved. I’m a busy man so, like a priest, no women for me.”

  “Joe.” Trish softened her voice, re-grabbed his hand and placed it on her. “I want to prove I don’t have this Survivor Syndrome. I really fell for you. If I promise ...” Since Joe wasn’t doing any fondling, Trish decided to help. She moved his hand around her breast and stepped against him. “If I promise to be good and not get involved will you let me show you how much I like you?”


  “You know you can use the comfort.”

  Joe took a breath and stepped back. “I have to apologize.”

  Trish’s head dropped in defeat.

  Joe walked to the door. “Apologize.” He shut the door and locked it. “Because it’s been a hell of a long time.” With a shitty grin that matched Trish’s, Joe took off his shoulder harness and dropped it to the floor in his walk to a very naked Trish.


  If his head didn’t pound enough, the noise level in that hanger made by the eight children worsened it for William. He shook his head as he moved to Frank, Robbie, and Henry. “It’s just like you said, Robbie and it’s bad too.” William looked behind at the rambunctious children.

  “Should we do it?” Robbie asked.

  “Yeah.” William nodded. “You two boys are safe but use the special shampoo anyhow. But hose these little ones down and cut off their hair.”

  “Got it.” Robbie led Frank over to the kids.

  Henry looked confused, especially when William waved a finger to him. “What?”

  “I need to check you.’


  “Because those eight children are infested with lice. You may have to lose the hair.”

  “No!” Henry, horrified scratched his head. “I’ll use the shampoo like Frank and Robbie.”

  “You can’t.” William walked to Henry. “They have hardly any hair but you have that mane.”

  “But, but ... . I’ll trim it. What about that fruit-fly stuff? That works on them.”

  “Henry, it will burn your scalp,” William explained.

  “Burn my scalp. I don’t care. But I cannot lose my hair.” Henry whimpered in a fake cry the nearer William, with gloves in place, came to him.


  Ellen was so thrilled as she walked down the streets of Beginnings with Joe. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to get back to Containment. Thanks.”

  “You won’t be thanking me when you meet them.”

  “Oh, I met them. They’re fine.” Ellen waved her hand at Joe. “We’ll just need a little more help with them besides us. Maybe some of the survivors could help.”

  “Not a bad idea. Gemma already volunteered to take one of the children.”

  “Then she probably wouldn’t mind putting in the hours. And Trish, she wouldn’t ...” Ellen stopped walking.

  “What’s wrong?” Joe asked.

  “Speaking of Trish, Joe. I just saw her. Why would she ask me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding to you?”

  “Haven’t a clue.” Joe shrugged. “Still has that Survivor Syndrome I guess.”

  “I guess. It’s bad too.” Ellen shook her head then froze as they neared Containment. “Oh my God.”

  “Holy mother of God!” Joe exclaimed. “That isn’t.”

  “It is. Henry?” Ellen neared him. “Henry, you shaved your head.”

  Henry, nearly bald, rubbed his stubbles. “I had to El.”

  “But why?” Ellen asked.

  “I had lice. Bad too.”

  “Oh wow.” Ellen stepped back from him. “Where uh, did you get them from?”

  “Those new kids. They were infested.”

  Joe drew up an odd look. “The new kids?”


  “Henry,” Joe stated. “They didn’t have lice.”

  “Yes, sir, Joe. William assured me that ...” Henry’s eyes widened then he shrieked. “Uh!” He took off running down the street, screaming William’s name the whole entire time.


  William looked down at his watch one more time that evening. He paced around Dean’s living room so much, he could have worn a hole in the carpet. “Well, I guess it’s safe to go home now.”

  “You think?” Dean looked up with a snicker. He sat on the couch, changing Joey’s diaper.

  “Probably not, but Henry has got to have worn down some.”

  “Dad, what in the world would make you tell him he had lice. That breaches all medical ethics.”

  “Oh, it does not.” William tossed his hand Dean’s way. “He deserved it
. Beside the fact that I owed it to Robbie, he annoys the hell out of me with that hair.”

  “Not anymore,” Dean said.

  “He certainly won’t for a while. He looks very ethnic with a shaved head.”

  “Dad.” Dean swayed his head and leaned down to kiss Joey.

  William heard a gasp from the baby. “Was that a laugh?”

  “He’s smiling.” Dean let his hair fall down and brush against Joey’s face. “Isn’t he just the cutest baby?”

  “He’s big too.” William looked over the back of the couch. “Huge.”

  Dean grinned widely. “But I love him.” He picked up Joey and held him. “Very much.” He kissed the baby.

  There was a peaceful look that crossed William’s face at that moment looking down to his son. “Dean.”


  “You have done very well with your family. I want you to know that I’m proud of you.” William laid his hand on Dean’s shoulder then moved to the door.

  “Dad?” Dean brought Joey close to his chest. He gave William a quirky look. “Where did that come from?”

  William shrugged. “I guess I never tell you enough.” William smiled at Dean. “But just know that I am very proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” Dean nodded in gratefulness. “That means a lot to hear you say that.”

  “Good.” William opened the door. “But don’t get too used to it. I have a reputation to uphold with you. Night, Dean.”

  “Night, Dad.” Dean kept his stares on the door until William had left. He lifted Joey to his eye level. “See, I knew your pap liked me.” He looked back at the door. “And he didn’t even come back to insult me.” With another kiss, Dean continued to hold Joey.



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