The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 81

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Shit.” Jess twitched his head.


  “Henry, Ellen’s pretty bad. I don’t know what happened, but she’s really drunk right now and wandering around. She’s in my bathroom.”

  “Damn it. I’m gonna be at least another hour or so. Can you stay with her?”

  “Can you tell Doug I’ll be there as soon as you relieve me?”

  “You got it,” Henry said,

  “I’ll take her home and try to sober her up a bit so she’s not feeling it tomorrow. I’ll meet you at there. Thanks Henry.”

  “No, thank you Jess.”

  Just as Jess hung up the phone, he heard the triple thump. He turned around suddenly to see Ellen staring at the steps. “El, you all right?”

  “I tripped.” Ellen scratched her wet head. “They were slippery.”

  “They get like that.”

  “You’re funny,” she snickered.

  “And you’re a mess. How did you let yourself get like this?”

  “The question is why.” Ellen held up an unstable finger. “Why.”


  “I’d rather not talk about but I shouldn’t have drunk so much.”

  “No. Hey, Henry’s gonna meet us at your house. O.K.?”

  “Great.” Ellen tossed her hands up. “Let’s go.” She moved sloppily to the door.

  “Why aren’t you wearing a coat?”

  “It’s spring.”

  “It’s fall.”

  “Same difference.” Ellen opened the door. “Look Jess, it’s raining.”

  “I see that.”

  “Let’s run.”

  “Let’s not. Let’s grab an umbrella and . . . Ellen!” Jess tossed his hand up when Ellen took off. Hurriedly he grabbed his coat and the lunch he needed, shut the door, and chased after her.


  Elliott watched Melissa as she worked around him. She had come in to check his vital signs and give him medication he chose not to take. She didn’t say much except ask how he was feeling.

  “It’s almost empty.” Elliott commented while Melissa checked his IV.

  “Yes it is. It should be done in a few hours.”

  “I really . . . really don’t need all of that, do I?”

  “It was ordered.”

  “I see.” He received a smile from Melissa as she started to leave. “Melissa.”


  “I have a favor to ask. Pardon me if I’m being forward.”

  “What’s wrong?” Melissa moved back to the bed.

  “I would like it very much if you would dismantle this intravenous from my arm.”

  Melissa chuckled. “You would, would you? And why, sir, would I do that?”

  “I want to leave.”

  “It’s a long walk to New Bowman.”

  “I’ll return. I need to check on a friend here.”

  Melissa’s head raised in thought. “Seeing that you’re new, I’m going to take a guess. Ellen?”

  “Yes. I’m worried. Some things have happened and I really would like to go check on her.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Melissa, please. I won’t tell.”

  “Sgt. Ryder, I have orders,” Melissa tried to explain.

  “And I have a feeling my friend needs me. Please.” Elliott peered up his big brown eyes, adding a puppy dog appeal. “Please.”

  “I’ll get in so much trouble.”

  “I won’t tell.”

  “You’ll come back in?”

  “Name the time.”

  “One hour.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  Melissa reluctantly set down the chart she was carrying and moved to his intravenous.


  Dean wasn’t in the mood to do much of anything let alone work. He thought about burying himself in the back room of the Clinic lab or finding a patient room to stay in while he figured out his next move, but the last thing he wanted to do was be a doctor, no matter how intriguing the patient was.

  In a room far from everything, but near enough to the nurses’ station, Dean stood with Robbie and the baby that had been burnt on the back gate. The baby breathed funny, rapid and gurgling. He was heavily sedated and slept with his eyes half open.

  “Dean?” Robbie questioned.

  “I don’t know.” Dean shrugged. “He’s bad.”

  “But you’re versed in these things.”

  “Not really. I know Marcus and I know the one in the lab. I’ve never dealt with a hurt one.”

  “But you would work on them like they’re human, right?’

  “That’s what I’m doing.” Dean stared at the baby. “Only I’m combining it with the little knowledge I do have.”

  “He should be dead, shouldn’t he?”

  “They are made to withstand. They can take a lot, but . . . In my opinion . . .” Dean faced Robbie. “One of you should have . . . . should have . . .”

  “We couldn’t. Can you?”

  Dean stared back at the baby. “No.”

  “So we’re at square one. You’ll keep us up to date.”


  “I’d better go.” Robbie pointed back. “I have to catch up to Frank.”

  “He actually went out and found this?”

  “Frank surprises us all. I’ll keep the child in my prayers.”

  “You do that. It couldn’t . . .” Dean hurried and looked at Robbie. “In your prayers?”

  “Yeah, I’m the new Reverend, you know. And . . . why are you still here? Go home.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Sure you can.,” Robbie told him.

  “You think?” Dean questioned. “With all that’s happened.”

  “Especially with all that’s happened.” Robbie smiled, truly believing Dean was referring to the new patient. “Got to go.”

  “Thanks, Robbie.”


  Dean looked back at the baby. “Maybe he’s right. I’ll try again after I finish up with you.” With a little more spunk and initiative, Dean moved faster to finish things up.


  “Feeling better?” Jess asked Ellen as he sat on the couch with her. They were facing each other with their sides leaning on the back of the couch. They each had one leg up.

  “Yes.” Ellen sipped her coffee and set down the mug. “I’m still . . . well.”


  “I’ve been more sober.” Ellen shook her head. “Thanks for listening. I feel bad about you being late for work because of me. Why don’t you go? I’m fine now.”

  “Nope. I’ll stay until Henry gets here. With what’s happened, you need to be around friends. Besides, this ‘one on one’ thing here is nice. Robbie’s been so busy we’ve hadn’t had the chance to hang out.”

  “And do the ‘one on one’ thing?” Ellen asked in an ornery manner.

  “Stop that.” He smacked her leg. “You know what I mean.”

  “You were good at the ‘one on one’ thing huh? I mean relationship wise.”

  “I think so. I like to believe it. I was in a long term relationship for eight years.”

  “How did you pull that off being in the military?”

  Jess smiled. “People believed Lenny was my brother. Really. We had a good relationship.”

  “Can I ask you something?” Ellen softened her voice.


  Ellen started to speak, but paused to yawn. “Sorry. It’s the alcohol. Anyhow . . . when did you turn gay?”

  “Turn gay?” Jess laughed. “Like it happened over night?”

  “Stop,” Ellen snickered.

  “Yes.” Jess deepened his voice. “I believe it was spring of 1994 when I caught the homosexual virus.”

  “Jess . . .”

  “I’m kidding.”

  “I like this side of you.”

  “Thanks.” Jess smiled. “Gay? I . . . I knew I was gay since I was twelve.” He shrugged. “It was difficult growing up like that and trying to
hide it.”

  “Jess, really.” She turned serious. “Thanks for taking my mind off of things. Even though the problem will still be there tomorrow, I got through this night.”

  “And we sort of sobered you up.”

  “Sort of.” Ellen stood and swayed. “Maybe not.”

  “Where you going?” Jess asked. “Did I scare you off?”

  “No. You made me feel better.” Ellen shook her head. “I’m gonna let you get to work. I’m going to bed. I’m tired and spent. You helped me a lot.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” Ellen nodded. “I’ll walk you to the door.” She took a step and lost her balance some.

  Jess took her arm. “It’s better when you’re sitting still.”

  “Yeah. I’m getting that dizzy factor.”

  “Maybe it’s not just the alcohol. You had a bad day.”

  “Yes, yes I did.”

  “Let me help you to bed?”

  “You’re not thinking about trying anything funny are you?” Ellen kidded.

  “Who me? I’m probably the safest man you can be with in Beginnings.”

  “Then in that case . . .” Ellen held up her arm. “Take hold.”

  “Or better yet.” Jess placed his hands on her hips, turned her, lifted her, and tossed her over his shoulder.

  Ellen shrieked with a laugh. “God, I hope I don’t puke.”

  “Please don’t.” Jess carried her down the hall.

  “Jess, this is so Frank-like of you.”

  “Frank’s my hero.”

  “I’m telling him.”

  “Goodnight, El.” As Jess lifted her from his shoulder to plop her on the bed, Ellen’s leg accidentally hooked on his hip and Jess lost his balance. Not wanting to drop her, Jess held on and fell with her. They both landed on the bed with Jess on top. They started to laugh. Jess shook his head and laid his hand on her face. “I better go,” he whispered. “Get some sleep. Everything will be all right.” He pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “Thank you.”

  “Would you mind . . .” Dean’s angry voice seeped into the bedroom. “Getting off my wife?”

  Jess widened his eyes and sprang up. “Dean.” He turned around. “Look, it’s not what you . . .” Jess never had a chance to finish his words. Dean charged and hit him so hard in the jaw that Jess stumbled back into the night stand and knocked over a lamp. Stunned, Jess caught his balance, straightened the lamp, and touched his bleeding lip. He blinked once and slowly turned to face Dean.

  Ellen saw Dean going after him again. She sprang from the bed in time to intercept. “Stop it! Stop it!” It took her whole body to hold Dean back.

  “Dean.” Jess tried to stay calm. He caught the blood that seeped from his mouth as he stared at Dean. Dean looked outraged, his eyes wide and glaring, his facial muscles so tense they looked as if they would snap. “Listen to m, all right? Can I explain? Can you calm down?”

  “What is there to explain?” Dean raged. “El? Why are you doing this to me!”

  “Doing what to you!” Ellen yelled back. “I’m not doing anything.”

  “Were you or were you not on that bed with this man?”

  Expected, but unexpected at that moment, Henry walked in and caught Dean’s question to Ellen. “Jess?”

  Slightly rolling his eyes, Jess exhaled in relief. “Henry. Calm him down.”

  Henry turned to Dean. “What’s going on? I heard screaming.”

  “I don’t need to explain to you,” Dean pointed strongly at Henry, “what goes on in my home.”

  “This is not your home!” Ellen yelled.

  “It is my home!!” Dean argued loudly. “And you were with someone else! I’m not even gone twenty-four hours! Is this what you want, E? Is this why you’re so quick to believe that I . . .”

  “Dean,” Henry snapped. “Stop. Jess?” Henry faced him. “Were you with his wife?”

  “No. Yes. No.” Jess grew confused and wiped the blood again. “I was helping Ellen to bed. She was dizzy and she fell then I fell. It’s stupid.” Jess closed his eyes. “Dean walked in. That’s it and he hit me.”

  Henry turned to Dean. “Do you think you might have jumped the gun?”

  Dean’s face turned red. “You think you want to kiss my ass. Don’t even come into my bedroom . . .”

  “My bedroom,” Ellen corrected loudly.

  “My bedroom!” Dean shouted. “My bedroom, Henry. You come in here and pass judgment on me? I don’t think so.”

  Henry blinked slowly. “I think you’re upset, Dean and you need to . . .”

  “What?!” Dean questioned. “I need to what! How am I supposed to calm down! You tell me! I got kicked out of my house. I’m losing my wife. I’m being set . . .” Dean stepped back as he stared at Henry. He started to laugh. “Unbelievable.”

  “What?” Henry had to wonder if perhaps Dean was drinking as well. “What is so funny?”

  “Set up. I’m being set up. This whole Bev thing. How are you pulling it off?”

  “Me?” Henry questioned.

  “Henry?” Ellen was shocked. “Oh now you’re really reaching Dean.”

  “No.” Dean shook his head at Henry. “It makes perfect sense. You and Bev have been in it from the get go haven’t you. This Bev thing with me, her wanting me, when did it start? When you lost Ellen and I got her back! You lost her because of Bev.”

  “Dean. Stop.” Ellen asserted. “Jess get him out.”

  “Dean.” Jess stepped to him.

  “Get off of me.” Dean swung his arm out at Jess, keeping his stare on Henry. “You’re behind this.”

  “Behind what?” Henry tossed his hands up. “Setting you up? You’d like to believe that wouldn’t you Dean? You’d like to believe someone else but you is to blame for your mess. But the truth is, for as ridiculous as it sounds, even if I set it up to look like you were with Bev, even if I did that, I could not make you sleep with her. I could not make you get her pregnant.”

  “Gentlemen.” Elliott’s stern and deep voice called into the room. He stepped in just as strongly, shifting his eyes about. “I think we should clear this room. I believe this is Ellen’s home, her room. I believe this confusion isn’t helping matters. Enough has been said.” He moved to Ellen. “Are you all right?”

  “Elliott,” she whispered his name with wide eyes. “What are you doing out of the clinic?”

  “I was concerned for you after today. I couldn’t rest.”

  Dean rolled his eyes. “How chivalrous. Now is there anyone else that wants to make an entrance into my bedroom?”

  “How about me?” Joe said sternly. “Care to tell me why I’m sound asleep and I get woke up by shouting? Then . . . I have to get dressed and come over here? What in Christ’s name is going on?” Just as everyone’s voice spoke up, Joe shot up his hand and brought about silence. “Ellen?”

  “I was drinking Joe, heavily. Jess . . . Jess came to sit with me until Henry could. I was having a bad night, you know. Anyhow, I got tired and I was still having a hard time walking. Jess helped me to bed, that’s all. I’m not going to explain how it happened, but it was innocent and Dean walked in and took it the wrong way. He hit Jess and started ranting. Henry showed up, like he was supposed to, and him and Dean started fighting. Elliott . . . Elliott sneaks from the Clinic to see how I am and he walked into this mess, Joe. I just wanted to go to sleep.” Ellen plopped to a sitting position on the bed.

  Jess reached out his hand to Ellen and ran it quickly down her face. “I’m sorry. I am so sorry I started all this.”

  “You didn’t,” Ellen told him. “You’d better go to work, though.”

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Jess winked and stepped from the room, pausing in his leave to exchange glances with Dean.

  “Henry.” Joe snapped his finger and pointed to the door.

  “But Joe . . .”


  “But Joe . . .”


ting out a long breath, Henry looked at Ellen. “Night, El. Sorry.”

  Elliott moved to the door. “I’ll go as well.”

  “No,” Ellen called out.

  “No?” Dean questioned.

  “No?” Elliott repeated just as surprised.

  “No,” Ellen said. “Stay for a while. You came from the Clinic. You shouldn’t be running about. Stay. I appreciate your concern.”

  “This is bullshit,” Dean mumbled.

  “And you.” Joe looked at Dean. “I thought I told you to leave this house.”

  “I did,” Dean replied.

  “Why are you here right now?”

  “I wanted to talk to Ellen.”

  “I told you to leave. Ellen, do you still want him to leave?”

  Ellen only briefly looked at the glance Dean gave her. “Yes.”

  “No, El,” Dean pleaded strongly. “No. Stop this right now.”

  “Joe.” Ellen closed her eyes.

  “Dean,” Joe stated his name firmly. “Now. I’m not kidding around. You have to leave.”

  So lost, Dean tossed up his hand. Heartfelt and sounding on the verge of emotional breakdown, Dean turned to Joe. “Where am I supposed to go? Huh, Joe? Where?”

  “I’m sorry,” Joe spoke softly. “Anywhere but here.”

  Biting his bottom lip, Dean closed his eyes. Sadly he shook his head and lifted his hand as if he were going to speak. He didn’t. Turning, Dean walked out silently.



  Beginnings, Montana

  October 16

  A snap of a snarling lip on Frank’s face said it all just as he pulled the trigger.


  The close range shot of Frank’s revolver shattered the Savage’s head as if it were a china tea cup. Its contents, and the blood, outpoured thickly. Frank pivoted his arm to the right, only to catch in his view the oncoming spear from the left. Closer, closer. Frank fired at the Savage to his right, swung out his left arm, and batted away the spear just as it scraped against his forearm. The spear dropped on top of Frank’s boot and he kicked out his foot, propelling the spear upward into his reach. Frank grabbed it and swung, all in the same motion, and cracked it into the side of a Savage’s head. The spear broke off and, still holding on to the point, Frank spun it and rammed it into the chest of the stunned Savage. Three down, more pursued.


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