The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 99

by Jacqueline Druga

  What they didn’t see was Frank shaking his head.

  “Good idea.” Ellen snapped her fingers. “I don’t see the difference.”

  “Me either.”

  Frank still shook his head, waving, trying to get their attention.

  “After all,” Ellen continued, “Hal is just uncomfortable with dating, right?”

  “Right,” Jenny said.

  Grunting was useless. Frank kept shaking his head ‘no’, all the while Henry listened to Ellen and Jenny.

  “So Elliott may even be better.”

  “They are close,” Jenny commented.

  “That they are,” Ellen agreed.

  “It’ll be fun.”

  “I’ll call Hal and talk to him about it.”

  “Oh, another thing,” Jenny said perkily. “Ben and Todd broke up and Ben wants us to go over his place tonight to try out a new accessory. Remember the choker necklaces? Throwback designs, he’s calling them.”



  Frank grew tired of watching them.

  “Though I probably won’t wear one, it sounds like fun with Ben,” Ellen said.

  “He’s serves wonderful snacks.”

  “I’ll ask Jess. Is he . . .”


  “Ow!” Henry screamed and grabbed his head. He looked at Frank who held the up sign. “Did you hit me with that, Frank?”

  Frank nodded and pointed to his chest.

  “Oh!” Henry grew excited. “Frank wants to say something? What?”

  Frank pointed to Ellen, pretended to hold a phone with the other hand, and adamantly shook his head ‘no.’

  “You don’t want Ellen to call?” Henry asked.

  Frank gave a thumbs up.

  “Oh! I’m good. You don’t want her to call Hal?” Henry wanted to be sure.

  Another thumbs up by Frank.

  Ellen was confused. “Why?”

  Henry turned around to Frank and repeated the question as if Frank couldn’t understand as well. “She wants to know why?”

  Thinking ‘I’ll call. I have to’. Frank moved his mouth to those exact words.

  “Oh.” Henry tapped his on lip with his finger. “Frank, that isn’t very nice.” He moved his views to Ellen. “Frank’s says he’ll call. Hal hates you.”

  Frank’s hand slammed on the bed.

  Ellen snickered. “Hal doesn’t hate me. Frank’s joking. How cute. Even without being vocal, he kids around.” Ellen winked at him.

  Frank held up the mild swear sign.

  “It’s good that you have your spirits up,” Henry told Frank. “Unlike Todd today with Jenny.” Henry whistled. “Boy, what did you do to him?”

  Jenny grunted and folded her arms. “I did absolutely nothing. He was such a bitch to me today.”

  “Men,” Ellen commented. “What is it about the men in this community? They are so mean, nasty, and possessive. You should have heard Dean.”

  Frank covered his eyes and fake cried.

  “Really?” Jenny seemed surprised. “That bad?”

  “The worst.” Ellen flung out her hand. “At least Henry’s not bad or Frank. His spirits are up.”

  Jenny titled her head in debate. “I, uh, don’t know about that. I think something’s bothering him today.” Jenny snuck out a snicker. “He’s being quiet.”

  In the midst of the corny loud laughter that erupted at Frank’s expense, Frank held up the big swear sign.


  New Bowman, Montana

  With a cigarette dangling from his mouth and playing-cards in his hands, Hal supported the telephone between his shoulder and ear. He smiled arrogantly at Robbie and laid down a card.

  Robbie gave him the arrogance back. He took the card and tossed another away.

  “I’m sorry.” Hal took the cigarette from his mouth. “What was that, Elliott?”

  “I was complaining about the rumors going around about me, Captain,” Elliott said. “How could something like this happen?”

  “You are overreacting. They’re rumors and I personally have to apologize.” Hal winked at Robbie when Robbie gave him a quickly questionable look. “Frank was joking around and saying that shit. I told him ‘Frank, you never know who will hear you’ and now look . . . Gin.” Hal tossed down his cards.

  “So Frank really meant no harm?” Elliott asked.

  “None. O.K.” Hal nodded for Robbie to shuffle and deal. “Talk to you tomorrow.” He hung up the phone.

  Robbie laughed. “You’re still doing it.”

  “Yeah. Gonna play again?”

  “Nah. I really have to get back. I’m gonna try to catch a few hours sleep. I’m starting at three in the morning.”

  Hal whistled and watched Robbie finish the contents of his glass. “You didn’t tell me what you think of Danny-Wiser? It’s only available in New Bowman.”

  Robbie tilted his head. “It’s not bad. It’s been awhile since we had beer. He may have captured it.”

  “It’s good cold.” Hal sipped his.

  “Yeah, but you know what.” Robbie nodded. “It doesn’t give you that icky bloated feeling.”

  “No.” Hal rubbed his gut. “It doesn’t. I miss that.”

  “And you can’t get those good beer burps.” Robbie made a straining face and belched. “They’re there, but still.”

  “True. Dad and Frank will be the real test.”

  “Dad yeah. Frank, no. He can’t drink since he was the town drunk last summer.”

  “That’s right.” Hal nodded and saw Robbie standing. “You’re leaving me?”

  “I have to.”

  “Thanks for the company.”

  Robbie grabbed his cigarettes. “Anytime.”

  “Robbie,” Hal called out, stopping him. “Not to start trouble or anything, but . . .”

  “Yeah, right.” Robbie snickered. “What’s up?”

  “Jess is your roommate and friend. Surely he knows about your crush on Ellen . . .”

  “Crush.” Robbie laughed. “O.K., yeah, Jess knows.”

  ‘So what’s going on? I saw him flirting with her.”

  “Oh.” Robbie nodded. “Yeah. He wants to get involved with a woman. Not out of need, but out of availability. Seems he can’t find the right . . . man and women have offered themselves to him so Ellen’s giving him helpful hints. That’s all. It’s like a class on being straight.”

  Hal nearly choked. “Jess is gay?”

  “Very, very much so.” Robbie reached for the door. “He’s not gonna be able to be with a woman, that’s how gay he is. Why? You interested?”

  Hal grunted and rolled his eyes. “No. I was just fearful . . . no offense.” Hal held up his hand. “Fearful he was getting in the way of Frank and Ellen. Our brother wants her back. I want to see them together.”

  “No offense taken and no reason to fear.” Robbie opened the door. “Jess is not a threat. Elliott Ryder . . . there’s your worry. Night.”

  Hal watched the door close and he slowly shook his head. “Elliott.” Hal took a deep nostril breath and walked back into his apartment.


  Bowman, North Dakota

  UWA soldier Sebastian Marker had just about a full grown beard as he walked alongside of his weakened horse. He held tightly to the reigns as he moved along with Anthony, another UWA soldier who looked as worn and scraggily as he did.

  Scratching his beard, Sebastian slowed in his walk. “Something is not right.”

  “There’s no lights.” Anthony indicated.

  “We’ve been gone awhile.”

  “That long, though? Would the Captain have given us up for dead?”

  Sebastian took a deep breath as he kept moving into Bowman. “I don’t know but at least . . . we’ve made it home.”

  “True. But where is everybody else?” Anthony stopped walking when the moon lit enough of Bowman for him to see the extensive damage done by the Savages when they attacked. “Dear God, what happened to our home?”

  October 20

  Beginnings, Montana

  Like a little girl, Ellen stood before the counter in the cryo-lab. She had a note in her hand, a finger to her mouth, and a smirk across her face. She snickered as she read.

  Dean was at the point where he couldn’t take the happiness any longer. He walked behind her with all intentions of distracting her enough to see what she was reading. “We do have work.”

  “I’m getting there.”

  “We’re supposed to do that lip trans . . .” Dean looked over her shoulder. “Plant.”

  Ellen brought the note close to her chest. “Why are you trying to see Frank’s letter?’

  “Frank?” Dean let out a breath of relief. “The letter is from Frank?”


  “Good. I mean. . . I don’t mean anything.” Dean walked to the other side of the counter and began to gather up his notes. “Frank’s not that funny. Why are you laughing so hard at that note?”

  “Oh, he was just telling me some of the things he said and what Henry interpreted them as, that’s all.” She looked up to see him cradling folders in his arms. “What are you doing?”

  “I have a few other things to do upstairs.”

  “The lips aren’t done prepping.”

  “I know, but I have to get theses things done. Can you bring them up when they’re ready?”

  “Sure, but you better be ready. The transplant has to happen right away.”

  Opening his mouth, totally shocked that Ellen would suggest that he didn’t know that, Dean resisted argument. “Thanks. I’ll be ready.”

  Ellen watched him start to leave. “Dean, one thing.”

  “What’s that?” Dean asked as he moved backwards.

  “Elliott’s blood. Did you . . . did you get a chance to test it?”

  Dean knew any awkward hesitation in answering would send warning sirens off to Ellen that he had. “No. Not yet. I will though. Promise.”

  “You were so adamant about getting that sample and . . .”

  “I’m sorry. I’m almost ready to get to it. I will.”

  “All right. I’ll get those lips ready. Brad Pitt?”

  “Um, sure, whatever.” Dean hurriedly turned around and made a hastened exit before Ellen could ask him any other questions. Outside the lab, he took a moment to gather his bearings and justify his less-than-honest answers, and then moved on.


  The small black cassette tape rolled through Johnny’s fingers as he played with it. He grinned at Bev.

  “You’re really doing it today?” Bev asked.

  “I’m gonna try. If not, I’ll do it tomorrow. He never goes two days without dictating.”

  “You better be careful nothing happens to that.” Bev pointed. “My father’s team worked hard on it.”

  “You think I’m stupid? God, Bev.” Johnny stuck the tape in his pocket. “I made a copy. It’s put away too. With the shit that gets moved around and the way Dean accidentally sticks the tapes in the ‘out’ drawer, I can’t take a chance on something happening to this. I already thought of it.”

  “What if someone listens to it?” Bev asked.

  “It’ll sound like a bad tape.” Johnny rolled his eyes, so irritated at her. “What do you think? They can’t decode it. It’s just the memories getting fed into his chip.”

  Bev smiled. “I remember those. It was fun and now Dean will too.”

  “Well . . .” Johnny tilted his head in debate. “He’s not missing any of his brain so there’s nothing for this information to replace like when they give memories to the CME’s. That brain portion is gone so they only have what is fed to them.”

  “So it won’t be ‘real’ memories to Dean.”

  “Nah. He’ll be able to distinguish they aren’t memories. They’ll be images. Images . . .” Johnny grinned snidely, “. . . that will make him nuts. Literally.”


  Quantico Marine Headquarters

  The numbing solution added to his temples didn’t help the irritating pinching George felt as Dr. Walker worked on unscrewing the head brace.

  “Sgt. Doyle’s projected . . .” Steward’s speaking introduction into the office stopped. “I’m sorry President Hadley. I’ll come back.”

  “No. No.” George waved him in. “Ow. Come inside. What do you have?”

  “Sgt. Doyle’s projected scouting expeditions, revised per Frank Slagel’s suggestions.” Steward gave George the folder. “What is he . . .”

  “He’s freeing me,” George answered. “Dr. Walker thinks I may be strong enough to hold my head up on my own.” George began to review the documents. He peeked up at the squealing, turning screws. “Ow, easy. Now I won’t look like a goddamn alien or something.” He flipped a page. “Good. Tell Sgt. Doyle this looks good. Are we still synchronizing with a Beginnings scouts on Friday?”

  “it’ looks good for that.” Steward took the folder back. “Sir, this is gonna be like looking for a needle in the haystack. This is a big country.”

  “We have the entire eastern seaboard eliminated though.”

  “Still,” Steward shrugged. “It can be over within a matter of minutes if you just tell Beginnings about . . .”

  “No, absolutely not.” George was adamant. “If it means taking the long route now, we will. We have to preserve that knowledge. If Beginnings even learns about that satellite, Christ, when we go back into war, they’ll see us coming. No. That information and connection will be made when we get Beginnings back.”

  “I see. What about the set up at the old White House?”

  George tried to shake his head. He felt the scrape of a screw. “No. It automatically disconnected the satellite for one month after the survivor program was initiated. That was done for easier link up at Garfield.”

  “I’m just trying to find an easier way to eliminate these Savages so we can move forward. We’re in a stalemate and stalled until then.”

  George’s hand tapped on the desk. “I know this. As easy as it would be to reveal this knowledge, it works against us. Ow, Doc.”

  Dr. Walker contained his snicker. “All dismantled. Are you ready to try?”

  “Of course. Steward, do you want to watch the unveiling?”

  Steward didn’t answer. He only nodded.

  “Now.” Dr. Walker braced the head bracket. “We’ve had this on for a couple weeks. It’s my hope that your neck gained enough strength to support your head. I mean, after all, you’re walking pretty good.”

  “I am,” George said proudly, ready to shed the metal. “Take it off. Free me.”

  With his hands holding the circular crown that haloed above George head, Dr. Walker jiggled it. The braces lifted from George’s shoulders and then Dr. Walker carefully lifted the entire contraption.

  George exhaled. “I feel light.” He smiled.

  “Go on.” Dr. Walker set down the brace and stepped back. “Try slowly shaking and nodding your head.”

  Steward watched. “Dr. Walker, do you think he’s better?”

  “I believe he’s stronger.”

  George prepared, took a breath, and then shook his head slowly. Left. Right. Left. Right. Back. Forward. BANG.

  Dr. Walker cleared his throat and whispered. “Maybe not.”

  With his face smashed to the desk, George’s voice was muffled as he called out. “Can somebody help me?”


  Beginnings, Montana

  “Beautiful,” Dean whispered with a smile as he watched the gene sequences emerge on the computer screen. On the left, the DNA sequence read ‘William Hayes’. On the right, was Dean’s. Smugly Dean compared them and pressed print. “It needs a bit more work.” He leaned into the computer. “Now . . .” His fingers clicked a few times. “Bev’s baby.” After hitting the final strike, Dean leaned back. He jolted just a tad at the knock on the lab door. With his eyes still on the screen, Dean watched the sequence come up. “Come in!”

“Dr. Hayes.” Elliott stepped into the lab. “I’m sorry. Is this a bad time?”

  “No.” Dean kept watching. “Yes!” He moved towards the computer with excitement.

  “Then I should leave?”

  “No.” Not wanting to stop looking at the screen, Dean checked out his watch. “Shit. Sgt. Ryder, I’m sorry.”

  “We can do this another time.”

  “No. No.” Again Dean looked at his watch. “I’m supposed to meet Ellen in a patient room anyhow. Exam Room Two is right down the hall. Can you . . .”

  Elliott nodded. “I’ll head there now. This won’t take long will it? I’m kind of tired.”

  “Not at all, thanks.” Dean stood up as Elliott left. He walked over to the counter where he had supplies for both procedures he had planned. He picked them up and moved to the door. He stopped, took a run back to the computer, reached to shut it off, hesitated, ejected the disk, and left the lab.

  He arrived at Exam Room Two and placed the disk in his lab coat pocket before opening the door. Elliott was just standing in the room. “If you could sit on the table.”

  “Sure.” Elliott hopped up.

  “Long night?” Dean asked as he pulled out his supplies then took them over to the table.

  “Yes.” Elliott cleared his throat and stared forward.

  “About this morning. I was on edge.”

  “I understand.” Elliott’s hands gripped the table. “What exactly are you doing to me Dr. Hayes and why?”

  “Well. I, uh, I started a donor program for tissue and blood and stuff and it’s becoming mandatory to be screened.” Dean prepared his instruments.

  “Really?” Elliott nodded. “So you know if I’m a match to anyone?”

  “Exactly.” Dean opened a sealed packet and pulled out what looked like gauze. “This is gonna be cold.” With his hand on Elliott’s cheek, Dean tilted Elliott’s head to the side. He probed the area under Elliott’s jaw with his fingers then wiped it off with the gauze.


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