The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 106

by Jacqueline Druga

  Melissa couldn’t speak. She only nodded then lifted her sleeve for Ellen.

  Dean blinked rapidly then covered the lost battle. The killer baby Frank found burnt at the perimeter had suddenly passed away. Its little claws were reaching up and it’s eyes open. Dean sadly peered to Patrick. “Take him to morgue. I want to do an autopsy.”

  “Right away.” Patrick secured the blanket tighter around the baby and readied to lift it.

  “Thanks.” Dean turned around to leave the room when he saw Ellen standing at the door, staring. “What’s wrong?”

  “Can you see all right?” Ellen asked then followed him from the room.


  “You’re blinking quite a bit.”

  “I have a headache,” Dean said coldly.

  “But still you . . .”

  “Ellen,” Dean snapped her name. “I’m fine. I’m not blinking.”

  “Oh screw you. Listen to you giving me attitude,’ Mr. I spent the night with Bev’.”

  “Just proves how much you know. And screw you for not believing me.”

  Ellen gave a scoffing laugh. “Believe you? Did I not see you coming from her house?”

  “What does that mean?” Dean asked. “How do you know what you really saw?”

  “How about I ask Joe, or Henry, or Elliott?”

  “How about you drop it?” Dean argued.

  “How about you . . .” Ellen grinned widely. “Hal! Hey! Oh my God.” She waved high in the air and hurried to Hal who was making his way up the main hall.

  Dean mocked as he walked the other direction. “Hal. Oh my God.”

  A big embrace and a partial swing around was how Hal greeted Ellen. “Surprised?”

  “Very. I didn’t expect to see you until I came in on Friday.”

  “Well.” Hal set her down. “We needed a few emergency items from Distribution so I thought I’d make the trip. It’s been a few days.”

  “Who’s holding down the fort?”

  “Who?” Hal stumbled for an answer “E . . . Uh, my third Council member.”

  “Oh, good. I’m glad you’re here. Frank’s doing better. Elliott’s now winning the Neville comp . . . speaking of Elliott.” Ellen pointed behind Hal.

  Smiling, Hal turned around. As soon as he did the smile dropped when he saw Elliott with his white t-shirt, shoulder harness, green military pants, and growing goatee. A heaving breath came from Hal before his shocked squeaking words. “What!” Hal pointed out. “What have they done to my man!” He stepped to Elliott. “What . . . what have they done to you?”

  Ellen snickered behind him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Look at Elliott.”

  Ellen did and shrugged. “He looks cute.”

  Smiling, Elliott looked in question to Hal. “Captain?”

  “F . . . .F . . . Frank,” Hal grumbled. “Excuse me.” He stormed by Elliott.

  Ellen, still smiling, called out as Hal left. “He’s heading up to your dad’s office.” She watched the glass doors close. “So, Elliot, what brings you here.”

  “I heard the Captain was in town. I wanted to greet him.” Elliott shook his head. “Why is he upset with the way I look? Frank and Robbie told me this is the Head of Security ‘look’.”

  “I got news for you.” Ellen crossed her arms, tipped toed a bit,and whispered. “Frank and Robbie? They lie.”


  “Feel like hanging tonight?” Robbie asked Jess then tossed his cigarette as they approached Joe’s office.

  “When tonight?”

  “I don’t have to start shift until late,” Robbie answered. “You wanna hang at the hall?”

  “Well, if I can meet up later,” Jess said reaching for Joe’s door. “I was hoping to watch the first part of ‘Gone With the Wind’ with Ellen tonight.”

  “You being the third on her date with Elliott?”

  Jess stopped reaching for the door. “She has a date with Elliott?”

  “Uh-oh, someone’s jealous.” Robbie reached around Jess and opened the door.

  “Not jealous, just disappointed. I was looking forward to it and we’re supposed to start the lesson called, get this, Bedroom Acquisitions.” Jess stepped inside. “Where’s Joe?”

  “We’re a little early,” Robbie closed the door. “Bedroom Acquisitions? Don’t tell me she’s treating this project like a Social Skills class?”

  “That’s what she told me.” Jess sat down in one of the available chairs.

  “Man, no wonder it’s not working.” Robbie also sat.

  “It sort of is, at least the companionship part.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. We get along great. I really like hanging out with Ellen. She reminds me of . . . she reminds me a lot of Len.”

  “I’m telling.”

  “She knows,” Jess said.

  “Maybe you’ll luck out and get hooked up with a woman who only wants that?”

  “I wish. But I think the physical part is gonna have to come into play. Even if she would say it doesn’t, I should at least be prepared.”

  “You know what you should try.” Robbie leaned sideways and dropped his voice as if he was going to be heard. “The next time you hit up the old land of porcelain erotica . . .” Robbie paused when he heard what sounded like a soft gasping sound of disgust. He looked around. “Did you hear that?”

  “Probably outside. You were saying/”

  “The next time you know . . . . you know, you should try thinking of being with a woman.”

  “You think it would work?”

  “It might. Ask Ellen. She may recommend it as part of her training exercise.” Robbie shifted his eyes to the gasping sound again. He shrugged. “Anyhow, it’s just a suggestion.”

  “I don’t know. Would it work for you?” Jess asked.

  “It does.”

  “I mean, if it was reversed. If you would think of a man, would it work?”

  “I never thought of that. How about I try . . .” Robbie peered around for the repeat noise. “What the fuck?”

  “Beats me.”

  Robbie snickered.

  “Man.” Jess shook his head. “Your mind. But, at least I’m getting fulfilled one way.”

  “The companionship thing is really working?”

  Jess titled his head in thought for a second. “You know what, yeah. For the first time in a while, I feel less lonely.”

  “Jess, I’m starting to get a little jealous here.”

  “Robbie. You have my heart.”

  “Ah. Thanks.” Robbie grinned and reached into his pocket for a cigarette. He stopped when he heard that sound yet again. Mouthing the word ‘fuck’, he slowly and quietly rose up from his chair, looked around, sat down, and looked under Joe’s desk. Putting the cigarette in his mouth, Robbie pointed down to the floor then winked. “So, uh, Jess. If you think you can get it together in that department, what do you say I stop by one night while you two are working on it and . . . join in?”

  At first Jess was lost then he quickly caught on. “You know, El’s expressed that as her deep fantasy already. Which role are you playing?”

  ‘The sex slave to both of you.”


  “Ow!” Henry shouted out and stood up, rubbing his head. “God, you two are disgusting.”

  “Henry!” Robbie snapped. “What the fuck are you doing eavesdropping?”

  “I’m not eavesdropping. I was hooking up a communications computer line for Joe so he can monitor the scouts with you. You two walked in and started talking.”

  “You could have made your presence known,” Robbie stated, half laughing.

  “And you could have refrained from talking about masturbation. And . . . and . . . you’re not very nice with way you flirt with Jess, Robbie. You lead him on.”

  Robbie winked. “Blow me, Henry.”

  “You wish,” Henry snapped back.

  “I do,” Jess shrugged.

  Robbie laughed.

  Henry let out tha
t stock gasp he had been doing. He pulled out Joe’s chair and sat down. “Where is everyone?”

  The door opened and Frank stepped in. He raised up his hands as his form of self announcement.

  “Frank says he’s here.” Henry rocked in Joe’s chair.

  Robbie snickered sarcastically. “What are you, Frank’s interpreter?”


  “Oh brother,” Joe stated as he walked in with Jason. “Henry, get the hell out of my chair.” Joe walked to behind his desk when Henry sprang up. “Frank, why do you need Henry to talk for you?”

  Frank opened his mouth and pointed to Henry.

  “He wants to be verbal,” Henry said. “So since I know what he would say by just watching his expression, I’m the one he asked. For example.” Henry turned to Robbie. “You’re brother thinks you’re a pervert along with everyone else in the community.”

  “Oh yeah,” Robbie said snidely. “I wasn’t the one sneaking out of old lady Josephine’s house at six in the morning, claiming to be fixing her duct work.”

  “Boys,” Joe warned. “Can we just . . .”

  “Frank!” Hal’s voice blasted the same time the door to the office flung open. “Hey, Dad.”


  “Frank,” Hal stormed to Frank. “What the hell are you up to?”

  Frank gave a nudge to Henry.

  Henry answered for Frank. “What?”

  Hal took a double take at Henry.

  Robbie decided to clarify, “Henry’s interpreting and speaking for Frank.”

  Hal nodded and looked back at Frank. “Then in that case, you know exactly what I’m talking about. What are you up to?”

  Henry got his cue nudge. “With?”

  “Elliott,” Hal stated.

  “What about him?” Henry asked for Frank.

  “Oh, don’t play dumb with me, Frank.”

  “Christ.” Joe plopped his head forward.

  Hal continued in his scolding, “Are you trying to take my man?”

  “Oh my God!” Henry exclaimed. “You and Elliott are lovers.”

  “What?” Hal blasted. “Henry, stay out of this.”

  “You are,” Henry stepped back. “I would have never known.”

  “Henry,” Hal warned. “This is not about Elliott and I being lovers. Frank is trying to steal him.”

  “He is not,” Henry defended. “Frank’s not gay. Huh, Frank.”

  Frank nodded then shook his head, then nodded. He didn’t know what the best nonverbal action answer was.

  Hal grunted, “Henry, you’re making it worse. Just stay out of this. I’m warning you.’

  “If you’re warning me, then you’re warning Frank and that isn’t very smart. Frank can kick your ass.”

  “And I can kick yours,” Hal said.

  “Joe,” Henry tattled, “Hal’s picking on me.”

  “Christ. Boys can you . . .”

  “Henry,” Robbie instigated. “You’re such a moron. I think speaking for Frank is affecting you. Elliott isn’t gay. He has a date with Ellen.”

  Hal quickly looked at Robbie. “Elliott has a date with Ellen?”

  “That doesn’t mean anything,” Henry still argued with Robbie. “Jess is practicing sex with Ellen.”

  The loud ‘What!” Hal blasted was spoken enough for him and Frank.

  “O.K.” Jess stood up. “I think I should exit the meeting right now.”

  “Jess,” Joe spoke up. “Sit.”

  Turning back to his chair, Jess saw the red face and pointing finger of Frank. “Frank, I swear I’m not sleeping with Ellen.”

  “Oh, yeah that’s right,” Henry said sarcastically. “You won’t sleep with her unless Robbie joins in and is the third.”

  “Henry!” Robbie shouted. “What the . . .”

  Joe slammed his hand hard on the desk. “Enough!”

  “Robbie?” Hal asked with stern question.

  “I was kidding,” Robbie defended. “Henry is starting trouble.”

  Hal glared at Henry. “I told you to stay out of this.” Performing an acquired Slagel skill, Hal reached out with his forefinger and thumb and flicked Henry hard on the forehead.

  “Ow, Joe!” Henry rubbed his head. “Your sons are . . .”

  “Son of a bitch!” Joe blasted. “Can we just proceed with this short meeting so I can get on with my day? Or would anyone else like to careen way off the goddamn subject of Savages?”

  The proverb ‘ask and you shall receive’ held true.

  Frank snapped his fingers, sneaked through Henry and Robbie, reached to Joe’s desk, and took a sheet of paper. He turned Henry around, used his back as a hard surface, and quickly wrote, then handed the note to Hal.

  Hal took it and read. He bobbed his head in thought. “O.K., Saturday’s good. What do you want to do?”

  A long grumble came from Joe as he leaned as far back as he could in his chair and covered his face with his hands. “Christ.”


  Dean finished taking what he believed to be the fourth dose of pain medication for his headache and it wasn’t even noon. If that dose didn’t work, Dean’s next step was a sedative because he knew he was having the worse tension headache of his life.

  Holding the back of his neck, Dean lifted a folder from the counter.

  “Are you O.K., Dr. Dean?” Johnny asked.

  “Yeah.” Dean moved to the computer. “I’m just gonna try to finish some of this dictation from yesterday.” He placed the folder down then sat before the blank screen on the computer. He put on the Dictaphone headset and pressed play.

  Johnny watched Dean position his hands on the keyboard and look up to the screen and then Johnny watched Dean . . . stop.

  With his hands frozen and his eyes forward, Dean didn’t blink or move.

  “Dr. Dean?” Johnny walked over to him. “Dr. Dean?”

  Dean still stared, like a zombie, at the computer.

  “Um . . .” Johnny reached around the front of Dean and snapped. “Dr. Dean?”

  No response.

  Johnny snickered. “Oh, fuck. This is great.” He giggled like a girl then waved his hand in front of Dean. Still nothing. “Let’s see how you feel about typing . . . this.” Johnny awkwardly reached around Dean and started to type. Not far into his message he could hear Ellen’s voice out in the hall. “Shit.” Johnny dove away from Dean and raced to the door, placing on his most disgusted face.

  “Hey, Johnny.” Ellen stepped inside. “What’s wrong?”

  Johnny paused dramatically in the lab doorway. He let out a long breath. “He’s an asshole.” Johnny pointed to a non-moving Dean.

  “What did he . . .” Before Ellen could finish her sentence, Johnny stormed out, “Dean?” Ellen walked to him. “Dean?” She grew more and more irritated when she didn’t get an answer. As she stepped behind him, she saw the wire from the headphone. Just as she reached out to tap Dean on the shoulder, she saw what was written on the screen.

  ‘Bev, last night was incredible. I can’t stop thinking about it. I could live with nights like that for the rest of my life. I only hope . . .’

  The words stopped, but Ellen’s anger didn’t. She extended her hand and shut off the tape player.

  Dean shuddered, twitched his head, and looked to his right at a glaring Ellen. “Hey.”


  “What? What did I . . .” Dean spun on his stool as Ellen barreled out of the lab. “I give up.” Turning back around, he saw the words on the screen. With a long whine of defeat, Dean grasped the computer and fell forehead first into it.


  Frank was doing the last of what he liked to call his ‘cake’ rounds, check and go spots that didn’t take much time or thought. They were perfectly boring enough to get him prepped for the sleep he had to get for his night shift.

  As he checked on the doors of one of the cheesy erected tool sheds south of town, Frank heard the peeping, almost infant sound of it.

  It made Frank stop and look around


  Where was the sound coming from? Frank thought it sounded like a cat.


  It made the same sound a cat did.


  But Frank knew better. He hadn’t seen a cat since before the plague, or at least an alive one.


  Frank had to check it out. He started to wonder if perhaps the killer babies had a new attack technique.


  Tucking the clipboard under his arm, Frank stepped away from the building.

  “Me . . .” The calm, babyish animal call turned into a shrill painful scream.

  Shit. Frank looked down. The tip of his combat boot rested upon the white furry tail.’ Oh my God.’ Frank bent down to the whimpering white fluff of fur. He grabbed the animal by the scruff and lifted what looked to be a kitten up to his view. Its little paws kicked outward; its mouth opened. The tiny fangs tried to nip him as it whined. The animal was no bigger than Frank’s palm. Grinning in thought, Frank opened his leather jacket, stuffed the wiry animal into the inside picket, zipped up, and hurried toward town. Not only was he excited about his new find, but after eliminating that it wasn’t carrying any deadly viruses into Beginnings, Frank wanted Dean to scientifically confirm what it was. It looked, sounded, and acted like a cat, but Frank was well aware that the feline species was rendered extinct by the plague.


  Dean looked up annoyed at the arpeggio tapping Frank did with his fingers on the lab counter. “Frank, please.”

  Frank knocked.

  “Please try to talk. I told you that you can.”

  Frank opened his mouth and tried . . .


  Frank’s mouth immediately closed and he looked horrified.


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