The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 276

by Jacqueline Druga

  Again, Tim laughed. “It’s an urban legend.”

  Watching Joe shake his head in disagreement made Elliott curious. “What is the Kennedy?”

  Leaning against the table, Joe folded his hands before him in an explaining mode. “It’s no urban legend, I can tell you. I was in the CIA. We knew. Remember the Cuban Missile crisis? The Kennedy was derived from that. Those nuclear warheads that were pointed at the US. They were never dismantled. Well, they were dismantled only as far as access went. See . . . we kept them there. And we . . . we kind of took over their launch ability. We, the US, controlled those bombs and they still are pointed directly at the good old USA. The Kennedy is a war assurance. The means to control the direction and launch of those missiles aren’t in any foreign country, but rather in the basement of the White House. The whole premises was to leave those missiles be. In the event we needed an excuse to attack the Soviet Union, what better excuse then to make it appear that the Soviet Union had first launch? The bombs are in flight and headed directly for us. The United States is in no other position but to retaliate.” Joe exhaled. “The Kennedy. George is well aware of the Kennedy and for all we know, gentlemen, he very well may have already executed it.”

  Danny Hoi’s eyes closed. “Then why are we even bothering?”

  Hal answered that, “Because I am certain we would know and that’s the problem. We just don’t know what the Society is going to do.”

  Silence hit when Joe’s phone rang,

  Joe himself didn’t want to admit it made his heart pound. “Hello,” he answered.

  “Just the man I wanted to speak to,” George said with bitterness.


  All faces in the room went Joe’s way and were suddenly attentive.

  “I know,” George said.

  “You know what?”

  “I know what happened to my daughter. I know she was killed and let me tell you something, Joe Slagel. I consider this a blatant act of war. It will not go without retribution.”

  Joe was stone cold in his tone. “My condolences are conveyed over the loss of your daughter, however, you know and I know her death is not a valid reason for retaliation.”

  “It is in my book.”

  “Not in mine.”

  “Beginnings and the UWA are nothing.”

  “Nah. Beginnings and the UWA are your destiny.”

  “I have the means to destroy you as we speak,” George said heavily.

  “I could say the same.”

  “You’re testing me.”

  “And you’re pissing me off!” Joe blasted. “Now what is it that you want? Huh! You want to go head to head? We’ll go head to head. You wanna play the revenge game? You go ahead, but don’t you dare threaten me. Don’t you dare sit there so confident throwing out your bully tactics when you haven’t a clue what we have and what we are capable of. Now state you goddamn case and quit wasting my time.”

  “This . . . is war.”

  “Then this is war.”

  “You arrogant son of a bitch! “George blasted. “How much better this whole things sounds. It will all be worthwhile. My first reaction was to blast the hell out of that puny state you call home. I can do it. You know that, but I have something better. Something that will hit stronger. Hit you stronger and make you feel what I’m feeling right now.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Joe asked with annoyance.

  “I’m gonna give you a choice not many leaders get to make, if any, in our history. Your daughter took my daughter’s life. I want to take yours. Your daughter for mine, Joe. My fingers are on the Kennedy. Beginnings or your daughter? Your choice.”


  January 13th

  “Ellen!” Deep and with desperation, Frank’s voice called out in the distance in Ellen’s dream. “Ellen!”

  Ellen could hear her own breath as she ran. Her legs struggled through the high weeds. Something was chasing her and she only sought the salvation of Frank.


  “Here, Frank!” Ellen screamed out and then she saw him. He ran up from the grade in a bull charge, his M-16 in hand. “Frank!” Just a she screamed out his name once more, she felt her hair grabbed and she was yanked backwards into a body. The sadistic snicker rang in her ear and she turned to see the face. “Johnny.”

  “Hey, El.” He showed the revolver briefly as he placed it to her temple.

  “Frank!” Her hand reached out to Frank who raged to her. “Frank, help . . .”


  Loudly, Ellen heaved out and sprang immediately to a sitting position on the couch where she had fallen asleep. “Oh, God. Oh, God.” She clutched her head and tried to catch her breath. Confusion filled her. Her head pounded and she jumped from the couch.

  “El?” Robbie walked in the living room.

  “Robbie.” Ellen stopped cold and her hands went to her face.

  “El, what’s wrong?”

  “Something’s not right. Something just isn’t right. I feel it.” She brought her fist to her chest. “Oh, do I feel it.”

  “You’re scared again?” Robbie asked.

  “It’s more than scared, Robbie,” Ellen told him. “All night I dreamt I was running. Running from something. Running.” She started to pace.

  “El, it’s a dream.”

  “No.” She spun to him. “It’s more than a dream. Something is going to happen. I know it.” She looked at him with horrified eyes. “But what?”


  “I’m on my way to the clinic now,” Frank spoke on the cell phone to Hal. “I want to put plan ‘B’ into a ready mode just in case this doesn’t work.”

  “It will,” Hal told him, “but I’m working plan ‘B’ as well. It doesn’t hurt to be safe.”

  “See you at the rules meeting.”

  “Yeah. Frank?” Hal hesitated or a second. “I’m really glad to stand beside you on this one, big brother.”

  “Me too, Hal. In fact, there’s no better team than the three of us.”

  “See you at the meeting.”

  “See you there.” Shutting off the phone and putting it away, Frank started to pick up speed to move into town when Misha hurried to him.

  “Frank, wait,” she called out.

  “I don’t really have time,” he said in his stride.

  “Please, one second.”

  Huffing out, Frank stopped and faced her. “What?”

  “I need to speak to you about Dean.”

  “Second’s over.” Frank smiled.

  “No, please” She grabbed his arm. “Frank, you and he physically fought last night. It is not right. I know it has to do with me. Please. Please tell me how I can fix what I have made wrong.”

  “Misha . . .”

  “No, Frank. I did not mean to do whatever it was that caused your friendship with Dean to falter. Please tell me how to make it right.”

  “I can’t.” Frank tossed up his hands. “And I especially can’t right now. Excuse me.” Without being stopped again, Frank hurried off, leaving Misha just standing there alone and confused.


  Elliott watched for a second in the Jeep before saying anything. “Captain.”

  From his dazed stare out with the tip of the phone to his chin, Hal did a tiny jolt. “Sorry, Elliott. What was that?”

  “Are you all right?” Elliott asked.

  “Yes. Yes, I am.” Hal hooked his phone on his belt. “There’s too much to do.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  Stepping from the Jeep, Hal took a breath. “Can you feel it? Breathe it? Sense it?” He grinned. “Tension.”


  “What?” Hal chuckled.

  “You’re concerned,” Elliott stated. “I know you are. This was not what you expected.”

  “I can handle it.”

  “Without a doubt but you can still be concerned.”

  The smile left Hal’s face and he looked away for second. “I am. It’
s a big undertaking.”

  “It’s huge.”

  “It’s like packing for a long vacation. Only problem is if we forget something, we can’t just say, ‘oh, I’ll run to the store;.”

  “Why not?” Elliot asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You can if you think about it. The opportunities are vast.”

  “You have a point.” Hal slightly smiled, lifting his index finger. “How about you? Are you worried?”

  “About you?” Elliott asked. “Yes. How can I not be? It is not a doubting of your ability. It’s . . .”

  “The deep desire to finally have my leadership position?”

  “Captain,” Elliott whispered. “Contrary to what you think, I don’t want to be ‘Captain’. You do that just fine. I’m worried because my best friend . . . my best friend . . .” He took a long look at Hal. “He’ll be fine.”

  Hal gave an appreciation wink and nod. “I should be going.” He looked at his watch. “We have the rules meeting. I’ll go summons Henry while you secure the information we need from Dean to finalize the leadership option.”

  “Got it.”

  “See you shortly, Elliott.”

  Elliott nodded in agreement then watched Hal walk off, fast, strong, and confident. Elliot had to wonder was the iron wall of confidence really that strong? Because to Elliott, the Captain had to feel, like he did, that what they were about to face was going to be bigger than they imagined.


  “Forty-nine here in Beginnings,” Andrea said in a rapid pace through the corridors with Frank. “Eighteen in New Bowman.”

  Frank whistled as he stepped out of the way of one of his security guys. There was a rush of buzz in the hall and everything seemed to pick up, including the adrenaline. “Does that figure sound high?” he asked.

  “Not at all.” Andrea answered. “Keep in mind Frank, our population is about three thousand now. And . . .” she sighed as she stopped. “It is cold and flu season.”

  “Man. OK.” Frank nodded. “Just keep in mind if things don’t go as planned with this meeting, we’ll be moving them out. I’ll give the order, and there will be no time to waste.”

  “Tell me what you think, Frank. What’s gonna happen?”

  “I think, for the next week or so . . . we’re gonna be on pins and needles and in ‘ready’ mode.”

  “But we’re not gonna have to leave our home, are we?”

  “Not if I can help it.” Frank looked at his watch. “And I have to go. Me or my dad will keep you posted.” He turned and in a quick pace, left the right wing section of the clinic and turned down the main corridor. Frank’s focus was on the front door. He didn’t want to stop. He even contemplated on barreling Dean over, but he didn’t. “I don’t have time,” Frank said when Dean stood directly before him.

  “Make time,” Dean said adamantly.

  “Dean. I’m not fuckin around here, all right. I have to go.”

  “We need to talk.” Dean grabbed Frank’s arm as Frank tried to storm away.

  Glaring, Frank looked down to the hand that held him. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Bull shit.” Dean released him then lowered his voice. “Bullshit. OK? Listen to me. You and I have this history. We got beyond that. Last night . . . I don’t like what happened last night, Frank. I don’t like what’s been happening for a while. Come on, you and I have to talk.”

  “There is nothing to talk about.” Turning, Frank started to walk away.

  “You were right.”

  Frank stopped.

  “You were right,” Dean said to him. “Everything you said. You were right.”

  Over his shoulder, Frank only looked. “I know.” And then he took off.

  Dean closed his eyes, tossed out his hand, and turned to walk into his lab.

  “Dr. Hayes,” Elliott called to him.

  Stopping, Dean looked. “Yeah.”

  “Do you have a minute? It’s important.”

  “Sure.” Dean gave a simple ‘follow me’ wave of his hand and walked into the lab. “You may want to shut the door. There is a lot of activity in the clinic. I haven’t a clue what’s going on. Do you?”

  “Yes, pretty much so.” Elliott walked in without closing the door.

  “Is it drills?” Dean asked. “With all of Frank’s men running around, I’m thinking we’re going through evacuation drills.”

  “Close. Now. . .”

  “Is that why you’re here? To review this? Because I know the procedure,” Dean said.

  “No. This is more important. I’m coming to you as a doctor for your opinion.”

  “On?” Dean asked.

  “Mr. Slagel.”

  Dean was confused. “What about Joe?”

  “OK, with all that is going on, we just need to finalize the leadership portion.” Elliott rattled off. “With me running the entire tri-community security along with heading it up in Beginnings with Dan, I need to know, at this stage of Mr. Slagel’s health, will he be all right to handle the commute between the communities to check on daily activities?”

  “Check on daily activities? But that Hal’s . . .” Dean paused. “If Joe has to work on checking daily activities in the tri-communities and you are heading up security in all three, where the hell are Frank and Hal gonna be?”

  Elliott swallowed hard. “You . . . you don’t know.”

  “Know what.”

  “Oh, my God,” Elliott whispered out. “You don’t. No one told you.”

  “Told me? Told me what?”

  Elliott walked over and closed the door.


  Dean raged.

  He was like a freight train barreling out of control with one objective in mind and would blast through anyone or anything that got in his way. His heart pounded and his blood boiled. He didn’t stop until he reached Joe’s office. He knocked once on the door, but didn’t wait for the stock, ‘yeah’ and stormed right in.

  Joe stood from behind his desk. “Can this wait, Dean? I’m in a rush.”

  Dean shut the door.

  “Didn’t you hear me?” Joe asked.

  “Oh, I heard.” Dean walked toward Joe. “You aren’t getting by me until you tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “What!” Dean blasted. “Don’t go there with me, Joe! Not with me! The community is buzzing around with Security left and right. It looks like one of Frank’s major drills when in fact, it isn’t. It’s for real!”

  The stack of papers in Joe’s hand set hard to the desk. “Who told you?”

  “Sgt. Ryder.”

  “Goddamn it! Nothing was supposed to be mentioned to you until we ironed out all the details!”

  “Details?” Dean lost all breath. “Iron out details! The Society is going one hundred percent after my wife and I am the last to know!”

  Joe remained calm. “That hasn’t been determined yet. Now as soon as I . . .”

  “No. No. I should know. Why wasn’t I told?”

  Joe lost some of his cool. “Because of this reaction right now! I didn’t want to come to you until I knew exactly what was happening and when. Then it would be better to tell you.”

  “Did you think any deliverance of the news, details or no ironed out details, would better to tell me? There is no better time. Tell me now. Right now.”

  “Fine.” Joe stepped back. “Fine. You wanna know, I’ll tell you where it stands. You were privileged to top secret information in the military. Ever hear of The Kennedy?”

  “Yeah, what about it?” Dean said as if to hurry Joe along.

  “Keep that in mind. Now . . . plain and simple, the finger is on the button, Dean. The Society wants Ellen’s life in exchange for Bev’s. It’s that or the button is pushed.”

  Dean chuckled as shock took over him. “Don’t even tell me you’re considering just giving her to them.”

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it. Basically, we are mee
ting today. We are going over the situation and we will find a reasonable resolution to thwart the missiles and give the Society what they want.”


  “They have to get to her first,” Joe said.

  “Oh my God.” Dean nearly lost his balance. “Oh my God! You’re letting them go after her.”

  “If the rules can be hashed out.”

  “Rules? How can you set rules on someone’s life?” Dean began to get hysterical. “You can’t do this! She is my wife!”

  “And she is my daughter!” Joe blasted back. “What choice do I have?”

  “Buy me time. Buy me four days.”

  “I can’t buy time. Do you . . .”

  “No. I can have a virus laced missile ready to be dropped and we’ll take out Quantico in a snap.”

  “Then what!” Joe asked emotionally. “Where does it stop? When do we draw a line on numbers! A few thousand here, a few thousand there? Is it worth it? Is it! Bomb for bomb. Viruses? My God, Dean, we ended this world once. Are we gonna do it again!”

  “He won’t . . . he won’t launch, Joe. He won’t.”

  “Can we take that chance?” Joe asked. “Can we? Do you, Dean, with your children living here, want to take a chance that George won’t launch?”

  Dean’s eyes closed. “So you’re just gonna let George send his men after Ellen. Just hunt her down until she’s dead.”

  “We’re hoping to make limitations.”

  ‘Limitations?” Dean laughed emotionally.

  “A declaration of war was made against us. It is my hope that since George made this offer, we can work out limitations and details that will give this battle a start and a finish, not just an explosive end to countless lives. But if you want the truth, yes, they are gonna send a lot after Ellen.”

  “It’ll kill me while it’s happening.” Dean lifted his eyes to Joe. “Do you know what this will put me through?”

  “How can you even ask me that,” Joe questioned, “with what I have at stake as well? I have no choice, Dean. I have . . . no choice.” He stepped closer. “There comes a time when one life cannot compare to the lives of so many. Even. . . Even if that one life is your own child. I don’t want to do this. My God, it’s breaking my heart but there is something that makes it all a little better.”


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