The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 321

by Jacqueline Druga

  Chuckling, Roger shook his head. “Here he comes again.”


  Running, Billy stopped in front of the pair. “Hey, can I see my new Dad?”

  Roger shrugged, “I don’t know. Hold on.” He knocked on the door. “God?’

  “Yes?” Creed called from the other side.

  “Your son would like to speak to you.”

  “Please send him in.”

  Billy grinned, “Cool, thanks.” without waiting, he slipped between the pair, opened the door, and raced in. “Whoa.” He looked about the huge room. “Your room is cool.”

  “Thank you,” Creed said.

  “This whole place is cool.” Billy jumped on the bed. “I’ve been running around.”

  “I heard.”

  “So, like, any chance you can talk my mom into staying?”

  Creed looked pleased and he moved to Billy. “You want to stay?”

  “Oh yeah. Hey! Maybe I can even stay if she doesn’t. I hate Beginnings. They give me no respect. I can’t use my talents there at all.”

  “What a waste.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “No need to worry, little man.” Creed laid his hand on Billy’s head. “You are going nowhere.”

  “But you told my mom she could go.”

  “The deal was if Frank beats me.”

  “Um, yeah, so we’re going.”

  Creed looked disappointed. “Frank will not beat me.”

  “Frank’s Frank.” Billy shrugged. “You may have DNA problems, but so does he.”

  “I know this.”

  “And you’re still confident?”


  “I’m not,” Billy said. “And it makes me sad because I think you’d be the cool big Dad. My bio dad is only five foot six. He claims five seven, but I know better.”

  “Little man.” Creed lowered down to the bed to kneel before Billy. “Do not lose faith.”

  “He’s Frank.”

  “I’m God.”

  “He’s still Frank,” Billy stated.

  “But I am certain,” Creed winked. “Have no fear, I will win.”

  Pat-pat-pat-pat. Billy raced up the steps and down the hall. “Hey.” He waved to the guards and darted into Joe and Ellen’s room again.

  Joe walked up to him. “Catch your breath.”

  Body totally moving with every single breath he took, Billy sniffed deeply through his nose and raised his head. “Caught.”

  “Give it to me,”

  “We need a block, a small shield of sorts.” Billy was still hyperventilating. “He’s planning on disabling Frank before the fight even begins.”


  “Thanks.” Frank took the small bottle handed to him by the Drune. He wore no shoes, no shirt, and only a pair of baggy draw string pants.

  “Oil?” Hal asked.

  “Well, I gotta look the part.” Frank smiled. “Look how they have me dressed.”

  “Very . . .” Hal closed one eye. “Mortal Combat like.”

  “That’s what it is, isn’t it Hal?”

  “Mortal Combat?” Hal laughed. “Why would you say that.”

  “In the movie Mortal Combat, if the main guy loses, then the world ends, right. Well, if I lose, then my world ends.”

  “You won’t lose, Frank. I have all the faith in the world in you. I must go. They only gave me a guarded . . .” He motioned his head to the guard by the door. “Minute with you.” Hal started to leave the dressing room and stopped. “Frank? In a weird sort of way, this is like a dream match for you. A fantasy come true.”

  “Me against God?”

  “No, you before thousands of people in an arena.”

  The corner of Frank’s mouth raised. “You’re right.”

  Hal winked. “I am.” He grabbed for the door. “We’re out there, Frank. Me, Robbie, Elliott, Dad, Billy, and Ellen. We may be your only fans . . . but we’re out there with you.”

  “I know.”

  “Good luck.” Hal opened the door. He didn’t want to leave Frank, not at all, but knew he had to. He slowed down again and looked back at Frank just one more time before joining the guard that waited for him.


  “It’s got to be something,” Danny spoke with a rush of urgency. He walked fast with Henry down the cryo-tunnels toward the Communications room.

  “Danny, I’m telling you, no, it isn’t,” Henry argued.

  “No. We missed something.” Danny lifted his hand to punch in the security code.

  Jason called out from the hall, “Danny.”

  “Hey, Jason.” Danny finished the code and when it buzzed, he opened the door. “Where’s Dean?”

  “Minor surgery,” Jason answered. “What’s going on?”

  Henry stepped in. “Danny’s concerned. He’s thinking there is a break in communications somewhere.”

  “Why?” Jason asked.

  “I haven’t heard from Joe since yesterday,” Danny said. “Mark?” he called out. “Anything?”

  “Danny, the phone lines are up.” Mark replied.

  “It has to be distance then. We have to be losing the connection because of distance.” Danny suggested.

  “We all ready tried . . .”

  “Try again,” Danny stated, then turned with concern. Waiting with his arm crossed, he looked up to see Sgt. Doyle walk in.

  “You sent for me?” Tim said.

  Danny lifted his finger.

  Henry tried to talk to him. “I know what you’re doing. Look, if you wait . . .”

  “I can’t,” Danny replied. “If I wait and then move, that is wasted time. I’d rather be ready and when the wait is over, there is no more wasted time.”

  “Just do it now, Danny,” Jason suggested.

  Danny shook his head and looked at Mark. “Anything?”

  “Joe’s phone is ringing but there’s no answer,” Mark replied. “Danny it’s not the line. Our Beginnings man escort picked up in Iowa.”

  Danny nodded his understanding. “All right. Tim, here’s what I need. I haven’t heard from Joe since he was going in to get Frank, Hal, Robbie, and Elliott. In three hours it will be the twenty-four hour mark. I want you to get together the man power needed to move a force across to California, as quickly and as powerfully as we can. If I don’t hear from Joe, I will assume something has happened to them.”

  “And if something has?” Tim asked. “What will be our order?”

  “Joe’s our leader,” Danny said calmly. “If something has happened to him, take them out. Speak to Dean. He may have an easier way.” Danny began to leave.

  Henry grabbed his arm. “What, are you, nuts? What the hell, Danny? Is this some sort of power trip?”

  “No. It’s the order,” Danny responded.

  “So, you think because you’re appointed leader, you can make this decision? This is a huge decision. It’s an act of war. Joe . . .”

  “Joe called it,” Danny stated firmly. “He called it. He was making a peaceful approach and said if I did not hear from him by this time, to make arrangements. I’m doing just that. I won’t question Joe. Sorry. Excuse me.” Saying no more, and keeping a cool-calm, Danny walked out.


  “Stop it,” Joe scolded Ellen as they sat in the front row seats of the arena. “Think of the cause.”

  Ellen gagged. “It’s eight year old bubble gum” She chomped. “It’s stale, hard, and nasty tasting.”

  Joe grumbled and removed his wad of gum from his mouth. “Here.” He handed it to Billy.

  “Mom? Is yours worked?” Billy held out his hand.

  “Here.” Ellen gave it to him.

  Billy made a look of disgust and wiped his hand off. “You could have at least removed the excess saliva like Pap.”

  “Sorry,” Ellen said.

  Joe gave a pat to Billy’s backside. “Go do your thing.”

  “Ok.” Holding the gum, Billy smiled to the guard. “Hey.” He waved with his free ha
nd and ran up the stairs to the next level where Hal, Robbie, and Elliott sat. “Hey,” he said to the guard. “I’m back. Excuse me.” He slipped through them into the box.

  “The innocent one.” Hal whispered with an upward motion of his head.

  Elliott looked. “How is he getting away with this?”

  “He’s a child, an innocent,” Hal responded. “They figure, even if they tell him, what can he do?”

  Robbie laughed. “They don’t know him.” He pulled the gum from his mouth. “Here, Bill, and you owe me for using my stash.”

  “Uncle Frank owes you. Let’s hope this works.” He held his hand out to Hal and Elliott. “May I have yours?”

  Hal handed him his wad and so did Elliott. “Good luck, Bill.”

  “I’m cool. It’s under control. See ya.” Billy started to go, then stopped. He dropped his voice. “Guys, this may not work, not completely, OK? Whatever you do, please don’t jump in. Please?”

  Hal gave a reassuring look. “It will work. You’re the innocent one that leads the way.”

  Billy gave a single shake of his head. “Who would of thought Uncle Frank’s dream would come true. Wait . . .” Billy grinned. “If this comes true, then we know the rest will. He will not falter. He won’t.” More confident, Billy turned and darted from the section, with an ‘excuse me’ to the guards.


  Alone. For the first time since he was taken, Frank was alone. There were no guards around and the sounds of the crowd carried to him in the tunnel where he was to wait before entering the arena.

  He hopped from foot to foot, like a boxer, trying to release his pent up energy. Concentrating, because he knew he could not assume anything, not even victory, over his opponent.

  The sound was so odd that it broke his concentration. The sound of small running feet echoed down the tunnel. Frank turned around to see Billy.

  “Oh, shit,” Frank said, surprised. “Bill, what are you doing here?”

  Billy stopped before Frank and smiled. “You’re so cool.”


  “OK, check this out. I have free reign. They just let me run around here like a little kid. Can you believe that?”

  Frank shrugged. “Well, yeah.”

  “Remember your dream, Uncle Frank? The innocent one finds the way.”


  “I found a way. Give me your right hand.”

  Frank held out his right hand.

  “Creed has a plan.” Billy laid the wad of gum in Frank’s hand then proceeded to shape it about. “He is going to use a single zap on you during the initial handshake, a zap that will knock you out.” Billy fiddled with the gum. “The bell for the fight will go off mid handshake. He starts to pulverize you and it looks like you just can’t take the beating. No one will know he hit you with a charge.”

  Frank stared down to his hand in awe. “Bill . . .”

  “This will absorb a lot of the charge. I don’t know how much. I don’t want you to lose consciousness but you might get weak for a while. Try to fight it, Uncle Frank. Try.”

  “I will. How did you find this out?”

  Billy shrugged. “I asked and he told me. He sees me as a kid. Since I am the only one they don’t weapons check . . .” Billy reached into the front pocket of his jeans. “Here. This is mine. It isn’t much but you may need it.”

  Frank looked at the tiny pocket knife. “I gave this to you.”

  “And I want it back.” Billy pointed.

  “Without a doubt.”

  “Good luck. I better head back.”

  “Bill.” Frank stopped him. “Thank you.”

  “You think I want anything to happen to you? Who would torment my dad?” Billy smiled.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Uncle Frank.” Billy backed up and raised a fist. “Kick ass.”

  Frank watched Billy run up the hall and turn the bend. He stood there, listening to his footsteps. Then as he looked down at his hand to stare at the shaped wad of gum, he heard the shift and clank.

  Frank turned. The sounds of the crowd grew louder as the huge door before him opened. After taking a deep breath and blessing himself with the sign of the cross, Frank walked through the door.

  In a wave of a hush, complete and utter silence took over the arena.

  Frank kept walking to where a referee stood. The floor of the arena was thick with soft dirt. Stepping out, Frank heard it break the silence. He would recognize the sound anywhere, the loud, shrieking whistle his father made.

  “Get him, Frank!” Joe yelled.

  “Frank!” Rang out Ellen’s call.

  Loudly, in unison, and enough for him, the three of them., Hal, Robbie and Elliott chanted his name.

  The corner of Frank’s mouth raised and he snickered as he moved to the spot indicated by the official. He had to wait, standing there in the center. He waited to see a man who called himself God and it would be the first time Frank had laid eyes on him. He had a picture of him in his mind, but for verification, Frank would have to wait.

  He turned his head side to side to work out the kinks. The sound of his small fan club was suddenly drowned out by the eruption of cheers.

  Frank looked up.

  He stopped moving and he actually blinked in surprise. ‘Fuck’ wanted to slip from his mouth, but it didn’t. Instead the only thing that popped into his mind was, ‘Fuckin Sgt. Ryder. He is eight feet tall.’

  Was Creed for real? Frank had never seen another human being so big. The truth in Creed’s size and bulk became even more evident the nearer he drew to Frank.

  Hal’s eyes closed briefly when he watched his brother stand toe to toe with Creed. From where Hal sat, it looked as if Frank didn’t accentuate the height difference. Frank’s head didn’t lift much, more so it was his eyes. Slowly, Hal turned his head when he heard Robbie’s whisper, ‘you can do this Frank.’ Hal knew Frank could, as long as things were fair. That was a big question.

  “Shake hands!” The official shouted.

  Creed extended his hand.

  Frank knew. He heard it in Creed’s mind and it was a reiteration of all that Billy said. He really hoped Billy’s plan worked.

  Reaching to Creed, Frank’s hand made the connection. He felt the blast of the electric surge at the same time he heard the bell of the fight. The jolt that Frank received from the charge was quick. It left him conscious, but took every ounce of his strength. And before Frank could even evaluate what had happened . . .


  A hard blow delivered to the side of Frank’s face set him spinning and down to the ground.

  Billy’s head lowered. “It didn’t work. Mommy . . .”

  Joe reached over and grasped Billy’s hand. “Wait. Just . . . wait.” Joe knew it and felt it. He had to look over his shoulder at Robbie and Hal to give a warning for them to stay put.

  The heel of Creed’s bare foot connected hard into Frank, turning him from a face down position onto his back. With a swing down, Creed’s hand gripped onto Frank’s neck and he lifted him from the ground.

  Complete paralysis. He could feel a tingling in his whole body, but Frank couldn’t control an inch of his being.

  ‘Move legs, move arms, something. Fuck.’

  Frank felt himself lifted further from the ground.

  “How far, how fast?” Hal asked Robbie.

  “Fifty feet. Dive, it’s the only way,” Robbie answered.

  “No!” Elliott ordered. “Stay put. I will not let you do this.” He latched on to Hal’s wrist.

  “What? I won’t let my brother die!” Hal blasted.

  “Give him a chance!” Elliott raged. “Both of you . . . give him . . . a chance.”

  In a choke grip, Frank was raised to eye level. He had control of his facial expression and he saw the smile on Creed’s face just before Creed nailed him again, then tossed him down like a rag doll.

  Like ball, Creed kicked Frank around, moving him about the dirt, over and over. Ea
ch blow lifted Frank’s body and spun it around.

  Ellen whimpered. “Joe, Joe, do something. He’s going to get killed!” She glanced over to Joe, wanting to scream at him. How could he remain so calm? Then Joe looked at her. His jaw was tensed and his eyes were cold.

  “My son will not die. Get ready to run with Billy,” Joe stated in a low voice as his hand reached down. “I’m only going to get one shot. It’ll be good but it will be the last one I take, I promise you that.”

  Ellen’s eyes shifted to see what Joe was doing. His left leg semi-crossed over his right and Joe reached for the edge of his pant leg. As he did, Ellen saw the revolver strapped to his leg. Joe’s hand was steady, waiting, and almost in reach.

  The dirt billowed into Frank’s mouth, mixing with his own blood to cause a bitter tasting mud. He coughed in reaction as he hit face first to the earth. It was the first time, in the entire fight, that Frank felt the effects to his body. Instead of aching, it made him smile.

  But he needed more strength. He tried. Nothing.

  From behind, Creed hovered and braced a stick across the front of Frank’s neck.

  The slight choke caused more of a fight in Frank, but he still couldn’t move.

  Creed’s voice was low and deep as he taunted Frank. “I could kill you now, but I’d rather beat you to completion in front of your family . . . in front of your father.”

  Frank’s eyes shifted and in a struggle, he saw him . .. Joe.

  Your father. Creed’s word repeated in Frank’s mind.

  Strength. Frank inwardly fought. He felt it build, a strain within his gut.

  Your father.

  That was it. It began as a growl and escaped in the form of the words, ‘fuck you’. With Frank’s rejection of defeat, he sprang back, his head cracking with a mighty force into the face of Creed.

  They were the only ones, but upon seeing Creed spring back from the hit, Hal, Robbie, and Elliot stood and screamed. Ellen closed her eyes in gratefulness and Billy went nuts. And Joe, Joe sat back with a peaceful smile.

  Quickly Frank flipped his body, brought up his legs, and kicked Creed away from him. Taking a second to wipe the blood from his mouth, Frank rolled over and brought himself up. With his hand to the earth and, a stare intent on Creed, Frank held a runner’s stance.


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