The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 332

by Jacqueline Druga

Hurriedly, with his finger to his lips, Frank rushed to Danny. “Now that is a secret. No one knows. Everyone thinks he’s at the lake getting R and R.”

  “He’s hiding?”

  “Resting.” Frank winked. “Staying out of trouble until you can fix that chip.”

  “Really? So do we treat him like a resident or what?”

  “Oh yeah, that was the deal. He was allowed to hang out there and hide only if he abided by the rules.”

  “So no special treatment.”

  “Nope. None. Gotta go.” Frank hurried off, peeked around the corner of the warehouse, then dashed away.

  “No special treatment huh?” Danny smiled. “Poor Dean.”


  The smile was half raised on a face that held the exact same expression for over an hour. It was an expression of awe as Robbie stared down at his new arm. “I just can’t stop looking at it.”

  Proudly, Hal stood on his right. “It’s beautiful, Robbie.”

  Joe added, “A work of art.”

  Robbie nodded. “I almost feel bad for falling back to sleep and not getting a chance to look at it.”

  “You didn’t have a choice,” Joe said. “Jason came in and knocked your ass out. You still had a few hours before you were allowed to use that even just a little.”

  “I bet it was a long night for you guys,” Robbie stated. “Waiting to see it. They had it all covered with blankets.” He looked up to see Joe and Hal look away. “You guys didn’t peek, did you?’

  Quickly Hal shook his head. “No, no absolutely not.”

  Joe, with a closed mouth, shook his head too. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Man.” Robbie chuckled. “I would of.”

  Hal exhaled. “Okay, we did.”

  “We had too.” Joe shrugged. “It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t.”

  “Was Frank the first?” Robbie asked.

  “Actually . . .” Hal answered. “Frank didn’t peek at all. Not out of respect, but rather the fact that he believed us when we told him the blanket was rigged and would set off an alarm.”

  Staring to laugh, Robbie switched to just a smile when he heard the single knock and looked up. “Elliott.”

  With an ear to ear smile, Elliott removed his bandana and stepped inside. “I’m not intruding, am I?”

  “Not at all,” Robbie replied.

  “Good.” Elliott walked in further. “I was anxious waiting on the Captain. I was over at Containment, but they were doing an activity.” He moved to the bed and looked down. “Is that it?”

  Hal raised his eyebrow. “Is that . . . it? Good God, Elliott. One would think a man with your extensive pocket thesaurus vocabulary could come up with a better word choice for a re-attached limb rather than it.” He shook his head. “It.”

  “My apologies,” Elliott told Robbie.

  “No, problem,” Robbie said. “We call it Luke.”

  “Tell me,” Elliott spoke with excitement. “I need to know. You’ve been without that arm for a while. I realize you’ve made concessions, but there has been limitations . . .”

  “Elliott!” Hal snapped. “Get to the point.”

  “Sorry.” Elliott continued, “What is the first thing you are going to do with your new right hand?”

  Robbie looked up from his arm with an ornery expression.

  “Robert,” Joe warned.

  “Sorry.” Robbie snickered.

  Elliott appeared lost. “What? What did I miss?”

  Hal just gave a closed mouth raised eyebrow look.

  “What?” Elliott asked again, then it hit him. “Oh.”

  Hal rolled his eyes. “I’m surprised that insinuation went over your head, Mr. ‘Bathroom Art.’”

  “Hal.” Joe winced.

  “Aside from that.” Hal clapped his hands together once. “I too would like to know. What’s first?”

  Robbie thought about it for a second. “Flying with two hands would be cool, but I’ve pretty much mastered flying single handed.” He chuckled at his double-entendre implication. “However, I can’t wait to play my guitar.”

  Impressed, Joe smiled. “I expected that. I’m glad. I can’t wait.”

  Elliott interjected, “I would be on the same lines of thought. I’d play piano or would write something, anything and I’d do it long hand.”

  “Me,” Hal added. “If I were you, the first thing I’d do is punch Frank.”

  Everyone looked at him.

  “It’s perfect,” Hal continued. “Think about it. Three reasons. One, it would be the ultimate test. Two, it’s gonna be strong and Frank is the only one that can take it. And three . . . “ Hal chuckled at his own humor. “It’s Frank. I’m sure there is a reason somewhere in the file cabinet of your mind that could justify it.”

  One eye closed, Joe crinkled his face when he saw the look Robbie had. “Hal, let’s not . . . let’s not give him any ideas.”

  “You know, Dad,” Robbie spoke up. “Frank may just want to see if he could take that punch.”

  “True,” Joe agreed.

  Hal lifted a finger. “If I may. I’m not meaning to be a damper on the situation. I may also just be speaking for myself, but Robbie, the arm has not moved. You haven’t budged it. It’s a beautiful piece of work and it’s just . . . laying there.”

  With irritated questioning glare, Joe looked at Hal. “Laying there? Just laying there? You say something to Elliott about his ‘it’ comment and you tell Robbie his new arm is just laying there.”

  Robbie interrupted. “It is. I’m afraid to try it out.”

  Andrea’s ‘well you’re gonna have to’ entered the room at the same time as she did. “Good morning, sweetheart.” She walked to Robbie and kissed him. “Not only am I a visitor, I am here as your doctor. Melissa said you haven’t tried the arm.”

  Robbie nodded. “I haven’t. I’m afraid that it won’t work and then I’ll feel bad.”

  Andrea patted his cheek. “Your fears are noted, but I believe that arm will work. The chip is in place and the test went well. You have to try.”

  “Can I ask something?” Robbie questioned. “Not that I don’t have the utmost faith in your opinion, but Dean not being here doesn’t give me confidence. It’s like he disappeared because he screwed up.”

  “Sweet Jesus, that’s nonsense,” Andrea said motherly. “Dean’s had some stress. He’s taking some good old R and R.”

  “Where did he go?” Robbie asked.

  Danny Hoi answered that at the same time he knocked once on the door. “Containment.”

  Not hearing Joe’s low moan, Andrea turned from the bed. “No, he went to the lake.”

  “Nah-uh.” Danny walked in. He didn’t see Joe’s facial cringing and warning signals. He just kept talking nonchalantly. “He committed himself to Containment.”

  Andrea gasped, “Sweet Jesus. No.”

  “Yes.” Danny nodded.

  “Danny!” Joe snapped. “Can we just . . .” He gave a twitch of his head to Hal and Elliott.

  Andrea was a little confused. “Is this true or isn’t it true. Joe?”

  Joe exhaled. “It’s supposed to be highly confidential and classified information. No one is supposed to know. We don’t want people losing faith in Dean.”

  Robbie laughed. “Oh my God. Dean’s in the Beginnings nuthouse. He did this on his own?”

  “Robert,” Joe seeped out.

  “Dean committed himself? On his own? Is he that bad?” Andrea asked with concern.

  Joe hesitated before answering, then gave a ‘no big deal’ attitude. “It’s just to keep him safe and from getting in anymore trouble until Danny can safely tune-up his chip or Frank succeeds in doing whatever it is he’s doing with Dean’s mind.”

  Hal let out a soft, ‘hmm’, before speaking in a whisper to Elliott. “Can you tell it’s Beginnings. The top mind in the world is in a mental Containment while the bottom mind in the world is getting him back to normal.”

  “Hal.” Joe winced. “I’m sur
e Danny will have it tuned up before Frank can . . . before Frank can do any damage. After all it’s only four days tops.”

  “Maybe more,” Danny added. “It’s hard to say. The last diagnostic showed four days so it could be five or six.”

  “Even with that,” Joe said, “it’s not that long. Dean is away. Any problems can be solved by our fine medical staff. This is something no one is supposed to know, so how did you find out, Danny?”

  “Easy,” Danny answered. “Dan from Security was making his rounds last night and mentioned it to me.”

  “Dan wasn’t supposed to open his mouth,” Joe stated firmly.

  “He said that,” Danny defended. “Trust me he wouldn’t have, but he had to tell me so I could shut off Dean’s phone because residents aren’t suppose to have phones and Dean was trying to use his but wouldn’t give it up. I’m sure he told no one else, Joe.”

  “Fine.” Joe nodded. “Let’s hope because four other people in this room just found out.”

  Hal held up his hand. “Two. Elliott and I knew.”

  “How?” Joe asked.

  Hal pointed to Elliott. “He told me.”

  Elliott saw the glance Joe gave him. “Mr. Slagel, I was there when Frank brought him in. The Captain ... the Captain pulled rank on me and made me tell him.”

  Hal gasped, “You lie.”

  Joe rolled his eyes. “Enough. Okay, we know. It doesn’t leave this room. Danny, did you tell anyone about Dean?”

  “Where’s Frank?” Danny responded.

  “Danny,” Joe grumbled.

  “Um . . . uh . . . no, Joe. No.” Danny chuckled. “I wouldn’t dream of it. I won’t tell a soul that Dean locked himself away in Containment.”

  Jenny Matoose’s ‘Oh my God! Dean cracked up’ rang into the room.

  “Christ.” Joe covered his eyes.

  Hal lifted his shoulder. “Now one more knows.”

  John Matoose followed Jenny in. “Make that two. Dean cracked up?”

  “Joe,” Sounding so shaken, Jenny hurried in. “Is this true?”

  Joe opened his mouth to answer but no words emerged.

  Robbie spoke instead, “From what I hear, yeah. It’s funny.”

  John intervened, “You know, I would have bet money on it being a mid life crisis.”

  Danny agreed, “My thoughts are still there.”

  Joe tried to speak up, “Can we just . . .”

  Hal interrupted, “We can make up all the excuses we want, but I don’t blame anything but the fact that Dean cracked up and had to commit himself in Containment.”

  Henry peeped out a scream of shock. “Dean committed himself to Containment?”

  “Son of a bitch!” Joe snapped.

  Hector stepped into the room. “What’s wrong?”

  “Hector.” Henry turned in surprise. “Dean cracked up and committed himself to Containment.”

  “No shit?” Hector asked surprised.

  Andrea dramatically nodded. “It’s sad.”

  Robbie snickered. “It’s funny.”

  “Goddamn it!” Joe barked. “It’s nothing but precaution. Now before the whole entire goddamn community knows, all of you promise me right now that not a single one of you will open your mouths about Dean committing himself to Containment.”

  The hiccup preluded her slurry words as Josephine walked in the room. “Figures. I have that effect on men, you know. Look at Hadley. He’s fuckin gone. Bet me he’s got himself locked up in Containment as well.”

  Hal smugly glanced at Josephine. “I believe he is gone from the community.”

  “Since when?” Josephine asked.

  “Since it was discovered that he not only was a traitor but ran the Society,” Hal informed.

  “What in God’s name is the Society?” Josephine hiccupped. “Some sort of rich, bitch place to go?”

  With diligence, Hal tried. He reminded himself that he was speaking to a fragile, elderly woman and perhaps she didn’t have full understanding. He remained calm. “No, Ma’am, the Society is the enemy.”

  “Enemy of what?”

  A little agitation entered Hal’s tone, “Beginnings.”

  “Beginnings has an enemy? Since when?”

  “Since, I don’t know, years ago, perhaps?”

  “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Ma’am may I ask where have you been?” Hal questioned.

  “Is that a smart ass question?”

  “No, it’s just . . .”

  “I don’t need no punk ass Joey Slagel wanna be, hot or not, giving me attitude!” Josephine yelled.

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Asshole.” She shook her head. “Christ Almighty. Beginnings is falling apart,” Josephine spoke sloppily. “Is Skippy next?”

  With concern, Henry turned to Joe. “He’s not under suspicion of being a traitor Joe, is he?”

  “What!” Joe blasted. “No! Can we just stop? Again. No one. No one is to know. What the hell are all you people doing here in Robbie’s room? Was there a goddamn news bulletin?”

  “Actually . . .” Danny reached into his back pocket when everyone nodded. He pulled out a rolled up piece of paper and unrolled it as he handed it to Joe.

  Joe read it. “Extra! Extra! Read all about it? Robbie Slagel grows back an arm.” His eyes skimmed. “Danny, you invited everyone to visit Robbie to see the arm?”

  Danny sort of blushed. “Well, Joe, Henry and I did create it.”

  Henry spoke up. “That’s why I’m here. Hector came with me so I can brag.”

  Swaying, Josephine raised her hand. “I read the paper.”

  “Us too,” Jenny spoke, perky. “Great article, Danny.”

  “Thanks.” Danny smiled.

  Andrea’s voice rose above it all. “I am here to test the arm and make Robbie try it. That is what we’re gonna do. Right now.” She glanced down at Robbie.

  “Wait for me.” Frank blasted in the room. “I want to see the test.”

  “Fuck,” Josephine groaned. “What’s here doing here?”

  Frank stopped cold. With his hands on his hips, he glared down at her. “What are you doing here?”

  “I asked you first, asshole,” Josephine snapped.

  “I don’t care,” Frank argued. “He’s my brother. I have every right to be here, unlike your old ass.”

  Josephine folded her arms. “Well at least this old ass understands. I’ll probably have to explain it to your dumb ass.”

  “Are you even sober enough to?” Frank asked.

  “Are you?”

  “Bite me,” Frank said smugly and started to turn. “Ow!” He rubbed his arm. “Dad!”

  “Enough!” Joe screamed. “Now everyone out so Robbie can try his arm.”

  Despondent and almost pleading, Jenny spoke up. “Joe please, can we stay. Please?”

  Robbie glanced around. “It’s fine with me as long as no one makes me feel bad if it doesn’t work.”

  Even Andrea was amazed at the amount of grateful noise that emerged in the room from Robbie’s permission. “All right,” she spoke in instruction. “Everyone be quiet. Robbie . . . Robbie, I want you to think slowly.”

  “Andrea,” Hal spoke up. “That’s Robbie. You mean Frank.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Hal!” Frank snapped.

  All Andrea had to do was give a scolding glare and it was immediately quiet again. “Slowly, Robbie. Start off with your fingers and then I want a slight, only slight, raise of your arm. Ready?”

  Robbie nodded.

  Andrea gave the go ahead.

  Inhaling deeply, Robbie glanced around the room first. He swore he could feel every person in the room holding their breath as they watched him intently. But he couldn’t watch them. He glanced down at his arm, let out his breath then inhaled again.


  He would try.

  Nervously, his fingers moved just as his arm rose slightly.

  Beep-beep-beep. Beep-beep-beep.

  “Uh!” Frank jumpe
d back. ‘How cool. It makes a noise.”

  “Shit.” Danny cringed. “My beeper.” He shut it off. “Sorry.”

  Crossly, Joe scowled at him. “What in God’s name are you doing with a beeper?”

  “In case someone wants to page me.” He lifted the beeper. “They did.”

  “In Beginnings?!” Joe scolded.

  “Dad,” Robbie called out. “Look.”

  As Joe turned to see, Robbie was waving.

  “Oh my God.” Joe, nearly gushing, hurried closer to Robbie. “Look at that? Goddamn. Look at that.” He laid his hand on Robbie’s cheek as everyone applauded.

  Robbie leaned his head into his father’s hand and smiled.

  “Okay, people.” Joe spoke, still focused on Robbie,. “You have the show. Let’s go.”

  “But Dad,” Frank griped. “I have a surprise.”

  Joe’s head dropped forward in frustration. “How about this? Can those of you who do not have a family purpose just leave?” Joe stayed the way he was. He listened to the happy goodbyes and the attempt at bad humor from Henry with his, ‘I would shake your hand but since Dean put it on I’m afraid it will fall off’. Joe wanted to yell out, ‘go’. However, having patience bread results and when he heard silence he looked up. Hal and Elliott were the only ones in the room. “Where the hell did Frank go?”

  “Here.” Frank stepped back in the room. He pushed a cart with a television on top of it. “It’s part of my surprise.” He set it before Robbie. “Now as soon as El gets here, we’ll watch it.”

  “Is it a family movie, Frank?” Hal asked.

  ‘Yeah.” Frank nodded. “Very family.”

  Elliott smiled. “I can’t wait to see.”

  “Me either.” Robbie added, “Which one is it?”

  “Bet me it’s Yellowstone,” Hal said, “or that one camping trip.”

  “Nah.” Joe shook his head. “I’m betting it’s Christmas. Those were always fun. Unless . . . Is Ellen in it Frank?”

  “No,” Frank replied.

  “Then it’s Christmas early on,” Joe stated. “Has to be. We didn’t have a camera until Frank got older.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Frank asked.

  “The home movie you’re gonna show,” Joe answered.

  “Home movie?” Frank scratched his head.

  “The video,” Joe explained. “Hello.”


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