The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 372

by Jacqueline Druga

  Everett had followed them, out of boredom and worry he explained and then he decided to join them for the night. He spit into the campfire causing it to sizzle and Jess to gag. “Dint ya p up a foo if’n ad a chan?”

  “We couldn’t” Jimmy shook his head. “Picking up the phone was sending a message to the Society. We’re too outnumbered. We tried to send a message, but we think it got scrambled.”

  “Ba Uh bey B’gins es mar nuff fig out.”

  “Oh, I think so. Jess?” Jimmy asked.

  “What?” Jess returned the question with a question.

  “About what Everett said.”

  Jess shook his head with a chuckle. “I haven’t a clue.”

  “Hims s sore sum beach.” Everett nodded. “Sim need n’ B’gins?”

  “I think so.” Jimmy nodded. “He has a very important position. He even works at that place I was telling you about.”


  “That’s the place. Containment.” Jimmy pointed “Not that there’s anything wrong with you . . .” Jimmy turned his head when Jess chuckled “But Jess says it’s their rules. Everyone goes into Containment before entering the community.”

  “Shoes pa goo word sees uhs jonny chew.”

  “Oh, sure,” Jimmy stated. “We can put in a good word. I’ll even tell them you’d be a good scout. Hell, Everett, you found us well after we left.”

  Everett laughed and spit. “Ya. Son goo ding Bib Bub Boson ta es ta be goo foll-er.”

  “You are.”

  “Es hems evs sko tain? Hmm?” Everett gave an up motion of his head to Jeff.

  “I don’t know?” Jimmy answered. “Jess?”

  Jess sighed, “Honestly, Jimmy, if you’re asking me to answer a question he asked, you’ll have to decipher. I can’t understand him.”

  Everett shook his head in disgust. “Cain stan ha shoes jony we hem. I can keel ya liek. Was hem sleep.” He winked with a nod.

  Jimmy laughed. “No. No. Jess is a good man. You don’t need to kill him in his sleep. I appreciate the offer though.”

  Jess looked up horrified.

  “Speaking of sleep.” Jimmy looked at his watch. “We should be getting some. We have a long trip tomorrow. We’ll let the fire burn out. It should be fine.” Jimmy lay down. “Night Everett. Jess.”

  “Ni.” Everett kicked back.

  Jimmy, noting how Jess wasn’t budging, snickered. “Jess, you aren’t tired?”

  “Oh I’m tired. I’m tired.” Jess slowly began to lay down. “But I doubt very much . . .” he looked at Everett who seemed to be eyeing him. ‘If I’ll sleep.”


  Ellen poured the hot coffee into the thermos. She rinsed the pot and placed it back in the coffee maker that was ready to go for round three of coffee. Her finger was reaching to turn it on when she heard the laughter of Frank, Hal, and Elliott from the living room. She turned on the pot, picked up the thermos, and faced Robbie. “Okay, they’re occupied. Tell me.”

  “You know what it is.” Robbie told her. “Think about it.”

  “I did. I can’t figure it out. I knew all the ‘I Give’ secrets would kill me, but I also knew you’d tell me yours.”

  “We have no secrets.’

  “Obviously we do.”

  Robbie shook his head. “You know this one.”

  Ellen paused then her eyes widened and she inhaled a gasp. “No.”


  “She got you on that? I can’t believe Jenny used that.”

  “Oh yeah?” Robbie took the thermos. “I can’t believe you told her.”

  “It’s Jenny.” Ellen shrugged. “Besides, you really shouldn’t have given. It isn’t that big of a deal.”

  “Yeah, but think about it, El.” Robbie dropped his voice. “If you and I decide to do what we’ve been talking about, wouldn’t it be better for Frank hear I may end up being your primary from me rather than a game show?”

  “You’ve got a point.”

  “I do and I should be going.” Robbie looked at his watch. “I wanna make that flight, get back and catch a few hours sleep. Mind if I come back here and crash with Jess being gone and all?”

  “Ah,” Ellen teased. “That’s sweet. You miss him.”

  Robbie chuckled. “I guess I do. I have this strange feeling we’ll be seeing him soon though.”


  “Yeah. It’s odd. I don’t know why.” Robbie shrugged. “Anyhow, can I? With me and Frank working so many hours, I fear sleeping in.”

  “Sure but I think Elliott’s staying over tonight. He’s helping out in Beginnings tomorrow.”

  “Oh, then I won’t intrude.”

  Ellen snickered “intrude? Robbie, it’s me and Elliott. Please. We are so far from that point. I’m just saying he’ll be on the couch so you’ll have to sleep in Josh’s room.”

  “That’ll work. Thanks. I really better go.”

  Frank’s voice entered the kitchen as he did. “Uh yeah, you better. What are you guys doing in here anyhow?”

  Ellen answered, “I was getting him coffee for his flight plus I was trying to get out of him the secret that made him say ‘I give’.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Frank opened the fridge. “What was it?”

  Ellen’s eyes widened. “Quick, Robbie, clear you mind. He’s . . . “

  The fridge shut. “Oh, no.” Frank stood up. “Don’t even think about it, little brother. Wait, you already did.” Frank waved his finger back and forth. “It isn’t’ gonna happen. We argued about this when we were fuckin be-bopping about in that ‘let’s kill Ellen’ game. No. Go to work.”

  Robbie snickered and winked “I’ll talk to you later, El.”

  “Be careful,” Ellen whispered.

  Robbie stopped before leaving. He looked at Frank then to Ellen. “Always.” He walked out.

  “Uh!: Frank shuddered. “He stole my line.” Shaking his head, he returned to opening the fridge. “What are you gonna do with me if you make my brother the primary?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Frank poured some water then shut the fridge. “I’m not going anywhere. I live here.”

  “Yeah, but this isn’t your house.”

  “Dean gave it to me and if I remember correctly.” Frank touched is finger to her nose. “He gave you to me too.”

  “Like you own me?”

  Frank smiled and walked out.

  Ellen gasped loud. “Oh my God.” She followed Frank. “You don’t own me.”

  Hal peered up when they entered. “What are you two arguing about now?”

  “Check this out.” Frank sat down. “El was in there trying to bribe Robbie into telling that secret Jenny knows about him. Bribe him, Hal.” Frank nodded. “She told him she would make him primary if he told her.”

  “Did Robbie tell?” Hal asked.

  “Nope. It must be a big secret.” Frank shook his head. “I can’t believe Ellen bribed him.”

  “You know how she is with secrets. She has to know,” Hal said. “But really, Ellen, resorting to bribery?”

  After thinking, ‘I’m killing Robbie,’ Ellen shrugged. “A woman has to do what a woman has to do. Besides,” Ellen sat down on the sofa next to Elliott. “Frank’s exaggerating. I didn’t bribe Robbie with that.”

  “Uh!” Frank shocked out. “Did Robbie think a lie?”

  “You’ll have that when you read people’s minds without permission,” Ellen said. She gave a shift of her eyes to Elliott and smiled.

  “Man, can’t trust anyone anymore.” Frank gave a single shake of his head.

  “You have to admit.” Hal lifted a finger. “All in all, it was a fun night.”

  Frank bobbed his head. ‘True.”

  Hal stood up. “But like all good things, this night must come to an end. It’s getting late. I have an early call. Frank, you have to drive me back and have a night shift.” He walked over to the couch, shook Elliott’s hand, then leaned down and kissed Ellen. “I’ll speak to you both
tomorrow. Frank?”

  “Yeah.” Frank stood as well. He pointed as he reached for his coat. “I’ll check back later to make sure you two aren’t having sex on the couch.” He tossed Hal his coat.

  “Yes.” Hal grabbed his coat. “No sex on the couch. Make sure it’s in the other room.”

  “Captain.” Elliott blinked. “I assure you and I assure you, Frank, that I . . .”

  “Elliott.” Hal halted him. “We’re joking. Lighten up and have a nice evening. He smiled. “Frank?”

  “Hey, Hal.” Frank put on his jacket. “Do you mind if we stop in the lab? Since Dean is working there all night, I just want to make sure everything’s fine.”

  “No, problem. Why is Dean working all night?”

  “A couple of reasons,” Frank answered. “He has a special project and he also can’t stay here. I think he’s hiding after being humiliated on his ‘I Give’ experience.” He took a step to Ellen and kissed her on the cheek. “Night, El.”

  “Hey. Wait.” She grabbed Frank’s hand. “What is Dean’s secret? What did you write that made him say ‘I give’.”

  Frank opened his mouth as if to say but stopped. He shook his head. “I can’t. Sorry.”

  “Come on,” Ellen beckoned.

  “Nope,” Frank said. “I can’t.”

  “Hal’s?” Ellen asked.

  “Nope. But you can always bribe Ryder.” Frank winked. “But not with the primary position.” Frank reached for the door. “Let’s go, Hal.”

  Hal paused before following Frank. “Elliot, you tell the secret and I’ll tell yours.”

  Frank laughed. “Hal, that’s not a threat. Yours is incriminating. I don’t know why he gave. His is lame. Ryder, your secret was lame.” Frank walked out.

  Hal started to leave and looked back. “That’s only because he doesn’t know it all. Isn’t that so . . . Elliott?” Flashing arrogance, Hal followed behind Frank and closed the door.

  Puzzled and shaking her head slightly, Ellen placed her hands on her hips. “Has this been a weird night or is it me?”

  “It’s a little strange, but it been exciting,” Elliott answered.

  “Yeah.” she brought her finger to her lips. “I wonder what Dean’s secret is?”

  “You could ask him.”

  Ellen laughed.

  “What? What’s so funny?”

  Ellen sat down on the chair. “Okay, have you noticed Dean with me lately?’

  “To be very honest with you Ellen, I don’t watch you and Dr. Hayes. I’m sorry.”

  “No that’s okay.” Ellen shook her head. “I think all the time we’ve spent apart has taken its toll. Maybe Dean’s come to some realization. I don’t know.”

  “I can vouch that while you were away, both during the ousting and recently, he missed you very much.”

  “But he fell in love with Misha.”

  “Ellen.” Elliott just gave a glance to her.

  “Okay. Okay. It was microchip mania. I know. But, still. He’s just not the same with me. He doesn’t . . . he isn’t acting like a husband. He talks to me, and works with me. He’s not mean to me. This recent Brian event is another wedge. However, his attitude is like, ‘oh well’, like what can he do about it. Plus, I know he stayed here while I was gone, but he still moved out. I made no attempt to allow him back. I told him he isn’t allowed to live here and he gave me up. Do you know what? He hasn’t made a mention or asked.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know.”

  Ellen snickered. “He divorced me. I have papers to prove it. I am no longer Ellen Hayes.”

  Admittedly, Elliott had to fight to keep that smile from coming out. He cleared his throat. “Perhaps he is just in denial.”

  “Perhaps.” Ellen’s hands went to her legs as she stood up. “Maybe the secret has something to do with it.”

  “Is the secret that important?”

  “No. Yes. Well . . . yes.” Ellen nodded. “I should know it. I probably do. I mean, come on. We’ve known each other for how long?” She began to walk. “When you care for someone, should there be a secret? No.” She stepped back. “I’m getting coffee. Want some?”

  Elliott nodded and watched her as she walked into the kitchen. In the emptiness of the living room, he stared in thought.

  “I said it before, and I’ll say it again.” Ellen’s voice carried into the living room. “The coffee beans you guys grow are the . . .” She stepped into the room and paused. “Best.” Placing down the two mugs, she looked at Elliott. He nervously fiddled with something in his hands as his head was slightly down and his eyes looked up, lost, scared, and confused. “Elliott? What’s wrong?”

  “Ellen.” He stood up. “I need you to know that this time you have allotted me and any further time, I appreciate with my soul.”

  Ellen titled her head with a quirky smile. “I know this.”

  “Good. I will understand if you decide to break any further commitment of time with me.”

  “What is this about?”

  “The secret that made me say ‘I give.’”

  Ellen laughed. “Elliott.”

  “No, Ellen. You just said it. When you care for someone, you don’t keep secrets. I want no secrets from you. So . . .” After a deep breath, Elliott extended his hand.

  The picture of her was worn, tattered, and protectively placed in a trimmed piece of thin plastic. “Elliott?”

  “I carry that.”

  A snort of snicker came from Ellen. “Sorry, but this is not a big secret to carry. I’m actually . ..” She glanced down when she saw him extend a little card. “What’s this?”

  Painfully, Elliott spoke. “Maybe you should read that before you make a judgment. That is the secret.”

  Ellen read the card in Frank’s handwriting, ‘You have been carrying a picture around of Ellen for a year’. She glanced up. “Elliott. I . . . I haven’t known you for a year.”


  “How is this correct?”

  “Take a look at the picture, Ellen, please. Do you recognize it?”

  Ellen looked. “I can tell it was taken in the cryo-lab. Wait. Okay, I do. This was taken when we found the instant cameras. Geez, I haven’t seen this picture since . . .” her eyes raised.

  Elliott swallowed.

  “How . . . how . . .”

  “The Captain and I received information about the Colorado site. Both he and I went there. We searched the entire place. That photo was on the floor. The portion with Henry was stuck so I had to tear the picture to lift it. I knew that whoever you were, that you weren’t there pre-plague so it had to be post. In my mind, you were still alive and out there, but living amongst the people that the Society deemed an enemy. I kept it. The Captain wouldn’t look at the photo. He didn’t want to view a woman. He said it was difficult. I wish he had . . .” Elliott let out an airy chuckle. “We would have found you sooner. Anyhow, as I said, I kept it and it never leaves my side.” He saw her mouth open. “Wait, before you say anything, there is more. I looked for you. I was taken with your photo, your eyes. Something about that picture screamed everything about you. I looked for you in every survivor woman we picked up. Then one day we heard about Beginnings. I volunteered to do the scouting mission myself. I hid in the hills of what I know now as Sector Thirty. I watched for a week. I . . . saw you. It bred relief, but it made my obsession worse. You were approachable in a sense. You became real. When I finally met you, I was scared to death. I could be no other way with you than official. Then we started talking, becoming close, and I was afraid to tell you this. I was embarrassed. I feel terrible, Ellen. Its as if I have invaded you. Like a . . .”


  “Oh my God.”

  “Elliott.” Ellen reached for him as he stepped back. “What is wrong with you?”

  “I don’t know. I’m obsessed, demented. Maybe there’s . . .”

  “No.” Ellen laughed. “Did you actually think I’d be mad or hate you and not want anything to do with you ever a

  “I believed I knew you well enough to say that wouldn’t be the case but I still feared it.”

  “Fear no more, Elliott. I am . . . I am . . .” She raised her eyebrows. “Wow. I’m flattered and I don’t know what else to say. Touched maybe. Holy shit. It amazes me. You did it again.” She placed the picture in his chest pocket. “The honorable Elliott Ryder has caused my heart to skip a beat.” She laid her hand over his pocket. “He has caused me to fall for him all over again.”

  Elliott blinked. “Really.”

  “Really.” Ellen smiled.

  Elliott’s eyes shifted down where Ellen’s hand laid upon his chest. He placed his hand over hers, clutching it. With a soft tug, he brought Ellen closer to him while slowly bringing his other hand to her back. Lowering his head, he paused. “May I?”

  “Oh, absolutely,” Ellen whispered. “Go for it.”

  They were almost there, lips moving closer.

  “Uh!” Frank blasted as he walked in. “They aren’t having sex. It’s worse. They’re dancing!”

  Ellen and Elliot separated.

  Ellen glanced up at Elliott with a ‘sorry’ look.

  Hal walked in. “We aren’t interrupting, are we?”

  Ellen folded her arms. “As a matter of fact . . .”

  Elliott interrupted, “No. No Captain, not at all.”

  “Good.” Hal shut the door. “I wouldn’t want to think we intruded at a bad time.” He took off his gloves. “So, Elliott, did you tell Ellen Dean’s secret? Or even mine?”

  “No.” Elliott shook his head. He looked at Ellen, smiled, and returned to Hal. “I told her mine.”

  Hal sneakily looked at the two of them. “And you still like the man after he stalked you?”

  “Hal, please,” Ellen scoffed “He flatters me.”

  Frank fluttered his lips. “Flatters you. Fuck. For that? Carrying around a picture of you for a year. That’s fuckin nothing. I’ve been carrying your picture around for twenty. So . . .” He put his face close to Ellen. “There, now be flattered.”

  “What are you two doing back here?” Ellen said, perturbed.

  Hal moved to the kitchen. “There’s maintenance on the access road. We have to wait an hour.”

  “So you guys are hanging out here?” Ellen asked.


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