The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 406

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Frank,” Joe said. “Do you really think it’s a good idea bringing Dean here?”

  Andrea responded as she stormed in the kitchen. “I would like to know that as well, Francis Slagel. Sweet Jesus. Dean has brought the vixen into this home, probably the same place he impregnated her.”

  “Andrea,” Frank said. “I would think you’d be happy about this.”

  “Why?” She asked shock.

  He winked. “For starters, with Maggie knocked up, she’s got a young guy so she won’t be chasing after my dad.”

  Andrea’s whole demeanor changed. Suddenly, a smile crossed her face. She turned from the kitchen and on her exit, called out a bright, “Margaret! So glad you came.”

  Frank chuckled. “Isn’t it great? Dean’s here. We can bond again.”

  “Frank …”

  “Gosh, I missed him.”

  “Yeah, right. Something stinks about this.”


  “I’m confused.”

  “You do that often. Maybe it’s your age.”

  “No!” Joe barked. “It’s about you. I have seen you with Dean before. You’re too … too blatant about being nice to him.”

  “He’s my pal.”

  Joe grumbled. “I still want to know …”

  “What I’m up to with Dean?” Frank asked as he poured a cup of coffee.


  “One word” Frank leaned into his father. He sniffed once, winked, gave a nod, and pointed to his temple, “he has the scent of family.” With that, he walked out.

  Joe spoke to himself. “Why do I bother?”


  “We are two for two in a good show.” Danny straightened Ellen out—clothing wise—before she stepped upon the stage. “I’ll introduce you as Bachelorette Three. The audience knows you and the viewers will know you. The bachelors will hear your voice changed.”

  Ellen nodded.

  “Got your questions?” Danny asked.

  “Right here.” She held them up.

  “Good luck. I’m gonna go check on my bachelors.”

  “Do you know who they are?”

  “I haven’t a clue. Only Blake knows. I’m just going to see if they are secure. See ya out there.” Waiting for another nod, Danny walked across the stage. Blake stood before a closed curtain. “Blake, my man, are Game Three bachelors in place?”

  “Hooked up, ready and waiting,” Blake answered.

  Danny looked at his watch. “I have two minutes. Just tell me, was his number …”

  “Called. Yes,” Blake answered. “Look for yourself.”

  Danny peeked in the curtain and withdrew with a clenched excited fist.

  “Can I ask why you wanted him there?” Blake asked.

  “It’s a ‘just because’ situation. I thought it would make things interesting around here.”

  “As if they aren’t already.”

  “True,” Danny said. “You don’t think anyone suspected?”

  “Nah. Besides, he’s the only one you pulled for, but you know, as of right now, it’s out of your hands. “

  “Yeah, but if he answers the way I think, she’ll pick him.”

  “Are you playing matchmaker?” Blake asked.

  Danny’s head cocked when the cue music played. He grinned at Blake as he walked toward the stage curtain. “No, trouble maker.”

  Blake chuckled. “He’s joking.” After a pause, the smile left. “He’s not.”


  Joe held up his hands, speaking in a rushed manner. “Shh. Shh. Listen.”

  The living room went quiet.

  Blake’s backstage announcer voice spoke, “Bachelor One enjoys reading, walking, cooking, and good conversation for long hours.”

  Joe nodded once. “UWA.”

  Frank said, “UWA. Definitely.”

  “UWA,” Robbie said.

  A few others verbally agreed as well.

  Blake continued, “Bachelor Two considers himself a sensitive man, who …”

  “UWA.” Joe tossed up a hand.

  “Man,” Frank shook his head. “UWA.”

  Jimmy snickered. “How do you guys figure?”

  Robbie answered, “Frank trained his men. They would never admit to being sensitive. Dean?”

  Dean turned from the television to Robbie, “Since I’m the only one who listened to all his qualities, I can safely say … UWA.”

  “Bachelor Three,” Blake said, “says he’s rough around the edges, but can be soft if needed. He prefers to be tough and the strong one.”

  “Yes!” Frank shrieked out. “He’s ours.”

  “All right.” Joe laid his Danny Dollar card on the table. “I say three.”

  “Me too.” Frank put his card down.

  Dean laid his card on the table. ‘I’m gonna go with two.”

  “One,” Robbie said.

  Andrea placed her card down. “I’m gonna guess one with my boy.” She smiled. “Oh, shh. Ellen.”

  “And here’s our lovely Bachelorette now,” Blake announced. “Put your hands together for her, along with our host … Dapper Danny Hoi.”

  Andrea clapped excitedly. “She looks good.”

  “Beautiful,” Frank commented.

  “Turn it up, Frank,” Joe requested.

  Frank did.

  All eyes were glued.

  The Show …

  “Bachelorette, you know the rules,” Danny said as he leaned so game show host like on the podium. “Ask the questions. You can ask the Bachelors in any order you’d like. Bachelors keep your answers brief. Bachelorette … begin.”

  Ellen read the first card. “We’ll go from one to three. First question. Define chivalry.” She tilted her head with a smile.

  Frank’s House …

  Joe gave a pat to Frank’s knee. “Good goddamn question.”

  Arrogantly, Frank smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Yeah, Frank,” Jimmy added. “That was a good one.”

  The Bachelors began to answer.

  Bachelor One replied, his voice deep and concealed beneath electronics, “I’d say chivalry is the difference between being a selfish boy and a selfless man.”

  “Good one,” Ellen said. “Bachelor Two?”

  “Chivalry is being the hero with no regards to yourself.”

  “I like that. Three?”

  Bachelor Three answered. “It is something that doesn’t die. It is an act of unselfishness that is done without thought, hesitation, and done for the good of one or many.”

  “Good answer,” Ellen turned the card. “If I were …” She stopped.

  “Bachelorette?” Danny asked.

  “You said you read these?” Ellen looked panicked.

  “I did.”

  “Oh my God.”

  Joe turned to Frank. “What did you do?”

  The Game Show …

  “Just read it,” Danny instructed.

  “I’m killing him.” Ellen exhaled. “Fine.” She twitched her head. “If I were … If I were Ellen, where would …” she grumbled. “Where would Frank say to take me on a date?”

  Frank’s House …

  Everyone, in unison, screamed Frank’s name.

  “What?” Frank shrugged innocently.

  Joe shook his head. “Let’s not give away her identity. You’re giving away her identity, asshole.”

  Jimmy added “But Danny is letting her ask them so what does that tell you?”

  Elliott slowly looked up and after being silent, finally spoke up. “Danny may be cheating for someone but whom?”

  Robbie pointed to the screen. “Who’s behind the curtain?”

  The Game Show …

  “If I were Ellen where would Frank say to take me on a date?”

  Bachelor One replied, “Frank would tell me to take you some place special because you deserve somewhere special.”

  Ellen giggled. “That’s nice. “Bachelor Two?”

  “Frank would say, ‘take her anywhere as long as she h
as a good time’.”

  “Hmm.” Ellen tilted her head. “Three?”

  Bachelor Three chuckled. “I would take you where I wanted to take you because why would I listen to Frank?”

  Frank’s House …

  Everyone snapped a quick glance at Frank. Frank tried to look cool, swishing his mouth around and nodding.

  “He’s trying to be funny, that’s all. He …” Frank's eyes widened. “Did Ellen just laugh and say good answer?”

  Jimmy responded, “I believe she did.”

  “I’m killing her.”

  Joe chuckled. “You wrote the question.”

  Andrea perked up, “They are so good, Frank. Nice job.”

  Game Show …

  Ellen groaned when she turned to the next card. “Danny, I can’t read this question.”

  Danny lifted up his hands. “You have to.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Question three. If I … were … Ellen … and there were three Savages, two SUTS, and a killer baby surrounding me, how would you save me like Frank?” She lowered her head.

  Frank’s House …

  Joe reached over and smacked Frank’s arm. “How in the world did this get to be about you?”

  They listened as Bachelor One responded, “I would give it my best shot. Hopefully I would be able to do it with speed and precision like Frank.”

  Frank nodded.

  “Bachelor Two?” Ellen summoned.

  “How can I save you like Frank? No one is Frank.”

  Frank snapped his fingers and pointed. “Now that’s a fuckin answer!”

  Bachelor Three answered, “First off, I wouldn’t save you like Frank because I would have you out of that situation before the second Savage showed up. Frank tends to wait until that last dramatic moment.”

  Frank whispered out, “This guy better not be one of my men.”

  “Next question.” Ellen tuned the card. “God!” she commented before reading. “Sorry. Question. Say you and I hit it off. How would you go about asking …. Asshole Frank for an understanding?”

  “Hey!” Frank shouted. “I didn’t write asshole on the card.”

  Bachelor One replied, “I would sit with Frank, tell him how honored I am to be able to spend time with you, and then I would ask him for the privilege of being an understanding.”

  Ellen called Bachelor Two.

  “I would approach Frank with care. I’d make him see that nothing you and I have could ever compare to what you and he have and then I’d explain how special you are to me.”

  Ellen smiled. “That was nice. Bachelor Three.”

  There was a pause then Three replied, “I should hope if you and I hit it off, Frank would come to me for the understanding secondary position.”

  “Fuck,” Frank said.

  Robbie stood up. “I need something to drink.”

  “This motherfucker better not be my guy. He’ll pay,” Frank groaned.

  Joe shook his head. “You can’t complain. You wrote the questions. You should have been prepared for the answers.”

  Their attention was caught when Ellen commented, “Three, you sound like you don’t like Frank much.”

  “Does anyone?” Three asked.

  An eruption of ‘oohs’ rang out around the room.

  Frank bit his bottom lip.

  The Game Show …

  After regaining her composure and her laughter stopped, Ellen shook her head “You guys are giving great answers. Ah …” She switched cards. “Fuck.”

  Danny looked at her. “What?”

  Ellen stood up and walked to the podium. “You can’t make me read this.”


  “But, Danny, this …”

  “Really should direct you on whom to pick,” Danny answered with a whisper and winked.

  Doing her stock huffing, ‘Fine’, Ellen went back over to her position. “Next question …If I were Ellen.” She huffed. “And knowing how much Ellen loves Frank, how would you compare yourself to Frank?”

  Frank’s House …

  “Jesus Christ, Frank!” Joe barked. “You think you could have written questions that were about the bachelors?”

  Robbie snickered, “I think this tells a lot about them.”

  “Thanks,” Frank said.

  Attention was turned to the television when the contestants began to answer.

  “I would say we’re both strong individuals,” Bachelor One replied. “We come from similar backgrounds and similar training. We both fight for what’s right and aim to protect.”

  Ellen passively nodded, “Two?’

  Bachelor Two replied, “I would say Frank and I both think you’re the most fantastic woman in the world.”

  Ellen giggled.

  Frank grunted. “She giggled. Why did she giggle? Okay, here comes this asshole.”

  “Compare myself to Frank?” Bachelor Three said. “Well, there is no comparing to Frank.”

  Frank held out his hand. “There. Finally. He answered good.”

  Bachelor Three continued, “I’m better. I mean really, I can definitely say I’m better looking, I have more skills, and though I don’t move as fast as he does, I definitely am not a ….mutant.”

  “Fuck.” Frank’s hand cut through the air. “He’s walking a beat in the killer baby section.”

  Elliott Ryder shook his head. “I don’t think he’s one of your security men, Frank.”

  Frank looked at him. “Why do you say that?”

  “Your men respect you far too much,” Elliott said. “This man doesn’t respect you. If he does, he certainly doesn’t fear you.”

  “Fuck. I know who it is.” Frank stood up. “Fuckin’ Dean.”


  “What?” Frank asked.

  Robbie pointed to Dean.

  “Oh, I forgot.” Frank sat back down.

  The Game Show …

  “Last question,” Ellen said. “Of course it would start out like this.” She read, “If I were Ellen and we were in relationship, what would frighten you when it came to Frank? Bachelor One?”

  “Frank getting enough time with you. I wouldn’t want to step over his boundaries, not at all. I would feel as if I were doing that because he was so generous about giving the understanding.”

  Ellen slightly rolled her eyes. “Bachelor Two?”

  Frank’s House.

  “I saw it,” Joe commented. “That look. She’s picking Three.”

  Frank stared at the television.

  Bachelor Two answered, “Breaking a rule, even inadvertently. I wouldn’t want not bring you home late and face Frank.”

  Joe looked at his son. He wasn’t even pleased. It was as if Frank was waiting on the answer Bachelor Three would give.

  Finally, Bachelor Three answered. However, his answer didn’t begin verbally. It started with a laugh. “What about Frank would frighten me?” He repeated the question then snickered again. “Nothing. Frank doesn’t frighten me. Why would he?”

  Frank stood up, stepped over legs, and moved to the door.

  “Hey-hey-hey,” Joe called out. “Where are you going?”

  “That was the last question.” Frank opened the door. “The way I figure it, I have about five minutes to get to town and beat that asshole up when the show is over.” Without saying any more, Frank stormed out.

  The door slammed.

  Robbie looked at Jimmy then after eye contact and a shift of his view to Elliott, all three of them stood up.

  “Hey!” Joe called out as Robbie, Jimmy, and Elliott moved to the door. “Are you three going help Frank?” Joe asked sarcastically.

  “No way. We’re gonna watch,” Robbie said and walked out.

  “And heckle,” Jimmy added and followed them out.

  When the door closed, Joe shook his head. “Morons.” He reached for the coffee table. “Jenny, pass me those chips.”

  Out of breath, Frank arrived at the back of the DBS building. One of his men stood on guard. “Did she pick?” he a

  “No, they’re just finishing up the Unique Boutique commercial.”

  “Excellent, thanks.” Frank started to go inside.

  “Wait!” Robbie called out. “We want to watch.”

  Frank didn’t wait. He went inside and zoomed in for the sound. He heard the music starting and he went to the stage area. He would be discreet, wait, watch, and then when the show was over, he’d make his presence known.

  The Game show …

  Danny walked over to Ellen who stood. “We enjoyed that break. Now, have you made your decision?”

  “Yes, I have,” Ellen said.

  “Who will be the lucky guy? Bachelor One, Bachelor Two, or Bachelor Three?”

  “It was tough, but I’m going with …. Bachelor … Three.”

  The crowd cheered but over it all was the deep resonating ‘fuck!’ that blasted from Frank.

  Danny’s head cocked. “Was that …” He shook his head. “Anyhow. Why Three?”

  “Well, I liked his answers and I can’t wait to see Frank’s reaction.”

  Loudly from behind stage, Frank blasted. “You don’t have to wait.”

  The corner of Danny’s mouth rose in an ornery smile, “You know, El. I don’t want to wait either. What do you say let’s bring Frank out for this?”

  Ellen grinned. “Let’s.”

  “Frank?” Danny called. “Come on stage.”

  A fight with the curtain was obvious then Frank emerged. The audience applauded. Frank paused, lifted his hand, and walked over to Danny.

  “How are you Frank?” Danny asked.

  “Fuckin pissed, Danny.”

  Ellen spun to Frank” You wrote the questions.”

  “Yeah-yeah,” Frank nodded. “Danny, bring out number three.”

  “But …” Danny lifted a finger. “We have to see who she didn’t choose.”

  “Okay,” Frank agreed. “I say rub it in so she can regret her decision.”

  Danny chuckled. “Bachelor One is a Beginnings resident. He works hard in the fields and keeps us fed. You didn’t pick number one. Come on out …. Hector Alonzo.”

  “Oh my God,” Ellen said brightly as Hector appeared. She extended her hands. “You answered really well.”


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