Rebel_Ballsy Boys

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Rebel_Ballsy Boys Page 16

by Neuhold, K. M.

  “Aw, you have a friend. I love that.”

  “Shut up,” I grumble. “Now, what’s up? Is this a booty call or what?”

  “No, I have some news.” Rebel sounds nervous, which immediately piques my interest.

  “Stop over, Mason and I are almost finished. Maybe the three of us can go grab something for dinner?” Then an idea strikes me, so I slide off the bed and walk toward my living room area so I can lower my voice and Mason won’t hear me. “Actually, this poor dude desperately needs some fun, know anyone you might want to bring along to introduce him to?”

  Rebel snorts a laugh, catching my drift instantly. “I’m sure I can rustle someone up. Want to meet somewhere? I can tell you my news later when we’re alone.”

  “Oh, yeah, that’s fine.”

  We make a plan of where to meet and I hang up.

  “That kind of sounded like a boyfriend,” Mason points out as soon as I return to my bed.

  “No, just a friend I fuck around with,” I correct. “You up for grabbing something to eat with him? He’s cool, I think you’ll like him.”

  “Oh? Um, sure.” Mason pushes his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose.

  Mason and I wrap up our work for the day and head over to the bar and grill Rebel suggested, only a few blocks away. Inside, my stomach gives a weird flutter when I spot Rebel next to the bar smiling and talking to Mason’s surprise blind date. He brought Heart, not exactly who I would’ve chosen for shy, nerdy Mason, but he’ll do. There’s no way Mason won’t spring a boner for the tattooed porn star.

  Rebel’s eye catches mine, and he straightens up and waves us over.

  “Oh my god,” Mason hisses as he grabs my arm. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? I thought you were joking about the porn star thing.”

  “Why would I be joking?” I ask. “Wait, I thought porn was so skeevy? How do you even recognize them?” I challenge.

  Mason’s cheeks burn bright red, and he glances around like he’s trying to find an escape route.

  “Oh my god, I’m a living male; of course, I watch porn.”

  “If you can watch porn, you can hang out with porn stars. Don’t be a snob.” I put an arm over his shoulders and steer him in Rebel and Heart’s direction.

  “Hey,” Rebel reaches for me, before catching himself and shoving his hands into his pockets. The gesture somehow makes me both happy and twitchy.

  I introduce Mason, and I notice the blush in his cheeks deepening when Heart gives him a friendly smile and holds out his hand to shake. I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at his discomfort, and Rebel shoots me a wink like we’re sharing some sort of inside joke.

  The hostess comes over to take us to a table, and Rebel’s hand finds the small of my back, and a shiver runs up my spine. I want to drag Rebel to the bathroom and suck his dick. Or force him out to the car to fuck me in the backseat. Hell, I’ll take a handjob under the table.

  “By the way, after we’re finished here, I’m having your ass for dessert,” he whispers in my ear, and my cock pulses in the confines of my jeans.

  Mason is quiet during dinner, only talking when Rebel or Heart ask him a question. I start to feel kind of bad for springing a sort of blind date on him without telling him. Maybe he isn’t ready to date again after his break-up. Or maybe he was serious when he said he wasn’t into casual sex. Whatever the case, I owe him an apology when I get him alone. Heart seems like a cool guy, though. He spends the meal telling jokes and stories, flirting with our waiter, and basically entertaining anyone within a ten-foot radius of our table.

  And Rebel is practically glowing over whatever his news is. He tends to smile a lot in general, but tonight, it’s like happiness and light is pouring from him. He keeps touching me under the table. They’re innocent touches, a brush to the knee or forearm, but they’re making me so hard I’m about to go insane.

  By the time we’re finished eating, my sole focus is making our exit so I can be alone with Rebel.

  “You don’t live far from here, right Mason?” I check as we pay and start heading toward the door.

  “Only a few blocks east, I won’t have a problem getting home,” Mason assures me.

  “Oh hey, I live over that way too. Mind if I walk with you?” Heart asks, and Mason looks startled.

  “Um...yeah...I mean, if you live that way anyway, I can’t really stop you.” Mason laughs with obvious discomfort.

  “Cool. Catch you later, Rebel,” Heart says, clasping hands with Rebel and then giving him a pat on the back.

  Outside, I climb into Rebel’s car.

  “Think we made a love match?” he asks, glancing one last time at Mason and Heart’s retreating forms.

  “I’ll be happy with a lust connection. Poor Mason needs it.”

  “Yeah, Heart obviously isn’t lacking in the sex department, but I get the feeling he could use a friend, so hopefully they’ll both find what they need.”

  “All right, let’s stop worrying about our friends’ sex lives and get back to focusing on our own,” I suggest.

  “Good thinking.” Rebel pulls out of the parking space, and we drive the short distance to my place.

  As soon as we’re back at my apartment, Rebel is all over me with his hands and mouth. His fingers thread through my hair, and he tilts my head, forcing his tongue into my mouth with a filthy moan. With greedy hands, I reach for the button on his jeans, but he slaps me away and then shoves me down onto my bed.

  “I told you, I want my tongue in that ass.”

  My hole flutters, and my cock throbs as a groan escapes my lips. I tug my shirt off while Rebel rids me of my jeans. My breath catches as his hungry gaze roams over my naked body, his eyes half-lidded and his tongue running along his plump bottom lip.

  “Flip over, baby,” Rebel commands, and I waste no time obeying.

  I settle onto the mattress, folding my arms around a pillow and spreading my legs enough for Rebel to crawl between them. A shiver of anticipation runs up my spine as I feel the bed dip.

  Obviously, I’ve been rimmed before. But ever since Rebel told me that rimming is his favorite thing to do and the filthy way he described it, let’s just say I’ve been looking forward to experiencing it first-hand.

  Rebel’s big hands rest on my ass, kneading and spreading my cheeks. I shiver as cool air hits my hole. My pucker twitches at the sensation, and Rebel lets out an appreciative moan.

  One of his hands disappears, and I hear the sound of sloppy sucking. Seconds later, Rebel is running a damp finger down my crack, brushing briefly over my hole and making me squirm. I press up slightly on my knees, seeking more friction, and Rebel’s palm comes down hard against my ass.

  “You know you have a fantastic bubble butt?” Rebel comments. “It has such a nice jiggle. And when I’m fucking you...ungh, so perfect.”

  The rough pad of his finger traces my rim slowly, maddeningly. I flex my hips, dragging my leaking cock against my cool sheets. Rebel abandons my rim, and his finger wanders over my taint and then teases just behind my balls, already high and aching.

  “Please,” I gasp.

  Rebel grabs my hips and tugs them up until I’m up on my knees, my face still on my pillow. And then his hot breath ghosts along my hole, and my cock pulses, already missing the friction from the bed.

  The tip of Rebel’s tongue taps against my tight pucker, and I groan into the pillow. My skin tingles, and heat radiates from my balls to the pit of my stomach. I want to feel Rebel’s monster cock stretching me. But I also really want his tongue licking and fucking me.

  “Oh my god, you know what would be hot?” I blurt.


  “A dildo mold of your cock, then you could fuck me with it while you rim me.”

  Rebel pauses for a second and then lets out a little huff of a laugh, tickling all of my sensitive nerve endings. “You are one kinky fucker. That must be why we’re so good together.”

  Then he dives back in, this time dra
gging the whole flat of his tongue from my balls to my hole. He licks and nibbles around my rim, and my ass clenches, desperate to be filled. My cock drips steadily, pre-cum pooling on the sheets beneath me. Rebel taps at my entrance with his tongue again, but this time when I soften for him, he shoves inside.

  “Holy fuck,” I moan, clenching my fists around the pillow.

  His tongue plunges in and out, eating my ass like it’s his favorite dessert. When his large hand wraps around my cock, I can’t breathe. The pleasure is so close to the surface, a single movement would shatter me. Rebel moans and licks deeper inside me as he jerks me hard and fast.

  “Oh Jesus, so good,” I gasp. “I’m going to...oh, fuck.”

  My ass clenches down hard around Rebel’s tongue, and my balls draw up. I scream Rebel’s name over and over into my pillow, and not just his porn name, a few Hendrix’s slip out as well. My legs give out as the last of my pleasure leaks onto the sheets, and I collapse into my wet spot.

  Rebel climbs onto the bed beside me and pulls me into his arms. The dude really loves to snuggle, and I guess if I’m being honest, I don’t hate it.

  “God, that was good,” I hum against Rebel’s neck.

  My whole body feels warm and tingly as I wiggle closer. I sigh in contentment and absentmindedly run my fingers along the exposed skin on Rebel’s stomach, where his shirt is just riding up. His scent surrounds me and beckons me to nap curled up against him. That jolts me out of my post orgasm haze like a cold slap.

  “Oh, hey, what was your big news you were all excited about?” I ask, grappling for something to ground my emotions that are too big right now.

  I watch as a smile slowly spreads over Rebel’s lips. His arm tightens around me, and his fingers trace small circles on my hip.

  “I quit porn.”

  “What?” I shout, bolting up and examining Rebel’s face, expecting him to start laughing any second before yelling gotcha. “You did not quit porn. Tell me you’re joking.”

  He looks back at me with a surprised expression, like he doesn’t understand my reaction, and then a resigned sadness settles into his eyes. “I didn’t quit quit, but I won’t be doing scenes anymore. I’m moving to behind the camera.”

  My stomach clenches, and I struggle to untangle myself from the sheets as I scramble out of bed.

  “What the actual fuck, Rebel? Or...fuck...are you even Rebel anymore? Do I have to call you Hendrix now?” I ask as I pace by the foot of the bed in all my naked glory. I’m sure I look insane right now, but I feel a little crazy, so I guess it fits.

  “You’ve called me Hendrix before,” he pipes in quietly.

  I stop in my tracks and spin to face Rebel. “Is that what this is about?” My heart beats wildly in my chest like a bird in a too small cage. “Is this some sort of gesture? We agreed this wasn’t serious. The first time we fucked around, we both said we weren’t looking for anything serious. I thought we were on the same page.”

  Rebel runs a hand through his wild hair and shakes his head at me. “I don’t think I ever said I wasn’t looking for serious. I said I didn’t think I’d ever find someone who’d be cool with my job, and that I was capable of casual. I didn’t expect—”

  “Nope, no, uh-uh.” I hold my hands up and shake my head, rapidly backing away. “I can’t do this. It’s too much, I just...can’t.”

  I grab the first pair of pants and shirt I find and tug them on, avoiding looking over at Rebel. I can’t bear to see his emotions written all over his face. None of this is how it’s supposed to be. Anyway, whatever he thinks he’s feeling for me won’t last. I’ll disappoint him, I’ll drive him away, I’ll do whatever it is I do that makes me unlovable.

  As soon as I’m dressed, I’m out the door without a backward glance or a second thought to the fact that I’m leaving Rebel alone at my apartment.



  I’ve waited a whole week, but not a peep from Troy. I’m starting to wonder if he’s gonna be the seventh guy in a row to dump me. And in this case, it would even be more ironic because of his insistence we weren’t even dating in the first place.

  Just friends. Friends with benefits. Fuck-buddies. I don’t know how many terms Troy has used to describe what we are, but not one of them was boyfriends or anything resembling a serious relationship.

  After the little he explained to me about his background, I understand where he’s coming from. Sort of. I get that he has a trauma because of nobody wanting him, nobody sticking around long enough. I don’t know shit about psychology other than the occasional self-help book I read, but you don’t need to be a genius to figure that one out.

  My question is if he’ll ever get past it. I’m a pretty patient guy by nature, but I need to know if we even have a shot together. If he can’t get past this fear of being rejected again, I don’t know how long I can keep doing this.

  I miss him. I really, really miss him. Not just the sex, though I will readily admit my own hand is a sorry replacement for Troy, but the friendship. The relationship. Because I know despite all his protests, we were in a relationship. We still are, as far as I’m concerned. I just need to keep that little detail hidden from Troy, because he’ll freak out for sure.

  I’m not ready to give up on him just yet. How can I, when my heart is fully invested? I need to figure out a way to ease him back into our thing, whatever it is. He needs to feel safe and unthreatened, which means I need to keep my mushy feelings in check.

  Sex. Sex has always worked for us, right? I’m gonna do an old-fashioned booty-call, see how he responds.

  Should I call him or text him? Calling is more confrontational and gives him less time to think it over. That might mean he’ll say no faster. Maybe texting is better. I could try to...entice him?

  Within minutes, I have my phone’s camera set up on a mini tripod in my bedroom. I check the lighting to make sure it’s light enough to see, but not so bright it kills the sexy vibe I’m going for. Yup, this should work.

  I hit record and let myself fall backward on my bed. My cock is already hard, and I squirt a little lube in my hand and stroke it slowly, reveling in the slick sensation. My balls are full and heavy after not jerking off for a whole day, and roll them in my other hand, first the left, then the right. I let my legs fall open, then pull them up so the camera will show everything.

  Despite being completely used to having sex on-camera, this is a little awkward. Aside from my Fleshjack video, I haven’t done any solo videos. We have them up on the Ballsy Boys site, guys who have made jerking off into an art. Hell, we even have a guy who is so flexible he can suck his own dick. I gotta say, after watching that, I seriously considered taking up yoga.

  Solo shoots are not my thing, I guess. I much prefer playing with a partner. I gotta make this one work, though, so I slowly stroke my cock and play with my balls.

  “Mmmm,” I moan softly. “That feels nice. Can you tell how full my balls are? I haven’t jacked off in a day, and I’m so fucking horny…”

  I rub my thumb over the head of my cock, where a drop of pre-cum has welled up.

  “You know what I’m picturing right now? You, Troy. I’m picturing your golden eyes, which get so much darker when I’m fucking you. Your hair that’s all messy and disheveled after I’ve pulled you down on my cock. Your arms that are so strong when they hold me down as you fuck me with your thick cock. I’m seeing you in my mind when you get all desperate, right before you come. You get this fire in your eyes, this determination. So fucking hot.”

  Every single observation is the truth, except that I’m leaving out so much at the same time. The way my stomach drops when he smiles at me. The way his hands feel when they explore my body. How sweet his lips taste, his mouth, his tongue. How happy I am when we’re in bed together, even when we’re sleeping. There’s so much I say, and yet so much I hold back.

  I open my legs wider, let my left hand travel down lower, to find my hole. I push in with ease, courtesy of a lot of practice. A
nother soft moan escapes me as my body remembers how good it felt to have Troy breach me, fill me. God, I miss him.

  With slow, deliberate actions, I drive myself to the brink, prepping my ass until it’s stretched and ready. Then I turn around on all fours, my ass toward the camera, looking over my shoulder with my trademark sultry look. “Wanna come over? I’ll be here waiting...ready for your cock.”

  I edit the video slightly so it starts and ends at the exact right moment and send it to Troy without allowing myself time to reconsider. It’s a risk, sure, but above all an emotional one. One of the advantages of being a porn star is that I’m not concerned about sending videos like this. First of all, I trust Troy to not make this public, but even if he did, who cares. There are hundreds of videos of me out there, naked, fucking, doing whatever. This is mild and tame compared to what I’ve done.

  Now all I can do is wait to see if my bait gets his attention.

  When he hasn’t replied after fifteen minutes, my stomach sinks. Dammit, I was so sure he wouldn’t be able to resist a booty call. Now what? I’m about to put my clothes back on when the doorbell rings.

  My heart jumps up, and I quickly throw on a pair of shorts. Is it Troy?

  I yank the door open, and there he is, his cheeks slightly red and his hair a glorious mess. We stare at each other for a few seconds before he pushes me inside and kicks the door shut behind him.

  He looks at me again as if he’s trying to find something on my face, in my eyes. I don’t know what he’s looking for, and all I can do is smile because he’s here. He took the bait, and he’s here, and hot damn, I want him.

  His right hand shoots out and finds my hair. He pulls me toward him, not too gently, but I willingly let myself be dragged. One more stare, his eyes drilling into mine, and then he crushes our mouths together.

  His mouth tastes salty, as if he recently ate chips, and I dig in deep, licking and sucking until I’ve explored every little bit of his mouth. I’ve missed that taste, his soft lips, that addictive tongue, his stubble chafing my skin.


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