Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1) Page 12

by Gillian Zane

  Roc’s world imploded around him. This is what it was like to have a Charge Mate. His entire body was consumed by the female before him. All of him was drained and emptied into her. Even the two parts of him that weren’t engaged in this moment had come alive and erupted in pleasure.

  "You are the perfect female for me," Roc said as his dicks softened and he withdrew from her mouth and pussy. He cradled her against him and they rolled onto the bed. From the other side of her, he got off the bed and grabbed a cloth from the dispenser in the restroom. He coated it in cleaning enzymes and cleaned his own parts, reapplied and then went to the bed and cleaned her and his other self who was holding her body to his chest. After he was done cleaning, he stood and began to dress. He had things to do on the bridge. He wanted to stay and explore with both of his selves. He wanted to see what new ways he could take her with both of him embedded deep inside of her, but he had to be vigilant. Space travel was still dangerous.

  "Where are you going?" she asked sleepily.

  "I have to maintain things on the ship, we are going at a very fast pace. There are some things that need monitoring, but I will stay here with you while I do it," he said, and saw a slight frown cross her face.

  “What is it, pr’ialla?” he asked.

  “Your use of pronouns will take some getting used to.”

  “You will understand the dynamics as we engage more.” He kissed her bare shoulder.

  “It’s just so bizarre how you can be here with me, but also flying a ship, and doing God knows what on your home planet,” she stifled a yawn. He didn’t want her to fall asleep. He wanted her to continue talking to him. He loved hearing her talk, loved hearing her figure out the dynamics of his world and culture.

  “Right now, I am here with you, flying this ship, and also sitting on a sofa on my home planet.” He nipped her shoulder and she shivered.

  "You are amazing at multi-tasking." She didn’t stifle the next yawn.

  “I was not very good at it a moment ago,” Roc said at her back.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice a bit slurred with sleep.

  “All of my parts orgasmed together,” he said.

  “You mean your two parts on your home planet orgasmed as well?”

  “Yes, I thought they had gone dormant, but somehow they were engaged with other menial tasks autonomously. It was quite different, when I came, it happened in all of my manifestations. I could not focus on anything,” he chuckled. “That’s never happened before.”

  “Really? So, nothing you’ve done has ever tested your concentration like that?”

  "Before you can split, the Healers who assist with the operation test your brain. You must be able to maintain a certain amount of multi-level-function before it can ever begin to happen. A lot of my people never split, it's just not possible for them. If the Healer who assisted me in my split found out about how I was caught up in your body, they might second guess their allowance of my splitting.”

  “Wait, some don’t split? But, you've split into four. Is that rare?" she asked, curious now.

  "I'm the only one. Before me, my father and a few other royals had split into three. One of my father's manifestations was killed during the riot that took my mother and he never split again, so he's only at two at the present moment, losing one of his parts was traumatic. And losing my mother of course worsened it.”

  "You must be a rock star on your planet.” she sighed as he rolled her to her side and began to run his tongue around her nipples which had hardened in the cool air.

  "I am heir to the throne, I was born the Prince. I would be what you call a rock star no matter what I did. But no, no one knows. No one but one Healer, who assisted me, knows I have been split in four, well, now you know. I keep that a well-guarded secret. When I ascend to the throne, it will be a great asset to have. I have not even told my father, so no word of that when we get to the palace.” He moved his big body over hers and pushed her legs apart with his knee. His cock was hard and ready and so was she. She moaned as he pushed into her, taking her with one long thrust. She cried out in pleasure and a bit of pain, since she wasn’t used to this much attention and was sore. He was so big, but he felt good inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and took him further into her body, speaking nonsense in his ear.

  "You were made for me," he moaned into her neck as he thrust hard into her. With each thrust, their pace picked up until they were both panting. Sparks ran up and down his arms and discharged into her skin. He did a push up over her, holding himself up on his arms, his large body hovering over hers as he impaled her. He slipped a hand between them and began to pluck at her clit as he increased the pace. Harder and harder he plunged into her, the sensation of being embedded, spiraling around his body with electric shocks. When she began to pant in anticipation, he smiled down at her, knowing what that meant. She was ready. Ready to explode.

  He watched her break apart around him, her head falling back, her mouth open in a silent scream.

  "When you come, I feel it in every pore of my body. I feel the explosion of energy overtake you,” he growled, his own body going rigid, ready for its climax. He gripped her hips hard enough to bruise and pistoned them as he took her as deep as he could go until finally he let his own climax erupt inside of her.

  He fell against her, moving his body at the last minute so he wasn’t crushing her.

  "Our charges tie us together. I feel it when you come. It makes it so much more intense, and makes it impossible for me not to orgasm when I’m inside of you.”

  "You mentioned that before, charges and sparks. Can you explain it more to me?" She sighed as she kissed him, for the first time taking the initiative with the little acts of pleasure and Roc settled against his Charge Mate and tried his best to explain to her what she was to him.

  Bobbie loved how their tongues tangled together when they kissed, and she chuckled as she felt him becoming hard against her hip. She didn’t care about being messy or precise about the kiss. She kissed him like she wanted to consume him, until she was satisfied this was real. He took a deep breath against her lips and sat back, looking down at her with a mystified look on his face.

  “I never knew it would be like this.”

  “What?” She touched his skin and saw the spark rise up to meet her finger. It brought a smile to her face.

  “Most living beings are made up of electricity, but my race, it is more, because we have harnessed it. We hold the extra energy inside of us. We have evolved around it so much so that we now need it to reproduce. We also use it to split—the photons we absorb in our bodies become a living part of us, taking on a new form, almost like our signature, what your world might call their fingerprint. This electricity, or photon stream, is what helps us procreate, but it can only happen when we find a similar charged being, someone with the same or similar stream.”

  “What did you do before your planet learned to harness it?” Bobbie asked curiously.

  “It was like your own world; our technology and knowledge has been both a blessing and a curse. We had always had small numbers, our reproduction never matching what occurs on Earth. But when we began harnessing our own energy and using supplements instead of consuming plant-based products for nutrition, it greatly decreased. At one point in our society, no children were born for decades, the only saving factor was our long lives. When children began to be born to the younger generations, scientists noticed it was only to certain pairs. Females and males with similar charges.”

  “You said that before. The same or similar, what does that mean?” Bobbie asked.

  “Each person has their own power signature, like a fingerprint. There is no one exactly alike, but some have similar traits, portions of the charge that match.”

  “Like blood type?”

  “I think that might be an appropriate comparison. If you share some parts, you can reproduce, but if your charges almost match, then you are a Charge Mate. And when Charge Mates join together, t
heir sparks rise up to meet each other until there is no end and beginning to their charges. They match. They mate. Now our charges will match.”

  “So, you changed me?”

  “And you changed me. Biologically it means we have a 100% success rate of producing offspring of a powerful nature,” he said all matter-of-fact as he ran a hand over her exposed skin. She sighed as the charge sent up sparks much like if she was touching those static electricity balls at the children’s museums.

  “I knew when I first saw you that we were similar in charge, but I did not know until I touched you that your charge matches mine almost perfectly. We could not do this if it were not the case.” He sent up another shower of sparks. “Only powerful Charge Mates can do this and I have not heard of a pair like this for a long time.”

  “Why were you there in the first place?” Bobbie asked.

  “I came to your planet to find you. It had been prophesied by a seer employed by my family on my birth. My father did not believe in the prophecy, because this same seer has a propensity to prophecy things we want to hear, and every ruler wants to find their matched charge. But I knew it had to be true. I made the long journey for you. And it was true, I found you." He dipped his head and took her lips with his own.

  "Well, why didn't you tell me from the get-go? You might not have had to kidnap me," she said in a dreamy voice.

  "You would have believed me?" He chuckled, running his hand up and down her side, making her shiver, the sparks never abating.

  "Maybe," she sighed as she felt his cock stir against her leg, it was hard again. She would be sore, she would be worn out, but all she wanted to do was climb over his body and take him inside of her. She wanted to pay attention and see if she could feel the sparks deep within her pussy. She should be tired, but she did what she wanted and pulled herself on top of him, trying to put her theory to test.


  Separation has weird complications

  It took another day to reach Roc’s home planet, and most of that time Bobbie spent inside what Roc called a medical terminal. It was a silica tube that had all these cords and wires coming out of it. A gurney shot out of it on command and Bobbie laid on top of it, completely nude, and let Roc slide her in after he attached sensors to her skin. He even attached what he called a plug to one of her veins. She only protested slightly when he slid a tube into her vagina, saying it was for medical purposes, so she shouldn’t complain.

  Before she had submitted to the medical tube, he had tried to explain everything.

  “Our atmosphere is different, a higher amount of oxygen than you are compatible with. There are also viruses that you must be inoculated against. Your human body is not immune, as well as you might carry something that could impact our world. You must be adapted for a cohesive transition. I will also go through the same, not as intense, but I must be scanned for things I might carry now,” Roc reassured her.

  After the nail-biting initial scans, Roc came back to check on her and told her he would put her under now. She was going to get treatments that would be slightly invasive, what she knew of as inoculations, and detoxification. It would take a while and it would be better if she slept through it.

  When she woke, she was back in her bed, alone. She ran her hands over her body, checking to make sure everything was still there. There was a wrist cuff attached to her left wrist just like the one Roc had on. She brought it up to her face and realized it was seamless, and when she tried to move it nothing happened. It was physically attached to her, but weighed almost nothing. It seemed like it was another part of her skin. She couldn’t even find where it began and she ended, only the texture was different. Insane.

  The moment she sat up, the door hissed open and one of the Rocs was standing over her. Her eyes were slightly blurry from sleep so she couldn’t tell if he had a scar or not. She rubbed at her eyes until they focused.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “Great, actually.” She stretched and when his eyes got that hungry look, she glanced down sheepishly at her nude body. He was insatiable.

  “Are we there yet?” she asked and laughed at her own joke.

  “We’re about to enter the atmosphere and dock; you should get dressed.” He handed her the body suit and looked away from her, adjusting himself self-consciously and making her smirk.

  “Right.” She scooched to the end of the bed and began slipping on the suit; it automatically adjusted itself to fit around her.

  “I want you to come to the bridge and see my homeworld as we land,” he said, his face looking nervous for the first time. What did he think? She thought. That she wouldn’t like it?

  “Okay, take me to the bridge,” Bobbie said as the suit conformed over her feet and the bottom hardened into a protective covering. They walked to the bridge at a hurried pace, the trip seeming to take forever. They didn’t talk. Roc seemed nervous, so unlike his usually self-assured persona.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, a bit anxious about being whole again. It takes a lot out of you to be separated from yourself, it’s like missing a limb. And things don’t seem as normal as they usually do.” Bobbie wanted to press him on exactly what he meant, and she also realized he didn’t have an accent anymore. His voice was more musical, not as stilted as he usually talked. But as they rounded the corner, she halted abruptly and gaped at the sight in front of her.

  She never thought she would witness something quite like this. A beautiful blue-green sphere took up most of the view in front of her. It looked so similar to Earth that she almost thought she was back home, but she couldn’t deny the presence of two suns that floated behind the globe. And there were other differences. The clouds that surrounded the globe had a pink hue to them, not white like Earth’s, and the sea was slightly greener, not the deep blues of her home planet. Giving the planet a pink and teal feel, unlike her blue and white homeworld.

  Large land masses in unfamiliar shapes took up the majority of the sphere. This planet seemed to have a lot more land than water. The land itself was a rich red and purple color. She had thought at first it wasn’t land, thinking maybe it was more clouds. But it was a lot of land taking up most of the planet.

  “It’s beautiful,” Bobbie said in a low murmur.

  “Yes, it is,” Roc said and he put his arm around her waist.

  “We’re breaking through the atmosphere, we have to secure ourselves.” He motioned to the chair, and Bobbie got in it and this time she pressed the button herself, instead of waiting for him to do it for her. Thin tendrils snaked around her, holding her in place.

  As soon as she was secured, she watched in wonder as flames shot up around the spacecraft, turning the hull bright white as the ship punched through the outer atmosphere and then leveled out when it reached the inner part of the planet’s air. The nose shot up until it was parallel with the water underneath, then Roc punched in a few more coordinates. He also began speaking into one of the panels and Bobbie could barely make out murmured responses from what she assumed was something like a control center.

  “We’ll land just in time for dinner. I’ve set up a private supper with only my parts so we can come back to full cohesion. Technically we’ve been separated for about five years.” Roc looked away from her toward the screen.

  “Five years?” Bobbie asked in wonder. That seemed like a long time to travel.

  “Yes, four of those years were spent during travel,” Roc said, but Bobbie interrupted him.

  “But, wait, this trip back only took us a few days. I wasn’t in that tube thing for two years, was I?” she asked horrified.

  “No, not at all. It feels like a few days to us because we travel at lightspeed, but for the people not moving faster than the speed of light, well, one light year traveled feels like an actual year—what we call rotations.”

  “That is so bizarre. So how many years on Earth has it been?”

  “Two years,” Roc said.

  “So, why five years the

  “I spent one year on Earth looking for you.” Again Roc looked away from her toward the big screen, distracted by something. It was probably amazing seeing his home planet after all this time.

  “You spent a year on Earth looking for me?” Bobbie repeated in awe.

  “Yes, it took me a bit longer than expected, but the prophecy only told me the planet and continent, not a direct location. I visited quite a lot of cities on the North American continent before I finally found you.”

  “How did you even find me?” she asked, thinking about how this all might have gone down differently if Roc wouldn’t have come to that club on that night.

  “Technology. We can track the charge of a person. It’s not exact, but I can tell if someone of my same distinct pattern is within 100 miles of my vicinity. It’s not as precise as I would like, and if you weren’t a close replicate it wouldn’t work. I was not aware that you would be an almost exact replica, so I had a lower error margin. It was a slow process. If the science was precise, we would be able to match a lot more pairs and maybe have a greater population.”

  “Why do you sound different?” Bobbie’s thoughts from earlier resurfaced, and she realized from his explanation how differently he was speaking. He had always sounded like, well, like English was his second language, but now he sounded normal. The accent was gone. It had taken her this long to realize it.

  “No one speaks English here. I picked it up during my stay in your United States and Canada, but most of us on Polaridis speak regional dialects. In my domain, it’s Polara, the master language of our planet, but in the other domains they speak varying dialects. Some speak over a hundred different languages in one realm. Most diplomats and travelers have a language implant installed. Everyone at the palace has one, so they’ll understand you, and since you now have one, you’ll understand them. I’m speaking Polara, you are speaking English.”

  “No shit. Is that what this is?” She held up her cuff and he nodded.


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