Winter Love (Love Collection)

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Winter Love (Love Collection) Page 3

by Natalie Ann

  “I never used to be. I guess you could say when you’re alone in a foreign country you have to put yourself out there to get people to talk to you. Of course, it’s amazing how much people talk when you ask if you can interview them.”

  “I bet,” he said. “I’ll let you eat your breakfast in peace. But since you’re here for three weeks, let me know when you’re ready for some of that adventure. I’ll carve out some time and show you around.”

  “I’d like that a lot.”

  Zeke gave her a salute and then shut the door, leaving her there to eat her breakfast in silence.

  She was used to the silence by now, but for some reason when Zeke left, the air felt different. Not as energized.

  She hadn’t felt lonely in months, but right now, that was exactly how she was feeling.

  “I miss you, Mom and Dad,” she said out loud.

  It felt good to talk to them and think that they were listening and watching out for her.

  “It’s time for another adventure. I’m doing exactly what you asked me to do, Dad. I’m getting out of my comfort zone and I’m trying to live life while I can. I’m trying to see the world before I settle down. I just wish you guys could have done it with me.”

  The tears were overflowing from her eyes, making it hard for her to swallow her breakfast.

  “Would you think badly of me if I had an affair while I was here?”

  Most might think that was an odd question to ask, but the last thing she wanted to think was that her parents were disappointed in her.

  She’d like to believe they wouldn’t be but felt better at least voicing the question.

  Now she just had to make a plan for her next move.

  Fun and Excitement

  The next morning, Kendall had a cup of coffee in her room and a protein bar. She could have gone to the restaurant or called room service, but if she did that for every meal she’d be gaining weight more than the adventures of a lifetime on this road trip.

  The temperature said a nice balmy five degrees. She was guessing that was somewhat nice for this time of year in the mountains.

  Once she had multiple layers of clothing on, she walked down to the shop and asked if she could rent some snowshoes for the day. It was time to knock something off of her list of things to do.

  And when she was done freezing her ass off, she was going to have one heck of a bowl of hot chili at the bar.

  She was given instructions on how to strap the snowshoes on when she got outside and prayed she did it right and didn’t have to come back in and ask for help. Thankfully, she managed it just fine.

  There were people all about right now, some talking, some hanging out, others carrying snow equipment and plenty heading off into the trails like she was. She was kind of hoping she’d be alone but this might be better.

  Twenty minutes in and she’d been passed by plenty of skiers on her left, while the snowshoers stayed on the right.

  “Are you okay?” she asked an older couple when she came around a turn. They were just standing there.

  “Yes, dear,” the woman said. “We’re just trying to catch our breath. You can pass right by us.”

  They looked like a cute couple and she did something she hadn’t done in the time she’d been here yet. She was already breaking her plan of no work for one full week, but if there was a time to break it, it felt like now.

  “I’m a blogger and spending some time here at the lodge trying to experience all the activities and food in Lake Placid. Do you mind if I interview and record you? I’d love to be able to interview others staying here and you could be my first.”

  The wife looked at her husband; he just shrugged. “Sure. Can we be honest for it?”

  “Of course. But I’ll tell you that I never post anything negative. So if there are any negative experiences you want to share, then I’ll edit them out, or move to someone else. It’s not that I don’t want to give informed information, it’s just that I want my blog to be about fun and excitement. An escape for people rather than something to make them jump on a bandwagon.”

  “You know, sweetie,” the woman said, “that’s a great outlook in life. I’m Carol and this is my husband, George. And I asked if we could be honest because too many times people are looking for the negative, and we’ve had nothing but a great time in the three days we’ve been here. Of course, we come back every year because it seems it’s better and better.”

  “Wonderful, Carol,” she said. She pulled her glove off, then unzipped her pocket and grabbed her phone and held it in front of her face. “Hi everyone. Kendall here, freezing my buns off at the Collins Lodge while trying my hand at snowshoeing. I’ve got a nice couple here who offered to let me know their thoughts on their stay. Say hi to Carol and George. Where are you two from, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  She turned the camera to them. George was grinning from ear to ear with a slight blush filling his face. His hat was a little sideways and the bulk under his jacket made her believe it was more girth than layers of clothing. Carol’s jacket and his were matching and it just made them all that much sweeter.

  “We’re from Manhattan.”

  “Really?” Kendall asked, swinging the phone back to her. She’d mastered the skill of moving her arms and not making the camera shake too much. “I just came from the big apple myself. Spent a few days there and now I’m loving the peace and quiet of nature. Not so much of this wind though,” she said when she felt it whipping her long hair around her back. Thankfully her hat was keeping it out of her face. “So what brought you to Lake Placid?”

  “We just wanted to get away for the week,” Carol said. “Our anniversary is tomorrow. Forty-five years.” The shot of George’s arm around his wife and the kiss he just bestowed on her cheek was too precious and she fought back the tears that wanted to form, thinking of her own parents.

  “Wow,” Kendall said. “Congratulations. So what have you enjoyed about your stay so far?”

  Carol giggled like a schoolgirl. “That the housekeeping actually stays away like we say, giving us privacy when we want it.”

  Kendall coughed over that. “That’s good to know. And speaking of housekeeping, I don’t know about you, but the different chocolates left in my room each day are pretty sweet. That and the citrus-smelling sheets and towels, and I feel almost at home. Though no one leaves me chocolate at home. Just a pipe dream of mine,” she said, smiling when they laughed at her.

  “Between the chocolates and the food in the restaurant,” George said, “that’s probably their secret to keeping these trails so active. I know I need to burn some calories off.”

  “You might be right,” Kendall said. “I don’t know about you, but when I’m done with my stroll through the woods, I’m going to the bar for a bowl of chili.”

  “That sounds good,” George said, “but I’m sticking with a scotch by the fireplace.”

  “I might have to try that another day. Thanks for your time, George and Carol.” She turned the phone off and put it in her pocket. “I left some of my cards at the front desk. If you just ask them for Kendall’s card, they will give it to you with my site on it and you can check out your video. I’ll post it later tonight.”

  “We’ll do that,” Carol said. “That was so much fun. I’ve never been interviewed before.”

  “It was my pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation,” she said, then turned and went down another path.

  She heard the roar of a snowmobile on the other side of the trees a short time later. Everything was mapped out nice and clear. Paths for skiers, snowshoers, and snowmobiles. This place was extremely organized.

  When the snowmobile stopped right after it passed her, she wondered what could be going on. But then the sled was moved off the path and the man jumped off.

  Zeke. She recognized the helmet.

  “Enjoying this beautiful day?” he asked after he lifted the visor on his helmet for her to see his eyes. Kind eyes. She’d seen a lot of eyes in her travels, b
ut none made her feel as comfortable to be around as Zeke’s. She’d have to analyze that another time.

  “I am. I just interviewed the cutest couple back there on another path. They’re celebrating their anniversary.”

  “I hope they aren’t celebrating it in the snow. Even I’m not hardy enough for that.”

  Every part of her body that was cold immediately warmed up when he said that, thinking of Zeke and her rolling around. Not in the snow, but somewhere else. Anywhere.

  “No. Though so far their favorite thing here is that your housekeeping actually honors their do not disturb sign.”

  He burst out laughing. “That’s good to know. Most will honor it because who knows what they will discover if they walk in when they shouldn’t.”

  She nodded. After staying in so many hotels in the past several months, she’d heard just about anything imaginable through the walls. She sure the heck wouldn’t want to see some of it. Thankfully the walls were pretty thick here.

  “Do you always work outdoors?” she asked.

  “Are you going to interview me?”

  “I could. I wouldn’t mind doing that, but I’d rather do it in a warm place. I’m trying to find my way back now since I think I reached my quota of cold for the day.”

  “Come on. I’ll bring you back in,” he said.

  “I don’t have a helmet,” she argued.

  He took his off and handed it over to her. “Here you go. I’ll go slow, but it will still be faster than you walking. I can tell you got the hang of the shoes though. Of course your long legs help with that.”

  “It didn’t take long, but you can’t go that fast either. Long legs or not.” She wasn’t going to tell him she’d tried and tripped, but caught herself on her hands, looking around like a thief in the night that someone might have seen her.

  “Nope,” he agreed. “But I’ll get you back to the lodge in a few minutes.”

  She’d be crazy to say no, so she took the much bigger helmet and put it on over her hat, then climbed on the sled behind him.

  “Just hang onto my waist. I won’t go fast, but at least I know you’ll still be sitting there if you’re touching me.”

  “What?” How easily could she fall off this thing? Maybe it wasn’t a good idea.

  “Just kidding. I’ll be gentle the first time,” he said, winking at her.

  She was glad the helmet was covering the blush that she knew just filled her face. He was talking about a lot more than a snowmobile ride, she was sure of it.

  Where You Stood

  It didn’t matter that Zeke had a big parka on; he still felt Kendall’s arms around his waist heating him up better than the sauna or hot tub at his house could ever do.

  He’d been on his way back to the lodge after doing a quick check of a trail after someone reported sled marks off the marked paths. It happened. People wanted to explore more than they should. The grounds were clearly marked with red tape and no trespassing signs, but it didn’t keep some adventure seekers out.

  Sometimes people tried to find their way to the family homes hidden in the back, other times they ventured off into more dangerous territory, which was always a bigger concern.

  He’d followed the trail the sled had left off the path, saw where they turned around and then came back. Looked innocent enough, but he’d still be checking to see who it could be. A local could find their way around, a visitor could easily get lost.

  Imagine his surprise when he was coming back to notice the long blonde hair whipping around Kendall’s back as she lifted one leg then the other up and put it back in the snow. Guess she wasn’t wasting too much time before getting out and trying new things like she’d said.

  When he pulled up to the lodge, he shut the sled off and waited for her hands to let go of his waist. When they didn’t, he turned to look at her.

  “You said to hang on. I just figured you’d let me know when I could let go.”

  Damn, he liked her personality. He liked just about everything about her and barely knew her. “There may be a time I won’t want you to let go at all but out in the cold isn’t it. Maybe we could meet for drinks later?”

  “I could do that,” she said. “Right now I’m going to get some lunch at the bar. I saw the specials and I’m dying for the chili in the bread bowl.”

  “Do you make it?” he asked, accepting his helmet back.

  She didn’t miss a beat. “You’ve been checking out my blog, I see. And yes, I’ve made chili in bread bowls before.”

  There was no use denying what she’d guessed—he had indeed been checking her out. “What kinds of things do you cook?”

  “Good things,” she said, grinning at him. “Awesome food that just melts in your mouth and fills your belly.”

  “Maybe you’ll cook for me sometime?” he asked, holding her blue-eyed stare. He liked that too. Direct eye contact was always a good thing. It let you know where you stood with someone. Too many times in his life he was left guessing where he stood with a woman.

  “Drinks, and you want me to cook you dinner. Wow, you’re pretty high maintenance. What are you going to do for me?”

  He loved the twinkle in her eyes. A spark of life that jumped in that might not have been there before. When he’d stopped to talk to her on the trail, her eyes seemed almost sullen. Sad maybe. He was glad to not see that now.

  “I’m going to make you want to spend more time with me,” he leaned in and whispered.

  “Well then,” she said. “I’m going to hold you to it.”


  When was the last time she flirted with someone like that? Where the undertone of wanting to see each other naked was floating in the air around them like a mist on the mountain. Now that she was thinking of it, maybe never.

  But darn that was fun. Exciting. Liberating. And it might be another thing she could check off her list of adventures here.

  She might be willing to try her hand at a vacation fling with Zeke Collins.

  She made her way to her room and pulled off all her winter clothing to hang up in the closet. She was getting ready to walk to the restaurant when she realized she was sweaty, so she jumped in the shower quickly, then grabbed a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt with her UGGS, then made her way to the bar.

  It was pretty crowded with the lunchtime flow. She grabbed a single seat by the bar. When the bartender came over, she ordered herself a pint of the chocolate coffee stout on tap and a bowl of chili that she’d been thinking about since she’d check out the specials posted in the shop this morning when she rented her snowshoes.

  She’d love to be able to take her phone out and talk about the chili and beer, but there was too much background noise right now. When the large glass of dark liquid was placed in front of her, she did pull out her phone and snap a few pictures, then posted them on her social media pages tagging where she was and what she was going to eat.

  Sometimes that was good enough. She’d do the same when the chili was delivered and tonight she’d write about the food in more detail. She’d find a way around getting the information out when she could, even if she couldn’t do it the way she always liked. She’d have a nice piece to upload between the interview with Carol and George and the food for today.

  She was almost done with her lunch when she felt a presence at her back. She knew it was Zeke without turning around. He carried an energy around with him that she’d felt when she wrapped him up tight on the sled and didn’t want to let go.

  “You didn’t save me any?” he said, his head popping over her shoulder. It was a cute move. A playful one. She was feeling pretty playful herself right now for someone who never had before. Might as well go with it.

  “I’m sure you could get some in the back if you wanted. I worked up quite an appetite out there today.”

  “I hope you didn’t fill up too much,” he said.

  “I’ve got a big appetite. No worries there.”

  His eyes roaming over her was a nice compliment. “I
see that.”

  She laughed. “Maybe you wouldn’t mind an interview tonight?”

  “So that’s all you want to use me for?”

  His eyes, a nice dark chocolate, almost the color of the beer she just drank, were burning a hole right into her. “Maybe we can talk about what we could do for each other tonight too.”

  He held her stare. “I don’t get the impression you do that often.”

  “Then you’re a good judge of character too.”

  “I am,” he said, placing his large hand on her shoulder and giving it a little squeeze. “We can talk about a lot of things tonight if you’d like.”

  “I would.” She started this and she was going to continue. It didn’t even feel awkward either.

  “Why don’t you come to my place around seven then. Take the second driveway to the right out of the parking lot and once you get over the hill you’ll see my house.”

  “I didn’t realize you lived on the property,” she said.

  “Erika and I both do. But we are set back pretty good.”

  “I’ll see you at seven then. I’ll bring the makings for dinner.”

  “I was just kidding,” he said. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I want to.” It’d been longer than she wanted since she could do some cooking. “I miss it. Traveling like I do, I can get into some kitchens and talk food, but I don’t get to really cook like I’m used to. Like I love to do. I don’t have a kitchen or equipment at my disposal.”

  “Then I’d be thrilled to have you cook for me tonight.”

  She watched him walk away, paid her bill, then went to her room to upload what she’d done for the day, because she had bigger plans for the night. Plans that she had no intention of sharing with anyone online.

  Adventure List

  A few minutes before seven, Kendall pulled out of the parking lot of the lodge, took a right, counted one hidden driveway and then a second, and turned in. She was probably a quarter of a mile down it and climbing a small hill, then descending down when she saw the log cabin.


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