Winter Love (Love Collection)

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Winter Love (Love Collection) Page 5

by Natalie Ann


  “I can’t help but think you’re only here as something else to experience. An adventure of sorts. Be honest with me,” he whispered. “Is that the only reason?”

  She pushed back. “No. I mean, I don’t know. Oh my God, that makes me a horrible person if that was it. I want to be here. I want you.” She slapped her hand in front of her mouth.

  He burst out laughing. It was answer enough. He pulled her over to the couch and sat her down, the two of them facing each other. “Ever have a fling?”


  “I didn’t think so. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m very attracted to you. That I’d love nothing more than to carry you up to my room right now, but I need to know you’re doing it for the right reasons.”

  “Being attracted to you isn’t the right reason?”

  “If you were anyone else, it might be. But I’m smart enough to know you might regret it the next day. Or a week from now. Even a month from now.”

  And he was going to use everything in his power to see if he could get her to stay here longer then three weeks. That meant dragging out any physical relationship… if he could. Where those thoughts were coming from when he’d rarely thought of a relationship with a woman before was beyond him, but like he’d done with everything else in his life…he was going with the flow. Feeling the moment and letting it take him where it would.

  “You’re probably right. See, I am boring.”

  “You’re not. I’m glad you’re honest. And I’ll be honest and say that I hope to get you in my bed before you leave, but I want you to do it for the right reasons.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. Now I’m hungry and you’ve teased me enough tonight, so how about some dessert?”

  “I can do that.”

  Perfect Place

  The next morning, Kendall rolled over when she heard her phone ringing. She picked it up and saw it was Josie. She wanted to ignore it since it was only eight and she’d gotten back to the hotel after midnight and in bed around two, but decided not to.

  “Hey, Josie, what are you doing calling me this early?”

  “Did I get you out of bed? Sorry, it’s two here and I’m getting ready to go into work.”

  “I’m still in bed, but you woke me up,” Kendall said around a yawn. When she was traveling through Paris she was shocked to come across an old schoolmate from culinary school. She and Josie reconnected and had stayed in contact.

  “Sorry about that. How’s it going there? Are you freezing your butt off yet?”

  Kendall sat up and put her shoulders to the headboard. “I was freezing just thinking about coming here. Being here is much worse.”

  Josie laughed. “You should have started your travels there back in the summer.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, but it’s done with now.”

  “I caught your video last night. Cute couple in the snow. I have to say I was cringing watching you with the wind blowing around. It made me want to grab a brandy and go find a fireplace to sit in front of.”

  “Actually, you just gave me a great idea for today.”

  This afternoon she’d do just that. Get a brandy from the bar and go sit in front of the fireplace and interview a few people.

  “Glad I could help. Now that you’re back in the States are you feeling less homesick?”

  Josie was the only one who knew how much Kendall was missing home.

  “Not really. I mean I know I can get home faster now since I don’t have to wait to book any flights. I decided to drive across the country, but I still miss my bed.”

  She wasn’t sure she was ever going to get used to sleeping in hotel beds, even one as nice as the fluffy one she was in right now. There was something to be said about finding peace in your own bed.

  “I hear you. What’s your next stop from there?”

  “Not sure yet. I booked three weeks here. I just wanted to find a place to explore and unwind.”

  “For someone who hates the cold so much, I’m shocked you picked Lake Placid for your three weeks,” Josie said.

  “Me too. I guess it was meant to be though.” There was only so much she was willing to confide in people.

  “Hmm. Did some guy catch your eye?”

  She should have known Josie would catch on. “Maybe.”

  “No maybe about it. Give me the details. Those sheets getting any action other than sleep?”

  She laughed. “No action and not a lot of sleep either.”

  At least not last night. Not after she’d left Zeke’s riding a high from his kisses and his consideration. She hadn’t expected to come back with just kisses as a memory, but in a way, she was glad it happened that way.

  “Who’s the guy? How long is he there for?”

  “Zeke Collins. He’s one of the owners so he’s not going anywhere.”

  “Even better,” Josie said. “When are you going to put some pictures up of him so I can check him out?”

  “Soon,” Kendall said. “He offered to take me snowmobiling this weekend and teach me how to drive one myself. So far I’ve just been on the back of his.”

  “So he has given you a ride?” Josie asked giggling.

  Not the way she really would like, but she didn’t say that. “Maybe soon I’ll get something more enjoyable.”

  “It will get better, Kendall.”

  She knew what Josie was trying to say. “I’m not sure. It was easy to block it all out when I was in foreign countries. I was so out of my element and trying to enjoy myself, but now that I’m back, I keep thinking of all the places I visited with my parents.”

  “Did they ever go to Lake Placid?”

  Kendall felt an ache in her chest. “Yeah. They met here.”

  “Really?” Josie asked. “Then I’d say it’s the perfect place to spend some extra time. Don’t put a limit on it, Kendall.”

  “I know. I just thought coming here would help me connect to them.”

  “Do you know the story of how they met?” Josie asked.

  “I do.” But she didn’t have it in her to talk about it right now. “Maybe I’ll find a little bit of the joy they experienced so long ago while I’m here.”

  “Believe in fate and you will,” Josie said.

  They hung up a few minutes later and Kendall sat there staring at herself in the mirror above the dresser in front of her. She knew deep down she’d come here in January because not only was this the town her parents met in, but also the place and the month.

  Collins Lodge in January was the start of all of her parents’ adventures.


  Zeke was up at four after only four hours of sleep. Or he should say four hours in bed but not asleep.

  Kendall had left a few minutes before midnight. He hadn’t expected that she’d stay for almost five hours, but the hours just flew by.

  By the time dinner was done, then dessert, they were sitting in front of his fireplace finishing off the bottle of wine and talking about their childhoods.

  He laughed when she jokingly said she’d thought he was a ski bum when she first saw him and now could add a little redneck to it.

  “I like the outdoors, but I’m not sure that makes me a redneck. I’m not carrying shotguns in my truck and smashing beer cans over my head while sporting camo pants and dirty white tank-tops.”

  She laughed. “The fact that you can describe one so well might prove that wrong.”

  “I’ve come across a few in my life. You know the type, bragging about the latest deer or rabbit they shot in their backyard.”

  “Actually, I don’t know that type at all. Not too many hunters around Vegas.”

  “Just showgirls, prostitutes, and the naked guy covering his family jewels with a guitar.”

  “He’s not naked. He just wears a pair of very tiny speedos. And before you ask, no I’ve never come within twenty feet of him. He kind of creeps me out.”

  “The guy or the speedos?” he’d
asked. The two of them could talk about anything and laugh. When was the last time he looked forward to spending time talking to a woman rather than stripping her naked?

  “Both. Please tell me you don’t own speedos.”

  “Not quite my thing. If I’m swimming I’ve got board shorts on down to my knees.”

  “Surfer dude,” she said winking at him. “It goes with the hair.”

  “No waves around here, but I’ve been known to water ski. As for my hair, it’s grown on me.”

  “Yes, it has,” she said smiling.

  “I meant it didn’t start out this way. I just get busy with the business and barely find time to sleep, let alone get a haircut. I used to go to the barbershop in town, but Erika told me I should just grow it out and trim it a few times a year.”

  “How long have you worn it that way?”

  “About five years now. I don’t think much of it. It has a mind of its own and I just tell the lady to cut it so it does what it wants and looks okay. Most of the time I’ve got a hat on anyway.”

  “A baseball cap?” she asked.

  “In the warmer months, yes. I’m always outside and it keeps the sun out of my face rather than worrying about sunglasses all the time. If not a baseball cap then a bandana. I never realized how hot long hair was.”

  “Women are pretty tough when it comes to their hair. I’ve seen you with those sharp aviator glasses on recently though.”

  “Winter glare is a bitch and a knit hat is warmer than a baseball hat.”

  “If you get one of those really baggy ones you could add hipster to my description of you.”

  He’d wrinkled his nose, grabbed her and started to tickle her there on the couch. “I don’t think so. I might go get my hair cut now just to make you change your opinion of me. I think in your mind a ski bum is kind of slow-witted.”

  She was roaring with laughter. “You’re the first ski bum I’ve ever met and there’s nothing slow about you.”

  He was half lying on top of her when she’d said that, causing him to stare into her blue eyes, then lower his head and kiss her again. They’d gotten lost in that last kiss for longer than he cared to remember. Enough that his body was vibrating and pulsing in a way it never had before.

  He assumed she was feeling the same when her hands went under his shirt to roam around his back and chest. As much as he wanted to do the same, he wouldn’t be able to stop and he’d already said they wouldn’t be going to his room for the night.

  But the couch was there and it was comfortable and giving him ideas.

  Those ideas needed to be put on hold though. Especially this morning when he walked into his office after dealing with some staff issues and delegating work on the grounds.

  By eight he was walking into his office only to have Erika right on his heels. “Did you see the blog yesterday?”

  “What?” he asked, wondering what she was talking about.

  “Kendall’s blog. She posted her first video and review of the lodge yesterday afternoon. Did you see it?”

  So she did it before their date last night. “No. What’s so important that it has you bouncing on your heels like you’ve got springs in your shoes?”

  “Check it out. It’s gold. Not even that, she also talked about what she ate and praised the lodge housekeeping staff.”

  He shook his head wondering what could be so important about that. After booting up his computer, he went to his favorites where he’d saved her site and watched her interview with the Jacksons. He knew the couple. They were here on their anniversary, and since George Jackson was a high roller in Manhattan who visited at least once a year, Zeke always went out of his way to make sure they enjoyed their stay.

  There they were, laughing and blushing like newlyweds when they talked about appreciating the housekeeping services. Though Kendall had told him about that interview yesterday, he hadn’t realized it was about the Jacksons.

  He watched the rest of the video, her ease with the couple, the fun and lightness in her eyes, and realized that it had been taken just before he’d seen her walking alone, looking kind of sad and lonely. Odd, the differences in her demeanor and something he’d have to talk to her about more.

  After the video, she wrote a nice article about sitting at the bar, the atmosphere, and the chili bowl. He was still trying to see what was so special about it until he saw that though it’d been less than twenty-four hours since the article was posted, there were more than a hundred comments asking about the lodge.

  “That was nice of her,” he said to Erika.

  “Zeke. She directed them to our site. We’ve had a record number of hits today and I’ve lost count of the emails and phone calls for reservations. Many are mentioning that video and blog post. That’s one day. She’s here for three weeks.”

  Now he understood Erika’s excitement. She was the numbers gal. “I doubt she is going to spend three weeks posting things about the lodge, Erika.”

  “I didn’t think she would, but she will do more. She even asked to do an interview with us. I don’t really want to. You know I hate getting in front of people, let alone a camera, but I just might consider it.”

  He laughed. “I’m sure she’d like that. I plan on letting her interview me as much as she likes. I’m taking her on a snowmobile ride soon and she already asked if she could video it. I said yes.”

  “That’s awesome. Wait? She asked you to take her? Why not one of the guides?”

  He figured he might as well tell his sister of his intentions. “Because I like her. It’s mutual if you must know. She cooked me dinner last night at the house.”

  “Zeke!” She walked over and slapped his arm. “Kendall isn’t the type to have a fling with.”

  “How do you know?” he asked, even though he agreed with that statement.

  “Because she just isn’t. There is something going on with her. It’s like she’s running or hiding. Even I can see that without having read her entire blog.”

  “Her parents died recently in an accident.” He knew his sister wasn’t a gossip.

  “Oh. She told you?”

  “Yes. And keep it between us, please. We’re just friends right now.”

  “Right now?” she asked.

  “She’s fragile. I can see it too. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to jeopardize the business.”

  “I’m not worried about the business. I’m not even worried about her. She is only here temporarily. I’m worried about you.”

  “Why?” he asked, snorting.

  “Because I know you. You love it here. She’s not from here and doesn’t look like she’d want to be either. Don’t lose yourself.”

  “Please,” he said. “What do you take me for?”

  “A softie.”

  “Why is that?” he asked.

  “Because you always want to have fun and make people laugh. Something about her is sad and you see it and you’re trying to help her. Just admit it.”

  “Maybe,” he said, surprised Erika had figured that out.

  “Then you’ll get attached like you did in school. How many times had girls hung on your arm and you had a good time? You’d get more involved and they’d move on. You stopped getting ‘attached’ but something tells me this is different.”

  “I’m not that kid anymore,” he argued.

  “Nope. You’re an adult with the signs of attachment like neon lights on the Vegas strip beckoning you. I see it myself, so please be careful.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Erika. I’ve got it covered.”

  Spread the Love

  “What are you doing over there?”

  Kendall turned her head to see Zeke walking up behind her. She’d been sitting in a large leather chair sipping a brandy like she said she was going to do. She wasn’t fond of the taste in the least, but it looked good on camera. She was even thinking she’d keep in the part where she took her first sip and started to cough until tears ran down her face. It’d taken a bit for her to talk without he
r voice croaking because that amber liquid burned like the sun.

  “Enjoying myself. I just finished interviewing a few guests.”

  He walked over and sat in the chair next to her. “Yours?” he asked, nodding to the still full glass.

  “Yep. Help yourself. It’s a nice prop, not so much of a nice treat to drink though.”

  “An acquired taste,” he said, picking it up and taking a sip. He didn’t flinch, gag, or cough. Just winked at her.

  “Not one I plan on acquiring. Though I do cook with it. It tastes better once the alcohol is burned off.”

  “I saw your post from yesterday. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. But why are you thanking me?”

  “Erika almost wet herself with the activity it has generated so far. Guess we had a record number of hits on our site and lots of calls and emails for reservations.”

  “That’s great. I’m glad.”

  She never expected all of this when she set out months ago. Never thought she’d have this kind of a following or reaction so quickly to new postings. She’d gotten to the point where she scheduled time to reply to social media because otherwise it’d eat up a full day.

  “So I was thinking if you didn’t have plans on Saturday, we could try for that sled ride bright and early before the trails get too heavy.”

  “What’s bright and early? Maybe we should do it during the week?”

  “It’d be lighter, traffic-wise if we waited until Monday, but I find I can’t wait that long to feel your arms around me again.”

  His comment was warming her body up faster than the brandy had. “I might be thinking the same thing. So again, how early is early?”

  “First sunlight. It’s supposed to be nice weather. I’ve got the day off, as much as I normally have a day off. Unless there are any emergencies, I’m yours for the day.”

  She liked the sound of that. “So I can get some footage of us on the sled? Maybe a nice meal afterward?”

  “You can get any and all of the footage you want. Are you going to cook another meal for me, or can I take you out?”


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