The Guardians Complete Series 1 Box Set: Contains Mercy, The Ferryman, Crossroads, Witchfinder, Infernum

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The Guardians Complete Series 1 Box Set: Contains Mercy, The Ferryman, Crossroads, Witchfinder, Infernum Page 129

by Wendy Saunders

  Theo drew in a breath, his heart pounding so loudly he feared it would be heard half a continent away. This was not the Nathaniel from Mercy, the pathetic mismatched Frankenstein of a creature Isabel West had ripped from a devil’s trap and forced into a prison of rotting flesh. No, this was the Nathaniel he remembered from his Salem, the Nathaniel with no such limitation. This was the demon in his true form, unfettered, unhindered and Theo feared, undefeatable. If it came to a fight they had no way to defend themselves against an ancient and powerful demon lord. Not only that, they couldn’t afford to expose themselves to him. Not only would it put them all in danger, including Temperance and James, but it could conceivably change the time line. He pulled in a deep resigned breath, at this point there was only one logical course of action…run.

  ‘The window,’ he mouthed to Olivia.

  Nodding in agreement she moved as quietly as she could towards the window and pushed the handle up swinging it open carefully. Grabbing Hester’s Grimoire from under the bed, ensuring it was once again bundled up in an old cloak, she dropped it out of the window, watching as it landed in a small pile of early autumn leaves. Gathering up her skirt she hitched up her petticoats and stepped up onto the small chest and climbed out of the window. She paused for a moment, legs dangling, before dropping to the ground. Turning quickly, she reached up and held out her arms for Theo to lower Temperance carefully out the window after her.

  Theo scooped his tiny little sister into his arms and lifted her to the window and then Temperance let loose a sudden cough. Theo froze, his gaze darting towards the open doorway. Sucking in a breath he practically threw her out of the window into Olivia’s arms and climbed up onto the chest grasping the window frame. Olivia pulled her into her body and pressed them both against the wall beneath the window.

  Nathaniel looked up sharply, his ears pricking up at the sudden sound. He stalked through the main room his gaze fixed intently on the back room. The door swung open to reveal a sleeping room, a large timber framed bed dominated the room. A small chest sat underneath the window, which was open letting in a cool breeze. His footfalls echoed ominously across the floor, slow and deliberate as he approached the window.

  Theo pressed his hand carefully over Temperance’s mouth praying to God she did not begin to cough again. They pressed themselves against the wall beneath the window, there was no way to make a run for it. They’d heard the steps across the floor and if they moved now they would be clearly visible. All they could do was pray he didn’t lean out of the window and look down.

  Nathaniel scanned the room his gaze narrowing suspiciously. The whole house hummed with power, an ancient power he’d not felt in centuries. He inhaled again trying to pinpoint its source but it seemed to be everywhere. His long pale fingers wrapped slowly around the window frame and stepping nearer he slowly began to lean forward.

  ‘Nathaniel?’ a stern disapproving voice snapped behind him.

  Nathaniel paused, a small amused smile tugged briefly at his lips but disappeared swiftly as he turned, schooling his features into a mask of contrite concern.

  ‘Goodman Wilkins,’ he spread his hands in a gesture of supplication. ‘I am so glad to find you in good health.’

  ‘I am afraid I do not grasp your meaning,’ James replied coolly, ‘perhaps you will explain, as soon as you have offered a reason as to why you are in my home uninvited.’

  ‘Forgive my unpardonable manners,’ Nathaniel answered smoothly. ‘I should never be so presumptuous as to enter a house without invitation but I do assure you my actions were motivated purely by concern for your well-being.’

  One of James’ eyebrows rose questioningly.

  ‘I was invited to dinner by Reverend Alcott and sampled some of your highly lauded applejack. I came by to purchase some for myself, and I knocked several times to no avail. Assuming you were not at home I resigned myself to seek you out in the orchard when I heard a terrible coughing from the house. Fearing you had succumbed to illness I ventured inside to offer aid.’

  ‘You are too kind,’ James replied carefully, ‘but I’m afraid you must have been mistaken. I am not unwell nor was I in the house.’

  ‘Perhaps you have a guest?’ he enquired with a deceptive casualness.

  ‘No it is just me,’ James’ back stiffened.

  ‘Well then,’ Nathaniel turned to leave, his gaze falling on the apron and coif Olivia had left laying across the chest and which now had a dirty boot print pressed into the material. His eyes flitted to the open window before turning back to James, a cool smile gracing his thin lips. ‘As you say I must have been mistaken.’

  ‘Thank you for your concern,’ James stood aside so he could leave the room.

  Nathaniel barely inclined his head before walking from the room. James followed him to the front door watching as he mounted his grey mare and nudged her forward into a slow walk.

  ‘Good day to you Goodman Wilkins,’ he nodded once again.

  As soon as his back was turned James closed the door and bolted it. Turning sharply on his heel he ran back through the house to the bedroom, and leaned out of the window as Theo, Olivia and Temperance looked up.

  ‘Quickly,’ he told Theo, ‘before he doubles back.’

  Nodding in agreement he lifted Temperance and passed her through the window to James. Olivia was next with the book tucked safely under her arm. Once she was safely through he hoisted himself back up and through the window.

  ‘Hide,’ James hissed.

  Theo grabbed both Olivia and Temperance and dragged them to the floor below the window while James watched passively as a dark figure seated on a grey mare appeared at the edge of the orchard.

  Nathaniel resisted the urge to peel back his lips and snarl at the offensively arrogant human. He sat astride his stupid slow horse watching James through the window of his stinking little hovel. He was hiding something he was sure of it, the whole place reeked of magic. His fingers tightened on the reins as he jerked the horse away from the house and back towards the road to the village. Whatever James Wilkins was hiding he was going to find out what it was.

  ‘I think he’s gone now,’ James looked down to the three of them huddled on the floor.

  Theo nodded as he climbed to his feet helping the other two to stand.

  ‘I think you had better tell me exactly who Nathaniel is and what he wants with you both.’

  Theo’s eyes darted to Temperance. It was obviously something not to be discussed in front of the child. James nodded, recognizing the silent agreement that they would tell him once she had returned home.

  ‘Why don’t we go and sit in the other room and have a drink. I brought in another cask of the peach and apple cider you favor, Olivia.’

  ‘That would be lovely James, thank you,’ Olivia replied brightly, not wanting to alarm Temperance any more than necessary. Taking her tiny hand in hers she smiled down at the girl with a lot more confidence than she felt. ‘Have you tried Mr Wilkins’ peach and apple cider Temperance?’

  ‘No,’ she shook her head, ‘Father brings us apple cider from market but it has a bad taste,’ she wrinkled her nose in distaste.

  Olivia chuckled lightly, ‘well I can guarantee Mr Wilkins’ is a lot better.’

  Theo watched gratefully as Olivia led his sister into the other room ahead of them.

  ‘Do you think he’ll return?’ Theo turned to James.

  ‘I don’t know,’ he frowned as his gaze fell on the soiled apron and coif, ‘he knew I was lying about having anyone else in the house. I just hope he doesn’t speak with Goodman Parris, after all I introduced Olivia to him as my niece. If Nathaniel finds out he may take it upon himself to return.’

  ‘Well there is not much we can do about it at the moment,’ Theo raked his hand through his hair in frustration, the sleeve of his shirt falling further down his arm from his wrist to his elbow.

  James’ eyes widened suddenly as his gaze locked on Theo’s arm.

  ‘What is that?’ he reached out and grabbed Theo’s wrist.

  He looked down and silently cursed. He’d forgotten about the tattoo which curved and twisted up his arm from his wrist to his shoulder in vines of blue, black and silver. How the hell was he going to explain that to James, he didn’t even know what a tattoo was, let alone the fact it magically transformed into a weapon which could kill supernatural creatures.

  ‘It’s nothing,’ he jerked his arm back fastening the cuff more securely and grabbed his leather jerkin, pulling it over his head roughly.

  James frowned in confusion.

  ‘James,’ Theo sighed, ‘I’m sorry but there are just some things I cannot explain. I hope you can understand and accept that.’

  James continued to watch him silently and Theo prayed that he wasn’t pushing him too far. James had been so kind and understanding up to this point but he knew everyone had their limit. He just hoped they weren’t approaching James’ limit because the more they told him the more they risked the time line. Finally James nodded, seeming to accept that for now.

  ‘We should wait until we’re sure Nathaniel is gone and then I’ll see Temperance home.’

  ‘That’s not a good idea Theo,’ James shook his head, ‘you can’t risk running into your brother or anyone else who might know you.’

  They walked back into the other room, Olivia and Temperance were sat at the long rectangular table sipping from a small tankard. Temperance took a large gulp as she lowered the cup and grinned directly at James.

  ‘This is so good Mr Wilkins.’

  His gaze softened and he smiled at her softly.

  ‘I’m very happy you think so Temperance.’

  She drained the cup and wiped her mouth on her sleeve. ‘Thank you for the cider Mr Wilkins but I have to go home now or father will get mad.’

  James’ mouth thinned at the mention of Mathias Beckett and his eyes followed her to the door, his expression unreadable.

  ‘I still don’t like the thought of her going alone,’ Theo scowled.

  ‘She’ll be fine’ James murmured, his eyes still locked on the small girl as she crossed the room, ‘besides I can track her movements all the way back to the Beckett farm. Even if I’m not with her I’ll know if anything is wrong.’

  ‘You can do that?’ Theo asked in surprise.

  ‘Not with everyone,’ he replied after a moment.

  Olivia watched James carefully at his admission, her fingers tapping her cup thoughtfully.

  ‘Even so,’ Theo replied, ‘I think I’ll just see her as far as the tree line and make sure she’s not followed.’

  James didn’t argue, he just watched in silence as Theo followed her out of the door.

  Olivia’s soft voice suddenly broke the silence. ‘Are you going to tell him?’ she asked bluntly.

  ‘Tell him what?’ James asked as he turned to face her.

  Olivia pursed her lips speculatively. ‘That he’s your son.’

  ‘What?’ his eyes widened suddenly, ‘that’s not…he’s…’ he shook his head.

  ‘James,’ Olivia’s eyes held his sympathetically.

  He sighed after a moment the automatic denial dying on his lips.

  ‘How did you know?’

  ‘Little things,’ she murmured thoughtfully, ‘little expressions, mannerisms. You share a lot of traits you know, he also has your smile and your eyes.’

  ‘You are too perceptive,’ he replied stiffly.

  ‘James,’ she blew out a deep breath, ‘I’ve seen the way you look at him.’

  ‘How do I look at him?’ he frowned in confusion.

  ‘With such love and longing,’ she replied easily, ‘and pride.’


  ‘Familial pride,’ she shook her head, ‘but it’s not just him, you do it with Temperance too.’

  James’ back stiffened uncomfortably and his lips clamped together as if he didn’t trust the words in his mouth.

  ‘Theo’s brother Logan was born within a year of Emmaline’s marriage to Matthias Beckett wasn’t he?’ Olivia continued quietly. ‘Then there was a gap between his birth and Theo’s which is unusual in this day and age. Add into that the fact that Logan has no magical abilities but both Theo and Temperance do, if I had to guess, I’d say that Logan is Matthias Beckett’s child but Theo and Temperance are both your children.’

  ‘Is that true?’ a harsh voice rasped from the open doorway.

  James and Olivia both turned to look and found Theo standing frozen in the doorway, his eyes blazing with anger and confusion.

  ‘IS IT TRUE?’ he shouted.

  ‘Theo you have to understand…’ James stepped towards him.

  ‘IS IT TRUE?’ he growled again.

  James stopped as he sucked in a sharp breath.

  ‘Yes, it is true’ his dark eyes locked on Theo’s, pleading for his understanding, ‘you are my son.’

  James’ heart sank as Theo turned his back on him coldly and stalked back out of the house, slamming the door with a violent and resounding crack.

  Chapter 8.

  As the door slammed with an uncomfortable finality James turned back to Olivia, who was watching him carefully.

  ‘Perhaps you should speak with him,’ James spoke quietly.


  Olivia continued to stare up at James. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go after Theo but she knew there would be time enough for her to comfort him later. Right now he needed the truth and that was something she couldn’t give him.

  ‘I’m sorry James, I like you I genuinely do, but this is your mess to clean up,’ she shook her head lightly. ‘You need to go and talk with him.’

  ‘How can I?’ he asked quietly, ‘how can I possibly explain this to him?’

  ‘Men,’ she sighed in exasperation, ‘just open your mouth and talk. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t come out exactly right, what matters is you tell him the truth and let him come to terms with it in his own time.’

  ‘But what if he won’t forgive me?’

  ‘That’s a chance you’re going to have to take,’ she told him sympathetically. ‘Do you want a chance to truly get to know your son?’

  ‘More than anything,’ he whispered.

  ‘Then this is your chance, don’t waste it.’

  Slowly James inclined his head before turning and walking out of the door, leaving Olivia sitting alone at the table. He checked around the house and then the barn but there was no sign of Theo. Knowing he wouldn’t have gone far and risk someone seeing him, James began the slow and painstaking process of searching the orchard. Frustrated and worried he wandered the rows of apple trees, wondering how he was going to explain to Theo what his mother had meant to him and him to her. He knew it wouldn’t be easy for Theo to accept, their upbringing strictly forbade adultery and fornication. It was a brutal way to describe what had been between him and Emmaline. How could he begin to explain that they were the other half of each other’s souls. That ever since she’d been gone it was as if a piece of himself was missing? He shook his head at his thoughts, frowning as he searched the tree line with his eyes. He was about to give up and return to the house to see if Theo had gone back to Olivia, when his gaze fell on a figure sitting propped up against the trunk of one of the trees.

  Theo’s angry gaze was fixed on a small twig as he turned it over and over in his hands, twisting it and causing it to splinter slowly. He didn’t look up as a shadow fell over him nor did he acknowledge the other presence.

  James sighed and sat down on the cool hard ground, the early autumn leaves crinkling under his legs as glanced sideways to Theo.

  ‘I know you are angry with me Theo, but I have much to tell you. If after hearing what I have to say you wish to never speak with me again, I will accept your decision.’ He studied Theo’s profile looking for some kind of response. ‘Will you hear me out?’

  Theo’s jaw tightened but he offered no
answer. James waited a moment longer. Theo hadn’t given an instant refusal so James could only take his silence as a tacit agreement, giving him an opportunity to tell Theo his story.

  ‘I remember the very first time I saw your mother,’ he began quietly. ‘I was in church with my parents when I looked across and saw her. Long dark curly hair and big brown eyes. I was only eight years old at the time and she a full year younger. I remember thinking she was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. Emmaline and her parents had newly arrived from the New Hampshire Colony; her father Lucas was a cooper. A few days later he came to visit my father bringing with him casks he’d made but that was not all he’d brought. Emmaline rode with him in the wagon and while he and my father discussed business we played together in the orchard.’

  James’ voice softened as he lost himself in memory.

  ‘I think I lost my heart to her that very first day, the moment she smiled at me. We were inseparable. I think it was always an unspoken agreement between our parents that when we were of age I would ask for her hand.’

  ‘Why didn’t you?’ Theo asked finally.

  ‘I never got the chance,’ James scowled at the painful memory. ‘I came into my gift late. I was almost a man when I realized I had certain abilities. Unfortunately, Emmy’s father realized too. Do you recall I what I told you about him?’

  Theo nodded slowly, ‘that he didn’t want her marrying anyone with magical blood because he was afraid her children would be born different too.’

  ‘Exactly,’ James’ jaw clenched involuntarily with anger, ‘he was a coward for many reasons. Once Emmy and I realized I had the gift too we knew her father would never allow us to marry. We planned to run away as far as we could and start a new life together.’

  ‘What went wrong?’

  ‘I travelled into Salem Town to the port with my father. He had some seedlings being brought from England for the orchard and we were to collect them, but when we arrived we learned there had been a storm off the coast and the ship was delayed. Our trip ended up taking longer than expected. Emmy’s father saw an opportunity and while I was gone he married her to Matthias Beckett.’


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