The Guardians Complete Series 1 Box Set: Contains Mercy, The Ferryman, Crossroads, Witchfinder, Infernum

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The Guardians Complete Series 1 Box Set: Contains Mercy, The Ferryman, Crossroads, Witchfinder, Infernum Page 187

by Wendy Saunders

  ‘If we all survive the coming days it will be a miracle,’ Hades sighed, casting his eyes to the ceiling.

  ‘Hades,’ Olivia pulled in a deep breath, trying to find her patience, ‘we are all well beyond tiptoeing around Zeus. It’s time for you to stand up to your brother.’

  ‘You have no idea what you are suggesting Olivia,’ Hades shook his head. ‘Do you think I won’t stand up to my brother because I’m afraid of him?’

  ‘Then why?’

  ‘Because we are Gods,’ he replied as if it should be obvious to her. ‘If Zeus and I go head to head, it will tear the world apart and I am not prepared to sacrifice millions of lives simply as collateral damage. After all, those souls will just end up in the Underworld; think of all the paperwork.’

  Despite Hades’ sarcasm she knew, as much as he insinuated how he barely tolerated mortals, he actually had a certain fondness for them. He didn’t want to see them suffer for his war with his brother anymore than she did.

  ‘Then there has to be an agreement of some sort reached; there has to be some sort of compromise,’ Olivia sighed. ‘Everything has changed and Zeus needs to accept that. If Nathaniel is not stopped and manages to get his hands on the book, not only will he free his brother but he will declare war on both you and Lucifer, and when that happens do you really think war will not spill over onto Earth? Hell will be unleashed on my world and once it has been destroyed, do you think they’ll stop there? No, I can guarantee the next stop on Nathaniel and Seth’s magical mystery tour will be the gates of Olympus itself.’

  ‘I hate to concede to a mortal,’ Hades scowled, ‘but you may just have a point. It will be chaos. The Underworld still hasn’t recovered from the loss of the Crossroads; we’re still putting down uprisings. We can’t afford for Nathaniel to get his hands on the book.’

  ‘I’m sorry it has come to this Hades,’ Olivia replied quietly. ‘I didn’t want any of this, it was all just thrown in my lap, but I can’t stand by and let them destroy my world,’ she glanced across to Theo, who smiled at her encouragingly. ‘This is the world our children are going to grow up in and I am going to make damn sure that it is not filled with monsters.’

  ‘Just when I think I couldn’t admire you anymore, you go and humble me again,’ Hades sighed. ‘Alright then little mother, for what it’s worth I will stand with you, but when Zeus finds out about this, and trust me he will, you may not like the consequences.’

  ‘That’s a risk we’ll just have to take,’ she shook her head. ‘In case you hadn’t noticed, we’ve run out of options here Hades.’

  ‘Very well then,’ he answered, ‘then there is also something else you should know.’

  ‘More bad news?’ she sighed.

  ‘Zachary,’ Hades continued, ‘Nathaniel’s second in command, I captured him at the last Crossroad.’

  ‘I know who Zachary is,’ Theo replied darkly, ‘we had dealings with each other in Salem.’

  Dealings, was a mild way to put it. Olivia knew that Zachary was the one who killed Theo’s brother Logan, after they’d finally reconciled.

  ‘Well, it may make you feel better to know that he didn’t enjoy being my guest one bit. I took the opportunity to carve my frustration with Nathaniel out of Zachary's flesh…several times.’

  ‘Good,’ Theo growled, ‘I hope he’s dead.’

  ‘Unfortunately not,’ Hades frowned, ‘he escaped.’

  ‘Escaped from you?’ Olivia asked in surprise.

  ‘He had help from…unexpected sources,’ Hades’ jaw clenched.

  ‘Who?’ Theo asked.

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Hades shook his head. ‘What matters is that he will rejoin Nathaniel and with the two demon whores Sabine and Saffire, Nathaniel now has formidable allies. You need to be very careful now.’

  Olivia nodded.

  ‘Take care of her,’ he told Theo and disappeared.

  Hades reappeared on the banks of the River Phlegethon, the river of fire, which led to the deepest depths of Tartarus. He looked up at the winding path which led up to a foreboding palace of black molten rock.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell her how Zachary escaped?’ a smooth female voice spoke directly behind him.

  ‘She doesn’t need to know right now,’ Hades turned to face his wife. ‘It would only complicate things further.’

  ‘You’re wrong, she does need to know,’ Persephone argued. ‘The Angels have never interfered in the Underworld before; they have certainly never allied themselves with demons before. She needs to know if they approach her that they cannot be trusted. Mortals are naturally hardwired to trust Angels, thanks to their misguided teachings.’

  ‘I know,’ Hades frowned, ‘but we can’t risk word of it getting out, not yet. There are delicate politics involved, not just with the Underworld and Hell, but Heaven too. We have boundaries for a reason and an exclusive agreement not to interfere in each other’s territories. Right now, we stand on the verge of war. If we are not careful all the worlds will be drawn in and everything will be destroyed.’

  ‘And what of Zeus?’

  ‘Do you listen in on all my conversations?’ he sighed.

  ‘Yes,’ Persephone replied without remorse. ‘The child is right, I have been telling you for centuries that you need to stand up to him. Zeus is…’

  ‘My brother,’ Hades sighed.

  ‘And he is also my father,’ Persephone replied, ‘unless you’ve forgotten. He acts like a child, always taking what he wants with no regard for the consequences and throwing his weight around when he doesn’t get his own way… anyway, you no longer have a choice.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean I received word from my mother Demeter. That fool the Hierophant has told Hermes of your involvement on Earth; he now knows you’ve broken the rules Zeus set down. Even now he is on his way to Olympus. It’s only a matter of time before Zeus learns what you have done and when he finds out, he will come looking for you.’

  Hades scowled, looking out across the river.

  ‘I know firsthand how hot headed he is,’ Persephone laid her hand on his shoulder, her voice low and filled with concern, ‘and when he finds you, I’m betting the last thing he’ll want to do is talk.’


  Twilight had fallen over the desert and as the sun descended toward the barren wasteland the sky burned a painful, bruised purple. Nathaniel looked out across the dried salt flats and scoffed. The humans must have thought themselves so clever to name the place ‘the devil’s playground’, when the truth was no devil, real or imagined, would be caught dead in a place like this.

  Sparse and almost devoid of life, it would hold no lure for those of his kind. Although, demon was such an arbitrary word, but humans could be quite unimaginative when it came to things they didn’t comprehend. He was so much more than they could possibly hope to understand.

  It was true that when his brother had saved him from the jaws of a mortal death and given him immortality, it had changed them both in ways they could not have foreseen, but all that was about to change. He was so close to gaining possession of the book and once he did, he would cradle limitless power in his hands. It would restore both him and his brother to their former glory, then they would rain down terrible retribution on those who’d wronged them, starting with Hades and Zeus. Next would be Lucifer and after that the whole world would be at their fingertips. He and Seth would reign as Gods for thousands of years to come and none would dare to defy them.

  His body involuntarily shuddered as he felt the heady adrenalin rush of excitement and anticipation. It had been so long since he’d felt any kind of emotion and it was arousing. He felt his body clench and his mouth flood with moisture as a wave of intense hunger passed over him. Fisting his hands at his sides he breathed deeply, fighting back the beast inside him which salivated at the thought of another human soul. Now was not the time, but soon he would have to slake this hunger. Even now he could feel
the incredible power flood his body, the strength unlike anything he’d ever possessed. It felt as if he could tear mountains out by their roots with nothing more than his bare hands.

  But not yet, he had to keep the animal inside him caged until it was time to let it loose.

  The intense wave of hunger passed and his stomach slowly relaxed. Feeling more in control he headed for the shimmering symbol burned deeply into the desert floor. Once again as he stepped inside the huge circle it rippled like a shallow pond and the light from the human world dimmed. He looked around and the world once again bore a faint blueish cast. The Raven circled high in the sky, its lonely cry echoing off the nearby mountains.

  Stepping out of the circle Nathaniel headed for the domed structure he knew was not far. As he approached he could see its blue and gold design reflecting the dying rays of light. It remained for the most part exactly the same as the last time, with its intricately patterned, tiled floor and black basalt throne flanked by burning iron braziers. The only new addition was a cage. Sitting to the left of the graceful building, the cage was dark, made of black iron. Each of the bars was etched deeply with ancient symbols, which glowed with an eerie, muted blue light.

  He approached cautiously. Ash and Cyrus stood in the center of the dome waiting impatiently and between them hung a limp figure, wearing only tattered pants. His feet were dirty and bleeding, his bare torso was smeared with dirt and covered with huge, angry raw welts, some with nasty looking scabs which oozed pus and others split open and bleeding. His head hung forward, his features obscured by a rough-hewn sack which had been dragged over his head.

  Nathaniel’s gaze dropped to the unfortunate looking figure suspended between the two Angels by his arms and was glad he hadn’t brought Sabine with him; given her attachment to Zachary, she would not take kindly to the state he was currently in.

  ‘One demon lieutenant retrieved and delivered as agreed,’ Ash spoke coolly, ‘but you seem to be missing your end of the bargain Nathaniel. Where is Samuel?’

  ‘I don’t have him,’ Nathaniel replied.

  ‘See,’ Cyrus hissed angrily, ‘I told you he couldn’t be trusted.’

  ‘I never agreed to hand Samuel over,’ Nathaniel replied dryly. ‘I told you I would give you his location.’

  ‘The demon does have a point,’ Ash conceded. ‘Very well, give me his location and I will do what you seem incapable of and capture Samuel myself.’

  ‘Fine,’ Nathaniel seethed at the insult. ‘He’ll be at the devil’s trap in Boothe’s Hollow at sundown on Samhain.’

  ‘That’s very specific,’ Ash tilted his head as he studied Nathaniel in distaste. ‘Have you added fortune telling to your list of parlor tricks?’

  ‘Samuel is not like the other Sentinels,’ Nathaniel’s eyes narrowed, ‘he can travel through time. How do you think he has remained hidden for so long? There is no way to track him; the trick is to make him come to us.’

  ‘And how do you plan on doing that?’

  ‘At Sunset on Samhain I will be in the clearing with Olivia West, the witch who has the location of the book. Zeus is even now being informed of Hades’ interference. He will confront his brother and while Hades is distracted I will lure Olivia into the Hollow. Samuel is extremely emotionally attached to the witch; if she is in danger, trust me, he’ll be there. Then it’s up to you to capture him, but if I were you I’d make sure you’re fully prepared. You will get one shot and one shot only. If you allow him to escape back through time, you will not find him again.’

  ‘We’re prepared,’ Cyrus sneered. ‘Who do you think the cage is for?’

  ‘Good,’ Nathaniel replied coolly, ‘then once you have him, get out of the Hollow; what happens afterwards is none of your concern.’

  ‘Relax demon,’ Ash replied in disgust, ‘I have no desire for that filthy, poisonous book. You are welcome to it. My sights are set much higher.’

  ‘Then we are agreed, be in the clearing in two days’ time at nightfall.’

  ‘Tell me one thing,’ Ash’s eyes narrowed, ‘why Samhain? Won’t the witch be more powerful that night?’

  ‘She’ll think she is,’ Nathaniel replied, ‘but what she doesn’t know is, the minute the devil’s trap burst open it contaminated the clearing like a cancerous cyst. The whole circle is now a dead zone, no magic will work within its boundaries and once there she will be powerless. Besides, call me a sentimentalist but I like the symmetry of it. Exactly one year ago, on All Hallows Eve, I was raised from the devil’s trap, and exactly one year later we will have come full circle, only this time I will stand with the book in my possession and my enemies dead at my feet.’

  ‘I’ll be impressed if your plan actually works,’ Ash grasped hold of Zachary and sent him stumbling toward Nathaniel, who caught him easily. ‘Two days demon and if by midnight on Samhain Samuel is not in my possession, I will carve the price out of your skin.’

  Nathaniel’s lips peeled back in a silent snarl. Turning abruptly he half walked, half dragged Zachary toward the circle. He jerked off the hood and discarded it in their wake, looking across at Zachary’s ruined face. An ugly, puckered, partially healed scar ran from his hairline to his jaw directly over his left eye socket, which now appeared to be empty. The rest of his face was a mass of bruises and swelling.

  ‘Looks like Hades had a good time, amusing himself with your face,’ Nathaniel murmured.

  ‘Amused?’ Zachary spat, his words slurred through his swollen mouth, flecks of blood and spittle running from his lips to his exposed chest. ‘He took my fucking eye.’

  ‘At least he left you the other one,’ Nathaniel moved them both into the circle, watching as it rippled and the light changed again.

  Although it was dark now in the human world it felt different, not as oppressive and monochrome as the Otherworld. The darkness was richer, more vivid and the air felt alive, whereas in the Otherworld it just felt as if its existence was one never ending echo.

  As they stepped clear of the circle Zachary collapsed to the ground with an exhausted grunt. Nathaniel stood over him, contemplatively stroking his jaw. This wouldn’t do. Zachary was part of his plan which was why he’d gone to such lengths to secure his release, but he was no good to him if he had no strength.

  There was only one way, he would have to heal him. He’d have to sacrifice some of the strength he’d been so carefully hoarding since the whore at the bar, but as long as he could harvest another human soul before Samhain, he would be able to replenish himself.

  Kneeling down next to Zachary he rolled him from his side onto his back. His breathing was coming fast in a labored wheeze, as if the short walk across the portal had wiped him out. Pressing his hand against Zachary’s naked, bloodied chest Nathaniel breathed in deeply; reaching for his power he felt it pulse deep inside of him.

  He could feel the souls screaming inside him, but he ruthlessly subdued them, drawing on their purity, their essence. A white light erupted under his palm and Zachary arched his back, screaming in agony at the white hot, searing pain spearing through his body. The light pulsed brighter and brighter. Nathaniel watched as the cuts all over Zachary’s torso sealed themselves, all trace of infection disappearing until each wound was nothing more than a thin, angry, puckered scar. The swelling and bruising on his face subsided until his skin appeared unmarred, except for the jagged scar running down his face and his missing eye.

  Satisfied, Nathaniel removed his hand, sitting back on his haunches and watching as Zachary caught his breath. A hand print was now burned deeply into his chest as he rose, pushing himself up from the ground and breathing in the cold night air.

  ‘How do you feel?’ Nathaniel asked cautiously as he too stood.

  ‘Better,’ Zachary turned his hands over in front of him, studying them as if they were different somehow. ‘I feel stronger.’

  ‘Good,’ Nathaniel nodded, ‘because I have a job for you.’

  Zachary looked up, his dark eyes
locking on Nathaniel. ‘What is it you want me to do?’

  Nathaniel smiled slowly.

  ‘I want you to do what you failed to do back in Salem…I want you to kill Theodore Beckett…’

  Tammy poured out a deep glass of Merlot and took a sip, sighing in pleasure. It’d been another long day and she was ready to curl up on the couch. Taking her glass and the bottle she walked through to the living room, switching off the kitchen light as she went. Dropping the glass and bottle carefully on the glass coffee table she picked up her book and curled into the couch, tucking her feet under her. Her cat Jules leapt up onto her lap purring loudly, snuggling down and closing her eyes as Tammy stroked her coat soothingly.

  Opening her book to the last page she’d read, she picked up her glass and took another sip. Becoming engrossed, she didn’t realize how much time had passed until she found her eyes growing heavy. Blinking and stifling a yawn she looked up at the clock and frowned. Mac should’ve been home hours ago.

  She shook her head in admonishment, silently cursing her wayward thoughts. This wasn’t Mac’s home; he was a temporary house guest that was all. They weren’t even a couple, despite his attempts to rekindle their relationship, but regardless of what he said, she wasn’t going down that road, not again. It was the same old merry-go-round they’d been riding for the past ten years and they never did seem to get it right.

  It hadn’t worked out. There’d been too many lies between them, too many secrets. She’d known that she couldn’t, in good conscience, promise herself to a man who didn’t know who she really was. He hadn’t known her real name, hadn’t even known her real age, although, she thought in amusement, she wasn’t entirely sure she knew her true age anymore.

  But he knew the truth now, a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her. She had to give him points for persistence though; the man was unrelenting. The same little voice gave her another sly nudge, why was she fighting it? He’d made it very clear there was no one else, there never had been. From the moment he’d seen her, his heart had belonged to her.


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