The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All

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The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All Page 8

by Warren Duffy

  Was severe disciplinary action taken against Dr. Tran? Far from being fired, after the shocking revelation of fraud and deception were made public, Dr. Tran was given a monthly pay raise of $1,006. As of 2012, he is still on CARB’s payroll at an annual salary of $87,492.52.

  Such is the way of California environmental law implementation in the first decade of the new millennium.

  The thrust of California’s incredible litany of eco-babble rules, regulations, and the cap and trade scheme can be traced back to Agenda 21 and the 1997 Kyoto Accords. And now, through the ICLEI’s intrusion some of the state’s largest metropolitan areas and regional planning boards are adopting the U.N.’s Green Agenda and bypassing locally elected officials.

  Earlier, I referred to the 1997 founding of the “Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Communities” shortly after the U.N.’s Kyoto Accords were compiled into Agenda 21. Here is the quote of that group’s mission statement. “The Bay Area Alliance adopted the definition of sustainable development endorsed by the United Nation’s World Commission on Environment and Development. The Earth Charter Initiative is an outgrowth of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and has many principals similar to the opinions and commitments contained in this Compact.”

  Nine counties that include 66 independent cities are under the One Bay Area banner and have created a regional planning program that is unlike any other in the state. In the 15 years since it began its work, the organization has proposed projects ranging from an ambitious web of bike paths to new and improved public transportation corridors complete with “stack and pack” affordable housing projects that are all within easy walking distance of transit stops, just as Agenda 21 and ICLEI suggested. Now, as local citizens of those 9 counties and 66 cities are becoming informed about the origins and goals of One Bay Area, public hearings are becoming downright contentious and rebellion is in the air.

  Up and down the state 136 California cities have already signed up to be recognized as ICLEI Gold Star communities and all have dutifully paid their dues to the United Nations. The massive, complicated and heavy handed UN Agenda 21 is probably already operating through a regional planning organization in your community. Under the guise of stopping global warming, ICLEI organizations are popping up everywhere like mushrooms in the night.

  The forty year skid from “California Dreamin’” to “California Disaster” is a cautionary tale for the rest of America. An old adage proclaims, “As California goes, so goes the nation.” The cautionary tale is if the U.N. ICLEI agenda has gained such a strong foothold in California and has become an economic disaster here, citizens across America—beware.

  As President Obama outlined in his 2013 State of the Union address, cap and trade or a carbon tax, along with other draconian regulations may be enforced by the unelected and virtually autonomous—EPA. As all of the anecdotal evidence from California demonstrates, over zealous eco-babble regulations are never good medicine for a sick economy.

  The terms “sustainable”, global warming, and GHG’s translate as they have in California, into imaginary pollution controls with questionable deadlines. If allowed to continue, a “green tsunami” will sweep across America and ultimately destroy this once great country.

  Incidentally, as this book goes to press, President Obama’s Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson, has resigned her post. Among the names being floated as her replacement is none other than California CARB director, Mary Nichols. Remember that name. As we have mentioned, Nichols has single handedly presided over the implementation of AB 32 complete with cap and trade. When mentioning Nichols in his publication, “Daily Caller”, Tucker Carlson called her “the most dangerous woman in America”. Considering her competition, that is a shocking achievement.

  Nichols is a lifelong environmental activist and attorney. She filed the very first successful lawsuit under President Nixon’s 1972 Clean Air Act. Her victory in that case made her the “poster girl” of the early days of neo-environmentalism. She was a founding attorney for the Los Angeles office of the powerful environmental law group mentioned earlier, NRDC. She accepted her first state environmental appointment in the 70s, during Governor Jerry Brown’s first term in office. When Brown departed, Nichols was named the first environmental officer hired by the city of Los Angeles. In her new post, she developed a penchant for politics and became the director of L.A.’s then-mayor, Tom Bradley, as he campaigned to be the first black governor of California. When Bradley lost the election, Nichols taught environmental law at UCLA, the same school where Al Gore’s power point talk was “discovered” by the Hollywood elite.

  Nichols is described in her official state biography as “responsible for implementing California’s tough new vehicle emissions standards which are stricter than federal requirements and aim to reduce emissions from cars and light trucks by 30% by 2016.”

  If Nichols replaces Jackson in the second term of the Obama Administration, reread this chapter very thoroughly and be reminded how this unelected official with virtually no oversight of her massive CARB bureaucracy has destroyed California’s economy. Imagine for a moment California’s disaster, on steroids, being implemented across the United States. Then you must decide whether her path of globalist environmentalism is the best path for America’s future.

  Our dots are collected and connected. Now what do you do with them? Read on.



  Unlike a natural tidal wave, the “Green Tsunami” can be stopped before it becomes a national catastrophe of epic proportion. But to accomplish the goal of reversing public opinion and political will, we must all become actively involved.

  Quite honestly, most of us feel impotent when the subject involves matters of national or international politics. The United Nations and the list of capitols around the world where U.N. offices work every day to push their global agenda seem far, far out of our reach.

  But the U.N. depends for its operating budget on American tax dollars. Without Uncle Stupid picking up a huge portion of the globalist’s tab, the U.N. building in New York City would fetch a hefty selling price from “The Donald”. He would no doubt convert it into lovely condos or offices overlooking the magnificent East River.

  So first things first, we must launch a nationwide campaign to stop funding the U.N.

  Consider yourself a committee of one and please start calling, writing and e-mailing your three congressional representatives (two U.S. Senators and the Congressman/woman) who represent your district. To find their names and contact information, click onto “Congress. org” and enter your zip code and mailing address into the system. Some Congressional Districts are split within a single zip code so your address is a very important entry.

  Pictures of your two Senators and Congress person will appear on your computer screen along with the leaders of both the House and the Senate. Notice too, if you click onto “Advocacy 101” and the tab “Communicating with Congress”, you get helpful, practical suggestions about contacting your representatives. You can compose one single, very brief letter and with one click of your mouse your comments are sent to ALL of your Federal lawmakers.

  Second, begin to spread the word about Agenda 21, ICLEI and America’s participation in the United Nation’s Agenda 21 program. Talk with your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers and ask them to join your campaign. Ask your U.S. Congressman and Senator to support H.R. 75 without delay and “get us out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of America”. Tell them we need those billions of dollars invested every year into the U.N.’s global governance scheme brought back home to America so we can improve our schools, fix our roads, hire police and firemen and not pay for the advancement of a the globalist/environmental agenda.

  Remember, your government representatives work for YOU and you have a right to their time. Ask for a 15 minute appointment and visit them when they are home from D.C. and in their district office. Make your vo
ice heard, get active and save America.

  The third action item is to do some investigative work and find out if your local community is promoting “Agenda 21” through ICLEI. Many states now link the distribution of highway funds and transportation dollars to the goals of the U.N. and ICLEI. If your city is already an ICLEI “Gold Star” city, get busy. Make an appointment to visit with your local government officials. Ask if they know about Agenda 21 and the way globalists are attempting to use environmental issues to establish their New World Order through ICLEI. Whether their answer is “yes” or “no”, discuss it with them. You may have some information to share with them that they knew little or nothing about.

  Take a copy of this book with you and ask them to read it. Then, make a follow-up appointment to discuss the book and any state programs that are implementing this expensive and subversive U.N. agenda. Remember, environmentalism is constructed on a bedrock of half truths and untruths that scientists everywhere are now disputing.

  Speak at city council meetings, write letters to your local newspapers and call local talk radio programs. Consider the impact you as a citizen can have on your local community. Has the U.N. globalism/socialist agenda, originally articulated by Dr. Bruntland in the 1980s, compiled into Agenda 21 by Bruntland and Strong in the 90s and promoted by Al Gore in the last decade invaded your hometown? Have well meaning local politicians bought into the discredited environmental agenda of the last century? Is your city’s planning department, not realizing that the goals of the U.N.’s plans to supersede representative government are bringing this scheme to your hometown?

  To be really encouraged, go to the website The Oregon Project. You will be shocked by the growing list of scientists who are publicly expressing skepticism about the claims of environmental alarmism. In 1997 when the Kyoto Accords were compiled into Agenda 21, a handful of scientists developed “The Oregon Project Global Warming Petition” and began signing it. It has spread like a California wild fire. When last I checked, a total of 31,487 scientists have added their signatures to the statement, “There is no credible evidence between man-made pollution and global warming.” 9,029 of the scientists are PhD’s, real PhD’s.

  Fourth, you need to get educated and stay educated so you can address this complex issue thoroughly, honestly and unemotionally. The other side is continually adding new elements or upgrading old ones to their eco-babble. Arm yourself with truth—it wins every time.

  One great source of information is the Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, Dr. Fred Singer. He is also the U.S. Team Leader for the advance microwave scanning radiometer aboard NASA’s Aqua Satellites. In July of 2012, Dr. Singer issued a report that says in part; “According to data collected from 2000 to 2011 the Earth’s Atmosphere is allowing more heat to be released into space than computer-generated models predicted.” In other words, computers are great for family fun, for school projects and for creating unbelievable special effects for Hollywood movies, but no computer program can predict the complexities of how the Universe will function for the next century. If we learned any lesson from the Climategate fiasco, computers are only as reliable as the information we feed into them.

  Also, my radio pal, Brian Sussman, certified meteorologist and former TV weatherman in San Francisco, now host of a top rated conservative radio talk show, has written two great books on the subject of environmentalism and Agenda 21; “Climategate” and “Eco Tyranny”, respectively. In chapter twelve of his latest book, he writes, “The year is 2050”… he goes on to imagine what life would be like if the environmentalists have their way and control the way we live. It is hilarious reading complete with a description of the local “Office of Green Living” that advises future citizens to subscribe to the threeR’s—reuse, reduce and recycle. Small is better in the world of global environmentalism, where a chosen few elitists will make lifestyle choices for the rest of us. The New World Order that Sussman describes is a world more suited to a science fiction movie like “Soylent Green” but it is hardly the kind of world we would all like to leave behind for our children and future generations.

  If your government officials have been unresponsive to your requests, start a petition drive in your city. (Remember, when elected officials feel the heat, invariably they see the light.) Tom DeWeese is leading the charge in the state of Virginia. Click on to “VAright” (Virginia Right) for a sample petition, then duplicate it adapting it to your local community. Circulate the petition; ask your friends, neighbors and family members to help you gather signatures. Keep the media informed about your campaign and its progress.

  Invite your family, neighbors and friends to your home for coffee and desert and have a discussion about environmentalism and the far reaching tentacles of “Agenda 21”. I met Ben Stein at his house in Malibu some time ago and he called environmentalism “the biggest threat to America behind only Islamic terrorism”. Be prepared to confront the parts of “Agenda 21” that others might embrace. Be “firm, frank, fair and friendly” as you expose the history of the environmental movement going back to Earth Day 1970 and bring them forward from there using nothing more than facts and common sense.

  By the way, another wonderful source for truthful up to the minute environmental reporting is the website, (think of Climate Depot as the Home Depot of climate information). It is maintained by Mark Morano, once staffer for Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma when he chaired the Senate Committee on Environmental Issues. Through this experience, Mark became an expert on environmental issues. More and more, he is gaining national exposure especially on the Fox News Network and CNN commenting on breaking environmental news stories. His website is absolutely without peer.

  Climate Depot is a part of a longtime Washington environmental truth telling organization, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. For 28 years, the co-founders of CFACT, Craig Rucker and David Rothbard, have been trekking all over the planet attending U.N. climate meetings. They are not only an outstanding news and information source, but I admire them for their creative activism and why my wife and I worked with them in 2008 to stop Cap and Trade nationally. In 2009, CFACT actually boarded a Greenpeace ship in the Copenhagen harbor where a U.N. climate conference was being held. Once onboard, they unfurled a large banner over the existing Greenpeace banner “The Rainbow Warrior” that now read “Propaganda Warrior” and the CFACT name. For four decades, I have heard of Greenpeace members boarding other ships; but not until 2009 had I heard of their ship being “boarded”.

  The best source for ICLEI information is the ICLEI website itself. They make no secret about their U.N. affiliation, about their globalist goals and about their strategy to take the world from where we are now to where they want the world to be; a world of urban hubs, public transportation, shortages of electric power and water and Smart Meters. They forthrightly describe their goals of creating a centralized bureaucracy that can monitor your family’s utility use and if you exceed your government ordered caps, those Smart Meters will activate and reduce your power use by remote control.

  By the way, if Smart Meter technology isn’t already on your ecobabble radar screen, you can learn about not only Smart Meters, but also the Smart Grid and the new Smart Appliances that are being designed for your home and workplace. Google the words “smart meters” to find out what that new digital electric meter that has been installed on your property, most likely without your permission, is designed to accomplish. A detailed study of Smart Meters is provided in the timely new book, “Just Say No To Smart Meters” by Orlean Koehle, California president of the Eagle Forum.

  One area I did not get into was education. Yes, folks, they are going after our education system too and must be stopped. A former teacher herself, Orlean has also written, “Common Core”—A Trojan Horse for Education Reform that goes into terrific detail concerning yet another global tentacle.

  There is not a rock you can turn over that these globalists have not already been working

  Let me close by being frank. Global Environmentalism and Global Governance has leaped out of the starting blocks and has a huge lead in the race to create their New World Order. For nearly half a century, they have been imposing their propaganda like the old Chinese “water torture”—drip, drip, drip. No matter how hard we try, we are not going to turn public opinion around in one week, one month, one year, one election or perhaps one decade. But we can and we must begin—now—today.

  Remember the words of the great American patriot Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of our great nation. “Providence,” he said, “has showered on this favored land, blessings without number. And He has chosen you as the guardians of freedom—to preserve it for the benefit of the human race. May He, who holds in His hands the destinies of the nations, make you worthy of the favors He has bestowed among you.”

  And please remember a final bit of ancient wisdom: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.



  As a final update, here are a few miscellaneous late-breaking news tidbits you need to know:

  The U.N.’s notorious IPCC that was discredited during the Climategate Scandal is at it again. The Climate Research Group is about to issue an updated report on Climate Change, Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases. Who will provide the “expert science” for their 2013 study? Nine of the studies were done in whole, or in part, by The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), another of the long list of megainternational environmental organizations. The WWF, you will recall, produced the panic about the Himalayan Glaciers melting by 2035. Two WWF employees and other activist environmentalists will serve as “scientific reviewers” of the new IPCC study. Be forewarned. The new U.N. report will most likely be another round of eco-babble written from a globalist Agenda 21 perspective.


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