Edge, Melvin “Eddie,” 126, 225
“Edinburgh Caper, The” (McKelway), 323
Edison, Thomas, 37
Edman, Irwin, 221
“Edward Damper” (W. Gibbs), 189
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 289, 332
Elements of Style, The (Strunk), 28
Elements of Style, The (E. B. White), 10, 276, 333–34
Elie, Marie Françoise, 124
Elizabeth Appleton (O’Hara), 348
Elledge, Scott, 353
El Morocco, 237
Epstein, Joseph, 11
Erwin, Henry Eugene, 270
Esquire magazine, 189, 210
Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 130
Eunson, Dale, 208
Europe on the Aisle (Cassidy), 312n
“Eustace Tilley,” 10, 85, 116, 169, 181
Evans, Hiram Wesley, 25
Evans, Joey, 76
Every Day Is Saturday (E. B. White), 178, 179
Every Week magazine, 44
Ewell, Tom, 345
“Fables for Our Time” (Thurber), 7, 223
fact checking, 42, 66–67, 87, 106
Fact magazine, 335
Fadiman, Clifton, 78, 115, 138, 177, 216
“Farewell, My Lovely!” (E. B. White), 178
FAR Gallery, 328
Farrar, John, 47
fascism, 203n, 260, 287
Faulk, John Henry, 336n
FBI, 336n
Felig, Arthur, 192n
“Fellow of Infinite Jest, A” (W. Gibbs), 341
“Feud” (W. Gibbs), 196
“Fifteen Dollars” (O’Hara), 77
film reviews:
Gibbs and, 275
Lardner, D., and, 275
Mosher and, 44–45, 275
Fire Island, New York, 1–3, 5, 9, 226–34, 249, 296, 306–7, 309–10, 312–13, 326–32, 329, 338
Fire Islander, The (newspaper), 5, 327–32
Fire Island Press, 327
Fitts, Buron, 144
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 10, 108, 112
Flahooey (musical), 206, 249
Flanner, Janet, 13, 61, 81, 259, 313, 325
Fleischmann, Raoul:
Gibbs, W., and, 225
Grant and, 124
New Yorker investment, 17–18, 26
O’Hara and, 78
Ross, H., and, 18, 73, 107, 108
Shawn and, 319
White, E. B., and, 180–81
White, K., and, 180–81
Woollcott and, 147
Flick, Jack, 183
Fontaine, Joan, 350
Fontanne, Lynn, 151
Foord, Andrew Green, 251, 254
Foord, Fritz, 254
Ford, Corey, 10, 169, 220, 290
Ford, Glenn, 297
Ford, Paul, 345
“Foreign Population, The” (W. Gibbs), 233
Forster, Louis, 67
Fortune, 51, 152, 155–57, 159, 161, 163, 168, 170, 180
Foundation Inn (Massachusetts), 143, 251–53
Frank, Leo, 15
Franklin, Benjamin, 221
Frank Seaman advertising agency, 29
Fraser, Leon, 140
Fraser’s Magazine, 85
Frazier, Brenda Diana Duff, 121, 238
Freeman, Joseph, 140
Freeport, New York, 25, 328
Frimbo, E. M., 41
From the Terrace (O’Hara), 300
Front Page, The (film), 297
Frueh, Al, 98–99, 331
Full Moon Over Brooklyn (television drama), 197n
Further Fables for Our Time (Thurber), 337
“Future Conditional” (W. Gibbs), 190
Galpin, Helen Marguerite, 128–29, 149n, 232
Galpin, William, 128
Gannett, Lewis, 283
Garland, Robert, 212
Garden City, New York, 338, 339
Garrett, Charlie, 205
Garrett, Oliver H. P., 205
Gelb, Arthur, 229, 234, 309, 312, 313
Gellhorn, Martha, 170–71
Geraghty, Eve, 103
Geraghty, James L., 103–4, 114, 116, 121, 205
Geraghty, John, 103
Gershwin, George, 228
Gershwin, Ira, 228
Getz, Arthur, 121
Ghostley, Alice, 345
Gibbs, Angelica, 20, 130–31, 325
Gibbs, Elinor:
Addams and, 324
attending social events, 245
attending theater performances, 203–5, 311
background of, 134
boats named after, 134, 234
Burr and, 308
as characters in stories, 232, 341
dealing with financial crises, 325–26
death of Wolcott, 342–45
drinking culture and, 249–51, 253
entertaining on Fire Island, 328
medical issues, 342
personal relationships and marriages, 119, 134–37
Tony’s engagement/wedding, 338–39
typing clean copies, 203
Gibbs, Francis Sarason, 19, 20
Gibbs, George, III, 19
Gibbs, George, V, 21, 22, 274
Gibbs, Janet, 136, 194, 208, 230, 232, 275, 294, 338, 341, 350
Gibbs, Lucius Tuckerman, 20
Gibbs, (Oliver) Wolcott:
acting experiences, 195–96, 355–56
Addams and, 101–2, 111–12, 229–30, 232, 311, 342–43, 349
advancing maturity, 218–19, 224–34, 324–40, 341
areas of contribution, 3, 10, 61–62, 63–66, 68, 183, 188, 192–94
Arno and, 91–92
background and early years, 19–24
Behrman and, 190, 230, 233, 234, 325
Benchley and, 111, 228
birth of, 20
Bogan and, 80, 81n, 217
books written, 3–6, 172, 187, 188, 221, 231, 232, 283, 325, 339–40, 342
Brennan and, 321
bunk and critical put-downs, 138, 141, 149–50, 152–72
caricature of, 3–4
dealing with artists, 90–93, 97–99, 104
dealing with writers, 106–7
death of, 341–43
distancing from magazine, 174, 187–97
drinking culture and, 235–37, 243–56
Fire Island and, 2, 5, 9, 226–34, 249, 296, 306–7, 309–10, 312–13, 326–32
Fleischmann and, 225
Foord and, 254
Ingersoll and, 155, 191–92
Liebling and, 225, 230, 292
Lobrano and, 224, 293, 299–300
Maloney and, 114, 116–18
Maxwell and, 188–89
McKelway and, 196, 296, 323, 344
medical issues, 293
mentioned in poem, ix
Meredith and, 191, 312, 314, 344
Miller and, 19, 23, 25
Mosher and, 45
newspaper experience, 23–26
New Yorker anniversary celebration, 315
O’Hara and, 6, 75–78, 80, 112–14, 130, 134, 136, 229, 299–300, 307, 326, 344, 348
Parker and, 106–7, 236
parodies and, 189–91, 209, 340
Pemberton and, 40n
personality and characteristics, 110–13
personal relationships and marriages, 119, 126–37, 157–58, 174, 187, 338, 341
plays written, 196–97, 213, 305–6, 308–14, 325
postwar years and, 283–84, 290, 292–93, 305–14
Ross, H., and, 11, 24–26, 39–40, 69, 77, 80, 195, 200, 205, 227, 248, 249, 255, 274–75, 277, 307, 310–13, 325, 344
Ross, L., and, 324
schoolmates of, 41, 42
Shawn and, 274, 276–77, 324
Terry and, 47
theater reviews and, 3, 118, 138, 199–216, 247–49, 337–38
Thurber and, 7, 49, 60, 93–94, 111, 119, 172, 176, 189, 222, 237, 295, 301, 305n, 310, 326, 330, 339, 344
Weidman and, 74–75
White, E. B., and, 9, 185, 221, 276–77, 331
, 355
White, K., and, 63, 69, 72–73, 74, 112, 113, 130, 221, 255, 281, 325, 341
Woollcott and, 25, 147–52, 168, 210, 218
World War II and, 194–95, 257–58, 261–63, 266, 273, 274–77, 279
Gibbs, Wolcott “Tony,” Jr.:
activities with father, 224, 234
on Addams, 112, 232
alienation from parents, 338-39
background and early childhood, 119, 136, 187, 194, 275
as characters in stories, 232, 341
death of father, 342–44
embarrassed by parents, 202, 247, 249, 325–26
escorting sister to school, 194
Fire Island and, 328–29, 338
Gill, Brendan, 53, 149n, 238, 299–300, 307n, 321
Gilligan’s Island (television show), 322n
“Girls in Their Summer Dresses, The” (Shaw), 200
Glass Menagerie, The (play), 308
globalization, 287
Gluck, Alma, 105
God Is My Co-Pilot (film), 275
Goings On About Town (The New Yorker), 17, 285n
Goldsborough, Laird Shields, 159
Gone with the Wind (film), 313
Good Food for Bad Stomachs, 316
Gorman, Tom, 288, 344
Gould, Eleanor, 121
Gould, Jack, 215
Grange, Red, 153
Grant, Jane, 18, 124
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 112
Great Neck News, 210
Greenstein, Milton, 346
Griscom, Lloyd Carpenter, 23, 25, 128, 224
Gude, “Jap,” 126
Guinzburg, Harold, 195
Guys and Dolls (musical), 200, 338
Hadden, Briton, 154–55, 159–60
Hagen, Uta, 308
Hahn, Emily, 127, 184
Hale, Edward Everett, 132
Hale, Nancy, 132–34, 187, 225–26, 247, 341
Hall, Roger, 330
Hamburger, Philip, 53, 246, 261–62, 267, 322, 352
Hamilton, Hamish, 295
Hammett, Dashiell, 205
Hampton, Hope, 198
Harburg, “Yip,” 206
Hardin, Mark, 133
Hardin, Taylor Scott, 133
“Hargedorn & Brownmiller Paint and Varnish Co.” (O’Hara), 75
Harper and Brothers, 94, 220–21
Harper’s Bazaar, 187
Harper’s magazine, 62, 168, 185–86, 220, 260, 278, 279, 303
Harriman, Margaret Case, 64, 66, 169
Harris, Jed, 117, 208
Hart, Moss, 146, 198, 228, 230
Harvard Crimson, The, 207
Harvard Lampoon, The 141
Harvard University, 32, 103, 115, 174, 209, 214
Harvey, Alice, 84, 89, 93
Hauxhurst estate (New Jersey), 225–26
Hawkins, Lou “Goldie,” 2
Hawkins, William, 312
Hayes, Carlton J., 140
Hayes, Helen, 66, 228, 290
Hayes, Rutherford B., 239
Hearst, William Randolph, 160, 164, 189, 329
Heflin, James Thomas, 160
Hellman, Geoffrey T., 50–52, 64
Hellman, Lillian, 110, 179, 205, 245, 248–49, 267
Hemingway, Ernest, 4, 44, 76, 108, 179, 238–39, 300, 333, 340
Henry Holt, 3, 171, 344
“Here Is New York” (E. B. White), 304–5
Hergesheimer, Joseph, 305
Hersey, John, 10, 71, 284–85
Hershkowitz, Melvin, 296
Hewes, Henry, 201, 247
Hewes, Jane, 247
Heydrich, Reinhard, 145
Hill, Grover B., 213
Hill School (Pennsylvania), 21, 23, 41, 42, 61, 214, 263
Hilton, Ned, 89
Hiroshima (Hersey), 284
Hiroshima bombing, 10, 284, 285
Hirschfeld, Al, 169, 209
Hispaniola, 33
Hitchcock, Alfred, 114
Hodges, Gil, 224
Hodgins, Eric, 168, 169
Hoff, Syd, 91
Hokinson, Helen, 89, 93, 115, 285
Holden, Raymond, 50, 72, 217
Holiday magazine, 304
Hollywood Ten, 289
“Home” (Thurber), 96–97
Home Sector, The (publication), 16
Honeycutt, Ann, 125–27, 251–52, 254, 316, 321, 331
Hoopes, Roy, 191
Horace Mann School (New York), 21
Horace Waters & Company, 27
Hormel, Jay, 315
Hotel Manhattan, 209
Houdini, Harry, 37
Houghton Mifflin, 288
Howard, Leslie, 228
Hoyt, Nancy, 108
Hudson Observer, 16
Hughes, Elinor, 311
Hurst, Fanny, 198
Huxley, Aldous, 340
Hyde, Fillmore, 33
Hyperion Theatre, 214
“If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox” (Thurber), 60
“If You Ask Me” (PM), 175
I Killed the Count (play), 199
illustrations (The New Yorker):
about, 82–84
Addams and, 3, 99–103, 262, 329, 349
art meetings, 85–93, 97–98
attention to detail in, 85–87
Geraghty and, 103–4
Gibbs, W., and, 97–99
Ingersoll and, 156
Irvin and, 84–85
risqué themes in, 87–88
Thurber and, 93–97, 240–41, 259
“Imagine Kissing Pete” (O’Hara), 348
In Cold Blood (Capote), 352
“Inflexible Logic” (Maloney), 114
Information, Please (radio show), 216
Ingersoll, Ralph McAllister:
areas of contribution, 48
Arno and, 119
background and career, 48–49
dealing with artists, 156
Gibbs, W., and, 155, 191–92
Long and, 119
Luce and, 155–58, 161–62, 164, 166, 168–69
PM newspaper and, 48, 175, 191
Ross and, 49–50, 155–57, 162, 168–69
Thurber and, 155, 175
White, E. B., and, 59, 180
White, K., and, 155
Irvin, Rea, 40n, 84–85, 94, 262, 320
Is Sex Necessary? (E. B. White and Thurber), 94–95
Ives, George, 308, 311, 314
Jackson, Robert, 142
James, Henry, 36, 60
Janie (play), 3
“Jesus” slot, 48–55
Johnson, Nunnally, 241, 244
Johnston, Alva, 274
Jory, Victor, 313
Josephson, Matthew, 140
Journey’s End (Sherriff), 272n
Joyce, James, 185
Judge, 17
“Jukes Family Revisited, The” (W. Gibbs), 210–11
Julius Caesar (play), 195
Kafka, Franz, 302
Kahn, E. J., Jr., 15, 47, 53, 263, 320
Karasz, Ilonka, 261
Karvonides, Constantine, 328, 329, 332, 338
Kaufman, Bel, 250
Kaufman, George S., 18, 146, 313n, 317
Kaye, Danny, 224
Kazan, Elia, 212
Keats, John, 252n
Keeler, Ruby, 246
Kelly, Nancy, 308
Kelly, Wally, 243
Kemp, Hal, 321
Kemp, Martha Stephenson, 321
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 350
Kennedy, John F., 284, 351
Keyes, Evelyn, 297
Kierstead, Mary D., 313
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 213–14
“Kingdom of the Blind, The” (W. Gibbs), 275
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 348
King, Muriel, 141
Kinkead, Eugene, 174, 224
Kiss Me Kate (Spewak), 296
Knickerbocker, Cholly, 213
Knox, Philander C., 28, 37
Kober, Arthur, 256, 268, 300, 331
ramer, Linda, 208
Kriendler, Peter, 113
Kronenberger, Louis, 211, 225
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 212
Kuehner, Gus, 37
Kuhn, Loeb financial firm, 128
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 92, 153
Lang, Daniel, 263
Lardner, David, 265–66, 275
Lardner, Hazel, 250
Lardner, James, 265
Lardner, John, 217, 225, 227, 243, 250, 265–66, 312, 331
Last Flower, The (Thurber), 259
Laurie, Joe, 229
Lawrenson, Helen, 245
Leacock, Stephen, 41
League of New York Theatres, 207, 248
Leahey, Joseph “Spot,” 56
Lehigh Valley Railroad, 267
LeMay, Curtis, 268, 269
Lemmon, Leonore, 233, 238, 244, 307
Leonard, Baird, 107–8
Leslie’s Weekly, 44
“Letter from Luxembourg” (D. Lardner), 265
“Letter from Maine” (E. B. White), 9
“Letter from the East” (E. B. White), 9, 333–34
“Letter from the North” (E. B. White), 9
Let Your Mind Alone! (Thurber), 174
Lewis, Sinclair, 189–90, 340
Liebling, A. J.:
Bernstein and, 237
Gibbs and, 230
Gibbs, W., and, 225, 292
McKelway and, 53, 263–64, 323
medical issues, 332
Ross and, 13, 293n, 319, 344
White, K., and, 71
World War II and, 263–65
Life magazine, 16, 85, 118, 152, 154, 159, 169, 171, 311–12
“Life with Father” series (Day), 68
Lillie, Bea, 228
Limited Edition Club’s Gold Medal, 279
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 260
Little, Herbert, 126n
Little, Lois, 126n
“Little King” illustrations, 83
Lobrano, Dorothy, 281, 320
Lobrano, Gustave:
areas of contribution, 12, 280–81
Arno and, 185
background and early career, 183–85
death of, 320, 334
Gibbs, W., and, 224, 293, 299–300
Kober and, 300
McKelway and, 294
medical issues, 297
New Yorker anniversary celebration, 315
Ross and, 184, 259, 266, 267, 268
Shawn and, 320–21
Thurber and, 266, 282, 336
White, E. B., and, 183, 185, 281, 320
White, K., and, 183, 185, 280–82, 320–21
World War II and, 259, 267
Lobrano, Jean, 183
Lockwood Concern, The (O’Hara), 348
Loco (play), 208
Long, Lois, 27, 105–6, 119–20, 139, 217, 222, 236, 265
Long Day’s Journey into Night (play), 21
Long Island Rail Road, 22–23, 112, 127, 129, 149n, 196, 214, 340
Lorimer, George Horace, 242
Louis, Joe, 67, 225
“Love, Love, Love” (W. Gibbs), 128
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 214
Luce, Clare Boothe, 157–58, 163, 169–70, 308
Luce, Henry R., 4–5, 152–72, 284, 340
Lunt, Alfred, 151
Lynn, Lorna, 210
Cast of Characters Page 48