The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Janet (Book 2)

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The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Janet (Book 2) Page 15

by Peggy Webb

  He sat on the edge of the bed, tray propped on his knees, and leaned over to kiss her. He tasted of strawberry jam.

  Laughing, she leaned back against the pillows. “Been in the jam pot, have you?”

  “I see it will be impossible to keep any secrets from you.”

  “Don’t even try.” She put her hands behind his neck and drew him forward for another kiss. “Mmm, I like strawberries in the morning.”

  “I come in other flavors, too. Grape, raspberry, orange, cherry, kumquat.”


  “Just checking to see if you were paying attention.”

  She suddenly sat upright. “You’ll be late for school.”

  “I’ve called for a substitute. I plan to devote the entire day to you.”

  She was thoughtful a moment. The man sitting on her bed had given unselfishly of himself; he had sacrificed time and passion to help her make it through a bad night.

  “Thank you, Dan.”

  “Doc, we’re going to have a wonderful life together.”

  “Coach, is that a proposal?”

  “No, but this is.” Setting the tray on the bedside table, he knelt beside the bed and took her hand. “Janet, will you marry me?”

  “Is this a multiple-choice test?”

  “No. One choice.”

  She teased him by appearing to be deep in thought over her answer. He wiped imaginary sweat from his brow. Finally, she smiled.

  “Yes, Dan. Oh, yes.”

  They reached for each other at the same time. Somewhere halfway between the bed and the floor, they met. Janet threw her arms around his neck, he tugged, and they both ended up on the floor, arms and legs tangled, kissing as if they would never stop.

  “Hmm, you’re better than strawberry,” she murmured.

  “And you’re better than cotton candy.” He pulled her hard against his chest and buried his face in her hair. “Janet, I love you. Did I tell you that?”

  She pressed her face into the warm hollow of his neck and softly kissed the pulse spot there. “And I love you.”

  “I neither expect nor want you to give up your career.”

  “I’m glad you said that.” She brushed his tousled hair back from his forehead. “A long time ago, my friends and I decided we could have it all, career and marriage and a family. It will a lot of adjustment, but I want to make this work, Dan.”

  “So do I, Janet.” He glanced around her bedroom. “I’ll live here if you want. Or we can get another place, slightly bigger, but one suitable to your tastes.”

  “I’ve grown rather fond of that big, old house on Church Street.”

  His smile was bright enough to light all of Tupelo. “You mean that beautiful Victorian mansion so lovingly restored by the famous soccer coach?”

  “That’s it. The one that has room for Harvey and six kids in the backyard.”

  “Harvey and Gwendolyn and six kids and five puppies.”

  Laughing, they sat up and he retrieved their breakfast tray. .

  Janet eyed the bacon and eggs. “I know this wasn’t in my refrigerator.”

  “While you slept, I went to my house to get them.”

  “My love, this kind of food is okay on occasion, but I have to warn you that I’m a really tough doctor when it comes to proper diet. I’m planning to throw out your bacon, hot dogs and cream-filled cupcakes, and substitute wheat bran, yogurt and fresh fruit.”

  “I’ll try to eat just what my doctor orders, but I’m not making any rash promises.”

  “I didn’t think you would.”

  As they finished their breakfast, they went to Dan’s house on Church Street.

  Harvey and Gwendolyn, who had entered the house through the doggie door, greeted them in the hallway with wagging tails.

  “So this is your lady love.” Janet bent over and patted Gwendolyn’s head. “I know just how you feel, my dear.”

  Dan chuckled. “Not quite. I’m afraid Harvey hasn’t been as restrained with his passion as I have.”

  Janet looked at him in mock outrage. “Careful how you tarnish a lady’s reputation. See how insulted Gwendolyn looks.”

  “Not nearly as insulted as her owner, I’ll bet. I think it’s time to pay that dear lady a call.”

  Gwendolyn’s owner was Miss Fannie Mae Small, and she was, indeed, outraged about Gwendolyn’s fall from virtue.

  Her pouty red mouth trembled and her fat yellow curls twitched as she shook her head angrily.

  “My Gwendolyn is a dog of impeccable lineage. You mean to tell me she has spent the last two days in the company of that horrible unpedigreed creature you keep in your backyard?”

  “I’m afraid so.” Dan winked at Janet. “It appears to me the damage has already been done.”

  “You mean...” Fannie Mae covered her mouth with her hands and stifled a scream of horror. “Oh, my poor baby, my poor innocent b-a-a-be-e-e-e.” She uncovered her mouth and glared at Dan. “Where is she? Where is my poor lamb?”

  “She’s at my house, with Harvey.”

  “She’s still with him! Oh, dear. She’ll never be the same.”

  “They seem quite taken with each other,” Dan said.

  “My Gwendolyn has better taste!”

  “Apparently not.”

  Fannie Mae wrung her hands. “Oh, dear. What will I do? I did so want her to remain pure until I could have her fixed.” She glared at Dan with malevolent little eyes. “She was going to be a great show dog, you know.”

  “Perhaps after the puppies are born...”


  “It looks that way to me.” He put his arm around Janet and stepped closer to Fannie Mae. “What my fiancee and I would like to do is buy Gwendolyn.”

  “You want me to sell my precious lamb?”

  “Look at it as giving her hand in marriage. She would be right next door so you could see her any time you liked. And we would take very good care of her and the puppies. In the meantime, you could get another poodle and raise it to be a show dog.”

  “Well...” Her curls bobbed as she tossed her head this way and that, apparently in an agony of thought. Finally she said, “You may have her on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That your dog marry her. I’m not talking about some little puny backyard affair with a bogus preacher mumbling a few words: I’m talking about a real wedding.”

  Dan and Janet stared at each other, and then they began to grin.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Doc?”

  “A double wedding?”

  “Why not?”

  “Why not, indeed.”

  They both burst into laughter.


  From: Janet

  To: Molly, Bea, Joanna, Clementine, Catherine, Belinda

  Re: My Wedding!

  You’re not going to believe this, but I’m married! I know we said we’d all be bridesmaids at each other’s weddings, but if I wait until I have enough time to plan a wedding, I’m going to be getting my first gray hair.

  We only had family there. My parents and my brother drove up from Jackson, and Dan’s sister and her family were there. We were quite a motley lot down at City Hall, let me tell you. Dan’s nephew Butch found a black crayon in the back seat of their car and painted himself a grand mustache; Merry had poison ivy blisters and scratched the whole time, and then, of course, there was Harvey.

  You remember my big stray mutt? Well, he got the standard poodle next door in the family way, and her owner would have nothing but a wedding. Harvey wore a bow tie, and Gwendolyn – that’s the poodle – wore a veil. It was quite obviously a shotgun wedding. For the poodle – not for me! Naturally, I stayed true to Rule Four.

  You’ll have to excuse me now. My husband is calling my name, and I think it has something to do with the fourth rule!


  Janet Hall Albany

  She shut off her laptop and went padded barefoot through the wonderful old house on Church Street.
Her house now. She could hardly believe it!

  Dan was sitting on a big mahogany king sized bed removing his shoes and socks. He looked up when she came into the room, and his shoes clunked to the floor.

  “Mrs. Albany, what is that fetching black lace thing you’re wearing?”

  “It’s called a teddy, Coach.”

  “I hope you packed lots of those in your suitcase.”

  “One in every color.”

  He came toward her, leaving the rest of his clothes in a trail behind him. Then he reached out and slowly began to lower the straps on her teddy.

  “Hmm. Fetching as you are, I think I’d like you better without it.

  “Coach, are we going to talk all night, or what?”

  He swung her into his arm and carried her to the bed.

  “Or what, Doc.”

  Then he lowered her to the bed and took a very long time exploring Virginia.


  From: Janet

  To: Molly, Bea, Joanna, Belinda, Clementine, Catherine

  Re: Addition to the family

  Harvey and Gwendolyn had six puppies! They are the cutest little things. One of them has Harvey’s floppy ears. Dan’s enchanted, but I told him not to get any ideas until after I finish my internship.

  Molly, your dad has already spoken for two. I asked if he was going to keep them in his apartment, but he said he was looking for a bigger place.

  I’ve got to go now. Dan’s team has a soccer game tonight, and I try to go to all of them. He’s the most adorable, most supportive man! The least I can do is support his team. But I draw the line at hot dogs. Still, he loves them, and I’m hoping to get him used to the idea of eating the ones made with turkey.



  From: Clementine

  To: Bea, Molly, Joanna, Belinda, Catherine, Janet

  Re: Thanksgiving

  Speaking of turkey, why don’t you and Dan come to Peppertown for Thanksgiving? Belinda, you come, too, and bring Reeve and the children. Since we’re all here close, it would be such fun to have a holiday meal together. I’ll have my brothers add an extra leaf to the table. Oh, do come!


  From: Catherine

  To: Janet, Clemmie, Joanna, Belinda, Molly, Bea

  Re: Holidays

  I can’t believe the holidays are almost here. I dread going home. Mother is sure to start nagging me about Billie Joe. He has more money than God, and she thinks he’s the Catch of the South! Ugh! I can’t stand him. He paws! OMG, now I’m so upset I’m going to have to go out and buy new shoes.


  From: Belinda

  To: Clemmie, Bea, Joanna, Molly, Catherine, Janet

  Re: Holiday plans

  Clemmie, we’d LOVE to come over for Thanksgiving! Reeve and the children are very excited about it. Quincy will be celebrating with her brother and his family, and I know if I attempt to cook a turkey it’s liable to turn into something awful that will explode like the Hindenburg! Janet, I do hope you and Dan can come, too!


  From: Molly

  To: Bea, Joanna, Catherine, Janet, Clementine, Belinda

  Re: Daddy

  You are NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!!!! Daddy is getting married! To that woman he met on I thought I was going to DIE when he told me! But here’s the part that just blows my mind! The lady Daddy fell in love with is none other than Glory Ethel Adams!


  From: Bea

  To: Molly, Joanna, Catherine, Janet, Clementine, Belinda


  Are you kidding me!!! My mother has been carrying on with your daddy all this time, online, for God’s sake, and I didn’t know a thing about it!!! Dang, I don’t know whether to laugh myself to death or go out and get drunk! Do you think they’re really going to get married!!! For God’s sake, that’s for young people!!!


  From: Joanna

  To: Molly, Bea, Clementine, Catherine, Janet, Belinda

  Re: Mr. Rakestraw and Mrs. Adams

  That is the CUTEST THING I ever heard of!!! Bea, don’t you dare say anything to hurt your sweet mother’s feelings. And Molly, I think that’s just DIVINE! You and Bea are going to be step-sisters!!! OH MY, how COOL is that!!!! Don’t you just love LOVE, even if it is geriatric? I can’t wait to hear how this DARLING little plot plays out!!!


  -The End-

  While Carrie Bradshaw was looking for Sex in the City, the Dixie Virgins were looking for love, marriage and a baby carriage! Sassy, funny and charming, The Dixie Virgin Chronicles is a seven-book series that follows the feisty, independent women who met at a summer camp for girls, and live by the rule Never let the boys from Camp Geronimo get close enough to see your Virginia. Books one and two are available as e-books now, books three and four are coming the first week in October, 2013, and books five, six and seven will be available by the end of October, 2013.

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Belinda (Book One)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Janet (Book Two)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Molly (Book Three)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Bea (Book Four)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Clementine (Book Five)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Joanna (Book Six)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Catherine (Book Seven)

  Book Three Excerpt - The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Molly

  By Peggy Webb


  From: Molly ([email protected])

  To: Bea, Janet, Clementine, Catherine, Joanna, Belinda

  Re: Daddy’s wedding

  It’s wonderful to be home and finally free! I’m so glad Daddy decided to postpone the wedding until I finished my art degree and he could get a little house. OMG, Bea, your mother and your brother are driving over to meet us, and I can’t wait to see them again! I think I still had braces and a bad case of zits the last time I saw Sam.

  Much love,


  From: Janet ([email protected])

  To: Molly, Bea, Clementine, Catherine, Joanna, Belinda

  Re: Your Future

  I’m thrilled to have you back, Molly! I know you don’t like to plan anything ahead, but now is a good time to be thinking about your future, before the next school term in Tupelo. If you decide to stay, Dan can help you find a job teaching art in the city schools. Your Parisian art degree will be very impressive! And everybody loves and respects the Coach! Including, of course, me!



  From: Belinda ([email protected])

  To: Molly, Bea, Clementine, Catherine, Joanna, Janet

  Re: The House

  That is the cutest little house, Molly! I’m so glad it’s close enough so Janet and I can both walk to see you. Oh, do stay in Tupelo! We’ll have such fun together, especially when Clemmie can drive over and join us. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all ended up in the same city!

  By the way, Janet, Betsy and Mark adore that little puppy you and Dan gave us. They call him Peanut, and he makes every step they do. They love to argue over whether he looks more like that lovable mutt Harvey or that pedigreed poodle Gwendolyn.

  Quincy is still with us, thank goodness! She pretends she hates the idea of having a dog in the house, but she’s just bluffing. I see the way she gives him treats when she thinks nobody is looking! Not hot dogs, Janet. I’ve told everybody that the granddog of a doctor has to eat healthy food!



  From: Catherine ([email protected])

  To: Molly, Belinda, Janet, Clementine, Bea, Joanna

  Re: Wedding Dress

  Bea, tell your darling mother I’ll pick out a wedding dress down here in New Orleans. Better yet, you drive over and Molly can bring Glory Ethel down here, and we can all go shopping together! OMG, you should see the party dress I got on Canal! It’s silver with a sequined bodice. We’re having a spring bash at the Vet school, formal no le
ss, which is perfectly shocking! I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something tacky, but you ought to see these other women in the school of veterinary medicine. You’d think they were auditioning for the part of the dogs they treat! OMG, I’m turning into a real….


  From: Clementine ([email protected])

  To: Molly, Janet, Belinda, Catherine, Bea, Joanna

  Re: Food

  Molly, do you want me to bring some food over before Bea’s mom gets there? I know you hate to cook, and Mr. Jed doesn’t do casseroles. I have this delicious squash casserole that freezes well. It’s a favorite with the boarding house regulars. And there’s this wonderful hamburger casserole recipe I found in Southern Living that I know your daddy would love!

  Much love,


  From: Joanna ([email protected])

  To: Molly, Janet, Belinda, Catherine, Bea, Clementine

  Re: Geriatric Sex

  I’m just DEAD WITH ENVY! Molly’s out of school and I’m still stuck here in Madrid with the nuns! I’ve spent a lot of time in the library lately. They think I’m studying, but I’m actually looking up GERIATRIC SEX! OH MY, I just thought, all I have to do is ask Janet. Is it possible for somebody OLD like Bea’s mom and Molly’s dad to have ANOTHER BABY? I mean, don’t your eggs dry up or something when you turn forty?

  Big Hugs!!!


  From: Bea ([email protected])

  To: Joanna, Molly, Belinda, Catherine, Clementine, Janet

  Re: SEX!!!

  OMG, Joanna!!! Wash your mouth out with soap!!!! My brother already has his jockeys in a wad about Mother getting married. He’s have a heart attack if she got pregnant. BTW, I don’t think that can happen at their age, and besides, if there’s any possibility, Mother has sense enough to use protection!!!

  Dang, now you’re got me to thinking about my mother with Molly’s dad! I don’t even want to picture it! Besides, it’s totally not fair that I’m sitting out here in Texas with nobody even close enough to yell howdy to my Virginia, much less saddle up and up and yell Ye Haw!!!


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