One More Time (MMG Series Book 3)

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One More Time (MMG Series Book 3) Page 3

by Hilliard, R. B.

  “I’m Dillon,” I said, my voice slightly cracking.

  Her hand grasped mine and it suddenly felt as if she had a strangle hold on my balls. Trying to catch my breath, I fought back a strong desire to get up and walk out the door.

  “Hi, I’m Isabella and I’m really sorry I’m late.” Her sexy, slightly raspy voice wound through me. Closing my eyes, all I could think was…I’m in deep shit here.

  Hours later, I found myself carrying her down the hall to her bedroom so I could strip her naked and get inside her, which was something I’d been wanting to do since the first second I glanced into her sapphire blue eyes. My mind drifted back to how much I normally disliked sharing the stage…with anyone. However, tonight, when Isabella started singing Into the Mystic, I wanted to drop to my knees and worship at her feet. Her whiskey-filled voice singing one of my all-time favorite songs did something to me. Something that… if I was totally honest… had the potential to scare the ever living shit out of me…if I let it. Never gonna happen. Brutus’s nails clicking down the hall behind us brought me back to the woman in my arms and what I was about to do to her.

  “It’s the door at the end of the hall,” she instructed. “Please put me down, Dillon.”

  The way she said my name, with that sultry voice of hers, shot my mind straight to the gutter. Ignoring her request, I nudged the bedroom door open and carried her through it.

  “Stay, Boo.” She commanded over my shoulder before reaching out behind us and shutting the door.

  As I carried her across the room to the bed, I couldn’t help but notice how tidy everything was. Unlike my place, there were no clothes or shoes on the floor and nothing was draped across the two blue chairs by the large bay window or the immaculately made bed. Her king size bed sported a dark red comforter with blue and green flower thingys all over it. At least twenty or so pillows of all shapes and sizes were piled up against the headboard. I never understood the point of having so many pillows. All you do is toss them on the floor each night. Not to mention what a pain in the ass they are to put back in the morning. Give me two pillows and a blanket and I’m good. The deep, rich red walls made me think of winter and long nights in front of a roaring fire. Not wanting to topple the tower of pillows, I placed her on the foot of the bed. Her lust filled blues peered up at me and I felt ten feet tall. Stepping between her knees, I stared down at her.

  “When Charlie asked me to share the stage with you, I pictured a pimply twenty year old.” I confessed.

  She snorted. “He called me Ibby, didn’t he?”

  “He did.”

  “That’s his nickname for me. I don’t have the heart to ask him to stop calling me it.”

  “Don’t. It’s cute.”

  A blush spread over her gorgeous face. “Ummmmm, okay.”

  “Well, Ibbs, let me tell you what I want. I want to strip you bare and discover what makes you tick. Do you think you’re up for that?”

  Her mouth opened in a silent “Oh” and a blush spread across her beautiful face. “I would like that…I just…uh… hope I don’t disappoint you.”

  The shy insecurity in her tone caused my protective hackles to rise. Does she really have no clue as to how gorgeous she is or is she playing me? I dropped down to my knees and wedged my body between her legs. Pulling her close, I searched her face. If she was teasing me, I was pretty sure I would see it in her eyes. Nothing but innocence stared back at me and I couldn’t help but think…before I ruin the good in this woman, I should walk out the door and never look back.

  On that thought, I started to stand. Before I could get my feet under me, delicate fingers wound through my hair and held me in place. I opened my mouth to tell her I had to go but was met with soft lips tenderly brushing against mine. The second her tongue entered my mouth I was a goner. She let out the sweetest sounding sigh and, like a thirteen year old boy, I almost shot a load in my pants. Slowly, as if sensing what I needed before I did, she tilted her head, opened her sexy mouth and twirled her tongue around mine. Selfishly, I wanted more. Pulling back, I told her to raise her arms above her head. She instantly complied and I rewarded her with a hot, wet kiss before stripping her shirt from her body and tossing it on the floor. I focused in and had to blink a few times just to make sure I wasn’t imagining the vibrantly colored tattoo trailing up her left arm and spilling onto her collarbone. Another one peeked out from underneath her bra. I felt the urge to touch and taste it, but that would have to wait. First I needed to take the edge off. Before I could get my hands on her, she reached back and grabbed one of the pillows. It took me a second to figure out what she was doing. What the…?

  “Don’t you dare cover yourself,” I growled, pulling the pillow from her grasp and tossing it on the floor.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

  I opened my mouth to ask what she had to be sorry about, but realized that would invite a much more personal conversation than I was ready or willing to have. I wanted in her pants, not her personal dating history. And I definitely did not want to talk about some guy whose ass I would want to kick for making her feel any less than the amazing woman she is.

  Carefully, so not to scare her, I reached up and lightly brushed my hands across both of her shoulders and down her arms to the tips of the fingers she had folded tightly across her chest. With a gentle nudge, she opened her arms and dropped them to her side. All the while, she stared down at her lap. She reminded me of a wounded child and I couldn’t shake the thought that someone had made her this way. This bothered me more than I wanted to admit. Placing two fingers under her chin, I forced her eyes back to mine.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, baby. You…this…” I pointed to her body, “is perfect. Okay?” She gave a shy nod and I couldn’t help but lean in and taste her again. As I felt her relax into the kiss, I reached around and flicked open the clasp of her bra. She tensed, but only for a second. One at a time I pulled the straps down, giving her no choice but to accept the inevitable. This was going to happen.

  Her tits were perfect…large, lush and… real…just perfect. I couldn’t wait to get my lips on them. The words “Live Life As If You Mean It,” were inked across her upper ribcage and somewhat hidden by both breasts. A needle of jealousy towards the tattoo artist pierced through me and I quickly shook it off. A vine of daisies and ladybugs scrolled under the words. Inching forward, I forced her knees further apart so I could dip my head and sweep my tongue from one of the ladybugs up to her taut, pink nipple. I flattened my tongue and stroked it up and down across the bud, causing it to harden. She let out a low moan that reverberated through me and straight down to my pulsating dick. The need to strip her bare and plunge into her heat was overwhelming but I knew if I followed my base urges, I would lose the opportunity for…something. I didn’t know exactly what this something was, but I knew it existed and I wanted it. Normally, this would scare the shit out of me. For some strange reason, the desire to watch this sweet, innocent woman scream for me over and over again overrode my usual selfish need to get off and walk away. Go figure.

  “More,” she rasped in that sultry whiskey voice of hers, and my cock throbbed in my pants.

  I stood from my crouched positon and gently pushed her onto her back. Taking a step back from the bed, I stared down at what had to be the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Long legs melted into a lush hourglass figure. Before she could change her mind, I had her jeans and panties off her body and tossed them on the floor with the rest of her clothes. Circling her slender ankles with my fingers, I stroked my hands up her mile long legs, while following along behind with my tongue. She chanted my name as if it was a prayer. I had never felt more like a man than I did at that moment. Normally, I had stellar self-control, but tonight, with this woman, I had none. Skimming my tongue up the inside of her thigh, my head swam with her floral, citrus essence and suddenly I wanted to slow things down, to savor her. What the hell, Dillon? You need to stop thinking this
shit. Shaking all thoughts from my head, I forced myself to speed up by latching onto her clit and giving it a good, hard suck. This caused her to scream and buck. She let out a long gasp of pleasure and groaned my name when I slid a finger inside.


  Fuck! She was tight and wet. I wanted inside her more than I wanted my next breath.

  “Feel good?” I asked.

  She frantically nodded her head up and down.

  “You want more?”

  Instead of giving me words, both of her hands shot to my head. She threaded her fingers through my hair and tilted her hips to my mouth. I had my answer. With my fingers and my mouth, I gave it to her and she loved every minute of it. Right as the orgasm hit, she scratched her short nails across my scalp. This woman was made for me trickled through my conscience. Pushing it away, I stood and stripped off my clothes. Then I climbed up her body and stared down into her sated blue eyes.

  “Are you ready for me, Isabella? ‘Cause if you’re not, you’d better say so now.”

  Her lips turned up and I couldn’t help but notice how her whole face lit up when she smiled.

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re really good at that?” she huskily asked. I answered with a smile. Her eyes bore through me as I ripped open the condom wrapper. They followed my hands down to my hard cock and widened in surprise when I pumped it a few times before sliding the condom on.

  “I’m even better at this,” I told her, right before I entered her.

  Isabella let out a short gasp followed by a long moan of pleasure as she wrapped her mile long legs around my back and dug her heels into my ass. This spurred me to go deeper. Dropping my mouth to hers, I licked at the seam of her lips, hoping she’d let me in. She did not disappoint. As she opened up, I touched the tip of my tongue to hers and felt her smile against my mouth. My heart tripped in my chest as I pulled out of her heat and plunged back in. Each time I did this she made a sexy sound in the back of her throat.

  “You feel so fucking good wrapped around me,” I whispered against her lips.

  “UmmmmHmmmm,” she replied.

  I felt the tingling of a mammoth orgasm building at the base of my spine. I wasn’t ready to come yet, so I took a deep breath and tried to squelch it. I wanted to slow down the train for once and actually look at the scenery. Of course, right as I decided this, she had to go and make that sexy, fuck me noise in the back of her throat again. Before I knew what was happening, pleasure as I had never imagined bolted straight up my spine and out the tip of my cock. What-The-Fuck? I was coming and I had absolutely no control over it. Not wanting her to completely miss the boat, I gripped the top of the mattress under her head and powered into her. When she belted out a lusty female roar, relief coursed through me and all I could do was ask myself, what in the hell just happened?

  Ten minutes later, we were all cleaned up and back in her bed. She was wrapped snugly around me. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I hated cuddling after sex. In fact, I hated after sex anything. I never spent an entire night with a woman… ever. This might seem messed up, but I had my reasons. Tonight, however, I wasn’t panicking like I normally did after sex. I didn’t have the familiar compulsion to run out the door, at least, not until I had her one more time… or two… or three. Deep, long breaths against my chest let me know Isabella had drifted off to sleep. I lay there thinking about the night and how unexpected it all was. Yes, Isabella Fisher was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, but she was so much more than a pretty face. She had an inherent kindness about her that glimmered from the inside out. All of my instincts screamed “Protect her.” But from what? I had never met anyone who affected me this way. I had no clue as to what to do with this unexpected bombardment of emotions.

  Sometime later, I woke. The clock on the bedside table read three a.m. For a minute I didn’t know where I was and then I caught the scent of flowers, citrus…and sex. Isabella. I had never allowed myself to fall asleep in any bed except my own before. I never knew when my nightmares would return. Lately they had been manageable, but that didn’t mean they had gone away. The only time I had consistently kept them at bay was during my four year stint in the Army, and the only reason for that was sheer exhaustion.

  My cock ached with the need to get inside of this woman again. Not wanting to overanalyze it, I did the next best thing. I focused on my dick instead of my brain. Rolling Isabella from her side to her back, I lined my cock up and gently glided inside. Her warmth squeezed around me and I couldn’t help but let out a low groan of pleasure.

  When she arched up into me and sleepily moaned my name, I almost shot my load again. What is it with this woman and premature ejaculation?

  “Shhh, baby, just feel me,” I whispered in her ear.

  That sexy throat noise was her only answer. Fuck, this woman was like sexual crack, and I was a junkie. The more I had her, the more I wanted to keep her. Not gonna happen. Once again, her tightness squeezed around me and the noises she made when I was balls deep inside her….set me off.

  Two hours later, I had snuck away like a thief in the night and was halfway back to Charlotte, when I realized I’d forgotten to use a condom. Fuck.

  * * *

  One Week Later

  I hope she’s here…and only mildly pissed at me.

  The past week had been complete hell. I’d spent the past seven days trying to ignore I felt something for Isabella Fisher, other than straight up lust. Of course, I did this in the worst way possible…Dana.

  Dana Harkins was friends with my former boss and Army buddy, Zane. He introduced us about nine months ago after one of my gigs. He warned me at the time that she was bad news but I didn’t listen. At first I thought she was exotic. For about four or so months we hung out. In other words, I showed up at her place two or three times a week, nailed her, got dressed and went home. She was my go to girl for all of my sexual urges. Seriously, there is nothing the girl wouldn’t try. However, it didn’t take long for the shine to wear off and the tarnish to seep through. I could tell she took me for a fool. I let her. It was easier this way. I could see right through her act and, believe me, it was all an act. Dana Harkins was about as fake as they came. With her collagen lips and overblown tits, nothing was real about her, especially her personality. I was good with this. That is, until she started getting jealous, catty and possessive every time a woman so much as glanced in my direction. I decided right then and there to cut her loose and hadn’t seen much of her in the last five months …That is, until this week. All I could think about was how sweet Ibby felt wrapped around me. Her eyes, lips and smile were stuck in my brain, like a song you hear on the radio and can’t get out of your head….for days. By mid-week I was so desperate to erase her floral scent and sexy-as-shit voice from my head, that I made the colossal mistake of seeking out Dana. I had her stripped and dripping wet for me and I couldn’t go through with it. My dick was hard for the wrong woman. That’s when I made the decision to go back to Charleston and see Isabella.

  The entire drive there I listened to the songs we had played at my aunt’s fundraiser and thought about what to say to her. Maybe, after we got to know each other a little better, I would be able to tell her about my fucked up past. I’d never let myself think this way before. It felt good.

  As I pulled into her driveway, I noticed a black Mercedes parked behind her Toyota. Sally must be home. Nice car. Taking a deep breath, I hopped out of my jeep, bolted up her front steps and rang the doorbell.

  Brutus barked inside the house and I smiled. This dog was the shit. Someone yelled, but I couldn’t make out the words. The door flew open and a man stood there. He looked to be about mid-thirties with short brown hair and glasses. He had on old man slacks and an argyle sweater vest.

  “May I help you?” he asked.

  “I’m looking for Isabella. Is she here?”

  “I’m sorry, Bella’s not in right now.” Something in his tone sounded off.

  “How about Sally?�

  “Sally is at work. Look, is there something I can do for you? I’m kind of in the middle of something,” he impatiently clipped.

  I was starting to get pissed off. “Yeah, you can tell me where Isabella is so I can talk to her.”

  “My fiancée is not here at the moment. I will be happy to tell her you stopped by.” He started to shut the door, but I stuck my foot out and stopped it.

  “You are Isabella’s fiancée? Since when?” I asked.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” he snapped.

  “Trust me, it is,” I told him.

  His lips pursed. “If you must know, Bella and I have been together for over a year. Now, would you like for me to tell her you stopped by or not?”

  What. The. Fuck?

  “Where were you last weekend?” I asked.

  His eyes popped with surprise and then narrowed in understanding. “Out of town.” Through clenched teeth, he said, “Bella and I were in the middle of a misunderstanding last weekend. It has since then been resolved.”

  “When’s the wedding?” I asked.

  He smiled and I wanted to knock every pretentious tooth out of his mouth. “Soon,” he replied.

  I stared at him for a second and debated whether to say anything or not. Fuck it. He deserved to know. “Quick warning for you, buddy. You’d better put a lock on that cheating snatch of yours and throw away the key. Otherwise it’s going to be a long hard road for you.” I stepped away from the door and started down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I turned back and said, “Don’t bother telling your woman I stopped by.” My heart was pounding so hard I could hear the whoosh of it in my ears. The entire drive home, I kept thinking, she played me. Never again would I let a woman play me the way Isabella did…never.


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