One More Time (MMG Series Book 3)

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One More Time (MMG Series Book 3) Page 8

by Hilliard, R. B.

  As I rounded the corner, I thought I heard her yell, “We’ll see about that!” Yeah, yeah, whatever, I thought, as I made my way back to Cas and the girls. My girls. I was shaking the thought from my head when Piper, Ellie and Joss cut me off at the pass.

  “You okay?” Piper asked, threading her arm through mine.

  “Yep.” I answered. I glanced around for Ibby but couldn’t see her.

  “You done with Dana once and for all?” she asked.

  “Yep,” I answered, still searching.

  “Cas took Isabella and Amelia inside,” Ellie said.

  I was starting to rethink my friendship with Caswell Ashford. Piper squeezed my arm and I looked down at her. “Were you ever going to tell us?”

  “Tell you what?” I distractedly asked.

  “That your good friend Isabella and her daughter were in town visiting for the week.” She reared back and raked her eyes over me, as if something was wrong. “What’s up with you?”

  Needing to check on Isabella and get her away from Cas, I stuck my hands under Piper’s elbows, lifted her off the ground and set her back down next to Ellie and Joss. With an “excuse me,” I bolted for the kitchen.

  Isabella was standing in the doorway. Amelia was unhappily strapped in her bucket and letting everyone know what she thought about it. “She’s really cranky tonight. I think I should get her home,” Isabella said between wails.

  Taking the car seat from her, I held out my hand. “Give me your keys. I’ll take you both home and come back for my jeep tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to put you out or anything.”

  “I can take you ladies home, if you like? This way Dillon can stay and…enjoy the rest of his night off.” Cas announced from the doorway. His eyes caught mine and he gave me a wink and a smile. Fucker.

  “Thanks. I’ve got it,” I started for the car with a screaming Amelia, while Isabella said her goodbyes.

  Halfway to the car, she shouted for me to hold up. I stopped and waited for her to catch up. As soon as she reached us, she whipped out a pacifier and plugged it in Amelia’s screaming mouth. Like hitting an off switch, Amelia stopped crying and started making those sweet sucking noises, the exact same ones she makes when she is attached to Ibby’s breast. My dick twitched. Don’t go there buddy.

  Once we got Amelia situated, I started the car and headed for home. Two minutes in, the pacifier stopped working and Amelia started wailing. Being that the radio worked last time, I decided to give it another try. Lifehouse’s Between the Raindrops was the winning song this time. It worked like a charm.

  “Drive fast but don’t break any laws,” Isabella commanded and I couldn’t help but laugh. Our eyes met and held as the music swirled around us. “Who was that…woman?” she quietly asked.

  Deciding to play dumb, I stared at the road ahead. “What woman?” I made sure not to look back over at her or she would see I was fucking with her.

  “The Elvira looking woman you were talking to when you first walked in tonight.”

  Elvira looking woman? It took everything in me not to laugh at this. Instead I calmly answered, “No one important.”

  “You looked unhappy to see her. Were you?”

  “Jealous?” I asked.

  “Hardly,” she scoffed.

  I countered with my own question. “How did you found out about tonight?”

  She paused briefly before responding, “Ummm, Piper stopped by earlier today.”

  Fucking Piper and her so-called cramps. “Uh huh, and what exactly did Piper have to say?”

  “That some guy named Max was having a party at a gas station.” Her dry tone made me laugh.

  “She actually said it was at a gas station?”

  “Well, no. She said a garage, but I thought they were the same thing.”

  “And now?” I asked.

  She laughed. “That was the nicest looking gas station I’ve ever been to. You are lucky to have so many good friends. Piper is great. They all are.” She said the last part so softly, I had to strain to hear her over the music. Yet, I couldn’t turn it down or Amelia would freak. I glanced over and Isabella was staring out the window.

  She looked so lost. Wanting to give her something, I decided to answer her question from the other night. “I went back to Charleston because I wanted more.” The second it was out, I wanted to take it back. What the hell am I doing?

  Her sapphire eyes shot to mine and widened in surprise. “Really?” she asked, as if she was having trouble believing me. “I’ve thought a lot about you since that night.”

  Something about the dark car and the music surrounding us made me want to open up. It also made me want to spread her naked across my bed and nail her into next year. “I’ve thought about you, too,” I admitted. “Of course, most of the time those thoughts had the words fucking bitch associated with them, but still, that doesn’t mean I didn’t think about you.” She let out a throaty laugh and I wanted her so much I could taste it. “When is the next feeding?” I asked.

  I heard her breath hitch. “We’ve got about hour,” she quietly said.

  Two minutes later we arrived at my place. While Isabella dealt with a now sleeping Amelia, I took Brutus out to do his business. We met back inside five minutes later. Holding her finger over her mouth, she grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the bedroom.

  Glancing down at a sleeping Amelia in her car seat, I whispered, “Is she okay with the dog?” Isabella nodded her head yes, and I let her pull me the rest of the way down the hall. Before she could get the door closed, I had her pressed flush against the wall. I ran my hands from the tops of her shoulders down her back and across her ass, where I cupped both of her cheeks. “This ass has been taunting me all night,” I growled into her ear. She answered with a deep moan. “Stay right here,” I instructed, before walking across the room to snag a condom from the top drawer of my nightstand. On my way back, I stripped off my shirt. As I stepped behind her, I leaned forward and gently kissed from the base of her neck to the lobe of her ear. “Lift your arms above your head,” I said against her ear. She responded with a full body shiver and then lifted her arms up. I couldn’t help but smile. That’s my girl. Slowly I removed her shirt. The sexy as fuck tattoo that trailed from her collarbone to her arm called to me and I couldn’t help but trace my tongue over it. Dropping her head back against my chest, she let out a lusty sigh. Lazily, I stroked both hands up her stomach. As I traced the outline of her bra, her hands caught mine and held them.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Are you?” I countered.

  Nodding her head, yes, she released my hands and rested her head back on my chest. I unhooked her bra and let her breasts spill out into my hands. They were larger and heavier than I remembered them being. Needing to relieve some pressure, I pressed my hard cock against her back. At the same time, I slid my hands down her stomach to the button of her jeans.

  Again, she stopped me. “I…uh… haven’t slept with anyone since you,” she hesitantly announced.

  “Good,” I said, and began unbuttoning her jeans. As I slid the zipper down, I skimmed my fingers down her stomach, under her panties and between her legs, where I oh-so-gently began to move them. Back and forth I stroked…just enough to have her writhing on my fingers and begging for more. Pulling my hand back, I stripped her jeans and panties from her body. While I wanted to take her like this, tits pressed against the door, I had a stronger need to look into her eyes as I got her off. “I want you to go lie on the bed.” Without hesitation, she did what I commanded. Her eyes ate me up as I stripped off my jeans and boxer briefs.

  “I wanted to take my time, but right now I just need to bury my cock in you. I promise we’ll do slow later.”

  “Yessssss,” she hissed.

  Quickly, I rolled on the condom. As I crawled up the bed, she spread her legs to accommodate. Needing to taste her first, I dipped my head down and licked her back to front. She growled out my name, which
almost caused me to shoot my load right there. Before my throbbing dick exploded, I crawled the rest of the way up her lush body and in one giant thrust, buried my cock deep inside her. Her body tightened around me and I almost lost it.

  “You feel soooo goooood,” she groaned.

  The rasp in her voice caused my balls to tighten into steel knots. What is with this woman and my lack of stamina? I almost told her not to talk, but thought that might hurt her feelings. Instead, I pulled out and thrust back in.

  “MmmmHmmmm,” she moaned, and the beginning tingles of an orgasm tickled the base of my spine. Fuck!

  I paused long enough for the tingle to subside and then pulled out and powered back in, this time, giving it to her both harder and deeper. She wrapped her legs around my back and dug her heels in. At the same time, she reached around and latched her hands on to both of my ass cheeks.

  “Harder,” she growled.

  I could feel my control slipping as I pulled out and slammed back in. Spurring me on with her heels, she used her hands on my ass as leverage to grind herself on my cock. Fuck! I’m not going to last, if she keeps grinding on me. Pulling out again, I thrust back in and she made a sexy noise in the back of her throat, the same damn one that got me last time. While doing this, she pulled some voo-doo yoga swivel move with her hips and gave me another grind.

  “Dillon, Dilloooooon,” she chanted, and I knew she was close. Thank shit she was close, because the train was three seconds away from leaving the station without her. Pulling out one last time, I powered in and exploded. The sound of her coming with me was music to my ears. My dick and I were going to have a big talk about this later.

  Carefully, I pulled out and went to dispose of the condom. On my way back to the bed, I heard Amelia’s little cry. Isabella was sprawled across the bed and not moving, so I grabbed my boxers off the floor and threw them on. Then I headed for the living room.

  Isabella said it was okay to leave Brutus alone with Amelia. I had to admit, it made me slightly uneasy. Visions of the mammoth dog eating the tiny baby traipsed through my head and I picked up my pace. From the hallway, I could see him down on all fours in front of her car seat with his face on his paws watching over Amelia and suddenly my chest felt funny. I focused in on Amelia and tried not to laugh. It was obvious by the way her legs were jerking up and down, that she was mad as a hornet. I quietly snuck across the room to get a better view. God, she was cute with her beet red face and tiny legs pumping wildly through the air. Could this tiny person be part mine? The second her eyes found me, she stopped crying and let out the sweetest baby whimper, as if saying, “Please rescue me from this horrible contraption.” Not able to stand it any longer, I unsnapped her from her car seat and picked her up. I made sure to steady her head like I’d seen Isabella do. Once again, that funny feeling in my chest appeared. Brushing it aside, I stared down at what could be my daughter. She was so tiny and felt so fragile in my hands. This was the first time I had held her. Her soft sigh made me smile. Pulling her up to my face, I nuzzled the side of her head.

  “You smell good, baby girl,” I whispered. She let out a gurgle and my heart flip-flopped. “Let’s go find Mommy.” I lifted her tiny body to my shoulder and carried her back to the bedroom. Brutus happily followed behind us. As soon as we reached the door, she went from cute and cuddly to demon child. Not sure what to do, I pulled her in and patted her on the back. As if giving me a big fuck you, Amelia stiffened her spine, reared her head back and let out a wail of protest. As if on cue, Isabella shot up from the bed and catapulted onto the floor. Three seconds later, she sprang back up and came towards us swaying like a drunken sailor.

  “You okay there?” I asked.

  “Wha?” she tiredly slurred. I felt sorry for her. It looked as if I wasn’t the only one who was feeling sleep deprived.

  “I think it’s time for Milly to eat,” I told her. “You take her and tell me what you need.”

  As soon as I said this, she noticed Amelia in my arms and her eyes softened. “Milly?” she asked, moving toward us. I tried not to stare at her naked body, but it was hard and she was making me hard. Focus, Dillon.

  “Every pretty girl needs a nickname,” I told her. “You’re Ibby and she’s Milly.” Amelia let out another loud wail.

  “I like you calling me that,” she sweetly replied. “Could you hand me her diaper bag, please?” she asked as she settled back on the bed.

  While she fed Amelia, I walked Brutus. Something about this simple act felt right. Actually, something about this whole evening, other than the confrontation with Dana, felt right.

  When I got back inside, I went to see if the girls needed anything else from me before I locked up for the night. I was slightly disappointed to find Isabella in one of my T-shirts. I liked her naked in my bed. I will have to make that a house rule from here on out. She was lying on her side sound asleep. Her body was curled around a wide awake Amelia. Quietly, I lifted the baby from the bed. On the way out the door, I grabbed my guitar and the diaper bag and headed into the living room. It took me a few minutes to figure out the logistics of baby, dog and guitar. Picking up the car seat, I placed it on the coffee table in front of me. I placed Milly in it and covered her with a blanket. Then I made Brutus lie down at my feet. Finally, I situated my guitar and strummed a few chords.

  “I think Milly suits you just fine,” I told her.

  Forty minutes later, both dog and baby were sound asleep. As I locked up the apartment and carried Milly’s car seat into the bedroom with me, the feeling of rightness crept over me once again. This time, I didn’t push it away. Not wanting to wake Milly up, I lay the bucket on the bed next to Ibby. I was pretty sure she would know what to do with it when she woke up. As I crawled in beside them, I thought about how comforting it was to know they were there. That night I didn’t dream at all.

  The next few days were crazy busy, but awesome. I took Ibby and the baby to Dragonfly and introduced them to everyone they hadn’t met at the garage. We helped Piper and Gage move into their new place and celebrated their first official night in their new home with Max, Ellie, Joss and Kurt. We had sex every chance we got…crazy, fucking, amazing sex. I slept curled protectively around them both each night and continued to enjoy a dreamless sleep. I didn’t want to think about the lab results or the fact that I might not be Amelia’s biological father.

  On the eighth morning, Milly woke up crying. I knew Isabella had recently fed her, so she couldn’t be hungry. Before she woke Ibby, who had been up several times with her during the night, I snatched her up and took her into the living room where I found the strange back pack contraption Isabella used when she had to walk the dog and deal with Milly at the same time. Instead of sitting on your back like a normal backpack, it sits on your front, so you can see the baby. After twenty minutes of cussing, I finally figured out how to get the thing on. To quiet her baby squawks, I shoved a pacifier in Milly’s mouth. Then I leashed Brutus up and off we went.

  The entire forty-five minute walk Milly squawked like an angry chicken. Normally a walk in the front pack would put her to sleep. More than once I had to stop and check to make sure it wasn’t pinching her legs. By the time we got back to my street, I was as frantic as she was.

  What the fuck?

  Upon returning to the apartment, I unhooked the dog from his leash and tried to remove Milly from the contraption. Ten minutes later, I decided it was a total piece of shit and Ibby needed to take it back and get a refund. As I lifted her out, she stiffened her spine and let out a loud squeal of pain. Great, I hurt her. Isabella’s never going to let me be alone with her again. Needing to check which part of her was damaged I inserted both hands under her baby armpits and steadied her head with the tips of my fingers as I raised her high into the air. Right at eye level, she made a strange grunting noise and released a loud fart. I’m not kidding, it could have easily been generated by a very large man. By this point, Milly’s face had gone from red to purple. When she screamed again, I pulled
her to my chest and started rubbing her back, as I had seen Ibby sometimes do. Maybe she needs to burp? Around my third pat, she let out another man fart. This one vibrated through my hand and chest. Surely she feels better now. She let out another wail and, again, I rubbed her back. The next fart was accompanied by a wet gurgling noise. I flipped her around to investigate.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered. Milly had greenish brown colored shit oozing out of both ends…literally! The velocity of her farts had projected shit from her tiny ass all the way up her back and into her hair. I fought back a gag and had to give myself a mental pep talk. Do not hurl, Dillon. You’ve seen shit before. You clean the bathrooms at the bar, for fuck’s sake. This is nothing. Taking a deep breath, I got a big whiff and gagged again. Damn, what the hell is in breast milk? I had watched Isabella change Milly’s diaper a hundred times but had never done it myself. I was at a loss. Ibby had creams and powders and a certain order to things. My heart was beating ninety miles a minute. As I looked around the room for a solution, I noticed Isabella casually leaning against the hall door watching me. The second our eyes met, she burst into howling gales of laughter.

  “Oh my God!” she shrieked. “You should see your face!” How long had she been standing there? “She farted and you looked for the dog! I thought I was going to pee myself and then,” laugh-snort-laugh, “she farted again and power pooped! Bwahahahahahahahaha! I almost lost it when you gagged!” Thirty minutes later, after much more laughter, we had Milly bathed, changed and asleep on the bed. Needing to assert my manliness, I took Ibby to the shower and showed her how versatile I could be.

  An hour after that, Kurt called and wanted me to meet him at Dragonfly to help interview a prospective new bartender and two possible new waitresses. I didn’t want to go but didn’t feel right making Kurt do it by himself. When I walked out the door, Ibbs was on the bed feeding Milly.

  Three hours later, I arrived back home with Chinese food, only to be met with an empty apartment and a note that said,


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