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  Copyright © Sep. 10th, 2017 C M SHORT

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  “Can I rub some oil, on your back”?

  The soothing touch of the Riviera sun, and the gentle kiss of a breeze, were interrupted by a deep, masculine voice. Slowly turning over on the white, sandy beach, she looked up at the source of the voice: a tall, handsome, broad shouldered man. Kind, light blue eyes, and a warm smile, greeted her from beneath a ball cap, while the mid-summer sun made his bronzed muscles glow.

  “Hi, I'm Jean-Leuc.”

  Normally, she would not pay much attention to a stranger, but this one was different somehow; a sense of being able to trust him-prompted a reach for his outstretched hand.

  “Hi, I'm Angel. I could use some oil. What's the SPF? With the sun being hotter these days, I've got to be careful.”

  “It's 40.”

  “That’ll be good for a while,” she replied, turning back onto her stomach.

  “Where are you from, Angel”?

  “Paris. And you?”

  As he answered, soft hands started a gentle massage.

  “Originally from here, from Toulon, and now I live on New Earth 3. Are you here by yourself?”

  “Yes, for a summer of relaxing. Which one, is New Earth 3?”

  “That's the one, hovering above Greece.”

  “I've been approved for a residence in New Earth 7, which is floating just off the French coast. I'll be moving there, in about a month.”

  “You’ll love it”!

  “I believe I will”!

  After a couple of minutes, Jean-Leuc stood up and brushed summer blonde hair away from his eyes.

  “I should probably, get back to my friends.”

  He pointed at two men, sitting on the beach a short distance away.

  “If you like, come on over and join us, and we’ll find some dinner after a while.”

  “I'm almost done tanning, and I’ll head over after that.”

  “Great! See you in a bit”!

  Walking away from the green eyed, curvy lady was difficult, and among churning thoughts-he dared to hope she really would come over.

  Getting back to soaking up the blissful radiance, warm thoughts spoke of how Jean-Leuc was enchanting somehow, and dinner with him sounded nice! Another 15 minutes of tanning, and it was time to stop: before getting burned. It only took a minute to gather things up, tie a cover around her waist, and begin a walk that included enticing thoughts of the handsome man she’d just met.

  He is so good looking! And there’s something mysterious about him!

  She was curious to find out what-knowing-it would prove to be unusual; a glimpse of movement, and all curious thoughts were pushed aside-by the uneasy feeling-of being out of place!

  The air had started to ripple, as though from scorching heat, but it looked different: it had a blue sheen. In another second, an ominous roar split the sky directly overhead, and icy claws of fear gripped tight-digging-painfully deep! Knowing it couldn't be thunder, since there wasn't a cloud in the sky, her eyes turned skyward, afraid, of what would be seen.

  “Another daydream?” she questioned out loud.

  In a blur of morphing reality, the beach gave way to a giant black dome. She stood on a second level walkway, and suspiciously observed the surroundings: many buildings circling an empty central area, people walking, and a large neon sign that read ‘Space dock 7, Mallora 3 now arriving’.

  For a moment, one person in particular-caught her attention: a three-legged man walking a Saber Tooth Tiger on a leash; the moment was over in a flash, when a large golden disc descended into the center of the dome.

  Her senses screamed the next direction to go: down! Listening to them, she dropped to her knees behind a four-foot-high metallic cube.

  Ow! The floor's hot!

  Those were thoughts-that almost escaped!

  Looking down showed hot sand, then, she had another burning awareness: the dome had disappeared! A heart-pounding scan of surroundings brought relief, upon seeing the familiar beach. At that point, confused thoughts managed to channel into sound.

  “Good lord! What just happened?”

  After what felt like an eternity, she was able to halfway collect her composure and continue on, making watchful eyes happy!

  “Ah! Here she comes”!

  “Hey, pretty one! Looks like-you soaked up all the sun”!

  “Tried to! I'm trying to get really dark.”

  “You're doing a pretty good job, and what a beautiful tan: you glisten! You look a little shaken; did you get too much sun?”

  “I'm ok-just a little on the warm side.”

  Scrambled thoughts raced inside a fog of confusion, coming to rest on the idea, that it must’ve been a hallucination. Sitting down in the chair he offered, it felt good, for frazzled nerves to be relaxing in the shade of a beach umbrella.

  “I've got just the thing to cool you off! How about a nice, cold, Desperado beer?”

  “Sure, thanks”!

  His charming, boyish grin-rewarded him with a smile.

  “You know, for a moment, it seemed you disappeared into a blue haze; then, you reappeared and fell. Are you ok?”

  “Yes, I'm fine,” she lied, figuring he’d never believe her. “Somehow, I managed to trip.”

  After a short time of conversation, a stroll brought them to the many elegant restaurants and shops, edging the horse-shoe beaches. The cobblestone sidewalk carried a flurry of people-excited-about pouring through the touristy treasures, while enjoying the refreshing sea breeze, and enticing aromas that beckoned from the many famous restaurants.

  Peace and contentment, nestled, within the fragrant flower of summer in full bloom. Numerous people were enjoying the powdery white beach and crystal water, as horizon dotting sailboats gently bobbed to the mystical rhythm of an unheard song.

  With entrancing magic, thoughts of the green-eyed beauty were willingly held captive.

  She's perfect!

  “This place is magical, Jean-Leuc! I could stay here-forever”!

  “It's one of my favorites, and I thought you’d like it; another place I think you would enjoy, is full of unique little shops. Would you like to see them?”

  “Sounds fun! Lead the way”!

  A handful of narrow, winding streets, led to a most wonderful discovery: charming, warmly decorated shops, that boasted the most fashionable and divine merchandise-successfully stirring a woman’s desire to shop.

  “Look at those boots! I've just got to go in”!

  “Ok, let's go.”

  Mother nature had other plans, and the ground shook beneath their feet, prompting a rescue by strong arms.

  “Thanks! Boy, these quakes are getting to be an almos
t everyday thing”!

  “I know, it's crazy! You ok?”

  “I'm fine-just a little unnerved. I hope scientists hurry up, and figure out what's causing all these earthquakes around the world! Some scientists, are saying that it's only going to get worse!”

  “The answer will probably, be found soon.”

  Secretly, he found himself wishing for more quakes: for an excuse to hold her!

  Just minutes later, she was the ecstatic owner of a fashion flattering pair of suede and leather boots! A little more looking at shops, and hunger resulted in a decision of where to eat: the famous restaurants along the beach.

  The restaurants were seductive, with aromas of succulent fresh seafood being cooked. In no time, an elegant place invited them to choose a cozy little spot, with a hypnotizing beach view.

  “What would you like to drink, pretty one”?

  “Red house wine. The house wines, are usually the best!”

  “I agree. Let’s have some, while we decide on what to eat.”

  The view was relaxing: sea waves gently lapping the shore, and dozens of tourists enjoying the beach.

  “What does a pretty girl like you, do for a living”?

  “I'm a writer, of science fiction; I’ve already got six books out, and number seven is almost done.”

  “That's wonderful! I've been thinking about writing a book.”

  “What about”?

  “A war I was in.”

  “I would be interested, in reading it”!

  “How long have you been writing”?

  “About seven years. What do you do, for a living?”

  “Nothing. I just travel, and do whatever I want. I've never worked.”

  “I'm glad you've had it easy”!

  “Easy, yes, but sometimes bored. I could use a little action!”

  “So could I”!

  “We've been expecting you, Angel”!

  The startling comment, was from a small group of people in Greek style gold and silver robes, who were standing there looking at her; then, one spoke again.

  “Sha-ra revealed-it was time for you to come”!


  The question was repeated.

  “Is Angel, short for a longer name”?

  “It's Angelique-Angelique Bourque. What's your full name?”

  “Jean-Leuc Rousseau.”

  Curiosity was overwhelming, and she just had to know.

  “Did you see that group of people, in the gold and silver robes”?

  “No. What was going on?”

  “I don't know. An odd group of people were standing there looking at me, one spoke, I looked away for just a second, then looked back-to thin air!”

  “I bet you saw entertainers, that moved on to other guests.”

  “That must be it”!

  She puzzled about it: one of the people had known her name, and the decision to come to the restaurant-hadn’t been made-until just before entering!

  “May I take your order”?

  A waiter had appeared, and stood ready: politely waiting for the lady to go first.

  “I was so busy talking, I forgot to think about what to eat! Do you have seafood pasta?”

  “Yes. We have a splendid assortment of delicacies from the sea, that can be arranged on a bed of fresh pasta for you!”

  “I’ll have that tasty dish”!

  “And you, sir”?

  “I'll have the same.”

  “A good choice, sir! Your tasty meal, will be here in about 20 minutes. Enjoy the wine!”

  Among sips, her thoughts ran back to the group of people-that somehow-had known she was going to be there.

  “Angel, I couldn't help but notice the trident tattoo on your right shoulder, and the tattoo of multi-colored spots running down from that-unique-to be sure”!

  “Thanks! I like to be different”!

  She wondered what he'd think, if he knew, and if he would even believe her!

  The guessing was cut short, when their food arrived-looking like a work of art! Tantalizingly placed in front of them, were cleverly decorated plates of fresh, steaming seafood, carefully arranged on delicate French pasta, with a colorful sauce lightly designed across the top.

  The mouthwatering meal quickly satisfied taste buds, and was a nice bonus to the enjoyable company.

  “You have unique tattoos, also! What made you decide on the gold lines, by the outside corners of your eyes?”

  “Like you, I just want to be different.”

  He found himself trying to imagine what she'd say, if he told her the tattoos-weren't-tattoos!

  The superb dinner was followed by savoring their wine, blending with the intoxicating summer atmosphere, and talking of adventurous destinations to explore. Minutes, melted into hours, and bright ribbons of scarlet and purple were streaking across the sky.

  “Well, I guess I’d better head back to my hotel.”

  “I'll walk you back, pretty one.”

  After getting to her door, he expressed a brave hope.

  “I'd like to see you again”!

  Looking up at him, there was a desire-not known before.

  “I'd like that”!

  “I promised some friends, I'd spend the next two days with them. Can I see you after that?”

  “Ok. Friday morning after nine, would be good.”

  “Great! I'll see you then”!

  She imagined him leaning down and kissing her goodnight, but, instead of a kiss, he winked and gave that boyish grin-and walked away. Alone again, and sitting on the balcony with a glass of wine, she watched the fading ribbons and wondered what, if anything, lay in store for her with this tall, good looking man-she barely knew.

  Leaving the hotel, he listened to an awakened voice-saying-he was in for a wild ride!

  For the next two days, the inviting streets of downtown Toulon shared irresistible shops, and historical sites; however, thoughts kept returning to the handsome new friend. His natural charm could warm anybody, and his chuckle of a laugh-was like soothing vibrations.

  Friday morning came, and a cute outfit was picked: Capri pants, an arm baring shirt, and sandals; make-up and hair were carefully done, and accessories were bikini earrings and a light, French perfume. One last look in the mirror, and a cup of coffee was taken to the balcony, to greet a wakening city. Shops were being opened, a few people were out walking their pets, a car motor was starting, and various birds were happily chirping the song of a new day. Feelings of curiosity surfaced: about how life there would be.

  “Hey good looking”!

  A look to the sidewalk below, was met by a sun-kissed face smiling up at her! Along with well-fitting shorts, a muscle shirt, sandals, and dark blue sunglasses perched on his head, a broad smile showed anticipation of a day of fun in the sun.

  “I'll be right down”!

  On the way down, she had a hope: of looking as good to him, as he did to her! Moments later, a boyish grin was spreading its charm.

  “You are so beautiful”!


  She didn't know what else to say, and could feel her cheeks turning red.

  “Today is going to be fun, gorgeous! Any ideas?”

  “We could go for a walk, and explore Toulon.”

  “Many fascinating things are here; also, we could take a trip. I know of a neat little place, about two hours farther up the Riviera, and close to the Italian border. If you want, we’ll take a taxi there.”

  “Let’s go”!

  Soon, a speeding taxi was taking them to a day of adventure.

  After about an hour, Jean-Leuc was falling asleep, and decided closing his eyes for a bit would help; however, an abrupt increase in speed-changed the plan.

  Why is the taxi driver going so fast? his sleepy thoughts questioned.

  Open eyes revealed the taxi was gone, and he was in a plane, with Angel, flying through a lightning storm of near constant bolts of bright blue light. Seeing her snuggled up next to him, brought a feeling of conte
ntment-a feeling short lived. Blasting out of nowhere, came hurricane force winds pummeling them from every direction, and a rude awakening took place for Angel on the floor!

  Strong arms, were quick to the rescue.

  “You ok, baby”?

  “I…I think so. What's going on?”

  “We're in a lightning storm; it came up all of a sudden, and I didn’t have time to grab you”!

  “That’s ok.”

  “Hold on back there! It's getting bumpy!” the pilot called.

  Seconds later, it happened: a collision with terror, after it darted through the sky scorching fire and slammed into the plane!

  Looking out a window was a searing mistake, and a slap in the face with the unholy vision-that their reality had vanished and been replaced by-the depths of hell itself! Among the raging fire, reared a bone-chilling sight that brought them to the point of panic; what their eyes saw was impossible: mythical demons from the past-fire breathing dragons! Just feet from the plane, an ancient evil stretched its massive demonic jaws wide, and a split second later, a deadly fireball slammed into the window and covered it with a suffocating layer of black dust. No longer able to see out that window or any others close by, was a small relief. Another hit, and that relief went up in smoke, as the deathly sound of metal tearing began to rip their sanity to shreds! Painful heartbeats joined a feeling of helplessness, as the long hook of fate-sliced into the plane!

  “That's a claw!” he yelled.

  She only had time to scream once, before the mind-numbing certainty of impending doom froze her with fear.

  A loud hissing of escaping air-vital cabin pressure-was luck, going from bad, to worse; the mythical demon was peeling the plane open like a banana, and there was no way to stop it!

  Within a split second, the frigid, blood-chilling eyes of death spotted its prey and pushed in for the kill: preparing to strike-from a life ending two feet away. Mammoth blood stained jaws became an abyss of primal hunger, as 12-inch saliva dripping fangs-anticipated-a juicy meal.

  Looking into deaths door, a fighting spirit gave rise to a knight in shining armor-a knight determined to protect his lady love!

  “We’ll find a way out of this”!

  A desperate search for a weapon, resulted, in a failure to protect and a plummeting heart-as the end closed in. With lightning speed, he was crunched in the mighty, life draining jaws of despair; nothing was going to save them now!


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