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  “I'd like to say you make the earth move for me, which you do, but I think that was another quake.”

  “I believe so, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.”

  Leading her to the bed, he gently pulled her on top of him; she could feel his heart pounding hard, just as hers was, and a deep, soft passion lay in his eyes. Hearing voices from outside, she rose up, and was nervous to see people walking on the beach.

  “They'll see us”!

  “No they won't: It's too bright out there-they can't see in here”!

  The boyish grin did its charm, and his light touch enticed her down to the silky sheets. Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked into her eyes, and voiced loving emotions.

  “Welcome, to Toulon”!

  Hungry for his embrace, she instantly forgot about the people outside-and gave in-to the passion.

  “Here you are, sir! Just as you requested”!

  “Thank you! And a little something for you”!

  “What generosity! Thank you”!

  Opening her eyes, it dawned on her-that she had been asleep.

  “Are you here”?

  “I’m here”!

  He walked into the room, carrying a dozen, long-stemmed red roses, and holding a bottle of wine.

  “I've got a secret admirer”!

  “Admirer, yes, not so much of a secret!” he replied, with irresistible charm. “Would you like to have some wine, on the balcony”?

  “I would”!

  She got dressed, and joined him under the magical starlit sky, where he had a tasty glass of wine waiting for her.

  “This wine-it tastes familiar, and so good”!

  “It's Chateau de Bretagne. Only the best, for you, baby.”

  “Thanks! You know, you showed me your home city, I would like to show you Paris”!

  “I would enjoy that, and also, a lot of other places with you! Have you ever been to Cartagena, Spain?”

  “No, but I’d love for us to travel there, and also to most of Europe-especially the countries of Greece, Egypt, Israel, and Turkey.”

  “If we go to Greece, I can show you around New Earth 3”!

  “I've been nervous about being up in the clouds, but with you, I'd be ok. When I’m living in New Earth 7, I can show you that!”

  “How about South America”?

  “That is a must visit, along with Australia, Alaska, Canada, the Philippines, Cambodia, and several islands. I could actually name dozens more places, but those are the top of my list.”

  “Where should we go first, pretty face”?

  “How about, I show you my home city of Paris”?

  “I’m all for that”!

  “This place is incredible! Why don't we stay for the days we've paid for, and fly out the next?”

  “We can do that! In the morning, we’ll need a taxi for the rest of our things. Are you hungry for dinner yet?”

  “I am getting hungry, but would you mind if we catch the news first? I haven't listened to it, in a few days.”

  The soft velvet couch was an inviting place to sink into, for the nightly news, which was just about to start.

  “Good evening, my friends! We have a lot of gripping news for you, tonight! As you know, it's been unusually hot this summer. The great river Euphrates, is almost completely dried up, and it's getting so warm on our planet, that animals are moving away from the equator-at a never before seen rate-of 60 feet a day! A number of top scientists, have detected, that global warming is happening on all the planets in our solar system! These scientists, are blaming the sun, because of the increased activity from its solar maximum. Their celestial forecast, does have good news: as soon as the sun is past its active period, things will return to normal.

  Also, a few of these top scientists, are sounding an alarm about the Magnetic North Pole: it’s heading toward Russia, at a rate of 50 miles a year! By their calculations, the more the pole moves, the faster it will move-until both poles suddenly flip! The flip, will cause the earth to start turning the other way, and this will immediately bring an apocalyptic scenario: tidal waves several miles high, and many other major disasters! Most of humanity would be wiped out!

  A handful of scientists, think the earth is experiencing a Global Crust Shift, which is causing all the earthquakes. On a peculiar note, a lot of Christians believe that these major disasters happening, precede God's son returning to Earth-to get his people. Personally, this newscaster would prefer to believe what the majority of top scientists are saying-that once the sun is past its solar maximum, things will get back to normal! We go now, to our scheduled commercial break, and will join you again in a few minutes. Please stay tuned, for the best, up to date coverage.”

  “Good lord! I'm sorry I wanted to watch the news”!

  “It’ll be ok, sweetie. Think about this-most of the world's top scientists are saying that things will get back to normal, as soon as the sun is past its active period. Since most of them are saying this, it must be true! Don't you think it's logical-to believe them?”

  “You're right, I should trust them! Hey, you ready for some dinner?”

  “Dinner sounds good, pretty one. Let’s go down to the restaurant.”

  Mouthwatering aromas of fine dining welcomed them, along with gentle tones of classical music. The tables were softly lit with flickering candlelight, enhanced, by warm glows of pink, purple, and orange, that gently touched through lace curtains.

  “What a unique, and cozy place”!

  “It's much cozier with you here”!

  “Thanks!” she replied, choosing a sunset kissed corner for two.

  His thoughts were warmed, by the beautiful and charming woman sitting across from him; he laid a hand over one of hers resting on the table, and noticed, she appeared somewhat troubled.

  “What is it, pretty one”?

  “Do you think there's any possibility, that the earth really is about to have its poles flip”?

  “I don't think that's likely, because it's not what most of our scientists are saying! We should believe the majority”!

  “I suppose you're right! On a different note, how about those New Earth countries! Now that the world has anti-gravity technology, it's not a farfetched idea-to think we'll have spaceships soon”!

  “I can imagine us-living on other planets”!

  “Hello again, my friends! What can I get for you tonight?”

  Thirsty eyes, managed to look away from the breath-taking woman, long enough to answer Pierre.

  “We were talking, and hadn't thought about it! Could you recommend some things?”

  “Today, our chef is making a once a week feast: stuffed duck with orange glaze, and a distinctive twist to the classic chef salad, which is a heavy drizzle of lemon and lime juice.”

  “That would be wonderful”!

  “I agree with her”!

  “Good choice! This will be out shortly”!

  Pierre turned and went into the kitchen, returning just minutes later, with a large tray of food and a bottle of wine.

  “Oh! I forgot to order our drinks”!

  “It’s ok, sir. I'd like to offer a bottle of our signature wine, if you feel like having wine tonight. It's on the house, and if you want any other drinks, just let me know. Classy wine, for a classy lady!”

  The comment was flattering, but a little embarrassing.

  “Why, thank you”!

  Turning to leave, Pierre had some kind words.

  “You have a beautiful girlfriend”!

  “Yes, she is! Thank you”!

  The meal was excellent-an enjoyable mix with stimulating talk of places to go, and things to do. Taking the place of dessert, was a moonlit stroll on the beach, upon which a million stars were smiling. With glasses of fine wine in hand, and toes digging into the wet sand, they relished the perfect paradise that led to a relaxing place close to the restaurant: next to a large tree. Leaning up against the tree on one
side, and having a handsome man close to her on the other, she looked up at the stars, and thought out loud.

  “Do you think there's life out there”?

  “I’m inclined to think so.”

  “Logic tells me, that it'd be a pretty big waste of space, if it's only us! I think…oof.”

  The words cut off, because of losing balance against the tree.


  “The tree moved”!

  “A little too much wine, baby”?

  “I don't think so: this is only my second glass! Guess I’m a bit tired.”

  “Perhaps we should go up to bed,” he replied, amused, at her funny sense of humor!

  Sliding between cool, buttery soft sheets, quickly opened the portal to the dream land of love.



  After two more blissful days and nights at the enchanting beach, a private jet took them on a forty-minute hop, to the famous city of Paris. Waiting at the end of the runway, was a teal green Lamborghini, from which the driver emerged as they drew near. For the most part-he had normal looks: tall, strong build, short brown hair that was slicked back, and blue eyes. Not a normal look, was a star-studded tattoo on his right forearm: the big dipper. The unique tattoo stood out, but something else did-much more!

  “Hi! I'm Jacques.”

  “Hi, Jacques! I'm Jean-Leuc, and this is Angel.”

  “Hi, Jacques! You would not believe who you look like”!

  “I might!” he replied, with a smile.

  “You sure do look like the American president-Ronald Reagan! Have you ever heard that?”

  “A few times!” Jacques answered, with a big grin and a wink. “It’s nice to meet both of you! Where would you like to go first, sir?”

  “Our hotel. It's the Marriot Paris Champs Elysees.”

  “Right! That's the best five-star hotel around, and it’s close to many outstanding points of interest”!

  Upon arriving at the hotel, Jacques was told of unsure plans.

  “I don't know, what time we'll need you again.”

  “Call me anytime, sir. You are my only clients while you're here in Paris, so I'm here for you-at all hours! My business card.”

  The royal suite on the tenth floor, was the picture of luxury; with their bags set down in the plush bedroom, the ravishing view of the balcony was a big draw! The magnificent Arc de Triomphe was just down the street, and behind it, sculpted buildings adorned the landscape. Extending out of sight, were numerous shops, bistros, and cafes, with inviting and sophisticated décor. Easily seen in the distance, the world-famous Iron Lady proudly reached for the radiant summer skies-portraying a symbol of strength, and freedom. Among it all, a most enticing hint of culinary masterpieces-stretched up to caress them.

  “Ah, Parisian life! It's good to be home”!

  “This is a stunning view of your city”!

  With a hand on a strong arm, she gazed into baby blues-and spoke three special words.

  “Welcome, to Paris”!

  “I have a feeling, gorgeous, this stay in Paris-is going to be extraordinary”!

  “My city has so much to offer, including a great little bistro down the street, where we can get a bite of lunch.”

  “I could go for some Parisian food. Do you want to unpack first?”

  “It can wait.”

  A thousand sounds greeted them, in the haze of a sun-scorched bustling street, where the fashion capital of the world beckoned to them, with its signature charm. Hundreds of people were walking along, many of them carrying bags of expensive, designer merchandise. Vehicles were almost bumper to bumper on the avenue-proving the fact-that it doesn't pay to be in a hurry in Paris!

  “This awesome bistro, is just two blocks to the right.”

  “Lead on, Emerald Eyes”!

  “I like that! Emerald Eyes-it's nice to be called that”!

  The bistro was appealing, with its stylish Eiffel Tower designs that extended to the napkins, and salt and pepper shakers. Delicate vases blooming with cream and lavender tulips, adorned every table, complementing the soothing shades of cream and beige in the petal soft, Le Tower designed carpet.

  “I feel comfortable here-good choice of where to eat”!

  “I’ve been enjoying their divine food, for several years”!

  “What are you in the mood to eat, Emerald Eyes”?

  “The sandwiches are really good! My favorite, is the Pastrami and veggie sandwich, and vitamin water. What are you hungry for?”

  “A really big Chef salad, and spring water.”

  After ordering, a watch of the flurry beyond the lace edged window-was interesting: dozens of people were walking by, and a great number of voices drifted in. Some of them were odd: more like clicks, and insect buzzes, than anything.

  “You know-I've never seen this kind of haze here! Normally, it’s easy to see the people on the sidewalk, but now, it’s hard to make them out”!

  Trying to focus on someone, the grip of familiar panic clenched tight, as a fearful sight came into view: a three-legged man, walking a Saber Tooth tiger on a leash! Eyes closed rapidly, amid the terrifying thought of what would be seen-if anything-when opening them again! Confused senses were again bombarded with the sight, but then, it mysteriously vanished!

  “Where'd they go”?

  “Where'd who go”?

  “The man walking his cat”!

  Looking out the window at the crowded sidewalk, the reply, was one of astonishment.

  “Anybody who can get a cat to walk along this busy street-is amazing”!

  The food came, and all thoughts of the man and his cat were happily replaced, by thoughts of how good the meal was.

  “It’s easy, to see why this is one of your favorite places”!

  “I figured, it’d be a hit! Hey, I was thinking, the Louis Vuitton store is right up the street, and it would be nice to pick out a new handbag.”

  “Louis Vuitton, it is”!

  “Is there any shopping you want to do, while in Paris”?

  “No, I'm just happy to be with you”!

  A slight rumble and shaking of things-suddenly rattled everyone’s nerves; with a strong voice of reassurance, a waiter calmed everyone about the mini-quake.

  “There's really getting to be a lot of quakes, these days”!

  “There certainly is, pretty eyes! I guess we'll have to put up with them for a while longer, until the sun is not as active anymore. I can't wait-to see more of your city!”

  “There’s no place like it”!

  She hoped, that he could one day love Paris as much as her, but that thought quickly faded.

  “What is it”?

  In a lowered voice, he replied.

  “A strange thing-I was watching a little boy flying a kite, and, well, the kite turned into a Pterodactyl, and flew off in the direction of the tower”!

  “There must've been another child close by, with another kite.”

  “That must be it.”

  The tasty lunch was followed by a stroll, along the many fashionable, and famous shops of the Champs-Elysees. After a few hours of exploring the Avenue, blissful sunbathing and swimming at the hotel’s luxurious pool, was a must, followed by another must: a romantic movie in their suite.

  That evening, the room service menu provided a dish made famous in the nearby region of Burgundy. The Burgundy distinction was called Boeuf Bourguignon, and consisted of savory morsels of beef, that had been marinated, and cooked with a complementing assortment of foods: red wine, mushrooms, onions, carrots, and bits of bacon. Dinner also consisted of two appetizers: Celery Remoulade and Hors-Doeuvres. Brie cheese, and Black Truffles, accentuated the elegant dinner. A perfect touch to it all, was a bottle of Cote d' or Red, and a special old recipe dessert from the southwest of France: Pistachio cream cake, with candied tangerines.

  “Your choice of dinner is excellent, my pretty Parisian, and the dessert-is one of my favorites! It’s easy to understand, why peop
le say that Paris is the culinary capital of the world”!

  “I'm glad you really enjoyed it! Now that we've indulged our taste buds, why don't we take this wine to the balcony, and soak in more Parisian life.”

  “Sure thing, Emerald Eyes”!

  The endearing nickname raised a smile, as the warm embrace of the setting sun, enveloped them, with deep hues of orange and scarlet.

  “Ah, the mystical City of Lights! Your city is enchanting”!

  “It is! It has a seduction all its own”!

  “Any suggestion, on what we should do tomorrow”?

  “What do you think-about going up inside the Eiffel Tower”?

  “That’s always been on my to do list! Have you been there?”

  “No, I have a thing about heights, so this will be my first time”!

  After a short talk, the emerald beauty heard something she wasn’t ready for.

  “Why don't we go catch the news.”

  “I'm kind of afraid to listen to it”!

  “I understand, but just remember what the majority of top scientists are saying”!

  “I will.”

  After getting comfy on the couch, the news channel was tuned in, with only a few minutes to wait.

  Emerald thoughts-were on the nervous side.

  I'm not sure I want to hear this, but I suppose it wouldn't be wise, for me to make like an Ostrich. I need to know what's going on!

  “Good evening, and welcome to the nightly news. We have important information-from top scientists around the world-that we need to share with you. You'll want to stay tuned for this! The Yellowstone Super Volcano is rumbling more than it ever has, causing major concern among volcanologists studying it. According to them, it's just a matter of time before it erupts, and the resulting ash cloud blocks out much of the sun around the world for years; crops will fail, and food-will be scarce! These volcanologists, are saying, there is no immediate danger of eruption, and these pre-disaster rumbles could go on for hundreds-or even thousands-of years!

  The result of their studies-which mirrors the answer of most top scientists-is that the Yellowstone quakes, and other quakes around the world, are due to the sun being in its Solar Maximum-which is causing an increased gravity pull-on the earth. The sun is throwing an enormous number of giant flares our way, which are crippling everything electronic, and also raising fears of an increase in Cancers, and other health problems-due to a big surge in radiation. Top medical experts, are warning people to limit their time in the sun, which is scorching the earth-killing trees and grass.


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