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  “Pretty eyes, there’s a piece of machinery by the right wall-that is much taller than all the rest”!

  “I see it! Let's go take a look”!

  Two things, stood out on the approach: the silence, and a four-foot-high foundation-made of unusual red bricks. The walk around it, was a puzzling hope for clues.

  “A mystery, handsome, is why someone made bricks full of holes, and used them here”!

  “It's a tough puzzle! Hey! Here’s a triangular set of three holes, and there’s a crown etched above them”!

  A strange draw, pulled the three middle fingers of his right hand into the holes, and a chain of events began: a loud click, followed by low rumbling, from somewhere below their feet.

  “Uh oh, I think I pushed a button”!

  With no warning, the floor gave way in front of them, activating, the backward jumping springs on their feet. First guess, was another earthquake-but the square edges of the gaping hole-proved it wasn’t: the machine was being lowered somehow. Astonished eyes watched it all but disappear into darkness, before stopping with a thump, followed, by the unmistakable click of stairs moving into place.

  “An entry! Let’s check it out”!

  He smiled at her brave curiosity.

  “I admire your adventurous spirit, and it would be fun to explore what’s down there”!

  Pulling out a tiny flashlight, which he always carried in his belt pocket, he offered a guiding hand.

  “What if-we’re seen on surveillance cameras?” she asked.

  “I didn't spot any of those in here. It's ok. No-one will know.”

  Adrenaline was flowing, with the excited climb over the machine, and down age-old metal steps. Odd creaking noises mingled eerily, with the faint light, that flickered on half seen objects in their new surroundings.

  “This is amazing, Jean-Leuc! Who would have guessed-anything was down here?”

  “I know! I see a torch over on that wall; maybe, we can figure out a way to light it.”

  Pulling it from the holder, he was immediately startled by rumbling behind them. A turn back to the stairs-gave rise to the unsettling thought-of being in trouble!

  “The close must have been triggered, when I removed the torch! I imagine, that putting it back-will open it again. Let's wait for it to finish closing, and I'll try that.”

  “Ok. That’s a good plan”!

  The stairs and machine finished moving into place, and with the torch replaced, came a wait, a wait, for nothing. Deciding maybe it would take a bit, they waited patiently for two uneasy minutes, still, nothing.

  “Guess that's not going to do it, pretty one; we'll have to find another way out”!

  “That’s ok. We’ll figure it out! Is it my imagination, or is it getting lighter in here?”

  “It is! Can’t tell where the light is coming from, but it's definitely lighter now; we won't need my flashlight anymore”!

  Walking down what appeared to be a tunnel, a familiar structure soon came into view.

  “A brick house”!

  That makes sense, pretty eyes: according to history, the Louvre was built on top of a city.”

  “I've heard of cities being built-on top of others! This is incredible! It’s hard to believe-we’re in a buried city of the past-and, are the first visitors in centuries”!

  Being the first visitors in centuries, was an ever-present thought during the walk of many directions, as the street descended into the long-forgotten city. The air was getting colder, and bringing a staleness, as of old, dirty shoes, even through the flowing of a slight breeze.

  Winding ever deeper into the past, it seemed as though history was trying to speak: through the broken houses, and walls. The voice found its path-after a new discovery: a large, open area, encircled with high stone walls, that were telling a story with impressively detailed carvings. A crack stretched along the ground and up a wall, between two magnificent arches of welcome, for the now divided street. Various leaf designs of green and blue, covered the arches, that had special paintings on the bricks above: gold crowns with emeralds.

  “Pretty eyes, these crowns-are similar to the one in the machinery room! That crown, is also gold, but only inside the groove of the outline.”

  “The crowns really stand out, and so does this crack! A few years back, Paris had a good-sized earthquake, and that might be when this happened,” she replied.

  “It would take a good-sized earthquake, to do this! Look how wide it is: at least two feet”!

  “What a shame-that these are broken!” she commented, looking at pieces of clay pots.

  “It is a shame! I wish, we could go back in time and see this place in all its glory”!

  She agreed, and turned her attention to the cracked, foot-thick wall.

  “Oh wow! You’ve got to see this”!

  Itching to explore, she led the way into the splendor of royalty. A warm, unknown light, revealed surviving remnants of centuries past-that stood in dazzling defiance-against the sands of time. Breathless beauty filled the large, circular room, that was richly bordered by silver pillars-covered with elaborate gold carvings of winged cats.

  They stood, majestic and proud-knowing-they would be noticed-quickly!

  “Pretty one, we’ve got magical company!”

  He walked toward an arch of incredible marble designs, and, guardians: on each side of the arch, stood a lion sized and catlike creature of gold, stretching silver-tipped wings high! Tracking from the arch, and circling in front of the pillars-were mysterious golden paw prints: a set of large ones, followed by two small sets, on each side.

  “Calling them ‘magical’, certainly fits! They’re-amazing”!

  “This room, surely was part of a king’s palace, babe”!

  Managing to pull away from the powerful gaze, their focus shifted to the center of the room, where a different looking pillar lay in pieces, alongside the damaging crack.

  “A lot of curious things are down here, handsome, like this strangely beautiful pillar: it has gold, blue, purple, and scarlet paw prints all over it! Part of cat worship, I guess”!

  After saying that, she noticed a hole in the floor at the pillar’s base; a look inside-was met with a reflection.

  “There's something in here! It’s stuck in the dirt-on the edge of the hole”!

  She was just about to touch it, and abruptly jerked back: startled, by whispering, from within the shadows. A wide-eyed scan of surroundings, could find no-one, but alarm still gripped her voice.

  “Did you hear that”?

  “I did! Someone else is down here! I’ll scout the area, and be right back”!

  After a thorough search, he returned a few minutes later.

  “I didn't find anybody; we must've scared the person away”!

  “That's good! I wasn't expecting-to find anyone else down here”!

  Turning her attention back to the hole-curiosity took over.

  “What could that be”?

  “I'll dig it out, with my pocket knife.”

  A sculpted wonder emerged-to a gasp of astonishment-at what lay cupped in his hands: a most spectacular silver marble box. The middle of the lid, and the handles at each end, boasted exquisitely detailed gold carvings: cats, with silver-tipped wings in flight. Hinting of powerful knowledge-were Egyptian hieroglyphs-delicately carved into the middle of each side.

  “I can’t believe what you’re holding! The cats are just like the ones-by that entry”!

  “It’s a curious thing, and so is the weight: kind of heavy, for such a little box! Here-you do the honors; let’s find out what’s in here”!

  Swimming in a rising tide of excitement, she lifted the latch-uncovering a view fit for a king!

  “Gold coins, and a beautiful necklace”!

  The necklace had a unique design: a delicate gold chain, from which hung a four-inch-long emerald green crystal-shaped like a trident.

  “What a find, and the stone is the same gorgeous color as your eyes”!

p; “Such a beautiful necklace! I believe these are Egyptian hieroglyphs on it; I wish one of us-could read them”!

  “These coins are unbelievable, pretty eyes! There's a mermaid, trident, and island, on this side, and the other has a pyramid, sphinx, and stars”!

  “We’ll have a lot of research to do-after we find a way out!” she noted, slipping the jewel around her neck.

  With the treasure wrapped in a handkerchief, and safely tucked away in her handbag, the step back through the crack and into new adventure-was an unfortunate step: out of remembrance of the frightening whispers.

  “Ok, pretty eyes-which way”?

  “This road to the left has a breeze, so perhaps, we should go this way.”

  “Good logic”!

  Only minutes later-an eerie feeling-stopped the emerald beauty in her tracks.

  “What is it”?

  “I can't explain it, but it feels like we're being watched”!

  “I feel it too! Stay close to me”!

  Continuing on, a half mile saw the journey-once again-split.

  “Time for another decision, pretty eyes.”

  “The breeze, is to the right.”

  For what had to have been at least a mile, the road followed many brick houses, and open areas, and then dwindled to little more than a path; a few minutes later, it ended altogether: at the site of a cave-in.

  “Uh oh, handsome-end of the line”!

  “Maybe not. Feel that breeze? Let’s find the source!”

  A mere 10 feet of search provided what she needed: for a welcome announcement.

  “Air is flowing by this giant boulder”!

  “Good find! I’ll see if I can move the boulder.”

  Displaying superhuman strength, he proved the boulder was no match, and also proved what had been suspected: he had a major secret!

  “Talk about muscles! I should call you Hercules”!

  Smiling at the comment, he offered to go first, and check for dangers.

  The all clear was given, to enter a vast, solid rock cave, where reflections bounced from a gently flowing stream of water.

  “This is amazing, Hercules”!

  “Another incredible place, sweetie, and I can only guess about what supplies the light! I think the stream was a water source, for the city.”


  That word was barely said, before feeling a mad flurry of wings, and a tug at her hair.


  She screamed, and fell to the ground-arms swinging wildly-but, oddly enough, no longer was there anything to protect against, and strong hands were pulling her up.

  “It's ok”!

  “I hate bats”!

  “Don’t blame you! They know a way out, though, and I saw their line of retreat”!

  “That's a good thing”!

  After a reassuring hug-that the evil bats were gone-she was ok.

  “Come on, pretty eyes-let's find the way out.”

  Now that the danger was over, their journey led toward a far wall of the immense cave.

  “Trespassers! Prepare to die”!

  A flood of chills poured over them, and facing the loud, threatening voice-made their blood run cold! Glaring at them, from the other side of the water, was an enormous, armor clad warrior! A long, braided ponytail, hung on his massive chest-as he aggressively pointed a blood-stained sword-in their direction!

  “A samurai? What's a samurai doing down here?” Hercules questioned.

  Their worst nightmare let out a cry of attack, and raced toward them, and, the unavoidable confrontation!

  A short gasp of air, was all she could get-nothing worked anymore-except her heart: it was hammering so hard-her ears hurt!

  Instantly, he became a brave shield-waiting for the inevitable-waiting for the fight; it was a fight that never came-as the warrior-suddenly vanished!

  “What the…where'd he go”?

  Confused beyond measure, he still managed to provide comfort.

  “It’s all right! He’s gone”!

  Filled with overwhelming relief, she buried her face in his chest, and felt the terror-fade.

  “Where is he”?

  “I don't know, pretty eyes, but let’s get going-in case he decides to come back”!

  “Right! Let's go”!

  All senses were on high alert, and a run to the far side of the cave revealed a possible escape route: a jagged crack in the wall.

  “That earthquake you had a few years ago, might have done this. I think-the bats went out here.”

  “It's barely big enough to get into, and is pitch black, but I'd rather take my chances in there-with the bats-than the warrior”!

  “You go first, and if ugly comes back, I'll be the one closest to him”!

  With every fiber of her being on edge, she darted inside, thankful, to be the first one in!

  In the eerie glow of a small flashlight, a painfully slow escape was made between jagged edges of rock. The passage was so narrow, it was almost impossible to keep an eye out for trouble! After a couple of minutes, bringing up the rear-turned into a new kind of danger: a moving object fell on his head, and then, the loose dirt at his feet. Hoping, it wasn’t a snake, he watched the grand entrance of a fuzzy ball of cuteness: a mouse, that scurried a few feet up the rock, and disappeared into a small hole. Debating whether or not to mention it, he decided he should-but not say it fell from above.

  “Babe, I just saw a mouse-so step lightly”!

  “Nice! On top of everything else-now-I have to deal with critters”!

  For the next 15 minutes, the passage moved steadily upward, turning directions often, and closing ever tighter; finally, it narrowed so much-it threatened to bring their escape to an end! There could not have been a worse time-for the poisoning strike-of the long fangs of terror.

  “I see you there!” boomed a cold voice in the semi-darkness.

  “He’s back!” she yelled, reeling under the sudden blow of panic!

  “Hurry! We’ve got to get out of here”!

  Going forward looked hopeless: the walls almost touched-a few feet ahead! Fighting the panic, she desperately searched for another way out; going back, was not an option! Then, she saw it-a glimmer of hope by her right foot: barely visible in the whisper of light, was a man-size hole-a last chance to escape!

  It was a chance immediately crawled into, with no time to worry-if it would be a dead end, or lead out to a cliff. A minute later, a flood of relief washed over them, as the tide of fortune changed and carried them to the other side of the blocked crack. The gap was spacious now, and moving, would be comfortably quick. No longer trapped, and temporarily having escaped certain doom, the emerald beauty felt a warm calm and the panic began to fade-but a flicker of light-made it threaten to stay.

  “Bad news, sweetie! The flashlight is giving out”!

  She couldn’t believe it: now this! A deep, slow breath to draw courage-helped a little bit.

  “That’s ok, we’ll manage.”

  Fighting her fears, she felt her way in the flickering light, noticing, the walls had a growing number of twinkling orbs in them; she puzzled over what the rocks were made of-to have little ball shaped nodules-that gave off periodic flashes of light. Before long, the flashlight completely gave out, leaving them to feel their way in the dark, which soon yielded a surprise to searching hands.

  “Hey! The crack divides now! There is fresh air to the right, so I think we should go that way. And guess what? The fresh air-smells like pizza!”

  “Pizza? I’m right behind you!”

  The occasional flicker of light could have helped, when her right hand found a warm, soft spot among the cold, hard rock. Rubbing curious fingers over it-proved-to be a mistake: the warm spot squealed as it ran across her hand-provoking a scream!


  “Something was on my hand”!

  “It sounded like a mouse, and it’s gotta be more scared of you, than you are of it.”

  “That’s a toss-up”

  Having crept in, it swiftly pounced: the horrifying truth-that the orbs in the rocks-were actually eyes! Continuing on, she was afraid to touch anything! A few stressful minutes later, a mysterious faint light revealed countless nodules, and something worse: the walls were closing up again! Avoiding the blinking eyes was almost impossible, but, she was careful not to place her hands by anything-that glowed!

  Several minutes later, a new discovery surfaced after rounding a corner.

  “There's another large crack up here-with a light behind it”!

  “Can you see anything, beyond the crack”?

  The sight, was one of extreme satisfaction!

  “You won't believe this! I'm looking down into a wine cellar”!


  “There's some large wine kegs, stacked against the wall below us; we should be able to climb down on those.”

  “Be careful”!

  The descent was easy, followed, by two sighs of relief.

  “Boy, am I glad we're out of there, handsome”!

  “So am I! And what a way to get out”!

  Rows of wine barrels lined the small cellar, and snuggled between two giant drums, was a most refreshing sight for their tired, but grateful eyes: wooden stairs!

  Listening at the top, gave assurance to enter a long hallway, that thankfully, had dirt hiding lights. Stealth mode, took them down its length and into another hallway-to the sounds of dining.

  Then, she spotted them!

  “Bathrooms! Time to clean up and find some food-if it's not too late”!

  “It's not. It's only 10 p.m. I'll meet you back out here.”

  Looking in the mirror, a raccoon looked back at the only thing recognizable: green eyes!

  “Good Lord!” blurted the raccoon.

  It took some doing, but she managed to clean up well enough-to be among people again-and Hercules was impressed.

  “Hey baby, you cleaned up pretty good”!

  “You too! Let's go find some dinner! I'm starved”!

  “My thoughts, exactly”!

  The hallway led into a charming, candlelit café, that only had four diners. A secluded corner booth was available, and finally being able to relax-was a huge relief!

  “What would you like to eat, my pretty explorer”?


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