Playing With Fire: Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society

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Playing With Fire: Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society Page 87

by Meg Ripley

  “Don't be afraid. I understand this is a very unusual circumstance, but it will make much more sense soon. My name is Rogue,” he spoke.

  His voice calmed her more, and within a moment, she couldn't help but lay back on the table, the languid feeling making it impossible to hold herself up. Her gaze remained his captive. She knew she should be terrified, struggling to get away, but even as the thought crossed her mind, something else caught her attention—the arousal coursing through her, heating her body and making her nether regions wet.

  “What's going on?” she asked again. He stood right next to her then, and she was finding it difficult to concentrate at all as the arousal she felt started a throbbing need between her legs and she squeezed them shut tightly, not sure if she was trying to stave off the arousal or appease it with the rub of her thighs. Suddenly, she remembered that the blanket she wore covered only half her body and she moved quickly to cover her breasts with her arms.

  “Don't do that, Lindsay. Those are far too beautiful to cover up,” he told her, and her heavy, languid arms fell to her sides, almost moaning aloud at the intensity of her arousal in response to his voice.

  “The truth is, Lindsay, we need you,” Rogue told her as he reached out a hand to touch her skin. The look on his face made Lindsay wonder if he was testing something—her resistance or acquiescence, perhaps. His hand brushed away the blanket and rested against her thigh, and she could see that he was clenching his teeth, fighting back some urge within him.

  “I don't understand,” she spoke, an utter look of confusion on her face.

  “You wanted to be someone who made a difference, and you are going to make a difference in a way you could never have imagined. You are going to help save an entire species,” he told her.

  But she had no idea what he was talking about. This didn't exactly look like the headquarters for the World Wildlife Fund.

  A smile crossed the man's face and he spoke again, “Not an animal species as you may be thinking. But one that is so much like yours. It is my species that needs you. And don't worry; you are not alone. A select few of you will be the ones responsible for saving the entire species, and even making it better.”

  The door that the strange humanoid man had entered through opened behind him, but this time a woman walked in, carrying a sleeping infant in her arms. She was the most beautiful woman Lindsay had ever seen. She moved across the room gracefully and came to stand on the other side of Lindsay, a sympathetic look on her face. She looked up at the humanoid man.

  “Ny-len thought it might make it easier for her if I explained a little while you do...what you do,” the beautiful woman told him. The man nodded as his fingers started to draw tiny circles along her thigh, driving her arousal to heights she didn't know existed.

  She couldn't muster up the will to resist, but instead, turned her head toward the woman as she began to speak.

  “My name is Rachel. I know this is a little frightening, but you have nothing to worry about. In fact, I was in your exact place just a few months ago. And I can assure you it is an incredible experience,” Rachel told her emphatically.

  The man's hand began to slide along her thigh to her naked pussy, making contact with her clit. His fingers stopped there, not moving, just pressing firmly against her. And her body betrayed her further, trying to force her hips off the table to press harder against the man's fingers, and then she began to writhe against him, rubbing against his fingers.

  Rachel smiled and then continued speaking. “And I know how it feels to want to make a difference in the world. I wanted it so much, too. I think it might be a feature you and I both have that stands out and draws attention. You are going to make a difference, Lindsay. You'll understand later, but all I can do for now is encourage you to enjoy this time. You won't regret it,” she finished, a sensual grin flitting across her lips.

  All of a sudden, Lindsay's hips bucked wildly off the table as the man's fingers began to vibrate, faster and faster against the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs. She moaned and sank back down onto the table, her legs spreading open of their own volition.

  And then Rachel turned away and retreated from the room, leaving Lindsay alone with the man who was driving her body wild.

  Though his eyes wandered everywhere, taking in every inch of her exposed body, he didn't touch her anywhere else, only his fingers against her clit. But she was grateful for that at the moment because she didn't think her body could take much more right now.

  As the vibrations increased, her body continued to writhe and she moaned. The man leaned forward slowly until he was hovering over her mouth; his strange and beautiful orange eyes gazing into hers. And then he crossed the meager distance between them and his lips were against hers.

  He moved gently at first, almost teasing her lips instead of kissing her, still looking directly into her eyes. And then his mouth pressed firmly against hers as his tongue came out to run back and forth along her lips. Lindsay knew what he wanted, and her body gave into to him without a second's hesitation. Her mouth opened, and his tongue delved inside, thrusting slowly at first. Her own tongue came out to meet his, and somehow, it seemed to stir him to new heights.

  The vibrations against her clit increased and his tongue moved vigorously against hers. She moaned against his mouth as her body moved beneath his strange, vibrating fingers. Her orgasm began to build and she fought against it, knowing what she was allowing to happen here was so wrong. But, she wasn't strong enough to fight the vibrations stimulating her body and she started to cum, her back arching off the table at the intensity of her orgasm.

  The man's fingers stopped vibrating then, and in the next moment, neither his fingers nor his mouth were on her. He stood, staring at her with a strange look; something akin to surprise if she had to guess. She couldn't imagine why he would be surprised, given that he was the one orchestrating whatever this was.

  But, as the aftershocks of her orgasm began to fade, the stranger's perplexed look was no longer Lindsay's primary concern. Panic began to well within her anew, now not only at the strange situation she found herself, but also at the way she had responded. She must be crazy! She'd been kidnapped, laying nearly naked on a table with a strange, not quite human-looking man standing over her, and all her body could do was get horny? What the hell was wrong with her?

  Before she could finish chastising herself for her ridiculous behavior, the man had turned and started toward the door. She contemplated calling out to him, seeking answers, but she was silent, not wanting to risk another encounter before she'd had time to sort out what was going on. The door opened and beyond the entrance she saw the woman again, this time she held no child in her arms. Instead she wore an unmistakable look of desire on her face, as did a new strange man, standing next to her.

  Lindsay turned her head away and moved to cover herself. But as the door closed, blocking the strangers from her view, she realized that whatever invisible restraint that had held her there was gone.

  “When did that happen?” she spoke aloud, and then wondered if she'd been free all the time the odd man had been stimulating her body. “Oh God! What's wrong with me?!?” she cried, standing and wrapping the blanket around her to cover her body.

  She wandered around the room, feeling every crack and crevice on the floor and wall, looking for some loose board or secret exit that would allow her to escape. But as her search came up empty, the door opened once again, the woman walking casually into the room.

  “Sit down, Lindsay,” the woman said kindly. “I know exactly what's going through your head, because it went through mine, too, when I was first brought here,” Rachel told her, an understanding look in her eyes.

  Rachel continued walking over to the smooth, hard table in the middle of the room and sat down on the edge, waiting patiently for Lindsay to join her. At first, she didn't know what to do, but the woman's words were somehow comforting, and so she acquiesced, returning to sit next to her.

infant I was holding—that is my son. Just a few months ago, I had absolutely no intention of having children anytime soon; in fact, it was the furthest thing from my mind. I was desperately trying to break into the acting field…I wanted to be famous,” Rachel said with a shrug.

  “Not for mere fame and fortune, but to be a powerful voice in this world. Unfortunately, I wasn't getting very far, and one night, staring at the oddly bright star in the sky, I made a wish...just as you did last night. And then I was here, with the same fear and panic as you're experiencing...and the intense arousal, too. You see, you are drawn to them in the same way that they are drawn to you. That draw tells them that you will be an ideal match. And this is the scary part, Lindsay: you're an ideal match to be a mother of a brand new, blended species,” Rachel told her gently and Lindsay's panic increased tenfold.

  “Before you fly off your rocker, just listen,” Rachel smiled. “Their species, they are weak for so much of their lives, and they don't live nearly as long as we do. These two flaws combined has left a war waging on their planet for far too long. A strong, healthy species is the only possible way to bring peace to the planet. My son is the first of that blended species,” she beamed proudly.

  “You don't have to be a part of this, Lindsay. They won't make you, but you will want to regardless, and you'll come to see it as a wonderful thing; a real way to make a difference, even if it isn't in the original way you had intended. You've already seen the way your body responds to them. It already knows what it wants. And I can tell you from experience that you'll have to put up one hell of a fight within yourself to refuse your body what it wants. Every time they're near, you'll lose that will, and you'll succumb. It's just the way it is. But, the sooner you look inside to see that this is really what your body wants, the sooner you can stop that fighting, and let your body lead. You have no idea what those men are capable of, I assure you,” Rachel finished with a wink, patting her back reassuringly.

  Lindsay sighed, finding Rachel's comforting touch far more relaxing than she would have expected.

  “It's odd, I know. Since having my son, some of whatever unique powers their species possesses appears to have rubbed off on me,” Rachel remarked, seemingly to herself as she stared at her hand on Lindsay's back.

  “What do you mean?” Lindsay queried.

  “The way my touch is relaxing you right now...seems like it shouldn't be so, given the circumstances, right? Well, they have this incredible ability to calm even the most panicked or angry person...and I guess I have a little bit of that now, too,” Rachel told her, and Lindsay knew without a doubt that she told the truth; the look of wonder on the woman's face was too raw to have been concocted, even if she had been an aspiring, young actress.

  “So, what happens now?” she asked, no longer afraid but curious instead.

  “Damn, that woman's relaxing thing definitely isn't made up!” she thought incredulously, realizing the change in her own thinking in response.

  “You're going to have the time of your life now, an experience that will make you wonder why you ever wasted your time on human men,” Rachel explained with a naughty grin as her eyes went blank momentarily, obviously remembering back to her own experience.

  With that, she rose from the table. And as if on cue, the door across the room opened and two men entered this time. Upon seeing them, Lindsay's arousal returned anew, and the closer they came, the more her body responded. However, it was somehow evident to her that while both men were causing her body to stir, it responded far more to the one who had been in the room before...Rogue.

  They stood before her then, and she squeezed her thighs together as she sat on the edge of the table, knowing with certainty this time that it was in an attempt to appease the throbbing ache between her legs. Rachel whispered back and forth with the other stranger briefly and then left the room. Lindsay's eyes followed her until the door closed firmly behind her, and she turned her attention instead to the humanoid men in front of her.

  “This is Ny-len, my brother,” Rogue introduced the man standing next to him. “You're far too covered up, Lindsay,” Rogue told her in a husky, sensual voice, driving her just as wild as it had before.

  She had no idea why, but she stood then and unhooked the blanket from where it had been fastened between her breasts. The blanket fell to the floor and she stood there naked as the two men perused her body. It should have made her uncomfortable, but instead it turned her on, and in that moment, her arousal took full control of her body. Rachel had been right...she wouldn't have the strength to resist.

  Her hands came up from her sides to cup her heavy breasts, enjoying the men's eyes on her body. Rogue groaned and his hands moved over hers, guiding her movements and forcing her to squeeze her tits harder. A moan escaped her lips unbidden in response to the increased pressure. The two of them working together on her breasts while the other man watched seemed so erotic.

  Rogue leaned forward then, his face moving toward hers ever so slowly, his eyes meeting hers as they had before. Just as his lips made contact with hers, Ny-len left the place he'd been standing and moved behind her, his hands coming up to wander along her body. He started at the back of her neck, trailing softly downward, along her shoulders, the backs of her arms, and then back up to the top of her neck. Rogue deepened the kiss, his tongue entering Lindsay's parted lips, as he continued to use her hands to squeeze her breasts.

  Ny-len's fingers trailed slowly down her back, making tiny circles that both relaxed and stimulated her at the same time. He lingered when he reached her hips and Rogue withdrew from her mouth, looking up at Ny-len briefly. In the next moment, Ny-len had edged his way up on the table behind her and he had used his hold on her hips to lift her up onto his lap, his legs in between hers.

  Lindsay's hands fell away from her tits as she was lifted up and Rogue's hands replaced hers. He clutched her tits, running his thumbs back and forth across her nipples as he continued to meet her gaze. And then his thumbs began to vibrate gently against her.

  The sensations coursing through her body, Rogue's eyes holding hers captive; it was the most sensual experience she'd ever had. Ny-len's legs began to move, spreading Lindsay's open in the process and leaving her smooth, bare slit completely exposed to Rogue's gaze. Ny-len's hands left her hips and grazed along the crease of her thighs, moving forward between her legs. His fingers spread her lips open, revealing her glistening wetness and then he stilled. Rogue continued to squeeze Lindsay's breasts while his eyes locked on her pussy.

  She moaned, so enthralled with the erotic nature of the scene. And yet, her body writhed, trying to force Ny-len's fingers to move against her. But it was Rogue who moved next, one of his hands leaving her breasts, sliding down her ribs, her stomach, to tease her slit in between Ny-len's fingers. And there, right before her eyes, his hand began to change. In just a few seconds, his hand transformed into a phallus-like shape as he continued to rub back and forth. He entered her then, just the slightest, and Ny-len released her lips, moving his hands to her hips once again.

  She didn't understand why at first, but then his intention became crystal clear. The teasing sensation of Rogue's...hand...just inside her entrance was driving her insane, making her ache for more. She went to move, to force him further inside, but she couldn't; Ny-len's hold on her hips prevented her. She moaned again, part in pleasure and part in frustration. And then her frustration increased tenfold as Rogue's phallic-shaped hand began to vibrate. She strained against Ny-len's hands, but his hold on her was relentless.

  Rogue smiled at her frustration. “Be patient. There's no reason to hurry,” he told her. Then he moved, sliding inside her just a little bit further, but not quite far enough.

  “Oh please, just a little bit further,” she breathed, her eyes ablaze with arousal, pleading with the man who tormented her with pleasure.

  Her request seemed to please Rogue, and she was rewarded instantly as he slid just a little further into her pussy, coming in direct contact with the
most responsive flesh in her body. He continued to vibrate there, gliding back and forth inside her to enhance the sensation even more. Her body writhed, despite Ny-len's hold on her as she moaned, whimpered and grasped at Rogue's hard, muscular shoulders.

  “Oh God, that feels so good,” Lindsay uttered as her head rolled back.

  “Look at me, Lindsay. Don't stop looking at me,” Rogue told her and she met his gaze once again. “That's right. I want to see you cum; I want to see the look in your eyes when you can't hold back any longer,” he continued.

  She knew it wouldn't be long, pressure already mounting within her in a way she'd only ever read about, but never experienced before. She knew he'd found her G-spot; it was a sensation unlike any other. Within moments, her moans turned to screams as she started to cum harder than ever before, soaking everything around her, but never breaking Rogue's gaze.

  He removed his hand from her and rubbed his phallus-shaped hand all over her, covering her folds and her clit with her own wetness. She shivered as she felt her body become aroused again already, even before the aftershocks of her orgasm had faded.

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently against hers, speaking as he did, “You looked incredible coming like that, but we're not finished yet,” he told her.

  As he spoke, Ny-len's hand left her hip and moved to her clit, instantly vibrating hard against her. She jolted forward, pressing her lips hard against Rogue's and delving her tongue inside his mouth. Her hands came up around his neck and entwined there, holding him to her. In the next moment, his phallic-shaped hand was at her entrance once again, but this time, instead of teasing her there, he plunged deep inside her, sliding in and out rapidly as the size of him changed to fill her completely.


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