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R/T/M Page 13

by Douglas, Sean

  She’s wearing a long-sleeved black sweater with a scoop neck, exposing her collarbones and she’s wearing a slim gold chain with a little pendant of the letter “O”.

  She’s wearing light make-up and she looks nice and she smiles when she gets in the car and jokes about how long it’s been since we’ve hung out.

  I laugh and we’re off.

  We go to the Mexican place we always used to go to.

  To my surprise the girl that I used to have a crush on was still working there.

  My friend and I nicknamed her cowgirl because I said that when she walks her ass moves like she’s riding an electrical bull on the slow setting and I couldn’t help but imagine her in a garter belt and a pistol belt and a peek-a-boo bra riding my bull and waving a cowboy hat over her head.

  I stopped going to the restaurant when I stopped hanging out with my friend and I didn’t think about the waitress. I just figured that she’d have moved on to something different by now.

  We get seated and “cowgirl” is our waitress.

  My friend is making silly eyes at me while I’m trying to order and when the waitress leaves I watch her ass. My friend goes, “Ooh!” like kids do, and I shoot her a glare.

  We drink. She was always the faster and heavier drinker. One time we were out and she finishes her beer and she grabs mine and pushes it up against my lips and says, “Drink it!”. I take the beer out of her hand and set it on the bar and say, “Look. If you want to be the pace car, that’s fine by me. Drink all you want. But I’m about riding the buzz, not chasing the buzz.”, and that settled things. After that she just outdrank me and let me drink at my own pace.

  True to form she drinks too much and by the time we get out there she’s slurring and sloppy and stumbling. She holds onto my arm and leans against me on the way to the car and I’m instantly turned on but I knew if I tried to make out with her she’d just brush me off and laugh.

  We make it to the car and I’m driving her home and she says. “I gotta pee! Stop the car!”.

  I reply, “Fucking where?”

  She says, “I don’t care. Wherever.”

  I pull into the empty parking lot of a funeral home and put the car in park.

  She gets out and almost falls over and walks off behind a dumpster.

  I look out the windshield not wanting her to catch me looking back trying to watch her pee hoping to see a part of her naked.

  She comes back to the car and she’s got her shoes clasped in one had and her panties in a wad in the other.

  She slumps into the seat and closes the door and I say, “Everything come out all right?” and she says, “Yeah.” In a sighing voice. Her head is lolling back and forth on her shoulders, then she tilts it back on the headrest. The parking lot light is shining in her window on her neck and her exposed collarbones and I’m a little drunk and I can’t resist the urge to reach out and trace my fingertips along her collarbone. She doesn’t snap awake and laugh at me so I trace my fingers up and down her neck. She says, “Go ahead. Touch them. Do whatever. I don’t care.”. I decide tonight’s the night, but not here.

  I put the car in drive and exit the parking lot.

  She notices that we’re not heading to her house and she asks, “Where are we going?” and I answer, “My house. You haven’t seen it yet.” and she replies, “Okay.” in a little girl voice and her head falls over to the side.

  I pull up alongside my house and turn the car off. While I’m going around to open her door she tries to open the door and get out but she just sort of leans out and sways. I get an arm under hers and lift her up. She’s not completely dead weight, but she keeps losing her footing.

  We get in the side door into the kitchen and I flip on the light. She looks around and says, “Nice place you’ve got here.” all slurry. She goes over to the refrigerator and opens the door and takes out a can of soda and pops the top and without drinking it just puts it on the counter and leans against it and I’m just watching her performance and my dick’s still hard.

  She crosses her arms with a little difficulty and asks, “Where’s your room?”.

  I say, “I live in the basement.”.

  She uncrosses her arms and goes over to the door to the basement. I follow her a couple steps behind. She stumbles on the third step and falls to her knees like a pile of logs. It takes her a second to react and then she bursts out laughing like a loon.

  I laugh too and I close the distance between us. She crawls up my side to stand up and I’m standing on the stair above her and I smile and shove her hard down the stairs. She goes down until her shoulder and the side of her face hits the wall of the landing. I walk down the steps and she says, “What the fuck did you do that for?”

  I step over her and down to the stairs below her and I grab her ankles and turn her around and pull her ankles, dragging her down the stairs and her shoulders and head thump down the stairs till they hit the floor on the bottom. I let go of her ankles and her heels slap the floor.

  The ride down winded her and she’s sort of gasping.

  I go over to the closet and grab a necktie and grab the roll of duct tape off of my desk, slipping it up over my wrist and walk over to her standing over her and I get down on one knee.

  She says “What?”, and I punch her in her right cheek and eye with my right hand.

  Her head ricochets back and smacks the floor.

  She looks all groggy. Punch drunk.

  I grab her right shoulder with both hands and flip her over and her head knocks against the floor again.

  Oh well, too bad.

  I wrench her arms back. First her right, then her left and cinch them together at the wrists firmly.

  I get up and go over to my desk and grab a big pair of scissors and stuff them in my back right pocket.

  She’s come around a little when I get back and when I grab her ankles she tries kicking a little, but I’m stronger than her and I get her ankles and drag her over to the center of my oriental carpet.

  Along the way she squirms and flips and screams “What the fuck!”.

  I go with her squirming and when I get her to the center of the carpet I flip her back onto her stomach.

  She’s squirming and huffing and trying to flip back onto her back.

  I get her purse and fish her panties out. Putting them half in my right front pocket.

  I grab her ankles and flip her over onto her back and she tries to kick at me making “Mph!” sounds each time she kicks.

  I just grin and step around her and step over her trunk dropping to my knees and sitting on her ribcage.

  She tries wriggling around so I punch her in the face again.

  Her head knocks back and I put my hands around her neck and choke her.

  She tries to shake loose, but I’ve got her and I’m squeezing.

  She makes a few strangling sounds and her face flushes and then her breath bursts out and still wincing her head falls back, her mouth partly open breathing shallowly.

  I take her panties out of my pocket and stuff them in her mouth and she makes half coherent mouth noises. I shake the duct tape down and tear off a strip and put it across her mouth.

  I throw the duct tape roll and get up off of her and flip her onto her stomach again.

  I take the scissors out of my pocket and walk down to her feet.

  I can hear her snuffing through her nose into the carpet.

  I grab the cuff of her right pants leg and I put the scissors in and start cutting up her pant leg. When I get up to the ass she tries to move and I punch her in the back of the head and say, “I don’t want to cut you, so stop moving.” And I really don’t want to cut her, so I’m careful not to stab her with the scissors when working up her ass. I cut the waist and the pants slip open and I can see a big slice of her full pale ass. I pause to admire my work and then do the other leg. Her pants have flapped down off the sides and it’s like she’s just wearing a bum flap.

  I get up and she cranes her neck around and shoots me
a look. I spit at her face and say, “What the fuck are you looking at?” and walk down and grab the cuffs of her pants and pull them out from under her. She wriggles off of them and curls up and tries to sit up. She looks really pissed.

  I say, “Where do you think you’re going?” and I kick her in the ribs with the toe of my shoe.

  She groans and flops onto her stomach.

  I sit on the backs of her thighs and she’s squirming and trying to kick but it doesn’t faze me.

  I pinch the right cuff of her sweater and slip the scissors in and cut up the back of her sleeve up to the shoulder, then do the same to the left. Then I grab the bottom of the back of her shirt and cut it up the back to the collar.

  I put my right foot under her right elbow and say, “Over.”.

  She tries to brace herself against me so I take my foot out and stomp on her elbow. She whines and I put my foot under her elbow again and say, “Over.” again. I help her flip over and she’s looking at me with these hurt eyes. Pfft. Whatever. I’m done being Mister Nice Guy.

  She’s wearing a pearly lacy demi cup bra.

  I straddle her and lean over and get the scissors under the thick straps on her side and cut them cleanly. The left, then the right. I get my finger into the front of her bra and I clench it and rip it off her like a magician doing the table trick. The bra makes a whipping and snapping sound and it’s loose and I toss it. Her breasts sit there, white and pink and I just look at them and she watches me looking at them.

  “The flowers are still standing!”

  I get up and I grab her hair and get my hand on the clip in her hair. I try to get it out but her hair’s all disheveled and there’s still some hair caught in it.

  I yank it out and there’s the sound of hair snapping and she makes an exasperated “Mph!” sound.

  I toss the clip and get a fistful of hair and I stand up and pull the fistful of hair up and I say, ‘Up!”.

  She breathes through her nose and scrambles to stand up and as soon as she gets on her feet I let go of her hair and shove her and she stumbles over to the bed. The end of the bed knocks her feet out from under her and she falls over onto the bed on her side.

  She wriggles around trying to get off the bed and I yell, “Don’t you fucking move!” and she stops wriggling, looking around for a way out.

  I pick the scissors up off of the floor and walk over to the bed and put the scissors on the bedside table.

  She’s staring up at me, scared. I take my shirt off and unbuckle my belt.

  She still looks scared so I take my belt out of the loops and double it up and whip her ass and thighs with it a half a dozen times. Each time the belt hits she winces and “Mph!”s.

  I laugh and drop the belt and say, “Now what’s up bitch?” and undo my pants whipping them down onto the floor. My cock is sticking straight out and she looks away.

  I climb onto the bed and she turns away from me on her stomach. I grab a fistful of her hair and crane her head back and lick along the left side of her from where her neck meets her shoulders up over her jaw to the top of her cheek.

  I let go of her hair and she hides turns her face away from me. I’m on my left side, half on top of her and I reach between her legs. She tries to squeeze her legs and keep me out but her thighs are soft and I dig between them. I push my hand up against her pussy and to my surprise it’s a little wet. I slip my first two fingertips in then drive them all the way inside her. She’s hot and warm and wet inside and I think she’s getting turned on despite herself. I take my hand out and rub my fingers and thumb together then put my hand back in. This time she doesn’t bother trying to keep me out and her legs are a little bit spread. I put my fingers back in and put my thumb up so the pad is on top of her asshole. I fuck her with my fingers, slipping the tip of my thumb in and out of her asshole.

  I’m getting hot and I take my hand out and roll on top of her putting my cock between her thighs. She tries to wriggle away from me but I grab a fistful of her hair and wrench her hair back and hiss, “This is gonna happen. You owe me. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. No which way is it gonna be?” She looks me in the eyes for a second and I let her head drop and she hides her face in the pillow.

  I put the tip of my cock against the opening of her cunt and I push it into her. I figured she’d be loose with all of the slutting around she did but I can feel her insides tight around me as I drill into her.

  I put it all the way in and savor the feeling for a minute. It felt victorious.

  I start fucking her slow and deep. She’s just laying dead, but I don’t care.

  I fuck her like that for about half an hour, just switching up the pace every now and then. I take my cock out and get off of her and maybe she thinks I’m done with her but I put my left hand under her left hip and say “Turn over.” She acts like she doesn’t hear me so I say, “Turn over!” and she turns over.

  She’s lying on her back and she’s looking up at the wall behind her head. I put my hands under her knees from the outside and lift them up, the I slip my hands under her knees, up to my elbows and fold her up so her cunt is facing towards me and I move my hips forward and get myself into her. I piledrive her and it’s everything I thought it would be, except when I used to imagine it, she was smiling luridly and stage whispering sexy dirty and urging me on, but the difference doesn’t take a lot out of it. I fuck her for a nice long time, quickly moving back and forth and smacking my pelvis against hers. It makes a great sound and I’m so turned on and when I cum it’s like my entire consciousness is focused in my dick pulsing inside her.

  I let her legs down and I pull out of her and I kneel in front if her and I watch my cum start to dribble out of her and I realize that I fucked up. There’s no way she’s gonna let this slide.

  Maybe she won’t call the cops or press charges, but I came inside her, and what if she gets pregnant? And either way there’s going to be this chick out there that’s going to be pissed off at me for the rest of her life.

  I get up and go to the bathroom and take a piss and splash my face with some cool water and look at myself in the mirror. I’m looking to see if I look like I’m guilty. I realize that’s just retarded and I crack a wry grin at my reflection. I don’t feel guilty. I feel great. I know what I have to do, but I might as well get my use out of her first.

  I come back into the room and she’s still on her back on the bed. She’s not even looking around and she looks kind of dazed. I guess she’s just waiting for it to be over. Waiting for me to cut her loose and try to apologize and offer her one of my shirts and some sweatpants and offer to take her home and drop her off so she can take a shower and cry. She’s got another thing coming.

  I pick up the shredded remains of her sweater on the way back to the bed. I wipe all of the goo off of the outside of her cunt with the rag and then throw it on the floor. It’s great to have what I’ve wanted for so long. I wish she wasn’t all bound up but it can’t be helped now. I run my hands allover her body and I can feel how smooth and warm it is and I start to get hard again. I squeeze her breasts with my hands and lick and suck the nipples. I’m not trying to get her turned on, it’s just something I want to do. I lie on my side next to her and reach in between her legs and open her outer lips with my fingertips. I slide a couple fingers into her and it’s easy because she’s still a bit glisteningly damp. I get the third finger in and she shifts a little uncomfortable and I wedge the fourth finger in and she winces and huffs through her nose. I try to get my whole hand in there like she’s a fucking Yoda puppet and it’s just not happening.

  I sit up and grab her left leg and roll her over and she rolls over without a fight, probably figuring that when I’m done with her I’ll be done with her. I get up and grab a necktie from my closet and come back to the bed. I loosely drape it around her neck and I can tell she’s kind of holding her breath to where this is going. I straddle her, sitting on the back of her thighs and I stuff my cock between her legs and rub it against jus
t inside her pussy until it gets nice and slick then I slide it up to her asshole and I put the tip of the head in the center of her ass and push my dick inside her. This also feels great and I love the way her soft ass feels against my lower abdomen. I fuck her asshole slowly for, like, an hour because I’m not in any rush because I just blew a load and I figure this is the last fun I’m going to have with her.

  When my balls start to feel tight and I fell like I’m going to cum I pull the tie tight and yank her neck back. She starts struggling, but she’s pretty exhausted after all of the bullshit she’s been through. She’s wriggling around and it feels great and I’m pulsing inside her and her asshole is clenching and she’s puffing out her nose.

  After the last pulse I hold her reigned back for a few seconds for good measure.

  My balls feel warm and wet and when I look down I realize that her bladder let go and there’s a puddle of piss soaking into the mattress. I yell, “Fuck!” and let go of the ends of the tie and the top of her torso boofs into the pillows. I go over to the bathroom and wash my genitals off in the sink and then splash some water on my face. My face is still not the face of a guilty man.

  I go back into the room and she hasn’t moved. I casually put my clothes on and I think things out.

  There’s an old septic tank in the backyard. It’s a cement bottle around eight feet deep and six feet wide. The top of it is covered with, like, a mini-manhole cover. It’s pretty nearly flush to the ground, but sticks up just enough to be a nuisance if you wanted to cut the grass. Whenever I mowed the lawn I had to go around it and it broke up the nice smooth lines and that always kind of pissed me off.

  The house isn’t connected to that tank anymore. The pipes probably got choked off by roots or rusted closed or whatever.

  There’s a newer septic tank made out of PVC piping and whatever, and all you can see of that one is, like, a PVC pipe sticking out of the concrete at the back of the house. Probably for pumping or whatever, but I’ve never had any problems with it.

  Okay. So there’s that.

  There’s a door in the wall of the basement and it opens up to the bulkhead and the bulkhead opens up to the backyard so it’s a pretty straight shot.


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