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R/T/M Page 15

by Douglas, Sean

  A month later the girl calls me up and she’s all tearful apologies and she says she wants to come up for real this time and I tell her to get her own fucking ticket.

  She asks me if I’d be willing to pay for half the ticket.

  I figure I might as well. I’m not happy about it, but since her LiveJournal days she had gone on to be a Suicide Girl and I figured there won’t be a lot of chances for me to fuck one of them in this lifetime. So I tell her I’ll pay for half of the ticket and she says she’s going to book the flight.

  I don’t care. Or at least I try not to care, expecting her to get cold feet and bail out every day.

  She calls me every night and keeps me on the phone for hours until she falls asleep.

  She’s got some pretty heavy anxiety problems and takes Klonopin to fall asleep and she keeps me on the phone until she gets all groggy and slurry and then she says, “Night.” out of the blue and clicks off.

  It’s kind of annoying, but kind of cute and I have to put up with it if I want her to come up and play for a few days so I just shrug it off.

  So the day comes when she’s supposed to get on the plane and I expect her not to get on the plane and to call me and tell me she chickened out. And then when she doesn’t, I don’t expect her to be on the plane or to get off the plane when it arrives. I figure it’s all an experimental exercise in phenomenology for me. If I pretend that she doesn’t exist and that she’s not coming, then if and when she does appear I will be surprised.

  So I drive down to the airport and I figure out where her plane is supposed to disgorge its passengers. And there are sporadic trickles of groups of people and I’m trying to figure out which one is her and the suspense is fucking killing me. And then there’s this little girl that looks like she’s twelve all in black with black rolling luggage and she looks at me and smiles and I realize it’s her.

  I get up to meet her at the bottom of the escalator and she puts out her hand and introduces herself all formal like and when I put my hand out and shake hers and give her a wry look she busts out laughing and tries to do this judo move where you hold someone’s hand and then quickly twist underneath it and it flips the person onto the floor, but I sense it coming and she just flexes against my wrist and doesn’t go anywhere and she sort of laughs and says, “Okay. Let’s go.”

  I’m, like, a foot taller than her and I could do curls with this girl and I feel kind of creepy picking up this chick that looks wicked younger than me who I’ve been talking sexy with for, like, ten years.

  We go out to my car and I toss her luggage in the backseat and I get on the highway.

  We go to a restaurant and we get dinner. She’s pretty fussy about what food she eats so we end up at a Friendly’s and she gets a veggie quesadilla and I get an appetizer sampler and we make small talk about her flight and about how she bailed out the first time and I didn’t really think she was coming this time and she’s really argumentative and sensitive about my mentioning that and I say that if she just came up here to argue with me then I can go right back to the airport and drop her off and let her figure it out on her own. I’m in no mood to take any bullshit from this girl, especially after I had to eat the cost for that first plane ticket. She doesn’t apologize, but she does stop getting all worked up and argumentative and uses the excuse that travel really stresses her out and she warned me that she was a handful.

  Like that’s any excuse.

  So we get out of the restaurant and we go back to my house and she looks around the place and she drops her luggage in the middle of the floor and takes her coat off and drops it on top of her luggage and just sort of walks around and checks out all of the stuff in my room like it’s a museum or an art installation and she’s not talking to me or interacting with me and I’m beginning to get a little annoyed so I just fucking leave her to it and go upstairs and open the fridge and take out a bottle of root beer and I picture the lid of the septic tank under moonlight in my mind’s eye.

  I finish the root beer and wash out the bottle and flip it over and put it in the draining rack and go back through the door to the basement and down the stairs.

  I get to the bottom of the stairs and she’s sitting on the edge of the foot of the bed and just sort of staring at me and grinning and it’s really kind of disconcerting,

  She gets up and I figure she’s gonna come up and hug me or something, but instead she goes to her bag and unzips it and starts rifling through it, so I just leave her to it and go sit on my bed and grab my wireless keyboard/mouse and open up my virtual jukebox and start up my Bjork/Portishead/Depeche Mode/ Massive Attack playlist. I know she loves Danzig and The Misfits, but that would be pandering, and I’m in no mood to play little fucking schoolgirl games with her.

  She stops rummaging and stands up and looks over at me with that goofy fucking grin and says, “I brought something for you.” and stands there waiting. For what, I don’t know. So I say, “Okay.” and shimmy over and sit on the edge of the bed and she gets down on one knee and fishes around in her bag and pulls out a big lump of black cloth and then she hides whatever it is behind her back and walks over on her knees so she’s kneeling in front of me and grinning that goofy grin.

  She whips out whatever is behind her back and it’s a Dawn of the Dead hoodie. She told me she bought it for me, like, a year ago and when I check it out it looks all worn like she gave it to somebody, probably her fucking boyfriend, and then stole it back to give to me, but whatever. I put it on and it’s got a nice generous hood and I let it fall over my eyes and I smirk. I say, “Thank you.” and she smiles and walks on her knees back to her bag and she pulls out a rolled up poster in a plastic sleeve. I extract and unroll the poster and it’s a Dawn of the Dead poster. I smile and say, “Hey. Thanks.” and she leans in and kisses me on the mouth. It’s a good long one and I can tell she’s checking to see if we spark, but I don’t feel it and when she breaks off she looks a little clueless too. I know what she’s thinking. She’s thinking that since there wasn’t an instant chemical reaction then it’s not love, but she didn’t fly all this way for nothing and she wants to try me out so we’re going to fuck a couple times and then she’s going to go home and we’ll go back and forth like we always did.

  So she starts to unpack her bags and she shows me all of the clothes she brought and they’re all cuts and she has a story for everything and it’s cute and endearing but kind of boring and not sexy.

  I figure we’re going to get nice so I excuse myself to take a shower because I think I need one.

  When I get back from the shower she’s got out a fucking Nintendo DS and she’s playing some stupid fucking Legend of Zelda game. I figure, “What the fuck.” so I put on some sweatpants and pick up the book I was reading and lay down next to her and read.

  She keeps pestering me to help her solve puzzles in her game and they’re really easy, so either she’s not very bright or she’s begging for attention, but she says that she got stuck on that part on the plane and when I put my book down she doesn’t put her DS down and start making out with me so I figure the latter.

  She gets to another part that she can’t figure out and I can’t figure it out later because I haven’t played the game up to where she has so she gets all frustrated and packs the game up.

  She lays on her side and starts trailing her fingers up and down my torso which gets me hard. She reaches in under my waistband and wraps her right hand around my shaft and starts jerking me off. I figure it’s go time so I put the book down and turn to make out with her and she smirks and says, “Excuse me!” so I just shrug and pick my book back up and go back to reading.

  She starts jerking me off again and my penis begins to secrete pre-cum lubricant and she gets it in the palm of her hand and rubs it up and down my shaft and it feels good but I’m not going to pop my load anytime soon.

  I put the book down and go to make out with her again, and she does the “Excuse me!” routine again and laughs so I just shrug and go back to reading a
nd she jerks me off some more and I figure she’s going to start giving me head since she bragged about how much she loves to give head but instead she just stops and says, “Night!” and flips over onto her other side and whips the covers up over her.

  She’s fully dressed and I figure she’s got a fucking screw loose.

  I read for about a half hour later and put my book down and click off the light and kiss the back of her head and go to sleep.

  I wake up before she does and I’ve got morning wood so I go to the bathroom and wait for it to go down a little and take a morning piss.

  When I come back into the room she’s waking up and she’s all squeaky and it’s really cute and I’d be completely smitten if I wasn’t so pissed off at her for the bullshit the night before.

  She says she wants pancakes so we go to a breakfast place and she gets pancakes and I get eggs Benedict and then I take her out to a scenic overlook. She goes all over like she’s never been outside before and takes pictures of birds and squirrels and trees and shit and whenever I get near her she laughs like a loon and takes off and it’s really annoying.

  We get back to the house and she breaks out her fucking DS again, and I’m pretty pissed off so I just leave her in the basement and I go upstairs and work out then I go outside and walk around the property, just following the perimeter of the stone wall.

  When I get back in the house I go downstairs and the lights are off and she’s either asleep or faking, so I grab my book and go upstairs and read.

  I read for a few hours and I hear movement from downstairs, then I hear her coming up the stairs, then the basement door opens and she squints and shades her eyes against the light and asks, “What are you doing?”. And I dryly reply, “Reading.”. She says, “Why don’t you come to bed? I’m lonely.”

  I shrug noncommittally and close my book and she goes downstairs and I follow shortly after getting a cold glass of water. I get in bad with her and I’m not really tired and I spoon her and rub my hands up and down her body and initially she ignores them, but eventually they work and she turns on her back and kisses me long and hard. We kiss for a few minutes and she takes her shirt off and she’s not wearing a bra and in the half-light I can see her naked torso and her firm B cup breasts. I take my shirt off and she runs her hands across my chest and we kiss some more. I rub my hands up and down her body and up and down the outside and inside of her legs and she reaches into my sweatpants and starts jerking me off again and moaning and sighing so I rub her pussy through her pajama pants and she squeezes her thighs on my hand and moans and sighs. I’m all hot so I stop rubbing her and stand up on the bed and take off my sweatpants and I figure maybe she’ll start blowing me. When she doesn’t, I lay back down and rub and kiss her some more and I tug her pajama pants off, but she doesn’t make it easy.

  I rub her pussy and it’s warm and damp and she’s moaning and sighing and I slip the tips of my left hand inside and she jerks me off faster. I move over on top of her and she doesn’t make it easy for me to get between her legs but I do and when I finally get on top of her and her legs are spread wide open, I rub the head of my cock in between her outer pussy lips and she gasps and moans and whines a little.

  I say, “Condom?” and she says, “Please.” So I take out a condom and tear it open and I roll it over my dick and I get on top of her and I put the tip between her labia and push and it’s like pushing your finger into the center of a navel orange. I can feel her part but her cunt is gripping me like a baby’s fist gripping your finger.

  I push it in all the way and she’s humping against me and she stage whispers, “Fuck me.” and I’m straining and concentrating to not cum right away and when I don’t start just fucking piledriving her she whines “Fuck me!” so I start fucking her and it’s so fucking tight it feels great but I feel like I’m going to cum the whole time and when I finally do I don’t even enjoy it because it happens way too soon and I really want to fuck her for a good long time, but I just can’t.

  When my orgasm stops I can tell that she’s definitely not sexually satisfied but she is feeling gloaty and she says, “See? I told you I was tight.”, and I let that go without comment because I’m kind of pissed off that I came so fast and I’m kind of pissed off that she didn’t do anything to help matters and that she made me wait a night which probably made things worse by making me all over-eager and pent up. What do you expect after you jerk me off for two hours and then just flip over and go to sleep?

  So I get up and I wring out my dick and slip off the condom and go to the bathroom and take a piss to clear out my urethra and when I get back into bed she’s turned over on her side with the covers over her and I get in bed next to her and spoon up against her but she’s breathing deeply and her mouth is all slack open so she’s obviously asleep so it’s obvious I’m not going to get another chance tonight so I just give up and go to sleep.

  The next morning she’s up early and she’s chipper. We take a shower together and it gives me wood but she just sort of stares at it and grins like a retard and doesn’t do anything with it so I just get out of the shower and dry off and get dressed. She gets out of the shower and dries off and gets dressed and announces she wants waffles, so we go to the same breakfast place and she gets waffles and I get a couple eggs sunny side up with bacon and toast.

  I take her to a local national park and she walks around like she’s in a daze, like she’s never seen fucking pine trees before, and I we really don’t talk, and I’d like to get to know her, but she just keeps walking and skipping along and I keep following her and chain-smoking.

  We follow the trail in a big loop and my feet are getting sore and I’m getting sick of the great outdoors and I’m running low on cigarettes, but thankfully she just goes back to the car.

  I unlock the car and let her in and I take the scenic route home because the sun is setting and it’s really beautiful and the leaves are changing and I figure it’s a nice drive.

  We get back home and she drinks root beer and I put in Akira Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai” but she doesn’t pay attention to it, instead making goofy fucking stupid comments about it so I say, “Fine!” and turn it off and lay down with my eyes closed and all of the walking must have really worn me down because although I only meant to sulk, I fell asleep.

  When I wake up it’s dark and she’s lying on her side beside me. I roll over and rub my hands along her body. I slide my hand under her shirt and squeeze her left breast with my cupped left hand. She rolls onto her back and I slide my hand across her chest and squeezes her other breast. Her mouth opens and she swallows. I can tell she’s awake. I slide my hand under the waist of her pajama pants and slide my hand over her outer lips and press against them and she breathes in sharply. She’s a little wet so I slip the tip of my middle finger into her. She makes an “Uh!” sound and starts breathing faster. I slip my middle finger all the way in and then pull it out and put my middle and index finger inside her. It’s a tight fit, but I worm them into her and rotate my wrist, twisting my fingers inside her. She twists her body away from me which levers my hand out from between her legs and she rolls onto her stomach. I slip my fingers between her legs again and I put the same two fingers into her and she arches her ass into the air like a cat and I start fucking her with those two fingers. Her ass stays arched into the air and she’s making muffle sounds into the pillow. I put the tip of my third finger together with the tips of my first two fingers and I push them into her and she gasps. When those three fingers are all the way in, clenched straining around me, I lean down and put the tip of my left thumb into my mouth, getting it wet, then I put the tip of it onto, then into her asshole and she squirms and whines. I’m getting really hot so I take my hand from between her legs and I swing my left leg over her and grab my dick with left and just put it right into her. She moans and this time it’s not too fucking tight and I fuck her liberally, slapping against her ass with my hips and each time I thrust into her it knocks her forward and she jerks forward
along the length of my shaft but I don’t pop out of her and I fuck her and she’s moaning and panting and swallowing. After a half hour of that I feel like I’m going to cum so I back out of her and grab her legs and put her in the center of the bed and swing her legs open and get on top of her and I put myself inside her and perch up like I’m doing push ups and I jackhammer her for another few minutes and she’s breathing heavy and whining and she starts clawing my back and ass and it kind of hurts but kind of feels good but I get sick of that so I grab her wrists and hold them down against the bed and piledrive her till I know I’m going to cum and at the last possible moment I rear back onto my knees and pull out of her and jerk myself off while I cum and in the half light I watch my jizz shoot all over the upper half of her body. The first jolt shoots all the way up to the side of her face and lands in her hair. The rest shoot over her tits, ribcage and stomach. The last trickle I whip onto her abdomen cracking my dick like a well-cooked hot dog on the edge of a picnic table.

  She’s fucking exhausted and she just sort of lies there and catches her breath. I get up and pick a dirty t-shirt off the floor and kind of smear the cum around, not doing a very good job of cleaning it off, more just smearing it around her torso like lotion. She gags and uses the shirt to clean off as best she can then throws it on the floor. I walk off to the bathroom and I’ve still got enough of a hard-on that I don’t have to hold my dick to aim it. Instead I stand with my fists on my hips like a superhero and watch the light yellow stream plunge into the water. I wash the cooze goo off of my pubic area and climb back into bed naked. She’s already laying on her side passed out gape-mouthed. I’m smirking in the darkness thinking, “Now THAT’S how you FUCK!” and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

  I wake up the next day and she wakes up around the same time. We loll around in bed naked. I try to start up again but she says she’s too sore. She asks, “How did you know to finger me first?” and I reply, “I dunno. Just seemed like the thing to do at the time.”


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